Corruption Stream Story 8: The Halls of the Fox Mage

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This next story was commissioned by FA: Sanmer , so you can guess a bit of what's going to happen here.

The Halls of the Fox Mage for Sanmer by Draconicon

The note was clear. He had to reach the center of the mage's halls, or Pashinal would be killed.

Galra stood outside the hall of the fox mage, the green dragon paladin shaking his head as he pulled his club from his waist. The spiraling hall was too large to blast through, and too well defended to fly over. That was how Pashinal had been captured, from what the nearby villagers had told him. The note had declared the challenge just as clearly as the objective; to get to the center, he had to clear the hall room by room, and then defeat the mage.

He held little doubt that he could do it. A paladin of ten years like him had nothing to fear from those practicing the dark arts.

The dragon pulled his club over his head before bringing it down hard, smashing through the doorway. The wooden splinters of the great thing went flying through the room as he stepped inside.

"I hope you don't mind losing a little property, Sanmer; I'm going to be pretty rough."

He doubted that the fox could hear him, but he meant it. He was pissed, and he planned on leaving the fox little to work with after this was all said and done.

The first few rooms were nearly empty, filled with the potions and vials of a normal alchemist. Galra doubted anything in the rooms was standard, and smashed what he came across, breaking shelves, equipment, and tables alike in his rampage through the first rooms. What fires he found, he put out, smothering them in dirt or in the potions that seemed least dangerous in the room.

The fourth, however, was a room with a challenge.

Stopping at the doorway, Galra examined the shimmering barrier that blocked his way forward. It gleamed with a green light, almost like his scales, but when he touched it, it turned bright red and burned at his flesh. He pulled his hand back, shaking it a few times.

"Magic barrier. Well, I guess I'll have to try the wall."

He took a few steps back, getting a lot of room before swinging his club down on the thick stone wall. One swing, two, and it started to crack. Three -


The club blow rebounded off of another segment of the magic barrier, and due to the force he'd put behind it, he went flying back with it. The armored dragon hit the floor hard, and he groaned as he pulled himself back to his feet.

"Right...barrier goes all the way through the wall. That means there has to be a key...somewhere..."

From what he remembered of the magic barriers, they had to be color coded. If the barrier was green, that meant the key was green. So, he just had to find something green and keep testing it until he found the one keyed to the magical wall.

Unfortunately, that turned out to be harder than he expected. The few books that he could find weren't green, nor was any of the furniture. None of the tools were green - though he made an attempt with an emerald pick, which failed - and nothing among the ingredients were green, which astonished him.

Galra leaned down, looking at what seemed to be a wooden ring. The exterior was painted the same green as his scales and the barrier, but it didn't look like any ring he had ever seen. It was too big to fit on one's fingers or toes, and it was most definitely not an earring, with no loop for it to fit in one's ears. The only thing left was...

"Oh, you have to be kidding me."

He turned to the barrier. There was no doubt it was the same shade, and it was the only thing like it in the room. He wasn't even supposed to know what it was for, but paladins could only escape so much in their chaste lives. Galra shook his head.

"I swear, that fox is going to pay for this." He took the ring in one hand, unbuckling some of his lower armor with the other. "I swear, you better not be enchanted with anything else."

If only I didn't have to wear it to get through, he grumbled in his head. Carrying it would have been embarrassing enough, but having to put it around his shaft...well, he hoped nobody found out about this. The dragon lifted his softened length, taking a deep breath before sliding the ring down to the base.

The reaction was instantaneous. Even as he tried to pull his armor back up, his cock leaped up so fast and got so hard that there was no way that the armor would fit. No matter how hard he tried to push it down, it stayed up, throbbing and twitching.

"Damn you. Damn you to hell."

His cock just bobbed in response, and he shook his head, throwing the piece of armor to the floor.

"It doesn't matter. I'll just beat that damn wizard's brain in when I get to him."

If I can focus with this thing wobbling around down there, he thought as he stepped through the barrier. It dissipated behind him, but he didn't bother reaching down to remove the ring. If he had to run, he'd need to get out quickly, and he didn't need to try and find the damn thing again while on the run.

Not that he'd ever need to run, of course. He just wanted to be prepared. It had nothing to do with the feeling that he sort of liked being exposed.

No, no, he didn't like that at all. What was he thinking? Galra slapped himself, trying to avoid those thoughts. They were not worthy of a paladin, and definitely not a paladin like him. He vented his anger on a few more tables, including a dining room table that had done nothing to him, before he continued.

