Bondage Stream Story 1: Tomcats on the Prowl

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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The first of the bondage streaming stories was grabbed by the now-familiar Rayo, who expands his universe yet again with a new addition to the were-cause.

Tomcats on the Prowl for Rayo by Draconicon

Every Redhood was trained to be on the lookout during a full moon. No matter their patrols and their work at rooting out the weres from society, there was always the risk that one had been missed. Most remained at home during those bright nights, using their walls as shelter and protection against their enemies.

Others, like Corin, had the unenviable duty of patrolling their local areas. Usually done in groups, Corin also bore the misfortune of having to deal with a solo patrol. As his partner had been taken down by a quick werecat last month, he had yet to be assigned another. Duty could not be denied, however, and so he walked the edges of the village, sword drawn.

He almost wished one of the monsters would find him. The thought of getting a little revenge for her...well, it was an intoxicating thought.

Stopping at the river on the eastern edge of the village, Corin glanced towards the darkness past the fires on the village walls. He squinted, looking for any sign of the enemy, but he knew he was unlikely to find anything. The torchlight from behind would give him little to work with, drowning out whatever the darkness didn't outright conceal.

Hide in the darkness then. I have the light, and that's all I require.

He turned away, walking along the path back to the village walls. As much as they needed him, Corin knew that they would shut the gate and lock it rather than leave it open for long. The wilds had other dangers besides the weres.

Halfway back up the dirt path, the Redhood paused at the sound of a cracking branch. A second had his sword out of his scabbard, whipping around and glancing side to side.

"Show yourself."

He was ready for a bandit, or perhaps a wild animal. Neither would have surprised him, and both would have been clumsy enough to explain the sound.

He was not ready for the soft purr that filled his ears.

Eyes widening, Corin spun around again, only to be caught by a branch in his face. It cracked in two across his forehead, the pain of impact sending him stumbling backwards. Another branch, and another - little more than twigs individually but thrown with pinpoint accuracy - slammed against his face, driving him backwards and keeping him from opening his eyes for fear of being blinded.

In seconds, he was pinned against a tree. The twigs stopped, and he raised his sword.

"Show yourselves, monsters. I'm ready for you."

"Mmmmm, little human with the little sword. Are you ready? Are you really?"

"Rrrrreally, I doubt you are, little human. Just like that girrrrl, you think you are greater than you are."

Corin's hands clenched on the hilt of his sword at that. If they knew what happened to her, then they were the ones responsible. What little thought he'd spared for taking them for interrogation evaporated.

"You have signed your death warrant."

"I don't think we have. Do you recall a pen, a quill, a paper, Nyctophile?"

"I don't, Tachipe. Rrrrr. I don't."

Despite the voices coming from in front of him, Corin could see nothing. No eyes, no bodies, no silhouettes. The monstrous creatures must have learned a new trick, because nothing told him where they were.

Movement out of the corner of his eye saved him. He brought his sword down, chopping off a branch of the tree. It struck the ground, twitching before falling still, but it was only the first. From both sides, branches and twigs suddenly grew, as if the tree was aging a hundred years in the space of a second. His sword flashed in the torchlight, flicking from one side to the other.

"He is quick. Almost a cat already, isn't he?"

"Trrrruly, a waste on the Redhoods."

Their mocking words spurred him to move faster, but the branches were too numerous to chop away entirely. Every one cut off brought three more behind it, and soon he couldn't keep up. Wooden limbs pressed against his leather armor, sliding beneath it before ripping it away. It should have held against any sort of tugging, but the tree had become supernaturally strong.

Piece by piece his armor was removed, thrown in shreds to the ground. As he lost its protection, the branches took a new tack. On the next swing, rather than pulling back at his strike, they pushed on. Thick limbs moved like vines rather than branches, wrapping around his wrist. His other hand was likewise imprisoned, and the tree lifted him from the ground, his arms behind his back.

Corin wrenched his body from side to side, but the branches continued their inexorable movement. Twisting and turning like ropes over his torso, they bound his arms at the sides, and extended the new bindings at his wrists over his shoulders, so he couldn't pull them around. A net of the branch rope went around his head, tugging it back and then tying itself around his back.

Further down, the longest branches did the same as they had to his armor, ripping apart his leggings and leaving him further exposed. The slight covering of his loincloth was soon pulled away as well, exposing him to his attackers.

"Well, well, well. It has been some time since I've seen a naked human male, but aren't they larger than that?"

