Corruption Stream Story 10: Erect Elephants for a Lusty Lizard

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A very silly story for FA: Nataraj involving him and a stupid demon, and some elephants.

Erect Elephants for a Lusty Lizard for Nataraj by Draconicon

His scaly arm punched through the sand, and he dragged himself through the hole he created. The lizard gasped at the fresh air, his eyes glowing red for a moment before he flopped onto the sand. His tail scraped over the hole he'd left, covering up evidence of his escape.

Despite his exhaustion, his body wouldn't let him rest. Nataraj groaned, his arms wrapped around himself as his body tried to get up.

"This isn't going to work. I'm telling you, this isn't going to work."

You will obey, lizard. You will obey, or you will -

"I want to, believe me."

Then why do you fight me?

"Because we just crawled through two hundred feet of sand, and I had to hold my breath through the last fifty feet!"

His legs kicked the ground, and he swore it was more petulantly than usual.

What, are you saying you're tired? You're always tired.

"Yes, but that's besides the point. I'm exhausted. There's a difference."

And that difference is?

"The difference is that I'm going to collapse in about ten steps if you try and force it, and then where will you go, Mr. Dick Demon?"

Don't use that name...

"Don't live in my dick."

The stimulating buzz below the waist in his pants was all the answer he needed to know the demon wasn't happy with him. Nataraj rolled on his side, shaking his head. He supposed this was the penalty for going temple raiding without a priest to help him out, but that didn't mean he liked getting possessed.

Well, he kind of did, but not permanently. But at least the demon was only able to keep control of his cock, rather than having control of his entire body. It wasn't much, but it meant that any time that Mr. Dick Demon took control of his arms, he would eventually get them back. The spirit couldn't hold its power over him forever, and always weakened with enough time passing by.

If you hadn't dodged...

"Well, I did, so tough tootsies."

Damn it! I swear, as soon as I can get a different body besides yours, I'm leaving.

"Promises, promises. Now shut up. I need sleep."

In this sun?

"I'm a lizard. It helps."

He closed his eyes under the desert sun, the light burning a bit through his eyelids, but no more than his arms and legs were doing from the digging. It wasn't that hard to fall asleep; the sand made a nice bed, after all.


The sound of voices - not to mention the feeling of shade over him - was enough to wake the lizard up. From what he could tell, the sun was going down, and someone had put a tent over him. It was nice to have the shade, he supposed, but it would have been nicer if they'd left him his pants.

He sat up to find his cock standing up under the blankets.

Why is it so dark?

"You know, I'm starting to see how you got bound to that golden ball."

Pulling the blanket back, the lizard shook his head at his cock. It had once been a normal lizard cock, just a nice seven inch length with no special features to it, no weird colors. Now, it was at least a foot long, and the base glowed red. He swore that the red glow went through his veins, too, and when it was erect like this, it made the whole shaft look like some sort of perverted devil's dildo.

Crawling around as he looked for his pants, the lizard had his backside to the tent door as it opened.

"So you're - oh!"

Nataraj turned his head. A robed elephant stood at the tent flap, his belly hanging past the waist rope and his feet digging into the sand as the figure looked away.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know -"

"Don't worry about it. Think you could come in here and help me find my pants?"

"Your - yes, yes, pants. Pants would be very good for you. Um, could you wait right there, and, um, just...not come out?"

"So long as you're bringing me pants."

"Yes, yes, I promise, I will."

With the promise of pants secured, he sat down in the middle of the tent, his legs crossed and his arms likewise. His cock throbbed, the red moving up to the tip of his cock as the demon made it twitch needily.

"Will you stop that?"

We're finally around other people! I can get a new body!

"Not that I don't want you gone, but don't you think you're jumping the gun?"

You'll see! Oh, you'll see.

It didn't take long for the elephant to return. Nataraj smiled, holding his arms out for the clothes, but no sooner had the elephant stepped into the tent than he laid eyes on the lizard's cock. The elephant's eyes flashed red, and he froze.

