Exhibitionism Stream Story 4: A Bat and his D(ad)og

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, look what we have here. Necross's bat friend, Axel, has decided to have a little fun with his pup...dad...whatever.

A Bat and his D(ad)og

for Necross

by Draconicon

Axel smiled to himself as his father took the last turn towards the park, reaching over to rest his hand on the older bat's thigh.

"You are doing fine, dad. You don't need to be so tense."

"Easy for you to say, Ax. I'm not used to this. The stuff we do at home wasn't so bad, but out here...Well, it's kind of like my first time again."

Not really, dad, but I understand. He gave Beau another little squeeze on his leg before letting go. It wasn't the first time that they'd come out here, but he'd made sure that his father forgot their previous visits at the conclusion of each. It was just safer that way, particularly considering that it left his father able to deny things believably if he was accused of anything. Residual memories would have been a problem, considering what they did together.

The park's sign came into view as his father turned into the parking lot, an automatic gate closing behind them as they cleared the gap. Axel smirked at it.

"Ralton's Naturist Park. Not that we're all that natural, are we?"

"I guess not, Axel. I guess not."

He wished his father would get a little more into the spirit of things, but he could only blame himself. The protection of wiping his father's memory every time worked well enough for keeping their private lives...well, private, but it didn't do anything to get his father used to doing things out in public. Even in the anonymity of this park, it would be difficult for most people to get past their insecurities for regular fun. Hell, he'd been nervous the first time. Admittedly, only the first time, but it was a valid point.

As he made a note to work that into their next session, his father parked the car and turned off the engine. The older bat started to get out, but Axel grabbed him by the arm.

"Ah ah. Naturist, remember?"

"You mean, in here?"

"It's not that different from at home, is it?"

"But the people -"

"They can't see through the hedges, dad. Don't worry about it. Hey, I'll go first, if you like."

"I don't think that's - Axel!"

He rolled his eyes as he kept unbuttoning his pants. He'd gone without his underwear today, so his cock flopped out almost immediately, the uncut length starting to rise to life almost immediately. There was something about being out in the open that made it refuse to stay down. Giving it a few strokes to keep it satisfied, he started pulling off his shirt.

By the time he'd gotten it off and had tugged his pants down to his ankles, his father had finally started pulling off his shirt. Admittedly it was only a button at a time, but it was still progress for the older bat.

"I swear you've done this before. That, or you're an even bigger deviant than I thought you were."

"Seriously? A bigger pervert than a father fucking, leash holding, hypnotizing power bottom?"

Both of them laughed at that, and Beau rubbed the back of his head.

"I guess you have a point. Just...I've seen so many guys try new things, and none of them are so fearless on their first try as you're being now."

"Dad, trust me, if I'd done this with anyone else, you would have figured it out already."

"Yeah. That's what worries me."

Axel kept his grin up, but the twenty year old bat made a few more mental notes. His father might be under his control, and might get his memory wiped frequently, but that didn't mean the older man was stupid. He needed to remember that his father had earned his post as chief of police, and for good reason.

He kicked off his shoes, flexing his toes a few times before stepping out of the car. Knowing his father would be blushing, the bat walked around their vehicle, his cock swaying from side to side and slapping against his belly due to being completely erect. He stopped on his dad's side, stretching while at the same time 'accidentally' pushing his ass up against his father's window. The groan from inside was just too amusing, as was the feeling of getting his hole right up against the glass.

It had the bonus effect of getting his dad out of the car a little faster, and the bat licked his lips at the sight of his father's naked form. While Axel was no slouch, he didn't have the same muscles that his dad had, and he was still just a bit shorter than the older man, too. His dad's cock was also delicious to look at, and his long tongue swiped over his lips twice before he looked away.

"Alright. Ready to have some fun?"

"As ready as I might be to charge a meth addict's lab."

"Don't worry. Your 'puppy time' will be as fun as always."

There was the slightest look of confusion in his father's eyes before they went blank. The sight of all his intelligence, all his crafty plans and all the casefiles he dealt with fading away was a delicious power trip to the younger bat. To know that he could bring down the chief of police with just two words to the intellectual level of a dog was something that almost nobody could say.

