Corruption Stream Story 5: Mirari's Slaves

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The corruption stories from the stream on Thursday. This first one was commissioned by FA: animorph59 .

Mirari's Slaves for Sunkit by Draconicon

James felt possessed as he climbed the steps of the hotel, his breath coming in pants, but not from the exertion of running up the stairs. If anything, the exercise was easier than it had ever been, his lungs and heart beating no more than if he had been lightly jogging. Yet, he was running up the stairs at top speed, having passed six floors and well on his way up the seventh.

No, if anything, he was panting from something a hotel employee had given him. Something that was stuffed down his pants right now, but he couldn't wait to whip out.

James grinned as he ran past the next floor, his hand flying up the railing as he took the stairs three at a time. His attention was totally focused on his goal: a door on the ninth floor of the hotel, where someone precious would be waiting for him.

When he threw open the stairwell door, the young man realized he'd almost knocked over a member of the hotel staff. James shook his head in frustration, ignoring the woman's call for him to apologize as he jogged down the hallway. He had other things to do than clean up a mess. Besides, it was her job, not his.

One, two, three, four doors down from the elevator, and he was there. With the keycard already in hand, James unlocked the door and stepped inside, making sure that it shut tight behind him. With the card soon back in his pocket, he collapsed onto the foot of the bed. Then, and only then, did he feel the burn from his run up the stairs.

"Man. I couldn't have done that when I was in high school."

He'd been a couch potato for almost all of his college life. Yet, he'd just run up the stairs of a hotel - run up them at a high speed - and he wasn't even winded. A bit of a burn in the muscles, but other than that, he didn't feel a thing.

Well, he felt something.

James smirked as he rested his hand on his crotch. There was quite a bulge beneath his jeans, and it was still growing.

"Better let you out before you rip something, heh."

He'd no sooner unzipped his pants than his cock flopped out, and what a cock it was. It might have looked like some giant human cock once, but now the head was beginning to flatten, and there was a rigid ring of flesh around the middle. The shaft itself was more than eight inches long, and it was still growing. And more importantly, still soft.

James stroked a finger over the metallic ring on the base of his cock. It was golden with strange letters on it. Like some sort of perverted one ring, he'd thought at the time. Now, he didn't care what it said. He just love what it was giving him.

Grabbing hold of his cock, he gave it a few strokes. The whole thing was just as sensitive as his old cock was, if not more so, and he moaned as it started to harden.

"Oooh, yeah. That's it. Keep on growing."

His legs spread as the dark flesh spread to his balls, covering them with the same strange, leathery skin that had started forming around the base of his cock. It was so sensitive, and left him looking so much bigger, that he couldn't help but grope at it.

Despite his lust, he kept his rubbing slow. No matter how much he felt like he needed it, James had someone else that he wanted to unload this in. Someone that wouldn't be away for much longer. Someone that he'd wanted for a very long time.

He forced his hands away from his groin, putting his hands on his thighs. He swore that there was something else growing in along his legs - not to mention that they seemed much thicker than before - but he was distracted from it by a knock on the door. He grinned, spreading his legs even further than before.

"Come in, dad."

And I'll cum in you.

The door opened, and James' grin grew as his father stepped in. The older man wasn't entirely unappealing, but if the staff member was right, the ring on his cock would do a lot more than change him.

"Sorry, James, was just a bit - JESUS CHRIST!"

His father almost fell over, one hand over his chest, and James stood up from the bed. He rushed to his father, grabbing him and yanking him inside before shutting the door behind him. The older man thumped to the floor, but he barely cared as he locked everything from the deadbolt to the normal lock.

"What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck?"

"Shut up, dad."

"James, what happened to you?"

"Something good. Something great."

James turned, fondling his cock again. It had to be at least ten inches long now, and throbbing at full erection. It was still growing, though the ring was no tighter than it had been when he'd put it on. It felt comfortable, even though it hugged a shaft twice as thick as it had been while human.

"Something that you'll love to have fucking you."

"Fu-James, I'm your father!"

"Heh, I don't think that matters."

