Speciesism Stream Story 2: The Dragon's 'Handmaiden'

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Sanmer comes the story of Domath, the great black dragon of Yesair, and all of his servants and slaves serving him in their proper place...or are they?

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The Dragon's 'Handmaiden' for Sanmer by Draconicon

"More, sluts! More!"

Domath, the great black dragon of Yesair, lay across his treasure hoard with his legs sprawled out along the golden hoard. He gasped and groaned as his many servants slithered around his cock, grinning to himself as he was milked again and again by their eager hands.

Chiefest among his slaves were the vixens, the brainwashed sluts having come to him after he had drenched their home village in a deluge of seed from on high. Their minds had shattered in the swell, leaving them with fur as white as his cum, and with brains as empty as they tried to keep his balls. They grinned brainlessly at him as he kicked out with a hind leg, sending half of them flying off of his cock, but despite their injuries, they came clambering back, their minds too shattered to know anything but their one use.

He smiled at their chief, yet another of their white furred race, but the only one of them that retained anything of their former lives. She had a spot of blue upon her body, the only bit of her that hadn't been drenched by his seed. Domath considered erasing it from time to time with one of his many orgasms, but as of yet, hadn't gone through with it.

She ran to him as he curled his tongue in summons, and he smirked as she immediately went, not to all fours, but on her back, her legs spread and her ankles pulled up to her ears.

"What do you crave, my master?"

"Your ass, slave!"

"Of course, master!"

She immediately got on all fours, her tail pulled up. Not that any of the vixens - or their rutting, eager males - could do anything about that. Ever since his seed had awoken their proper place in their minds, they might as well have had their tails chopped off for all that they covered themselves with it.

Chop off their tails. That was a thought he'd have to consider.

Domath smirked as he dragged his tongue across her rump, the thick length spreading her ass cheeks apart and pushing inside. Despite his tongue being larger than her feet pressed together, there was not one word of complaint from the vixen. She was so mind warped, so broken, that she would have accepted the blade of a sword shoved up her ass and thanked him for taking away the emptiness.

The black dragon glanced around the room, smirking to himself at the wolves that argued over who could play with the 'bones' that were scattered across the room. They were not bones, of course, but golden dildos, toys that Domath had made for the best of his slaves. It was hard for the dragon to believe that they were once proud warriors of the plains, now rendered into even sluttier scavengers than the foxes were. They argued, not over who would be the best warrior, or the sneakiest scout, but who could take the biggest of the golden 'bones'.

He pulled his tongue free from the vixen's ass - ignoring her gasp in the process - and shouted.

"Chief Bonesucker! Get over here!"

The scrawniest of the wolves leaped to his feet and ran across the golden hoard. He went to the dragon's cock, bowing before it as the vixens continued to stroke and milk it, bowing before the fountainhead that was the head of the dragon's cock. Domath laughed.

"Over here, you bone-addled dog!"

Yipping, the wolf ran across the coins again, coming to a halt before the dragon. Unlike the vixen, he got on all fours, but with his tail raised, his side facing the dragon so that ass and cock were equally exposed.

"What do you desire, oh master?"

"This vixen desires me, but she isn't good enough. Fuck her with your knot until she's ready."

"Vixen? But she's had everybody already."

"All vixens have had everyone. It's what they're like. Now OBEY!"

He snapped at the wolf, who yipped like a hyena before setting to task. Domath laughed as the vixen looked on boredly as the wolf started fucking her, or at least trying to. The way that her ass had been stretched, not even the wolf's knot could completely fill her. He was thrusting into a void too wide for him.

The black dragon's laugh echoed throughout the cave, only to turn into a moan halfway through as he was brought to another orgasm. The great tribes that served him, wolf, fox, and kobolds, rushed forward with a great tray, catching his seed on the top of it. The dragon spewed nearly a lake's worth of seed due to his size, and it took all the strength of the combined tribes to not drop it.

"Bring it to me!"

They hurried it to the front of his body, and as usual, tilted it up. The flood of it washed over the chiefs of the vixens and the wolves, soaking them in seed, yet somehow leaving that blue spot untouched. The vixen swelled from it, her holes soaking it up like water in a sponge.

Domath grinned at the sight. This was proper. This was what all dragons should have. This is how all dragons should live. Served through climax, and made to cum again and again.

