Bondage Stream Story 5: Hotel Mirari Room Service

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like David has yet again volunteered to assist his master in converting other people.

Hotel Mirari Room Service for Sunkit by Draconicon

The otter groaned as his friends finished tying him down. David tested his bonds, pulling with his arms. The rope that went around the headboard was too tight for him to fling it over it, and there was no way he could pull one arm down without pulling the other up. Likewise, his legs were tied under the bed, keeping him from getting any slack with them, either. His feet each had a rope around the big toe, leading up to a cock ring wrapped around his shaft. He might have had a blindfold as well, but a bird had flown off with it when they were getting ready.

"Okay. So, that's all there is to it? I just lay here?"

"That's precisely it."

His dragon master smiled at him, nodding to the door.

"This guy's been hitting up the 'hotel' strip club every night, and striking out on every other girl. He's going to be so wound up by the time he gets back here that he'll accept anything."

"Even me?"

"Hell, you'd be out of his league, normally, but you're going to be perfect for him tonight."

David blushed at the compliment. He wasn't used to them, even though he'd been working with his master for several years now. Being told that he was sexy was still something of a new experience.

"So, you're sure he's not going to just kick me out or something?"

"Can't promise anything, but you know how good I am at reading people. He's gonna need some relief, and you're the best thing he's ever going to get."

The dragon chuckled, and David groaned as his master grabbed his cock, stroking it a few times. Only a few times, though, and the otter collapsed back in the bed with a soft groan of frustration when the master stopped.

"Come close..."

"And you're gonna stay close. The more eager you are, the more interested he'll be. Trust me; I know this stuff."

"How, master? If you don't mind me asking."

"Let's just say that there were some very long and lonely days in Saladin's era where I needed to keep people on my side."

The otter slowly nodded, not quite sure what his master was talking about, but going along with it for now. It wasn't that important, after all, and his master would explain it later if it was.

The dragon walked towards the door, pausing as he opened it to shift to a human form. He turned around, looking David in the eye.

"Remember. Keep nice and eager, and this guy will be all yours."

"Yes, master."

His master shut the door, and David leaned back on the bed. The ceiling of the room - though pretty - quickly got boring to him, and he closed his eyes, focusing on all the fun thoughts that he could. The memories of Bailey ramming that big koopa cock up his ass; all those times that he'd been pinned under his master's feet; that time when they'd gone to visit that strange island with that brothel on it; all of it had been so fun, and it was more than enough to keep his cock up and twitching.

He was lost enough in his fantasies that he almost didn't hear the door turning. His moans, previously silenced were suddenly let loose.


The doorknob paused, and David grinned. As it slowly turned, he could almost sense the nervousness that was behind it, but also the anticipation. He wondered if this was how some of master's friends felt when they visited Mirari. Nervous, but excited about what they might find in the process.

As the door opened, an older man stood in the doorway. Not particularly elderly, David thought; maybe forty on the outside, just enough to look more mature without losing the stamina. The human looked utterly shocked at the sight before him, and David couldn't really blame him. After all, when humans thought they were the only dominant species on the planet, it would be a shock to have a two-legged otter waiting in one's room for sex.

David spread his legs a bit further, as much as his ropes would let him, and let his tail relax. He knew the human was looking over him; his body was just twinky enough to keep from looking too male, and he didn't have an overly long cock, which wouldn't intimidate the human. He arched his back, showing off his ass, and the human's eyes went there and were glued to his hole.

" you want me, big guy?"


"Mmm, does it matter? Just know you want me...I'm here to do whatever you want."

"But...I'm not -"

"Oh don't worry. No one will ever know. I'm just here for you now. Compliments of Mirari."

"The...the hotel?"

"Oh no, something much bigger. Come on, come here." The otter licked his lips. "Fuck me."

Maybe the man was as desperate as master had said. Maybe he was drunk enough to overlook fucking both an otter and a guy (though if that was the case, he'd need to see what the hell he was drinking). Or maybe the guy had fetishes he'd never admitted.