He grinned, even as his legs suddenly thickened as he took another step. James wobbled, almost thrown off balance as his thighs ripped through his jeans. Stripes popped out along his legs as he was left naked from the waist down, and as he looked at himself, he saw similar ones running along his stomach.

"Heh...I like it."

"I don't. I damn well don't. James, this isn't funny!"


His father tried to jump around him, but he was ready. Grabbing the older man in a chokehold, he squeezed hard, forcing his dad down to his knees. His father gasped, grabbing hold of his arms, but they were just as strong as his legs were. There was no chance the old man was getting free.

"I'm treating this seriously. As seriously as you should have treated it when I came out to you and mom."

"I...I didn't were...serious..."

"Why would I joke about that?!"

The old man couldn't answer, and James didn't care. What was in the past could stay there, what with their new life.

With a rough jerk, he pulled down the back of his father's pants. Just like always, he'd been going commando, so there was nothing in his way. James grinned, the head of his cock starting to leak pre as he dragged his shaft up and down those ass cheeks.

"I always wanted this..."


"Now you will, too."

He slammed in hard. His father's screams were loud, but James had already asked. The staff never came when screams were heard. They were too well trained for that. He'd been curious then, but he was just glad it was the case now.

From the first thrust, he saw the transformation begin. The skin around his father's ass started to glisten, a tawny gold shade of fur growing in. A bump formed just above his rump, a bump that quickly started to turn into a tail, growing out.

"Heh. Predators...are not...on the top...of chain!"

Each word was punctuated with another thrust, and each one pushed his father to change more. The screaming from the old man grew deeper as the fur ran up his body, taking away the old slob's worst features and making them better again. Back to the dad that James remembered, when he was younger. Back to the dad that used to be good.

Thrust, thrust, thrust, and the changes kept going. He grunted, his face starting to ache as it stretched outwards, his fingernails thickening. He saw the nails go dark, but he was thankful they didn't change more than that. He pulled his dad off of the ground, holding him up and bouncing him on his cock.

"Feel that, slut? Feel your son's cock ramming inside you?"


"What was that?"


"Talk, slut!"

"Yes! Yes, I feel it, are you happy?!"

"Not until you beg for it."

James, feeling his body growing stronger by the second, bounced the former human up and down his cock. He saw the lion's fur finish growing in, and grinned as his father actually looked presentable. A muscle gut rather than a slob's belly, a nice thick set of muscles, and a thick mane really improved his features.

But he wasn't done yet. Growling as his own transformation completed - feeling his tail pop in over his rump, his muzzle grown, and his own mane filling in - James slammed himself in up to the hilt once more. He held himself there, grabbing hold of the old man's cock. It was small, barbed, and dripping.

"Heh, looks like you enjoy having your son nail your ass."

"N-...I don't...I swear, I don't like -"

"Don't lie to me!"

He slapped the lion's ass, feeling the jerk and throb in his father's cock.

"You want it bad! You never listened to me, never supported me. You never wanted me to be gay, but it wasn't because you were embarrassed, was it?"

The lion whimpered, even as his hole tightened around James' cock. The zebra leaned in, whispering.

"It's because, if I was gay, it meant people might find out you were, too."

The lion shuddered, shaking his head. But it was the truth. James knew it; he'd read it in the journal his dad always kept. There was no denying it now.

"Well, it doesn't matter anymore. We're not human, and we're not having children. I'll have what I want. And that's you. You're MINE."

He thrust in one more time, moaning as he came. The zebra claimed the lion, holding him down at the base of his cock, and suddenly, James felt the ring disappear. As his cum flowed freely, he saw it appear again. This time, it was around the lion's neck, right beneath the mane, and it no longer looked like a magic ring.

No, now it looked like a collar. A collar right where it belonged. The zebra grinned, squeezing the lion's cock.

"That was round one. Ready for round two, slut?"


"Yes -" He squeezed tighter.


"Good kitten."

The zebra pulled back, letting his cock out of his father's ass. He took a moment to appreciate that gaping hole, to appreciate how he had just taken his father so hard that he'd broken him to service.

Then he rammed it back in. He had years of repressed need to work out, and he wasn't going to wait any longer to get it out of his system.

The End

Corruption Stream Story 6: Cursed Treasure of the Silver Mountain

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