Exhibitionism Stream Story 1: Keep the Boss Happy

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like Blaze has taken another trip, and her life is getting more and more interesting as she's trained as a proper slave.

Keep The Boss Happy for Blaze by Draconicon

The first two nights in Kai Lee's possession had been much as she'd expected. She'd been tied down to a bed, used repeatedly, and then discarded to her cage when the male was done with her. The snow leopard was cold when he used her, and barely seemed interested when he was done, simply seeing her as another asset that he could have as he wanted. Blaze wondered if she should have encouraged that lioness and wolf to pick her up a little bit more. The wolf had a feeling that they might have been able to afford it at the auction.

Yet, she still felt some measure of excitement when the feline came for her on the third morning. He was already dressed in a suit, and had her leash in hand as he undid the lock for her cage. Blaze crawled out, presenting her neck for the leash to be placed, and followed behind her master. She glanced up at his crotch, hoping to see a bulge. There wasn't one.

As she sighed, the wolf expected to be led to her usual place in the fetish room, where the feline would dress her up the way he wanted for the day. She wondered what it would be this time. Latex had been the dominant theme yesterday, so -

She gagged as the snow leopard took a different turn, pulling her hard towards the front door.

"M-master, wha-"


"But I'm not -"

The snow leopard's tail might have been fluffy, but it cracked across her rump like a whip. She yelped before going silent.

Nevertheless, her face burned as they stepped out of his penthouse. Her tail tried to go down, but the cord that ran from her collar to the base held it up high. The most she could do was curl it down a little, and that only turned the edge of her tail into an arrow, pointing at her holes.

The elevator was thankfully empty, but the lobby of the building was not. The wolf felt the stares of everyone around her as her master walked her through the open room, heading towards the front door. Worse, she could hear them talking around her.

"What is that?"

"Didn't you hear? Kai Lee has a new slave."

"But...is that even allowed?"

"Not for most of us. But him? Everything's allowed."

"Maybe we should call the cops. I mean, public decency and all."

"Call away. You'll be the next one in a cage."

Blaze blushed, particularly when she saw that there were some men that weren't so interested in her protection. The wolf saw more than a few bulges spring up in the males that they passed, and she braced herself to be grabbed for one of them. To her mild embarrassment, she felt her own needs start to burn, and she shuffled a little faster, hoping no one was seeing the building moisture between her thighs.

Soon they were outside, and the wolf grimaced at the hard stone under her knees. Thankfully, they weren't waiting long before the feline's limo arrived, but it was still uncomfortable.

He patted his lap as the limo got underway, and Blaze obeyed. She unzipped his pants, fishing out his limp cock before pulling it in her mouth.

"You have ten minutes. Don't waste them."

She moaned softly before bobbing her head up and down, tugging on his cock with her lips. It was slowly hardening, and the rigidness there, the feeling of a hard cock, was already getting her wetter. The need that had gotten her into this mess, the need to be used and taken as often as possible, was only getting stronger.

He swatted her hand away from her pussy before she could get into it. Whimpering, she squirmed as he brought her hands to his thighs.

"I will not allow a bitch to satisfy herself before she's satisfied me."

Knowing she was on the clock, the wolf bobbed her head faster, taking more of his cock down her throat. It was slowly reaching its full length, filling her mouth and a good bit of her neck before it got to full size. As it did, the feeling of the nubs of his barbs raking her throat only made it harder, but she kept it up.

The limousine stopped, and for a moment she worried that they'd reached their destination. A quick glance out the window showed that they were just at a red light, but they were getting closer.

She took him to the root, smelling that strangely clean smell that always surrounded him. Unlike so many other males, he didn't stink of sex, nor did he ever smell like a man usually did when he washed. If anything, he smelled like a blank slate. It was strange, and definitely not something that she preferred.

No matter how many tricks she tried, she couldn't get him to leak. By the time they were pulling into the parking lot, she was deepthroating him constantly, feeling his hand twitch over her head as she tried to get him off.

