Exhibitionism Stream Story 10: Mongoose Bait

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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DrakeHavok had the idea of a perpetual cock growth serum being spilled on him, driving him to run through the city to get home and find something to cover himself. Little did he know that he'd be running into a size queen prince.

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Mongoose Bait for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

"Come on, come on, stay down!"

The dragon couldn't help but whimper as he pushed at his cock again, the damn thing still growing despite his best efforts to hold it under his hands. Ever since he'd run out of the lab to get some new clothes, the blasted thing had been getting bigger and bigger. Oh, it might be soft, but that didn't mean it wasn't huge! Already nine inches long and still getting bigger, the white dragon was feeling more like a horse or an elephant with a schlong like that hanging between his legs.

It didn't help that he was in the middle of the street, either. Despite the late hour, he still jumped every time that he saw a shadow move or the lights of a car illuminate the street. The thought of being seen like this would have been too much for him to bear.

Just need to get home, just need to get home, just need to get home -

Havok's eyes went wide as one of the shop doors up ahead opened up. The dragon leaped into the nearest alley, covering his crotch with his hands as he heard a pair of footsteps coming out of it. He whimpered, feeling his cock throb and grow outwards, pressing another inch of cock flesh into his hands. By this point, he swore that it was more than he could cover with both hands. Even if he pushed it down, held it between his legs and his ass cheeks, the damn thing was still so thick that he doubted it could pass for anything but a cock.

The footsteps were accompanied by voices, and he groaned as they didn't get any quieter. Risking being seen, he poked his head around the corner.

Standing outside the shop were two obvious foreigners to the large city. One was a black furred horse in a tuxedo, while the other was a mongoose that wore a vest and a baggy pair of white pants. And gems. A lot of gems.

They talked for nearly five minutes until the mongoose finally forced the horse to leave. The stallion, carrying a large number of packages, walked one direction, while the mongoose walked towards Havok. The white dragon ducked back into the alley, scooting back into the shadows a little further in hopes of remaining unseen.

Unfortunately, the mongoose stopped with his back to the alley, leaving Havok pinned with no way out. Stifling a groan, the white dragon considered grabbing a brick to knock the mongoose out, but discarded the idea. His cock had just grown again, nearing the foot long mark while remaining soft, and his balls swelled as well, forcing his legs apart. The way things were, he'd be more likely to trip than anything else at this point.

Besides, it didn't seem to matter, as the mongoose spoke up.

"I don't usually do autographs, but I imagine you have something VERY nice for me to sign. Would I be right, Mr. White and Red?"

Havok nearly jumped out of his scales as he realized that the mongoose had known he was there the whole time. The skinny mammal turned around, smiling.

"I saw you just when you were spinning away. Very nice. Ballet?"

"No, I just - I mean -"

"And why are you holding yourself like that? What do you people call it? The pee pee dance?"

"What? No, I don't -"

"Thank gods. If you had to do that -"

The prince's words were interrupted as Havok felt the serum kick in again. The sudden growth nearly knocked him to his knees, and it made him lose his grip on his cock. Slumping back against the wall, Havok felt his cock fall down between his legs, extending out at least another couple of inches.

The thought of being so exposed, the fact that his cock - now over fourteen inches long - could be seen by this stranger, had his face on fire.

"I'm sorry! It's not my fault, I just got hit with a serum at work! I didn't mean to, I'm sorry!"

He gathered his cock back up, squeezing it under his shirt and feeling all too conscious of how far up his chest it went. Havok was about to run past the mongoose when the stranger grabbed him. Not by the arm, or shoulder, but by the bulge of his cock.


"Goodness, Mr. White and Red, is this real?"

"Very...I'm sorry, I didn't -"

"You are hung like the horse lords. Magnificent."

Maybe to you! I can barely move with this thing.

"I-I'm glad you're not o-offended. Now if you don't -"

"I will have this."


"This." The mongoose grabbed hold of the cock through the dragon's shirt again, pulling hard enough to rip it back out. "I'm going to have this, if you don't mind."

"I do mind!"

"Oh. Well, too bad."

Before Havok could say anything else, the mongoose leaned forward and pulled the head of the dragon's cock into his mouth. The sudden introduction of heat and moisture to his cock head made him moan, sinking back against the wall again as the mongoose started bobbing up and down along the head of his cock. Considering the thickness of it, he was astonished the skinny guy could take the head in, let alone push forward.

His cock was growing, too, starting to throb to hardness as the mongoose slid forward along the length. From fourteen inches it grew to sixteen, and then to eighteen. The size of it made him lightheaded, his legs wobbling as it reached twenty inches. It stopped there, for the moment, but the mongoose didn't seem in the least bothered. At least, he didn't look it as he slid off it.