In any case, he kicked off his shoes and his pants in record time, and David was suddenly very happy for all the times that the big guys had fucked him, because the human didn't use any lube at all. The fleshy shaft was still bigger than his, but not by much, and it slid in pretty easily in comparison to a dragon or horse cock.

David couldn't do much beyond arch his back and moan, but he put on the best show for the human he could. The ropes tugged and dug into his wrists and ankles, and there were times when the human yanked on the ropes connecting his feet to his cock that stung, but he wasn't bad. The hard thrusts went deep enough for him to feel it all the way up to his head, and all the way down to his toes. Every one left him moaning, and he clenched down on that cock as much as he could, making himself tighter.

"I don't know...what the fuck you are...but you feel damn good."

"Mmm, and so do you."

And you're about to feel even better, big guy.

He could already feel the changes happening, the shifting in the human's body. That big chest against him was getting bigger, harder with muscles that the human hadn't had for years. That gut? It wasn't getting bigger, but David could feel it firming up, getting to a more solid state. The human would never be skinny, but a muscle gut? Oh yes, that was something good on him.

David smiled up at the human, even as the changes continued. The shirt ripped without his 'customer' realizing what had happened, and he could see the pale flesh turning a soft red. It wasn't like crimson, but more a brown red, a lovely color for a big man. He arched his back, grinding his rump against that cock.

And it was growing too, getting nice and big. He was already filled with the man's pre, so it wasn't so painful when it started growing bigger and thicker. He felt the ring forming around the middle, and had a good guess as to what the big male was going to turn into.

He smirked when he found out how right he was, seeing a horse muzzle growing out of the customer's face. The former human must have been drunk or blissed out, because he didn't stop fucking. If anything, he kept thrusting, harder, faster, forceful enough to drag the otter up and down along the mattress. If it wasn't for the rope burns that he felt like he was going to get soon, it would have felt amazing.

Thrust, slam, slap went the human's hips against his ass, and with each thrust, his hole stretched out more. It wasn't just an average human cock now; it was a genuine, throbbing, thick horse cock that was plunging into his depths. Combined with the already potent thrusts that the guy was capable of as a human, it didn't take long for David to blow his load.

As he came, hard, his cum sped up the transformation in the human. What was already lightly fuzzy became a full coat of horse hair, and David had to fight to keep from giggling as he felt the horse tail pop out from above his customer's ass, swishing between his legs. The sheer bulk of the man above him expanded, the male growing more than a foot in height, and his limbs bulging out with sudden muscle to support his bigger frame.


"Don't look."

"But -"

"Don't look. Just fuck me."

David grinned, leaning up and kissing his customer. It seemed to be sufficient distraction, and they continued, humping back and forth, the horse taking him hard and the otter pushing back against him.

They continued for almost an hour, and by the time his customer had come down from his second orgasm, David's ass was as well stretched as it had ever been. He looked up towards the ropes, and his new friend responded to the silent request, untying him. With the freedom to finally move his arms, the otter reached up and hugged the horse.

When they were done with that, they walked towards the shower. David got it running, and then helped the new horse with his hooves, getting into the water.

"So, how do you feel?"

"Uh, kind of confused. Kind of wondering what just happened."

"Uh, you stuck that -" He pointed to the monster cock hanging between the horse's legs. "- in here -" He pointed to his gaping hole. "- and pounded me. Hard."

The stallion blushed, shaking his head as David pulled out a special comb, brushing out the horse's mane and tail. He'd had some experience with them, and knew they needed special treatment in the shower.

"I did I get like this?"

"Like a stud? You were always a stud."

"I mean like a real horse."

"Oh, that. I have no idea how that works, just that it is magic and sex together."

"That's it?"

"Eh, maybe Rannoi can explain it to you."

"The hotel owner?"

"Sure, why not?"

He was much more than that, but the horse would find that out soon enough. For now, it was nice to just clean and cuddle.

The End

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