Bondage Stream Story 7: Taming of the Dragon

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A continuation of Tatyana's Treasure Under the Mountain, found here:

Taming of the Dragon

for Whitebreath

by Draconicon

Greyward shifted again in his chains, shaking his head as his thoughts once again turned to his erection bobbing against his belly. The dragon needed to think of something else, anything else, or he would fall into the lust trap again.

Unfortunately, there was little for the great grey dragon to think about besides his own need. He stomped a forefoot, shaking his head. His tigress captor was being tricky. After giving him the single milking earlier, he'd been left alone with nothing but the paneled walls, floor, and ceiling of the room for company. There were only so many times he could look at his own reflection before it bored him, and looking down to see his shaft throbbing to the beat of his heart was even less engaging.

If he had been loose, he would have tried dealing with it. The idea of sucking on his own shaft wasn't an abhorrent one - and it was an option he'd availed himself of before, when times had been a bit more lonely - but it wasn't even possible. His neck was as bound as his legs and tail, and the most he could do was wave his head from side to side.

In the seven days since he'd been left alone, Greyward had even considered asking for more under his tail. The feeling had been strange last time, but it had definitely been enough to push him over the edge and into climax. Lacking any other option, he would have happily accepted that from the tigress. He would have taken anything she would give him, and hope for more.

He glanced towards the cameras in the room. After so long, he could make out the slight lenses in the corners of the room, and understood what they were for. She could see him at any time. She had to know he was desperate by now.

As Greyward tried to curl his tail towards his hindquarters for the third time in as many hours, the door slid open. He stopped, turning his attention to the panel that had slid out of the way.

Instead of just the tigress, this time four chromatic figures stepped inside with her. He saw no flesh or scales between the metallic plates that made up their form, but merely machinery. Were they all creatures she had created, he wondered? Or had they once been living?


Her voice held his attention as her attendants moved around him. He could hear them clanking along, which confirmed that they were not living now. The tigress moved forward until she stood in front of his nose again, her scent making his cock twitch a few more times.

"You sleep badly for last few days. Your cock reason?"

He nodded. It had been harder and harder for him to sleep. Being on all fours rather than laying down was difficult enough. Having it throb non-stop beneath him, begging for attention, had made it impossible to get any rest after the first couple of days. The most he'd gotten were waking dreams of the relief he couldn't give himself.

Not that it seemed to bother the tigress any. She chuckled, patting him on the edge of his snout.

"Don't worry. We fix today."

Though desperate for his relief, Greyward felt a sudden flash of fear. She'd been the one trap him like this, and she'd mentioned wanting more than just his seed. What if she was going to remove the pesky body parts instead of help him? What if -

He heard the fast sliding motion of the plates coming apart. Turning his head, he looked back. Rather than the hole for him to enter again, they pulled out something different. Two large pieces of metal, flickering with light, were lifted from beneath the floor by her attendants and dragged over to the sides of his shaft. They were huge, and just big enough to...

He whipped his head back to Tatyana, shaking it back and forth.

"What, you wish no help?"

Not like this, he didn't. He shook his head again.

"Tough. We want to help. You get help."

Greyward looked back again as the machine people pushed the two metal pieces together, pressing them to the sides of his shaft. It was cold, cold enough that his cock would have withdrawn if it were not chemically aroused. As he watched, the metal seemed to flow like water, spreading across the top and bottom of his cock and reaching for the other side.

Meldstone, he thought, but it wasn't stone. It acted like it, though, searching other pieces of itself out. He shuddered at the chilling feeling, the cold spreading across the base of his cock before it formed a solid ring.

The dragon thought that was the worst of it, but then it tightened. He groaned, his claws sticking out and grinding against the panels beneath him. His hips lurched, trying to thrust against something, anything, but they were as restrained as ever. His tail whipped back and forth, futilely trying to smash away the walking machines.

When it seemed to stop tightening and became stable, Greyward panted and slowly looked beneath him. His shaft, already hard, had gotten even harder, if that was possible. It was most definitely thicker, and the veins under the surface had popped outwards, making it look even more bestial, even more obscene than it had before.