Again, he passed through several empty rooms before coming to a new barrier. He didn't bother checking the walls this time; if Sanmer had trapped one wall, he'd trapped them all.

"Okay...key finding time."

The dragon sighed as he started fumbling around the room again, throwing things left and right in an effort to find the red key quickly. The barrier was driving him nuts, just standing there, glowing and taunting him with his lack of progress. He wanted nothing more than to smash the wizard's face in, but that thing was -

"Oh, you magical piece of -"

Breaking off into a language better left untranslated, Galra stomped away from the glittering red dildo that was left underneath a chair cushion. It was, once again, the only thing that perfectly matched the barrier, and once again, something that was completely, utterly humiliating for someone that was supposed to be living a chaste life.

He spun, shaking his fist towards the center of the complex.

"You think this will stop a true paladin? You are a cruel man, wizard, but I will have you yet!"

Grumbling, the dragon grabbed the dildo. It wasn't a huge one, thankfully; he had seen some peasants experimenting with things larger than what hung from a horse, but this one was merely a few inches longer than his finger. He...he could take it.

It's not like I want this, or anything. All that throbbing down there is just from the ring.

Taking a deep breath, the dragon spat in his hand, rubbing it over the dildo's surface. It was surprisingly smooth, but warm. He didn't really want to think about that.

Grumbling still, the dragon laid it on the floor, point up, and squatted over it. The feeling of it touching his hole made him hiss, and left him faltering. Looking at the magical barrier again, he took a deep breath...and dropped.

It hurt as it slid up his ass, and hurt a lot. It almost felt like it ripped something, and Galra had to bite his lip to keep from yelping as he got up and limped towards the barrier.


As he stepped through, though, it started to fade. More accurately, the feeling of the pain was overshadowed by the length rubbing his hole. He didn't know what it was, but it meant that each step he took was followed by a few drops from his shaft.

"Gods...forgive me for this..."

He walked onwards, through more empty rooms before coming to the final barrier. This one was blue, and this time, no searching was required. Right in front of the blue barrier was a collar on the floor, of the same shade. Galra merely sighed as he looked at it, lifting it off of the floor.

This...this is for Pashinal, he told himself, even as his shaft throbbed as he held it.

Clipping it around his neck, he felt a sudden surge of magic rushing through him. The dragon leaned against the wall, one hand clutching his neck as the other tried to reach for his shaft, desperately trying to grab it and jerk it off.


He rolled along the wall, almost falling through the barrier. The magic from the collar continued pulsing through him, calling him to submit, to fall, to go to his knees and stay there. The magic was the most powerful he'd ever experienced, and he understood how Pashinal had fallen to the fires from the ground. It was so hard to resist.

But he would make it. For the order, and his shield brother.

Lumbering along, he used his club almost like a cane to keep moving. In addition to the pressure to submit from the collar, he swore that the ring and the dildo were teasing him further, rubbing and grinding alternately along his body. The dragon walked with a dripping shaft into the final room, leaning on the doorway.

What he saw shocked him. Pashinal was on his back, naked save for a collar and cock ring like his own. The blue dragon lay in the center of the room, eyes blank as the fox mage bounced up and down on his shaft.


The fox whipped his head around, grinning as he lifted one hand.

"Splendid. You've arrived."

"I'll...I'll kill -"


The fox twisted his fingers, and the collar dragged Galra to his knees. As soon as he hit the floor, the dildo seemed to grow in him, and his eyes went wide as it pressed just the right spots. For the first time in more than twenty years, he had an orgasm.

The dragon's mind was wide open as he came, and the magic of the collar slid inside. Twisting, pulling, erasing, molding, it rushed through his mind to break down everything that had made him a paladin, everything that had been in there before and reform it, mold it into being something better.

It only took a second. Just a second to wipe away all that he'd been and all that he had worked for, and replace it with the things the fox wanted him to know. All because of a single orgasm in a person that hadn't allowed themselves to feel pleasure for more than twenty years.

Galra looked up as the fox approached him, a throbbing shaft shoved in his face.


It seemed reasonable enough. Any rules that might have prevented him were gone. The dragon lowered his mouth, licking over the head.

"A little further. Your superiors were right; you need a great deal of loosening up, if you're ever going to be as good a slut as they are."

What little fear that raised disappeared as he pushed himself further down. Whatever had happened to the order was no concern of his. He was a slave. Had always been a slave.

Would always be a slave.

The End

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