Corruption Stream Story 11: Master, But Not Of Magic

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The final story of the corruption stream, picked up by FA: DrakeHavok and showing off a dominant form of his.

Master, But Not Of Magic for DrakeHavok by Draconicon

Havok pulled at the chains binding him to the floor. Each rattle of the metal links and the pulling on his wrist told him how futile it was, but he couldn't stop. Desperation had sunk its claws into his mind, and the dragon was too frightened to listen to reason.

As he struggled, the white dragon couldn't take his eyes off of the stallion on the other side of the room. His captor, the mage Yazik had pulled him off the streets of the eastern city and taken him into this small, isolated room. Havok had barely seen the horse before, but now, with all of his captor's body exposed to him, it was hard to look away.

Particularly with a fairly large horse cock pointed right at his snout.

"I've always wanted a dragon. Who thought I would find one just when I was desperate enough to accept anyone? Heh, I suppose it's true. Demand not, and your wishes will be granted."

Who wishes for another person to be their slave? Havok didn't know, and he didn't want to know. That sort of person was messed up in the head, and if he ever understood it, he would be no better than them.

Still tugging at the chains, he almost missed it when the horse stepped close. Ducking his head to the side to avoid the stallion's cock, Havok found his nose nearly pressed against the horse's balls. He groaned, holding his breath, but it didn't seem to be a malicious thing. At least, not yet; the jangle of other chains - the ones holding his tail up towards the ceiling - told him that the stallion was just adjusting his bindings.

It didn't comfort him very much, particularly as the horse stepped back and grabbed an open book from a nearby table.

"I hope you don't have any last words, dragon. By the time I'm finished, you'll be little more than a shell of your former self. Mmmm, and such fun to play with, as well."

The naked horse lifted the book, and the first magical word left his lips. The ground around Havok glowed, and the dragon whimpered as the light overwhelmed everything around him. In seconds, all he could see was the red glow, everything else turned into a shadow at most.

But that was only the start. As the light took over everything, the red began to creep in from the circle written around him. It was slow, like a puddle creeping across the floor, but chained down as he was, there was no escape. The dragon could only stare as the red crept closer and closer to his legs and his feet, and the closer it got, the warmer it seemed.

The first touch was to his toes, and he hissed at the almost molten heat that came with it. It spread over them rapidly, creeping up his foot and almost caressing it as it rose higher and higher. The dragon squirmed, trying to flicking it off his toes with rapid curls and flicks, but nothing worked. It inexorably spread further, rising higher, passing his ankle and moving up to his calf.

At his front, it was already climbing up and over his knee, heading up his thighs. As the light moved on, the parts left behind dulled but maintained the same shimmer as the rest of the light-show. It didn't feel hard like the stone below him, or soft like the clothes he'd been wearing in the marketplace. No, it was something different, yet familiar.

It wasn't until the creeping lights reached his naked groin that he recognized it, and then only from past experience.


"A slave should be sealed up, unless his master wishes him loose."

He groaned, his shaft starting to spring up on its own as the latex worked over his front, spreading along his balls and cock. Unlike the searing heat it had been on first contact, it was more of a comforting warmth now, spreading up and over his shaft as it grew more and more erect. For a moment, he almost thought that his shaft would be pointed out, left to throb in the open.

To his relief, it instead pressed in against his belly, held there by the rising flood of the light latex. But that relief was short lived, because as the covering swept up around his rump and between his legs, there was another change happening.

Havok's face was as red as the latex covering him from the waist down as he felt his flesh fold under the spreading layer. It was the only way he could describe it, as if his scales were folding inwards, opening up. The latex flowed in after it, leaving him with...with...

"Three holes are much, much better than two."

And you are a sick, sick man.

He was still getting over the feeling of having two holes between his legs as the latex continued sweeping up his body, rushing from his waist upwards. With so little to cover - and his tail seemingly handled from the other end - it seemed to sweep over him faster than it had been. The dragon hissed as it reached his chest, and whimpered as he felt something similar to the folding down below. Except this wasn't sliding in. This was sliding out.

