Exhibitionism Stream Story 6: No Self-Control

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like someone didn't have much luck here...or maybe lots of it, depending on how you look at it.

No Self-Control for Txeptirea by Draconicon

Kris looked up at the clock at the far end of the chemistry classroom. He could see the second hand slowly moving around the numbers, but he swore that it was taking twice as long as usual. The high school senior glared at it, but it didn't respond to his anger. Then again, machines were never so easily intimidated.

The wolf sighed, resting his head in his hands. The last class of the day always took forever. No matter how much work he did, no matter how interesting the subject was, it always took three times as long as the rest of the day. It should have been the shortest one too, or at least he would have preferred it to be. Nobody wanted to stay at school after lunch was over, and each class after seemed like a torture session designed by someone with a terrible sense of humor.

"Come on...move, you stupid clock."

"Did you say something, young man?"

Kris winced as their giraffe teacher turned around. The middle aged man looked at him through glasses that were thicker than his fingers, leaving him appearing huge eyed. The wolf shook his head.

"I hope not. Any further interruptions, and class is held back by five minutes."

If anyone talks, I'm going to rip their throats out. The last thing he needed was to be held back any longer. He wasn't going to tolerate anybody messing with his near weekend.

The wolf settled back in his chair, looking up at the clock again. The drone of the teacher was like a buzzing in his ears as he focused his attention on that second-hand. His thoughts drifted off, leaving him adrift in his own memories and plans. Ideas of the weekend, of that beloved sense of freedom, slowly brought a smile to his face, and he started feeling a little bit of happiness in the dreariness of the day.

A little too much happiness, for that matter. Kris shook his head, but it didn't fade. Something was wrong.

He glanced around, but he didn't see any chemicals burning on a hot plate. Nothing different was exposed, no chemicals uncapped that might be causing that weird feeling. Nobody else seemed to have spilled anything, so it wasn't something coming off of the floor.


Before he could settle down, he caught sight of a glow out of the corner of his eye. He turned, only to see it fading away on his hand. He arched an eyebrow, but dismissed it as an after image, some trick of the light that had just occurred.

However, before he could convince himself, his fingers moved.

It wasn't much, just a little clench into a fist, but he hadn't made them do that. The wolf's eyes went wide as he looked at his hand, lifting it up from his desk. He turned it palm side up.

It clenched again.


He bit off the word before he could finish it, and thankfully earned nothing but a warning glance from the giraffe. Putting his hand back down under the desk, he looked at it carefully.

What the fuck was that?

This time, there was no dismissing it as an after-image. His entire arm glowed. The only reason nobody else seemed to see it - or he hoped not - was because it was a very dim light, and because everyone was looking at the teacher instead of him. When it faded, his arm started moving, and its destination was immediately apparent as it groped his balls.

Kris grabbed his wrist and pulled it back, but his arm continued to try and reach for his crotch. Though it couldn't reach it directly, he felt the arm change direction. His fingers grabbed his zipper, yanking it down. In the process, he saw the glow take over his other hand.

Desperate to move while he still could, Kris raised his hand even as it balled into a fist.

"Mr. Henderson!"

"Thank you for raising your hand. What?"

"I need to go to the toilet."

"Can't you wait -"

"No. No I can't."

"...Fine. But you will return here before you leave school."

"Sure, sure."

Almost punching his other hand off of his crotch, he leaped to his feet and ran out of the room as fast as he could. As embarrassing as it was for his hand to go back down to his crotch, he just hoped that they thought he was running off like a kid afraid to wet himself instead of what he was really doing. His face burned as he ran down the hall as fast as he could, leaping through the bathroom door and going into a stall.

His arm glowed before he could shut the stall door, so he kicked it closed. He almost lost his balance in the process, but he caught himself at the last second. He leaned back against the door, using his body weight to lock it before it could slip free.

"What the hell is going on?"

He couldn't figure it out, even as his hands went back to his pants. Even his torso lit up, so he couldn't just lean back to try and stop them. The way that his hands groped at his cock and balls before pulling them into the open, fondling his sheath and his sac, was like someone else was doing it. More to the point, it was like someone very, very experienced was feeling him up and teasing him.

