Bondage Stream Story 2: The Statue Auction

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, Blaze is back, and just as slutty as ever.

The Statue Auction for Blaze by Draconicon

Sometimes, I love that otter's imagination.

Blaze would have chuckled if her mouth wasn't held open by a hollow gag, her muzzle left to drool a bit onto herself if she stopped paying attention. Her arms were tied under her chest, her hands upturned to cup her breasts, while her legs were crossed as if in a meditative pose. It would have worked, if her legs weren't tied together above and below the knee, calf to thigh, and her heels pressed against the rope digging into her pussy.

The wolf was just one of a number of suspended, rope-clad 'statues' that hung from her master's ceiling. Idesin, the high profile otter lawyer of Paw City, had set her and the others up as auction pieces, to be used and then bid on for a charity event.

Of course, said 'charity' went both ways. She looked down at the sheet next to her donation jar. It only had three names on it, but the highest bidder so far was a bull that had emptied a large load down her throat only a few minutes ago. He had been fairly well endowed, but the overly 'round' nature of the beast had left her hoping that someone a bit better looking would beat his donation.

Admittedly, there was only so much she could hope for. Unlike the pink poodle with his tail tied over his back or the dark scaled dragoness dangling upside-down with her legs spread, neither her ass or her pussy were up for grabs. With so many other holes available, it was a bit harder to get the attention of prospective bidders.

Of course, Blaze doubted that anyone walked away unsatisfied with her performance, but it was getting the chance to perform that stopped her more than anything else.

The wolf swallowed to keep from drooling on her chest again, looking back and forth slightly to see who she might be able to entice. She knew that there were a few people that hadn't made a final bid yet, some that still carried around money. Not many, admittedly - when a party allowed males to go balls deep wherever they wanted or a lady to hike her skirt to get a little service - it didn't take long for people to empty their wallets.

Still, she saw a few. She saw another rotund man, a stallion, that looked like he might have a fair bit to offer, but he'd be a last resort. A lioness with a rich-looking wolf on her arm was a better prospect, certainly. Finally, a snow leopard that was quite familiar also intrigued her, and made her wonder if she might be able to start a bidding war.

Shifting her arms back and forth, Blaze set her body to spinning slightly in the ropes. It was like a rotating view, mostly, but it would at least catch attention. It worked in short order, she saw, as the lioness turned towards her and grabbed hold of her wolf's arm. Blaze smirked. Perfect.

She went through a full rotation before the lioness was back in view, and from her height, she was able to look right up the feline's skirt. No panties, as expected, and barely a thong to keep her covered. Blaze stifled a smile at that. The wolf, on the other hand, was hard to tell, but he did seem to be packing. And reasonably slender, too, which she appreciated.

The lioness sparked the whole thing by plucking the rope over the wolf's pussy. Blaze moaned past her gag at the touch, yelping as it snapped back down against her, almost as hard as a rubber band might have. She arched her back, grinding against the rope as the lioness stuck a finger into her mouth. Instinctively, she started sucking, pulling on it and dragging it towards the back of her throat.

"Studley, this girl is good. Look at her, sucking so quick."

"Well, she is on auction, Sarah. It's not like the otter puts anyone subpar up here."


"Well, not anymore. Let's not go there, though."

The lioness giggled, but Blaze was more focused on the finger, sucking on it and swirling her tongue around it. It wasn't nearly as thick as what she'd really like pushed down her muzzle, but at least it was something.

"Soooo, Studley. Do you mind if I give her a try?"

"Why would I mind?"

"Oh, well, because it is your wallet."

"What, so I'm paying?"

"Come on, hon." The lioness clapped her hand against the wolf's groin, firmly enough for Blaze to grin. "I'll make it up to you later."

"Oh, fine. I can't say no to you."

Both wolves - Studley aloud, Blaze mentally - chuckled as a hundred dollars were dropped into the donation jar. In short order, the lioness's skirt was lifted up, and Blaze had a mouthful of feline pussy to deal with.

The dark was actually appreciated as she dragged her tongue along that damp slit, leaving her focused on the taste and scent. Blaze wasn't as familiar with a woman's parts as she was with a male's - at least, servicing them this way - but it was easy enough to work out. Lick at the clit a lot, shove her tongue inside -

It didn't take long for the lioness to start panting, growling in her own pleasure, and Blaze smiled at the sounds above. Swallowing another mouthful of the feline's juices, she switched up her licking to tongue-fucking, thrusting her thick tongue in and out of the lioness's slit. Each thrust seemed to open her up a bit more, and the wolfess smiled as she tried to push it in deeper and deeper, or at least as far as her gag would let her stick her tongue out.

