Corruption Stream Story 7: Final Round: FUCK!

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story commissioned by Serathin in the last stream, involving a fighting game come to life.

Final Round: FUCK! for Serathin by Draconicon

"You know how all those stupid movies had a lightning storm cause world shifts and open portals?"

"Always thought that was more of a video game thing, but yeah."

"I wish we had that instead of this."

Serathin wasn't so sure that he agreed with his friend's judgment. The lion - well, a lion angel, now - always seemed worried when things were not going quite right. He supposed it made sense that the game had given the feline the role of the protagonist rather than him; Ethan always was the goody-goody, things go according to plan person.

Him, on the other hand...

The hybrid looked down at himself. The lightning bolt induced transformation hadn't hit him overhard. Sure, his fur glowed bright red now, and his body was a bit beefier. And he had a few more fangs. And a new pair of eyes that glowed red too.

Okay, yes, he's been hit pretty hard. But that didn't mean that it was a bad thing. He liked his new body, and it felt rather needy.

In fact, he was pretty sure that they'd both been fighting a certain need ever since they'd changed. The angelic lion - wearing little more than a loincloth and a pair of wings - had a pitched tent that was just begging for a few soldiers to come in to play, and he - wearing pretty much the same amount - had just shoved his loincloth off to the side.

"So, Serathin?"


"How the hell do we get out of this?"

"I -"

The demonic, sabertoothed dragon-wolf grabbed his head as it felt like a second bolt of lightning struck his brain. He was vaguely aware of Ethan doing the same thing, the two of them groaning in pain as their brains felt like they were getting fried.

It suddenly faded as quickly as it came, but as Serathin recovered, he felt something new in his head. A new set of knowledge, divided between fighting techniques, and fucking techniques. It was pretty kinky, really, and some of the thoughts sent a little throb through his cock as he examined them.

Over it all, however, was an objective, and that objective was to defeat Ethan.

He glanced at the lion, and from the look in the feline's eyes, he was pretty sure that his friend had the same revelation. But there was more than one way to fight, as the knowledge told them.

Serathin smiled. He'd always wanted to get a little fuck-slave like those stories online. In this form, it looked like he had a chance.

"So, I guess we know what we have to do."

"I suppose so." Ethan smiled. "But I'm not going down easy."

"Oh, you'll go down. And up. And down again."

The two of them jumped apart. A glowing wall suddenly descended between them, shoving all the furniture in the living room aside, clearing an open space between them. It was just like a fighting stage, and with the glowing wall between him and the lion, Serathin almost felt like he was some sort of character.

"...I gotta say it."

"Wha- Oh come on, no."



"Round 1. FIGHT!"

He'd no sooner said it than the wall came down. What little hesitation he felt about fighting a friend disappeared as he waved his hand, a number of black tentacles rising from his back and shooting across the room.

Ethan was quick, though. Very quick. Serathin grunted in pain as the feline suddenly conjured a sword, cutting through the tentacles. They fell to the floor, and the hybrid barely had the time to lift his hand and bring up a blocking shield, the darkness barely holding back the glowing blade.

"Heh, you're fast."

"And you're sneaky."

"You don't know the half of it."

"Wha - FUCK!"

The lion jumped back, but he was already impaled on another tentacle that the hybrid had snuck under the shield. Ethan fumbled around as the tentacle pounded into his hole, panting hard, his loincloth starting to tent.

"Come on, man, not - cool!"

Serathin flinched again as the lion cut the tentacle off, but the piece didn't fall out of him. No, the lion had to pull it out, and he took advantage. While Ethan was yanking the slimy length from his rump, the hybrid charged him.

They tumbled over backwards, Ethan just managing to flip around so that he stayed on top. Serathin was beneath him, but the demon's back was pinned so that he couldn't make more tentacles. Groaning, the hybrid looked up at the angel in frustration.

"Come on, all I need to win -"

"-is to make me cum. And what happens then?"


"I got the same knowledge you do. Admit it; you want to make me a slave, don't you?"

"Oh, and you want to make me a saint like you. Come on; you know I'd have more fun."