The wolf couldn't stop himself from panting, either, particularly as the fingers wrapped around his emerging cock and started stroking him hard. It felt too good to ignore, and he groaned as he felt his fingers start to get soaked with pre. At least he could stop his tail from wagging.

Or, had been able to. He saw the glow take over his ass and his front, and suddenly his tail was wagging up a storm. His hands pulled back from his cock, but it kept bouncing, twitching, as if someone was tensing his muscles and teasing him through that. It was never something he had the stamina for when he was alone, but with someone else doing it, it felt like a constant, strange massage to the inside of his cock.

"Fuck, fuck...how is this happening?"

But he had bigger worries than how, he realized. With his cock constantly twitching, his hands had freedom to work on their own. His body was completely controlled from his neck to his thighs, and that means that he could be turned around. His hands fiddled about with the lock to the bathroom door, and forced him to lean around enough to actually open it again.

The bathroom mirror reflected a blushing wolf with his pants around his ankles, his tail wagging like a pup, and his cock throbbing at the edge of climax. The clear sparkles of pre running down his length only made the image more humiliating.

Don't...please, whatever's doing this...

Begging obviously wasn't good enough. His legs glowed, one after the other, and soon they started walking without his consent. Kris found himself kicking off his shoes and socks, leaving them in the bathroom stall and putting his pants on top of them. His t-shirt and hoodie were all he had left, and the latter was far from long enough to cover anything. The only thing he had left under his control was his head.

He half expected that to disappear, but strangely, it didn't. Instead, his body marched itself right up to the mirror, his chest pushing his face up against it, almost like he was being made to kiss himself. Then it repeated it, twice, before he was pulled back.

"Okay, that was just silly - wait! What are you doing?!"

His legs turned him around, taking him towards the door back to the hallway. Kris struggled, trying to make his arms grab something. As a last ditch attempt, he even turned his head, trying to snag it on the wall, but the rest of his body was too quick for him, turning itself out of the way. The wolf's hand grabbed hold of the doorknob on its own, and there, it hesitated, waiting.

Kris wondered if his body had somehow encountered a change of heart, that he was being granted some sort of mercy. Then he looked down at his watch. It read 3:14. School got out at 3:15.

He wasn't being granted mercy. His body was waiting for the bell.

He was struck dumb at the sheer brilliance of the timing. No matter where he'd gone, there was no place he could have hidden to wait out the bell system. He would be completely exposed and shown off in front of everyone in the school, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Worst of all, his cock was still bouncing, dancing in its weird way. His free hand dropped to it again, stroking it, and without controlling it himself, it really did feel like someone else stroking him. He winced, biting his lip to try and bring his arousal down, but it was too close to the edge to be affected by that now.

Suddenly, it happened.


The bells went off, and his body waited only a few seconds more before moving. The wolf walked out of the bathroom, his legs carrying him to the precise middle of the hall before bringing him down to his knees. His hands squeezed his cock, stroking it hard and fast, his knot inflating as he was brought closer and closer to the edge.

The doors opened, and Kris's red face felt like it was going to burn off his fur. Students walked out, initially talking to each other, but then, inevitably turning to him. The normal flood of seniors eager to get to the busses home was stopped by just one person.

His hands squeezed his knot, and he came, howling as his body came back under his control just as he could no longer do anything.


Lokar smiled as he put the little voodoo doll into his backpack. The sight of the half naked wolf on the hallway floor, cumming his brains out, was perhaps the best thing he'd seen this year. It was certainly the most entertaining part of the day, after seeing so many of his teachers put people to sleep.

"I hope you have a good weekend, Kris. I still have four more of your hairs to go through before I need a new sample."

Patting the small bag in his pocket, he followed the crowd of people edging around the cum-covered, unconscious wolf, completely unnoticed by anyone else as the source of the whole incident.

The End

Exhibitionism Stream Story 7: Clothes-Defying Piercings

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