Confused, Nataraj reached up and waved his hands in front of the robed elephant's eyes. With no response, he looked down, slapping his cock.


"Okay, what'd you do?"

Hehehe, I hypnotized the elephant. Soon, he'll be filled with uncontrollable lust. Then, he'll do what you tell him to. And then, I'll get out of you and take over something bigger, better, and MUCH less annoying than you are!


Hehehe, I impressed you, didn't I? Not feeling like you want to lose me now, are you?

"Not exactly..."

He looked up at the elephant again, still trying to process what the demon had done. Now that the big gray guy was in the tent with him, he could see the robe and amulet that the other male wore more clearly. The desert rose symbol on the amulet was for the Healers of the Desert Blossom, a church order that he'd seen a time or two before. The lizard did get injured from time to time, after all, and they weren't bad folk, even if they weren't interested in having much 'fun' with their visitors.

The demon was certainly right about getting the elephant horny, though. The robe still covered the big guy, but it was lifting up pretty damn fast. Nataraj thought that he had a pretty good size cock, but the elephant had him beat, and he wasn't even all the way hard yet. It was utterly delicious looking.

Heh, you got a nice big slave here, lizard, and a hard cock just waiting to cum. What are you going to tell him?

"Oh, ho, ho, I'm going to tell him to fuck me."

Excellent, excell-...what?

"Elephant, fuck me."

Wait, wait, you're supposed to tell him -

No sooner had he said it than the Healer bowled him off his feet. Shoved onto the blankets below, the lizard had his heels thrown up in the air, and his legs spread before he could blink. He had just enough time to relax as that big gray cock was let into the open air before it slammed into his ass.

Nataraj moaned aloud at the sudden penetration, his toes curling as the Healer started fucking him. The cock had to be as big as his fist in thickness, yet it slid in so easily. He knew he was slutty, but he didn't think he'd taken anything that big lately.

Idiot! I'm trying to keep you from ripping apart, and you think it's just talent?!

He chuckled, wrapping his legs around the elephant, keeping him close. Now that he was paying attention, he could feel the tingle of the demon's magic around his hole, letting it open around the huge shaft, keeping it moist. The lizard chuckled, bucking his hips back against the big guy, enjoying the feeling of being spread open.

Why didn't you tell him to bend over, or let you fuck him, or anything like that? I thought you were all horny and ready for it.

I was all horny, horny for a big cock to fuck me up the ass.'re not a top?

Nope. Bottom for life, baby.


That demon was one of the whiniest companions that the lizard had ever dealt with, and he'd been assigned to spoiled mice that had never entered the desert in their lives before. He rolled his eyes, just focusing on the feeling of the hard cock inside of him, pounding away at his ass and using him.

" guys doing this all the time."

Don't...please...I beg you...

"You should be an order of Healers..mmmph..."

Don't you do it!

"And hard fuckers..."

Damn. You. To. Hell.

The elephant moaned, emptying his load into the lizard's hole. Nataraj panted, not at the point of going over the edge yet, but a good way there. The feeling of the elephant's load definitely helped keep him there, his toes curling happily in pleasure as the Healer slowly pulled out of him.

"Heh...good start..."

Please, please tell me we're done.

"Did I cum yet?"


"Then we aren't done. Hey, big guy."

The elephant perked up, his cock still sticking out of his robe. He was almost tempted to play with it, but he had bigger plans.

"Go get your friends, and tell them to come in here."


As the elephant left, Nataraj leaned back, parting his legs and patting his cock. It had gone slightly limp, and he glared at it.

"Hey, I thought you were supposed to be all about sex. What happened to that?"

I don't want to be fucked, I wanna fuck!

"Tough tootsies. It's my body, and we're getting fucked."

I hate you. So much.

He gave his cock a few strokes. By the time the other members of the order arrived, they really had no chance to resist. Nataraj knew the demon had high hopes that there would be at least one subby slut among all the elephants, and that it would be his way out.

Judging by all the hard cocks and the looks they spared for his ass, the lizard doubted it.

The End

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