Exhibitionism Stream Story 3: Snake in the Pants, Snake in the Mind

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Zsisron really has a backlog of these images, doesn't he? I don't think any of us are complaining to the hypno-god, though.

Art by Forge.

Snake in the Pants, Snake in the Mind for Zsisron by Draconicon

"I...what was in that coffee?"

Ken couldn't think that it was anything else. One second, he was having a sip of his coffee at an open air cafe. The next, the horse was surrounded by a great scaly creature, mostly tail and hood, who looked down on him with a curious but interested grin. He could still see the tables and other people through the snake, as though it was a ghost, but when the snake moved, the others in the cafe moved to avoid it without seeming to think about it.

He dropped the cup as he stumbled back, only to bump into part of the creature's tails. The horse jumped forward again, looking over his shoulder. The segment of the great thing's coils was taller than he was, and he swore that it was pulsing with life. That was not a regular hallucination.

"Oh god, oh god...How do I get out of this?"


One of the servers grabbed his arm, and Ken turned to the fox.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"I...I'm sorry. I guess..."

He looked around. Nobody else was seeing this. It had to be a hallucination. It had to be. But he didn't want to get locked up in the crazy bin.

"I'm sorry. Just too hot a coffee, and thought I heard something."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry for..."

The snake thing had just winked at him. Why was it winking?

"I'm sorry."

"Well...if you're sure. Would you like a replacement?"

Dear god, no! I don't want to see anything else. But he kept his response to a shake of his head.

As the fox left, Ken turned his attention to the coil again. He pressed his hand against it, begging for the sight of it just sliding through, but once more he found himself touching it. It wasn't a wall he was touching, either; it was most definitely warm and smooth, like reptile scales.

Even as he felt along it, hoping to find some gap in the hallucination, he could feel the eyes of the creature burning down on his back. The snake's hood was spread, blocking almost all the light from the sun on him, and it left him feeling far too chilled for his liking. He wanted to get away. He wanted to get out of sight of those eyes, wanted to be where they weren't staring into his soul.

Why don't you turn around, little horsssssse?

Ken froze in his quest, slowly turning his head. The snake's eyes were glowing, and as soon as he gazed at them, he froze in place. The only movement he had left was to lean back against the body, unable to resist resting against him.

That'sssss it, little horssssse. Jusssst look into my eyesssss.

He had no chance to resist. Despite seeing the glowing orbs through the mop he called a mane, Ken could do nothing but stare upwards into the brilliant lights of the snake's eyes. The fact that the hood was spread, keeping more of the natural light from reaching him, only made the eyes more attractive to look at.

The creature seemed to chuckle, and the entire area trembled. Some of the people drinking coffee suddenly reached out for their drinks, keeping them from vibrating off the tables, and he heard a few mutter about a possible earthquake. Yet, nobody seemed bothered, or worried.

Don't worry about them, my little horssssse. The possessive nature of the serpent's voice sent a shudder through his spine. They aren't important. Only I am important. Look at me. Lissssten to me.

It wasn't like he could do anything else, but he felt a little better with the choice taken away. Really, with the world like this, everybody else wasn't important. They didn't see this, so why did they matter? Ken slowly nodded.

Good horsssse. You know how to lissssten. Keep doing that, and keep looking into my eyesssss. Sssssso bright and lovely they are, aren't they?

Ken blushed, nodding his head at the serpent's words. The great hooded being suddenly leaned forward, and the horse's cheeks burned brighter as the big scaly thing had its head so close to him. Those eyes glanced down, and he heard it release a hissing sort of chuckle.

It sssssseems I am not the only sssssnake here.

He blinked. Honestly he thought he would have seen another snake, but then again, he hadn't seen this one come in.

You're carrying it in your pantsssss. Let me ssssssee my little cousssssin.

The snake's little -

Ken's blush felt like it was going to burn his face off as he realized what the giant snake was referring to. With a feeling of permission, the horse looked down at his pants, and saw that they were tented out in the front more than usual. He was honestly surprised nobody in the cafe had said anything. Then again, if they could ignore the giant ghost snake, they could probably ignore a boner, no matter how large a one it might be.