"Mmm, now that is something I don't see every day. No more Mr. White and Red for you. You're Mr. Horse-Hung."

"Uh...my name -"

"Doesn't matter, Mr. Horse-Hung. This, my dear friend, is the real thing that matters here."

The mongoose squeezed the dragon's cock again, and Havok shuddered at the sheer pleasure his oversized cock was getting. Despite the growth, despite the fact that the mongoose's hand didn't even wrap around his cock anymore, the stranger showed no fear. If anything, his eagerness increased.

"You say this is growing?"


"How much more?"

"I don't...I don't know. It could be a few inches, it could be a few feet."


The mongoose reached into his pocket, pulling out a phone before passing it to Havok.

"Call number three on speed-dial and order us a taxi. I want to see just how far this goes."

"But -"

"Of course, we could always continue out here in the open..."

The way that the mongoose was almost drooling on his cock told him that the stranger wasn't bluffing. His face bright red, Havok pulled the phone to his ear after pressing the button. The feeling of the mongoose's mouth and throat around his massive cock didn't help him either, as he stuttered while ordering the cab, and just knew that the guy on the other end had some idea of what was happening.

By the time that he'd hung up, the mongoose was all the way down to the base of his cock. Havok had no idea how the smaller guy could take so much; his shaft had grown again, and was at least twenty two inches down the mongoose's throat, and he swore that he felt some teeth despite the mongoose's eager mouth.


The mongoose nodded, slowly sliding his mouth back. The feeling of his cock sliding free of the smaller male's throat, the sight of his cock being spit-shined and left to shimmer under the dim streetlights, left him gasping by the time that the mongoose pulled off. His new 'friend' chuckled.

"A cock worthy to be a prince's plaything. And I should know."

"Why? Why would...would you know?"

"Oh, because I'm a prince, of course. Prince Saunak. And you, Mr. Horse-Hung, are at my service."

"Isn't - mmph - isn't it supposed to be the other way around?"

"I don't think so. Not in a case with something so, mmm, lovely as this..."

Saunak licked the side of Havok's cock, sending a shiver down the dragon's back. He had to grip the wall with his fingers as hard as he could, and he swore that he was scraping stuff from the rock.

However, it was nothing compared to the shock he had when the mongoose pulled his pants down, revealing no underwear as the prince turned around and exposed his ass.

"What are you doing?!"

"What do you think, Mr. Horse-Hung? I'm going to take that thing inside me."

"But-but I just called -"

"Oh, are you just a one and done guy? Come on, live a little. Let me have that big, beautiful cock inside me."

The mongoose backed up, grinding his ass - surprisingly muscled - against the dragon's huge shaft. The head of his cock went almost halfway up the mongoose's back, if not more, and it dripped like crazy. The prince only grinned.

"I promise, neither of us will be disappointed."


"Good answer."

No sooner had he said that than the mongoose grabbed hold of the dragon's cock. In a move that defied physics as the dragon understood them, Saunak twisted around and pulled Havok's thick shaft halfway inside him in one go. The mongoose's loose hole clamped down around him, and the dragon leaned his head back, his eyes rolling into the back of his skull.

"Ah ah, don't you dare -"

He couldn't stop it. The sudden anal combined with the desperate need awakened by the serum and the blowjob pushed him over the edge. Havok came hard, spurting his load up the mongoose's hole. He swore that the pressure was building up to a point where the mongoose would go flying, but Saunak grabbed him and pushed down even further, making the dragon wince at the sudden movement on his oversensitive cock.

When he calmed down, the mongoose was grumbling. He blinked.

"Wh-what's wrong?"

"You're smaller now...Not Mr. Horse-Hung anymore."

The mongoose prince pulled off of him, and to Havok's shock, his cock had shrunk. Not down to normal yet, but down to nineteen inches instead of twenty. Maybe...maybe the serum was wearing off?

The familiar tingle that followed after proved that it wasn't. It started growing again, attracting the mongoose's interests once more.

"Ah! You shrink when you cum! Oh, I have ways to handle that, don't you worry!"


"Ah, and our taxi, right on time."

Havok's face was as red as it could get, to the point where he wondered if the prince would rename him Mr. Red at a later date. Yet, he couldn't stop; Prince Saunak was implacable as he pulled him into the taxi, and started stroking Havok's cock as soon as they were off. The driver blushed and looked away as the prince licked his lips.

"Now, let's see if you grow more when you're teased..."

Somebody save me... the dragon thought with a whimper.

The End

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