Yet, it left him feeling proud of himself for another reason, too. All the stress lines on the older bat's face, everything that showed how old he'd become, how hard he worked, were gone. Yes, they left a wrinkle or two in their place, but it was better than seeing the face of someone he loved tugged tight by every little worry and every little detail in their daily lives. For a little while, at least, his dad would be worry-free, and be in the care of someone else.

Of course, he might be slightly better off in the care of someone who wasn't such a huge pervert, but beggars couldn't be choosers.

He reached back in the car, pulling out a leash and collar, before snapping it onto his father's neck. The older bat barked softly at the new accessory before looking up at him with a grin, his tongue hanging out. Considering how long bat tongues were, it was a particularly silly face to make, and it left Axel with a grin of his own.

"Okay, boy. Follow master."

He gave the leash a little tug, and off they marched towards the Naturist Park. Thankfully for the old man, the parking lot wasn't too far from the grass, and soon they were walking on something much softer than concrete. Axel waved at the few other people here on their lunch break, but stayed away from the main paths. He instead pulled on the leash, tugging his father further into the park, and under the shade of some of the trees.

As they moved out of view of the main gates, the bat's cock only got harder in anticipation of what they were going to do. Being in the nude, being seen - and he'd noticed the looks his cock got from some of the males in the park - was sexy enough, but it wasn't what he wanted most.

He looked down at his father again. The pup-bat took to being on all fours rather well, and Axel had to admit that he was proud of his hypnosis in that regard. He hadn't just convinced his father to indulge a kink, but to actually get all the behaviors of being a proper 'pup' down, including how to get around while on all fours and not hurt himself. The bat kept moving on his knees and hands, his feet pulled up off of the ground without needing any straps, and he seemed to be completely at ease with himself.

It didn't hurt that his father's erection was throbbing with each passing second. Axel could almost hear it slapping off of his father's stomach as they walked along, and he smirked.

"Looks like that last session settled in nice. Just waiting for your bitch to mount, aren't you?"


"Heh, don't worry. You'll get that later, but first, we're going to get something for me."

The bat pulled his father between a couple of close-together trees, finally coming to their destination. It was still on the path, but the route they'd taken had been off of the rougher concrete, and had let them work up a bit of a sweat. After all, what was the point of going anywhere if one got fat while getting there?

Axel sat down on the bench beside the path, tying the leash to the arm of it before reaching down and patting his father's head. The pup-bat leaned his head up, nuzzling into the rubbings.

"Hehehe, good boy. Now, do you know what good boys get, Beau?"

His dad cocked his head to the side, as if thinking, before lifting one 'paw' and pointing with his nose towards Axel's cock. He couldn't help but laugh.

"HA! Yep, that's right, boy. Good boys get a bone."

He shifted his hips forward, rubbing his cock against his father's cheek. The soft fur against his shaft made him moan, and he thought back to that first time, all those months ago. Having his father to himself in the police station, and then at home, and getting to finally enjoy his father's body was one of the best memories he had. The fact that he'd needed to wait for so long to let his dad know what they were doing had been hard, but necessary.

Later today, he would probably let his father keep at least some of this memory. Modified, perhaps, so that it wasn't so strange. But he wanted to expand their relationship at least a little bit.

But for now, he was just going to enjoy himself.

He pulled his father forward by the collar, sinking his cock into that eager mouth. It was so wet and warm, and his father's tongue was everywhere, stroking his cock and driving him nuts with the pleasure it gave. Axel leaned back on the bench, moaning and curling his toes into the earth as his father devoured his 'bone', sucking it down to the root and swallowing around the tip.

Once it went that far, he let go of the collar, letting the bat-pup do the job himself. Axel only allowed himself a few little rubs to the older bat's head as encouragement, letting his father service him as he should.

"Mmm. Good pup. Keep going."

He panted softly as that tongue slipped past his shaft down to his balls, licking them and tugging at them lightly. The bat-pup pulled his head back a second later, licking and lapping at Axel's cock tip like he was trying to get water, and the bat groaned, squeezing the arm of the bench.

He didn't last long. When his father's tongue wrapped around his cock tip and squeezed it in a long lick, he came, squirting his load through the tongue layer and onto his dad's face. The bat moaned, his hips bucking through the tongue grip until he unloaded most of his balls, and was left gasping for breath.


Despite his exhaustion, he laughed at the bark.

"Fine, fine. Your turn."

He got off of the bench, getting on all fours and wiggling his rump. He didn't have to wait long to feel his dad take his turn.

The End

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