The lights suddenly burned brighter, and Greyward roared at the sudden mix of pain and pleasure. His cock throbbed, feeling like it should have been shooting his long held load. He prepared himself to get hit in the face with his seed, not caring as long as he came.

But he didn't.

Despite all that need building up in his shaft, in his sac, there was nothing. The only thing to be released was the slightest dribble of pre-cum, less than he'd been oozing during his neediest times before the application of this new restraint.

The dragon turned to the feline, begging for an explanation even as another throb went through him from the ring.

"Ring tests your nerves. Mapping out pleasure, pain, other similar things. In addition, establishing greater control over you."

Control? What the hell did they need that for?

"Scans revealed possible blockage in your body. We save your seed, but have to remove blockage. Ring will help."

He didn't know what the ring would actually do, but he doubted that it would help him at all. The dragon started to glare, then closed his eyes as he moaned again, the ring delivering zap after zap of stimulation to his shaft. It almost burned from the strength of it, but it was mostly the hardness that it maintained that bothered him.

He thought that he'd been needy before. Oh no. No, that hadn't been anywhere close to what he was feeling now. That had been a mild itch he would have liked to scratch. This, this veiny, throbbing, bouncing cock was need incarnate, and Greyward thrusted and humped as much as the restraints would allow, unable to just stay still, even if it left him with no relief, and nothing to take away that need.

The tigress had moved away, he realized as he opened his eyes again. No sooner had he started looking for her than he felt something different pressing against his rump. His eyes went wide, and he lowered his head, looking between his legs.

Rather than the giant shaft that had fucked him before, it was something smaller rising up and out of the floor. It dripped some sort of goo, but it was already sliding into him. He could barely feel it in comparison to the other anal machine that he'd been 'treated' to before, but it was still strange to have something inside him.

His entire body went rigid at the first shock to his prostate. He roared at it, his shaft bouncing up against his belly and squirting a thick jet of clear fluid. It wasn't seed, not by any means, but it was the stuff that came out before it. There was no relief to his sack, though, and he whimpered, stomping the floor with a hind leg.

"Still, dragon, still. This helps. No block, no health problems."

He still had no idea what she was talking about. All he knew was that it felt like someone was shoving lightning bolts under his tail and zapping at a part that had no business being zapped. His balls rose up at the continued pressure - and unwilling pleasure - as if he was going to cum, but each time he came close, the ring tightened even further, preventing anything from coming out but the clear juices.

The dragon was quickly reduced to whimpering in need, grinding his teeth and roaring every so often when he was particularly frustrated. This was beyond the cruelest teasing of the dragonesses. This was past what they had done before. He was going mad from the denial, and the tigress showed no signs of letting up on him.

Shock, shock, shock went the thing in his hole, and the dragon's claws felt like they were going to either break or dig right through the panels as he scrabbled for some way to get out of the restraints. He didn't know if it was pleasure, pain, or something in between anymore, but he knew that this was torture, torture that his mind wouldn't be able to take for much longer.

The floor was soaked with the clear fluid by the time he felt the shocks stop. The restraints around his legs and frame suddenly tightened as he collapsed, holding him a few inches off of the floor. For once, he was grateful for them; he couldn't actually stand on his own after that.

"Quite productive."

Thank evil female...

"We do this every couple days now."

But what about -

"His cock...yes, edge it. No cumming, but edge, to build up."

Edge? She just...right after...

Greyward snapped at her as she walked by, the tigress just jumping out out of the way. She smiled at him, and whapped her tail against his nose.

"Bad. Don't worry. Feel good by end."

She walked out before he could bite again, but his attention was already drawn back to his shaft. Metal hands shifted, forming softer attachments as they brushed over his shaft. The dragon groaned once more, shaking his head to try and clear it, but it was so full of lust that it was almost impossible.

He was stuck. Again. And this time it was even worse than the last. How did she keep doing this?

The End

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