But she couldn't. He shoved her back from his cock and put it away without further words. Blaze groaned, her own needs going unmet, but before she could try and ease them, he dragged her out of the car. She hit the ground on all fours again, and struggled to keep up with the quick-walking snow leopard.

She was thankful for the carpeting as they entered the lobby of his company, but the eyes on her quickly reduced her satisfaction. Blaze blushed worse than ever, pressing herself against her master's leg as a hippo walked over.

"Sir, I've got the reports on the auction sales you wanted."


"Numbers are up. We're seeing a thirty percent increase in profit since we initiated the re-sale program for the slaves out there."

"I see." The feline handed the reports back, unread. "Find a way to make it forty percent."


"Forty. Or I'll see if you are better with your body than this thing is."

He nudged her in the side with his knee, and the hippo backed off, hurrying to the elevator. Blaze blushed, both aroused and humiliated at the same time. To be shown off as a warning was something new, and she didn't know how she felt about it yet.

The master, however, wasn't finished.

"Attention, everyone."

The hum of work and conversation faded immediately, all eyes on the snow leopard. Even the coffee-makers and food workers on the far end had their eyes on him, the machinery all across the lobby falling silent.

"Everyone who has exceeded their work quota by twenty percent or higher, step forward."

Twenty percent? That can't be too many people...

Yet, to her surprise, a good third of the dozens of employees stepped forward. Though well dressed in suits, they were very different. Fat, thin, muscular, weak, and many species of each build stood in front of them.

"The rest of you may go back to work. You...twenty," he said after counting them up. "For your hard work, I have a new assignment for you."

He nudged her forward, and she walked to the end of the leash. At the touch of his shoe to her rump, she turned around, and lowered her head as he stepped on it. Her face burned as her holes were exposed to the other men.

"This slave has yet to learn the basics of pleasuring someone without her partner taking an active role. As a group, you will take it on yourselves to show her how to properly please someone."

She could almost feel their hunger as her master told them what they were to do. She whimpered, pressing her cheek harder into the carpet, even as her pussy started to drool down her leg.

"How long do we have, sir?"

"You have eight hours. I will collect her at the end of the work day. If she is not trained, I will select two of you and put you on the block."

The series of gulps from the employees told her how frightening the concept was, but she didn't know what that could mean. Kusan City was a strange place to her, as was the power that the snow leopard had. How did he manage to keep everything so under control, despite everything he was doing?

She didn't get much time to think about it. Her master's shoe lifted from her cheek, she felt her leash get thrown onto her back as the feline walked around her.

"I'd suggest you not fail. Good luck, men."

No sooner had the master left than she was grabbed by one of the quicker men. His thick hands suggested that he was an elephant, and as she felt his cock slam between her legs, she realized she'd guessed right. She screamed before she could stop herself, her sex gushing from finally getting the filling it needed, and pushed back against the big male's rough thrusts.

"What about training her?"

"Come on. We've got all day. We can have a little fun first."

"Then what about a private room?"

"We're in the big man's company. Do you think anyone's gonna stop us?"


"Heh, didn't think so. Now plug that mouth; her screaming's annoying me."

Her jaw was stretched around the hippo that fulfilled that request, her nose suddenly filling with the scent of a powerfully needy male. She was forcefully shoved back and forth, her pussy filled, and then her mouth right after. In and out, back and forth, either swallowing down pre or feeling it jet inside of her.

It was everything that she hadn't been getting from her master. The rough, passionate fucking, the strong musk of a real male, big cocks that felt like they would split her open from the start instead of what they were all the way in; it was just what her body needed. Even doing it in public, away from the privacy of the bedroom, added a layer of embarrassment and humiliation she couldn't get elsewhere.

So why didn't this feel as good as when he did it?

She whimpered, throwing herself into the sex, trying to get that feeling back, but she had a bad feeling that it was going to be missing for a while.

The End

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