Havok watched as the latex stretched outwards, burdened by something that hadn't been there this morning. Two large spheres pushed it out, growing and growing as the latex continued to spread. The dragon shook himself from side to side, but all it accomplished was smacking his new breasts against each other.

Soon the latex was up to his neck, and as it slid up the side of his head, the dragon felt something new. Slick, wet almost as it pressed against the sides of his head. The horse smirked at him, gripping at his long, thick shaft.

"Of course, what is a slave worth if he thinks like a free man? Let's work on getting rid of those."

Suddenly, the slick feelings at the sides of his head shoved in, and all he could think about was the burning pushing through his skull. Havok threw his head back with a silent scream, his eyes closing as the strange magic obliterated his thoughts and replaced them.

But not...not with obedience.

The red covered him from head to toe in short order, and as it cooled and darkened, the mage snapped his fingers. The chains fell from the dragon's hands and wrists, leaving him free to stand. The horse smiled as he approached, and Havok looked towards Yazik through eyes that were tinted red.


"You are now my slave. Kneel."

" about no?"

"...What?" The horse looked at his book. "No, no, that can't be right. He's supposed to say -"

Havok grabbed the book out of the stallion's hand. While the magic-user was still shocked, he split it in two down the spine and threw the pieces over his shoulders. Yazik stared at him, and Havok smirked.

"You didn't make a slave."

He pointed to his crotch. The horse glanced down as well, and with the new body came new control. The dragon's shaft pushed forward, stretching the latex until it came apart from it, his shaft sticking straight out rather than being pinned down. It was still covered, but looked bigger than before.

"You made a dominatrix."

Yazik stared for a moment before turning on his heel, running for the door. The dragon laughed before leaping after him. The horse had barely laid a hand on the doorknob before Havok had grabbed him, spinning him away from it and slamming the horse down against his own table. With such a loose robe, it was easy for the dragon to rip it off of him, and as the robe fell to the ground, Yazik's hole was completely exposed.

"Look at that. The little horse has a hole just waiting for me to take."

"Stop, stop! I order you to stop!"

"Heh, you lost your chance to order me around as soon as you covered me with this gunk. Now, get ready, because you're about to lose yourself."

Grabbing his cock in one hand and the stallion's tail with the other, Havok edged his cock to Yazik's hole. Ignoring his protests - just like the horse would have ignored his, had things gone according to plan - he ground the tip of his latexified cock against the tight hole, rubbing it a few times before thrusting forward.

The scream from the horse was a marvelous piece of revenge, and he felt a throb go through both of his sexes as it echoed through the room. But that wasn't all that Havok wanted; no, now he was going to show this equine just what he had created.

As he thrust in and out, Havok lifted one hand up to Yazik's neck. He rubbed it while keeping up pressure, holding his near-master to the table. With each rub, a little more of the hair on the stallion's neck fell out, and a little more of the skin below was revealed. Havok smirked, driving his cock in up to the hilt as he flattened his fingers against the horse's flesh, letting the latex spread from his hands.

"You wanted a slave?"

"Mmmph! I'm sorry!"

"'re not. But you're going to be. You wanted a slave?"

The horse groaned. Despite it all, Havok could feel Yazik's cock bouncing against the bottom of the table. Whether it was his own arousal, or some sort of magic due to the transformation, the horse was still hard.

"You wanted a slave? You've got it. You'll be my first."

The bare flesh on the stallion's neck was swallowed in dark latex, the new collar flowing into being from the dragon's fingers. He hadn't been sure it would work, but the new mind he'd been given seemed to carry a few gifts with it. He grinned as he pulled his fingers back, shaking them and wiping them on his breasts as the collar sealed around the stallion's throat. The mage touched it, and gasped.

" magic..."

"No. MY magic."

"You...that's impossible."

"Obviously not. It's mine, just like you."

The dragon thrust forward again, his latex bound balls slapping hard against the horse's. And as he went back to taking his new slave, he was already planning on who else to take. He knew a black dragon that would be quick to subdue, not to mention a lizard. There were many to play with, many to bring down to their proper level beneath him.

And as he considered it, the collar reached up, conditioning the horse to be the dragon's proper slave.

The End

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