The feline wasn't just standing there, either. Blaze could feel those soft paws rubbing along her neck, occasionally pricking her flesh when she pushed in too much or too well. It was part of the game, she knew, but every now and then the wolf felt a bit nervous, hoping she was doing well.

She wasn't sure how long she was under the skirt, but she knew when the lioness came. It was a hefty squirt of pussy juice down her throat, and a bit over her face as Sarah dismounted her so quickly. Blaze blinked several times, trying to clear the juices away from her eye, but it didn't seem to work. All it did was leave her fur damp.

Shaking a bit, the lioness grabbed her wolf's arm.

"Oooh yeah, she's a good one."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, dear. Shall we continue?"

"Oh ho ho, not until you put a bid on that one."

"Really? I thought you'd like to shop around a bit more."

"Oh no. No, no, no. This wolf's the real deal. Put a good bid on her."

"Well, I suppose I can spare a few thousand."



"I could say twenty."

"Alright, alright."

Twelve thousand dollars?! That blew the bull's bid out of the water and then some. Even if she didn't start a bidding war, she was assured at least a few good nights with that couple.

Already starting to grin, she almost didn't notice when the snow leopard approached. He was in front of her, his pants almost against her nose, and she could smell his familiarity. The gym hadn't been that long ago, after all. She looked up, meeting his strange, almost jagged looking eyes.

"So, you are selling yourself a different way tonight."

She grunted an affirmative.

"It seems that there is little else to do with a female like you, besides become a whore."

The snow leopard looked around.

"There are quite a few that accomplish things, improve themselves. That lioness, for one. A boon to her industry if ever there was one. And that hippo, there. Perhaps not rich, but happy for all her obscene weight and riff-raff acquaintances.

"But you? You, it seems, were meant for nothing more, and nothing less, than the service of cock and cunt. The fact that you bother doing anything else, that you even learned to speak, astounds me.

"If you will only be useful for one thing, you might as well be the possession of someone that will treat you that way."

The snow leopard reached out, dropping the hundred dollar fee into her jar. As he unzipped himself, Blaze wasn't sure if she was shaking in need, or in fear. The way he struck something in her, and she wasn't sure if it was something she liked or not.

His cock, however, was just as she remembered. Barbed around the tip, it was clean and surprisingly unscented for a male. Despite the various loads she'd already taken, she couldn't smell anything of him. Even when he dropped his pants down to around his balls, she couldn't pick anything up.

As he grabbed her head and thrust down, though, she sure felt his need. He slammed down her throat, refusing to let her use her tongue on him, nor allowing her to take it at her own pace. Instead, he face fucked her, using her as nothing more than a toy. His cock stroked over the roof of her mouth, leaving a film of pre behind, and then down her throat. It was only the fact that she'd been so well trained before that she didn't gag on him, and even then, it was hard to take.

He shoved himself in up to the hilt, dragging her nose against his sac. She grunted, the heavy orbs making it harder to breathe than ever as his groin blocked off her mouth, and his balls blocked off her nose. Air was impossible to get, and she twitched slightly as her lungs started to empty.

"Do you feel that, little whore? That soft, slow drain of your lungs emptying? It is an inevitable end, you know. One cock too many. One person too slow to pull off. One eager person that wants too much. That is all it will take, one day.

"Not that you will ever mind. You've given up your body to be used by anyone around you. This, little wolf, is the cost."

She squirmed in her bonds, her hands clutching her breasts as they tried to reach for him, trying to grab at his body. Blaze didn't know for what, she hoped to push him off, but she didn't know for sure. His body robbed her of air, her lungs feeling like they were empty. Her eyes rolled up, her throat spasming -

And then he pulled out.

She coughed and gagged as he aimed his shaft down the hole in her gag, letting his spurts of seed fall over her tongue. She swallowed, trying and failing to hold back her relief to breathe again. The snow leopard pulled his pants back up, closing them up.

"You've given up your body. I might as well pick it up."

Others had dropped little bundles of cash into the jar. Others had dropped checks with smaller amounts written on it. As the snow leopard walked away, she saw him place a second jar filled past the line on hers.

She knew who her buyer was going to be. And she looked forward to it. Mostly.

The End

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