Bondage Stream Story 4: A New Incubator

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Sigma, Sigma, you do so love your driders, don't you? Come see Kaz in the clutches of one.

A New Incubator for Sigma by Draconicon

Kaz was like most skunks in a lot of ways: a little cranky, a little territorial, and a whole lot of interest in being left alone most of the time. He had a few friends, but he tended to visit them one at a time, and then not all that often.

Perhaps he should have visited Desi a little more often. After all, getting caught in a web and then tied up wasn't exactly what he considered an ideal visit, and it sure as hell kept him from leaving when he wanted to. The drider was ridiculously good at making webs, and he felt like he was going to be stuck here a while.

"Glad you finally came to visit, skunk butt."

He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he glanced up at Desi on the branch above him.

"Yeah, well, it's been a while. Did you have to do this, though?"

He gestured towards the silk that had his legs completely wrapped up. There was no way that he could break them out of the silk without some help, not to mention the way that it was going to stick to his tail for weeks. The last time they'd done this, he'd ended up having to shave a good bit of his tail fur off. He really wasn't looking forward to that again.

Desi, on the other hand, seemed completely content. The drider's face was just lit up with a happy grin, and as she leaned on a branch, her breasts supported on her arms, he could see that she really was happy.

Of course, it was a little bit strange to look at her upper body, and then at her lower one. The many legs of a spider were quite disorienting after seeing the upper body of a lovely lady, and he tended not to linger on that part of her body for long.

Looking for some way to break the tension, he said the first thing he could think of.

"So, how are the eggs treating you?"

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked about them."

She scittered across the branch before dropping down onto the web-hammock he was laying on. It swayed back and forth enough to leave him nervous, but never actually tilted over. She straddled him, four of her legs on one side, four on the other.

Looking up from below, he could see the bulge of her eggs in her lower half. It had the back of her swelled up quite a bit, more than usual. At first, the skunk had just thought she was carrying more silk than usual, or had enjoyed a large hunt. But there was no doubt about it; those were eggs, and a lot of them.

"Heh, they're nice and big, aren't they Kaz?" Desi reached back and rubbed her bulbous behind. "They're going to be a nice, big birthing. It's getting pretty heavy, though, and they're not all grown."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean all the eggs are in there, but they're still getting bigger. Heh, go ahead, feel."

Normally he avoided feeling around her down there, but there were times when it couldn't be avoided. Dragging his hand along her silky underbelly, Kaz was a little surprised to feel the individual bumps of her eggs so easily. With her harder lower body, it was usually harder to feel anything inside her. Certainly harder than it was with another anthro.

But the shocking part was when he felt one churning and swelling below his fingers. The skunk pressed a bit harder against the swollen part, and almost jumped as he felt it grow by nearly an inch below his fingers.

"They're...are you saying they all do that?"

"Oh yeah. They're gonna grow at least twice as big as they are now."

"Can you even carry that much?"


She blushed, looking away.

"Um, probably not. I'm already so full, and it's getting harder and harder to get around. In a day or two, I'm going to be so bloated that I won't even be able to get on my webs."


He sat up, as much as the web would let him.

"But you'll starve if you can't."

"Well, I was going to try and find help -"

"Don't try. I'm here, let me help."

Desi blinked, looking back at him. Her eyes glimmered, and he couldn't bring himself to look away. They looked too hopeful to dash.

"I'm serious here. I'll help you as much as I can."

"Kaz....thank you."

She leaned forward, hugging him.

"We'll get started right now."

"Great. How can I help?"

"Just hold still."

"Wha- OW!"

Kaz grunted as the drider bit him on the neck. He pulled his hand back, clapping it over the bite mark as she pulled back. His neck felt hot, and the feeling was rapidly spreading down through his body.

"What...what was that?"

"Well, you wanted to help, so I have to change you so you can hold some of the eggs."


He tried to speak up, but her bite was already working. He coughed, leaning back as he had to focus just on breathing. It was hard, too, particularly with the world around him starting to swim.

The heat suddenly flared up in his chest, and he arched his back from it. The skunk pressed his hands over his torso, rubbing it, trying to do something, anything. It felt like he could push the pain away, but he couldn't. All he could do was try and relieve it, rubbing it as it seemed to build higher and higher.

But it was more than that. His chest was so constricted, getting so tight that he could barely breathe.


The drider grabbed him by the chest and pulled. Her sudden yank ripped his shirt, and to his amazement, the constriction lessened. He gasped, looking down.

The sight of large breasts where a flat chest had once been was surprising enough. Seeing his friend reaching down to his leg bindings to undo them gave him a pretty good idea of what was happening.

"This...this transformation -"


"You're making me...a girl?"

"Duh! How else are you going to carry the eggs?"

He groaned as she yanked his pants off of him, the motion briefly freeing his legs before they hit the web hammock again. No matter how he moved, he was stuck, and if he pulled too hard, he could be flipped over entirely.

As his breasts settled heavily on his chest, he looked past them to watch as his cock started to disappear too. It wasn't as quick as the breasts popping in had been, so he could feel every bit of it sliding away. Kaz groaned, squirming back and forth as it felt like the heat was eating away at his cock, reducing it further and further until there was nothing left but the very tip. Even that seemed to disappear, swallowed up by some bit of flesh and hidden beneath a hood between his legs.

It wasn't until the new opening appeared down there that he started to calm down. Maybe it was because there was a different, far more pleasant kind of heat with its appearance, or maybe he was just accepting things. Either way, he was feeling better.

Naked, Kaz looked up at Desi again. She looked a bit nervous, despite her earlier confidence.

"You're not, um, mad are you? I mean, you did say you wanted to help, and I knew this was the only way, and -"

"Don't worry."

It was so strange to hear his voice sound higher than he had to stop for a second. He really was a she now. It wasn't at all how she'd planned for her day to go.

"Don't worry. I'm not angry about it. I'm just a little surprised,, I guess a little bit curious."


"Yeah. 'Curious'."

She nodded down towards her crotch, and Desi giggled.

"Oh, I seeeee. Curious."

"So, do I get those eggs in me?"

"Well, I have something for that. It's gonna be a bit like sex."

"How do you do that, anyway?"

"With, uh, this."

Desi lifted her body, and Kaz looked a bit further down. From near the back of her body, she saw something phallic extending. When it started curling and moving in a way that most penii couldn't, she knew it wasn't the same thing, but it was hard to think of it as anything else. Shaking her head in surprise, Kaz looked back up.

"So, uh, that goes in -"


"And then and out..."


"Well...let's give it a shot."

Kaz lifted her hips as much as her bindings allowed, and Desi slid down over her. As that strange extension touched her pussy - which Kaz just noticed was a little more chitinous in appearance - and slid in, the skunk moaned. She rolled her eyes back as the bulbous thing filled her, taking her to a different sort of pleasure that she'd never known as a male.

"Oooh, that's good..."

"Heh, ready to be an incubator to help me out?"

"Oh yeah...gimme all those eggs..."

The thought was so good that, as she said it, her pussy clenched hard. Kaz arched her back, pushing back harder for more of that thing. She wanted it, needed it, and wouldn't stop until she was full.

Looks like I'll be sticking around for a while...

The End

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