"No you -"


The two of them glared at each other as unseen forces dragged them back to the opposite sides of the room. Serathin didn't know for sure, but it felt like he had sort of lost that round. There was no sign of it, but it was a feeling he couldn't shake. Just like he couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to win the next one if he didn't want to become more of a goody goody.

This time, it was Ethan that called the round start, and this time, the lion didn't hesitate. He rushed forward with his sword raised, and Serathin waited. As the lion started to strike, he brought up his shield -

  • only for the sword to dip beneath it, cutting off his loincloth. The hybrid jerked at the sudden blow down below, but avoided being cut. He spun out of reach to avoid the next groping hand, and then kicked backwards, launching himself back-first into the feline. The blow connected, and they hit the floor together.

This time, he was on top, and Serathin grinned as he ground their bulges together. Almost instantly, Ethan was moaning.

"Heh, I'm the excited one; you're the pent-up one. Who do you think is going to blow first?"


"Come on, what can you do?"

"How about..this?"

Ethan suddenly rolled them over. The lion's weight was enough to pin him for the moment, but not fast enough to keep him from getting some tentacles out. They wrapped around the lion's arms, lifting him up and guiding him to the hybrid's exposed cock.

"Come on, you know you want it. You're going to enjoy being a corrupted little slave."

"Like hell...I....mmph."

The lion moaned, so cute looking as the tentacles forced him against the demon's cock. Serathin smiled. He looked forward to breaking his friend in. First, he was going to -


"Fuck, again?!"

The two of them were yanked apart once more, the tentacles fading away as they were put in their respective corners. Ethan looked so hard from what he could see, and Serathin grumbled at his own extreme case of blue balls. He shook his head; he didn't need to do much more. He just had to get that angel to cum, and he'd win.

They stood up, glaring at each other. Serathin knew they both had reasons to want to win, but at this point, he barely cared. He wanted something to vent all this cum on, and that angel would have to do.

For the final round, they both announced it.

"Final Round: FUCK!"

Ethan blushed at the foul word leaving his mouth, and Serathin took advantage. Darting forward one more time, he ducked under the angel's sword swipe and grabbed him by the balls. The harsh squeeze was enough to freeze the lion in his tracks, and a quick push shoved him down to the ground. In less than a second, the hybrid was over him, as many tentacles as he could summon pinning the angel to the ground.

"You snooze, you lose."

Four black lengths lifted the lion's hips off of the ground, and Serathin grinned as he aimed his cock right for that hole. It slid in easily, the lion gasping as the demon slid himself in. Both of them moaned as the demon started thrusting, but Serathin didn't need to hear the lion. A tentacle slid up, gagging the feline before it could get much louder.

His focus was entirely on that hole, and it felt marvelous. He'd often wondered how Ethan would feel around him, and the reality was better than he could have hoped for. Just experienced enough for him to slide in easily, and tight enough to make it feel real damn good. The hybrid slammed in again and again, each thrust starting to stretch that hole out a bit further, leaving it more open for the next hard slam.

"Hehehe, look at're getting so close from getting fucked. Just a natural bottom, aren't you?"

"S-shut up!"

It was all too clear that it was true, though. Ethan was throbbing, oozing. Serathin smirked, reaching up to his friend's cock.

"I win."

He squeezed it, and the lion went over the edge, suddenly tightening down hard on the demon's cock. Serathin grunted, pulled over the edge with his friend at the sudden tightness, but grinning anyway.

The lion's holy light faded as demonic red lines ran across him, emanating from his ass. It was almost comedic how much it followed so many other stories, but the hybrid didn't care. He could feel the corruption, and feel his friend's cock throbbing all the more with each successive pulse of the red lines.

He pulled out, standing over the lion as his tentacles retracted. He waited, watching as the red lines spread, going all the way up to Ethan's head and into his eyes before fading away. The lion fainted, hitting the ground, and the room changed.

Suddenly they were back to normal, Ethan losing his wings and him losing the demonic body parts he'd gained. Serathin looked at himself, and sighed.

"I really liked those tentacles, too."

But before he could miss them for long, Ethan groaned, opening his eyes. Serathin looked down, arching one eyebrow. The lion shook his head a few times before looking up at him.

" may I serve you, master?"

"You know...I think I have just the thing."

He tapped his crotch, and the lion set to work.

The End

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