"Rrrr. I doubt it, Tachipe. They've little more than woman down therrrrre."

The comment left him glaring, particularly as the sources of the voices finally stepped forward. Though, he supposed, it was more accurate that they finally revealed themselves, as they seemed to appear rather than come out of hiding. One moment they weren't there, and the next they were.

To his surprise, they weren't panthers, or larger cats that he'd heard of further west, rumors from overseas. Nor were they the large maned, golden felines from the south. Instead, they looked little different from the housecats that were kept around the monastery near the center of the village, soft furred and gentle faced.

Then again, most of them didn't walk around with something to actually cover. Their scant clothing barely slid over the tips of large sheaths, and he suddenly understood their comment about human males.

Nevertheless, he tried to show some pride as they approached, keeping his head up and his gaze defiant. He hoped.

"Let me go, or kill me. I'll give you nothing."

"Human, you don't have a choice." The smaller and more eloquent feline chuckled. "When did your kind ever think you had a choice?"

"When we were strong enough to survive against your kind!"

"When that happens, be sure to tell me. Nyctophile, would you care to do the honors?"

"Yes. Rrrr. A month of waiting."

"Waiting?" Corin leaned his head back in a vain attempt to get away from the approaching large cat. "Waiting for what?"

"Oh, something quite enjoyable, for us. After losing our prey last month, we had little to enjoy. Tonight, we'll might you put it? Making up for lost time."

Nyctophile bit down, hard, on Corin's arm. The bite itself wasn't so painful, but the heat that followed it was. Corin screamed at the top of his lungs, his heart racing as the burning fire of the were-bite spread through his veins.

"Seal the town! Seal it!"

It was all he could shout before it became too much, but he hoped it was enough. The town had to survive, and if they could keep it sealed until the next Redhood came, these creatures would be locked out as well as him. It was their only hope.

The burning feeling of his new coat of fur growing in was bad enough, but there was something else beneath it. A tingle of a different sort of power, and Corin was smart enough to recognize it was guiding the transformation. He'd seen others shift before, and it was never so slow as his was, never so localized.

And it was clear what their interest was. Sweating in his wooden bonds, Corin watched as the fur sprouting from his chest was pushed further out. Not by longer, shaggier lengths, but by fleshy lumps that grew out with it.


"Rrrr. must ask?"

"But werecats -"

"-are more powerful than you know, little man. Or should I say, little kitten?"

It swept over his body, the fur remaining close to his chest and sprouting from his hips rather than jutting out all over. The other feline - Tachipe - seemed to be the one responsible, his hands moving in strange gestures as the fur bulged outwards, his hips growing wider and his buttocks doing the same. Corin shivered as the fur spread further down, surrounding his manhood.


"Yes. That. It will be useless in a moment, so it might as well go."

The words were accompanied by a dismissing sort of gesture, and Corin hissed - in a distinctly non-human way - as his shaft suddenly slipped away. It felt like it had inverted, pulling inside of him and creating a new channel. As he strained to look down, he could see nothing past his breasts, but the feeling of emptiness between his thighs told him all he needed to know.

It didn't help when Nyctophile groped him down there, rubbing along his sex - her sex - and purring to himself.

The transformation suddenly seemed to let loose, spreading across the rest of her body in rapid fashion. Corin yowled to the sky as her teeth changed, becoming narrower and pointed as her face grew a muzzle. Her ears moved up the side of her head, and the wood ropes adjusted to allow her new tail to slide free.

A gesture from Tachipe cut the 'ropes' above her head, the transforming Redhood falling to the ground. Her legs, becoming far more slender and with pointed paws rather than feet, were suddenly pulled up, her ankles tied by the wooden ropes together behind her head.

"You seem to have taken to the transformation quite well, little kitten."

"You are...rrrrready to be bred."

"You..." Corin coughed, the higher voice torturous to hear. "You can't..."

"If you hadn't stopped us last month, this need not have happened."

"But you are monsters."


Tachipe leaned down, stroking a claw down Corin - now Corinne, one supposed - and parting the fur with it. The finger finally ended at her pussy, wiggling in and forcing an unwanted moan from her lips.

"We are superior. And you'll help us make more. Nyctophile?"

The two of them sandwiched her between them, and as their cocks slid in, Corinne yowled to the heavens, wishing more than anything else that she sounded like something other than a she-cat in heat.

The End

Bondage Stream Story 2: The Statue Auction

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