He blinked. Made to...no, just...just brought to climax again and again. Yes, that was it.

Sesarasis shook his head as the black dragon settled down again. That had been too close.

"I'll have to remember that. To play on a dragon'sssss pride issss to make them a king."

The naga slithered about the head of the great black beast, fattened from its many weeks atop its diminishing treasure hoard. The only thing to still be as strong as when Sesarasis had bound him in hypnosis was his cock, for which the naga was grateful. Dragon seed was an alchemical ingredient harder to find than nearly anything else, and to find a reliable source of it was nearly impossible.

He was, however, astounded at the fact that the illusion that he'd bound Domath with had worked. It was a simple spell, one that he'd cast in desperation rather than calmness, and it shouldn't have worked. Any thinking man would have known that such grandeur, such power and largesse and hedonism was impossible for any one person to have attained in so short a time. Even the kings of the south, great gluttons as they were, would not have fallen for it.

The serpent stroked the tip of the dragon's cock, holding a vial beneath it as more of that near constant flood of cum continued to flow out. He bottled up vial after vial of the stuff, carefully setting it aside and avoiding getting contaminated with it. The musk in the room alone was nearly mind numbing; to have the source on him would be more difficult to resist.

Due to his long body, the naga could stimulate the dragon like few others could. Sesarasis coiled his lower body - measuring over twenty feet in length - around the dragon's cock. Of course, due to Domath's size, that was barely the top half of the shaft, but it was still enough to have the dragon drooling more of his cum.

A pity that you had so little treasure for me; otherwise, you would have been just about perfect.

Though dragon seed was valuable, there was only so much that Sesarasis could release on the market without sending the value into a tailspin and making it too common. So, he'd been living off of Domath's hoard as much as he had been selling potions and other cures to people that were passing by. It had made quite a dent on the dragon's treasure, unfortunately; alchemical supplies and ingredients could be very expensive, particularly if one was experimenting and not making anything worthwhile to sell.

But the naga couldn't stop. The opportunities were too good, and there was no way that he would give up this dragon so that someone else could have him.

After squeezing and milking out nearly five gallons of seed, the naga capped off his various containers and pulled out a different, larger one. The tip was larger than any person might normally drink from, but then, the jug wasn't meant to be used by a person. Sesarasis held the jug to the tip of the dragon's cock, gathering up a little more of the oozing semen, before slithering away from the dripping shaft.

He reached the head, where the glassy-eyed dragon continued to stare off into the illusion that had been cast on him. The naga chuckled, stroking a hand along the dragon's cheek.

"I suppose only one of your nature would be capable of falling for something like that. Living in a world where everyone is just what their reputation says. Where sluts are sluts, weaklings are weaklings...and dragons are dragons."

It was a weak illusion, really. The only thing someone had to do in order to get out was to fight, even a little. Yet, in a world where dragons were tops, where Domath was surrounded by many hundreds of willing slaves, why would the dragon ever want to return to reality? Why would he even think he had to fight?

Still, it was better to be safe than sorry, and while the dragon's seed and musk wasn't as strong as it was in the illusion, it was still very powerful. Sesarasis tilted the jug so that the collected cum ran into the dragon's mouth, forcing the big male to drink down his own product. The glass-eyed look intensified, leaving the dragon looking utterly charmed, utterly benign, utterly sleepy.

It was an illusion, of course, as easily broken as the one the naga had put on Domath, but it would do.

"Sluts...submit to me...make me cum..."

The naga chuckled at the dragon's whispers, patting the big beast on the forehead a few times.

"That's it. Go with the conditioning. Cum again and again, so that I never run out of dragon seed for my potions."


"No, you never will. Trapped in pleasure, trapped in bliss, just like all of your kind would be if you ever actually took what you wanted."

The naga left as the dragon humped at the piles of treasure in his sleep. It was a good thing most of the treasure was gold, considering how rusty the silver had gotten from all the cum in it, but he supposed that some people would like that.

Sesarasis shook his head as he walked out of the treasure room, making his way back to his chambers. What the dragon did for now didn't matter. What did matter was that he had gallons of dragon seed to experiment with, something that anyone else would have to pay a prince's ransom for, and he wanted to see what he could make.

The End

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