Yessss. It'sssss ssssso cramped in there. Let it out to breathhhhhhe. Let it out to ssssssee me.

His hands moved before he could stop them, and Ken had the top button of his jeans undone before he realized how far he'd gone. His zipper was partway down too, and the sound finally got the attention of the other cafe-goers. The horse blushed, but he couldn't pull his hands back up, even as everyone looked down at what he was doing.

Keep going, little horsssse. Keep going.

He couldn't. He was already so close to breaking the rules, and if he actually took his cock out, he might get arrested. Not to mention how embarrassed he was, how much he wanted to put it away and go back to normal. He just wanted -

Take it out. They want to sssssee the little sssssnake too.

They couldn't. Ken looked around, unable to help himself. He thought he'd see faces of disgust, or annoyance at the very least.

Instead, he saw interest. Casual, in most cases, but much more in a few others. A few smaller men in particular were looking at him and licking their lips, and without fail, every male in the cafe had an erection of their own. More than that, Ken saw that everyone had a glow in their eyes, almost exactly the same as the big serpentine ones looking down at him.

Take it out...

He couldn't ignore the command any longer. Ken pulled his zipper down the rest of the way, and in front of everyone in the cafe, yanked out his cock. The length was as thick as his fist and nearly as long as his forearm, and as he pumped it, he felt it throb with need. Was it the snake?

Yesssss, little cousssin. Let him feel the blisssss of sssssserving ssssserpentssss.

If anything, the great serpent's words made his cock throb all the more. Ken gasped, leaning back against the snake's tail as he humped the air. Even without touching it, his cock continued to throb and grow harder and harder. In seconds, he felt like he was on the edge of climax, and he hadn't done more than pull it out and stroke it a few times.

It held itself on that edge, though, and he couldn't bring himself to touch it. Hell, he could barely bring himself to thrust his hips, first forward through the air, and then back against the snake's tail. It felt softer than before, more cushioned, and the more he thrust, the closer he got, the more he felt like he needed to rest against something.

Before he could give in, the tail pressed against him, making him lean back against it. The horse felt more grateful than anything; the support felt good, and his cock throbbed so much that he could barely think about standing up anymore.

All around him, the other customers and workers moved around as if it was just an average day. The coffee makers were making coffee, the customers were drinking it, and the employees were carefully walking around him to avoid stepping into the growing puddle of pre at his feet. Nobody was treating it as anything but an average day, and nobody seemed to care that someone was so close to orgasm right in the middle of the coffee shop. Hell, right in the open air part of it, for that matter.

That'sssss it, little horssssse. Sssssee how much fun it issss to sssssserve a sssssnake? Feel the blisssss, the pleasssssure of sssserving me.

Yes...yes, the pleasure of serving snakes was potent indeed. Ken panted, trying to lift his hand to his cock. The slightest touch of his fingers was too much, so pleasurable that it was painful, and he had to pull his hand back with a wince. He was so close, so very close. He looked up at the creature again.

The serpent had a pair of 'snakes' of his own, and the two of them were getting well stroked by the serpent's tail. The pair of them were just behind the coffee-maker, so who knew what everyone was actually drinking. But they were oozing plentiful goo, and the great serpent was obviously enjoying himself as much as the horse, if not more so.

Let it out, horsssse.

Let...let it out?

Let it out. Let everyone sssssee the pleassssure of ssssserving one like me. Let it out...now.

The command was too strong to resist. Hands free, the horse thrust his hips forward once, twice, and then came. His cock throbbed hard as he shot his load, the squirts of cum landing all over the ground and into the interior of the shop as well. A few of the servers jumped and ducked out of the way of the stream, while several customers received several more shots of 'milk' in their coffee than they had asked for.

But it wasn't just him that had enjoyed it. All around him, the customers enjoying the show had a similar reaction. There was no change in their facial expressions, but Ken saw several crotches darken as they came in their pants. Bulges that were previously just tents were suddenly outlined in full, stark relief as their owners 'enjoyed' the show.

The snake hissed in pleasure above him, meeting his eyes. Ken panted as he looked up, awaiting his next order.

Good horssse. Now, go along home. Without your pantssss.

The End [/b]

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