Bondage Stream Story 6: Protein Fuel

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Well, looks like we have a little alien abduction on our hands.

Protein Fuel for Donkiba By Draconicon

Daniel had never believed in aliens. All the history shows aside, it had seemed impossible that they could have been out there for so long and never come to Earth. Why would anything stay away for so long when human beings were the only thing of interest in the entire solar system?

Now that he was meeting them, he kind of wished they'd stayed away. Being pulled away from Earth felt like he was falling into space, and the feeling really wasn't a good one. He groaned as he spun around, looking down towards the planet, and then back up towards the ship. The former was comforting, if heartwrenching at the same time. The latter, however, was almost disturbing.

Floating just outside of the normal atmosphere of the planet, the ship looked like something...unnatural. Yes, it looked living, almost, and the way it moved resembled the swimming patterns of the killer whales he'd seen, but it still seemed strange. Everything he'd seen in sci-fi had been made of straight lines or well designed domes. It hadn't looked like a great sea creature swimming through space.

He was drawn up towards one of the walls. Half expecting a hatch to open, he was surprised when he instead thudded into the craft. It rippled on contact, and he found himself sticking to it. As it continued to ripple around him, the sensation became rather comfortable, lulling away some of his worries.

Of course, they came roaring back when the wall of the ship started opening and sucking him in. It was like being drawn through mud and jello, or at least, he imagined it was. It was slow, dragging him through a thick, giving sort of substance, the process managing to both squeeze and massage him the whole way through. He could barely breathe, and had to hold his breath due to the constricting feeling of the walls.

Thankfully, he passed through it all in less than a minute. Collapsing to his hands and knees, he'd barely gotten two breaths in before he was lifted to his feet. The hands on his arms didn't even feel human, and as he looked up, he saw why.

Standing at each side of him were a pair of humanized orcas. While they were black and white skinned, and most definitely able to walk on two legs, they were also most definitely not human. They were thick and chunky, their bodies blubbery and shaking with each move they made, and their flesh was almost as slick as the slime that seemed to coat their vessel. Just standing up, the barefooted human could feel it underfoot, the ground giving beneath him.

He was held in place as one of them fitted a device to his ear. It stung as it zapped his flesh.

"What was that for?"

"So you understand us."

The voice was thick, chirpy, and deep all at the same time, sounding discordant and wrong. But it was understandable.

"What -"

"There are three things you need to understand. And that's all you need that for, so shut up and listen."

Recognizing a threat when he heard it, Daniel shut up.

"Good. One, you've been taken from your planet by something nobody will ever detect. As far as everyone there is concerned, you're gone and you're never coming back.

"Two. There is nothing here that will help you. Everybody that isn't one of us is located in a cell in the ship, and you can't speak to them without one of us to help you. And we won't.

"Three. You are here as fuel, and that is all you ever will be. So get used to that now, and maybe you'll start to like it."

The bits of information hit him like punches. No, more like bullets, because they were so final. Daniel sagged in the arms of the two creatures holding him, lowering his head as the speaker reached for his ear. The feeling of the device coming out was no better than it sliding in, but at least he didn't have to hear the weird sound anymore.

He remained sagged over in their arms as they started carrying him down the ship halls. It was almost nauseating to be carried, though, as everything seemed to tremble around them. The walls, floor, ceiling; everything seemed to have that wobbly feeling as the outside of the ship, making it quiver at the slightest touch. With everything but him moving, it left him feeling very sick to his stomach.

The aliens weren't very nice about the way that they handled him, either. The few times that they had to stop, the aliens looked down at him with the cruelest of expressions, smirking at each other before slamming their bodies together. They were soft at first, yes, but underneath all that blubber was a hell of a lot of hard muscle. Daniel groaned every time that they did it, feeling his arms and legs get bruised from it all.

Soon, they reached a far hall of the ship. Though the walls were seemingly solid, Daniel could hear the sounds of moans. He looked back and forth, perking up as they sounded almost human. Not quite, but close.

He didn't see anything. Where was the sound coming from?

The aliens stopped their march at one seemingly blank wall. However, as one stroked its hand down the wall, the blubbery material came apart, revealing a small horizontal cell.

Daniel didn't have time to think. The aliens grabbed his clothing and ripped it off, and with little more than a heave-ho, threw him into the cell. He slid along the fat, quivering floor, but no sooner had he hit the end than the wall slid down, trapping him inside.

The ceiling was so low that he didn't have the chance to turn around, his face almost glued to the 'floor' of the pod. He shook his head, pushing his hands against the floor. It quivered, even gave just a bit under his touch, but refused to actually do anything. He wiggled back towards the cell wall, kicking at it, but he had about the same amount of luck getting it to budge as he did the floor.

"What is going on? How am I supposed to be fuel?"

He punched the floor again - as best he could with the limited space he had - and slumped down. He was going to die in here, he would just bet. They'd let him die, and then use him as food.

He hadn't had time to think about that much before the various surfaces started swelling. Daniel noticed it as it got a bit harder to breath, and then went wide eyed as he realized the floor, ceiling, and walls were pushing in on him. He flailed about, pushing his arms out to try and stop it, but they were inexorable in their approach. In short order, his arms were pinned to his sides, and his chest and back were being pushed down on by gentle, but firm, blubbery fat walls.

Then it started pushing him from below. His head had free space, but his feet did not. It gradually started moving him up, scraping his cock across the floor. It stung at first, despite the smoothness, but then he started feeling a bit aroused.

"You stupid...why now?"

He grumbled, unable to even touch himself, not that he'd want to right now anyway. But he wished he didn't have the distraction.

It wasn't so easy to deal with it as the blubbery walls kept pushing him this way and that, trying to get him into a position that they wanted. Every shift in position came with a slimy yet pleasurable rub down there, and Daniel found himself getting more and more erect, despite his thoughts on the matter.

As it continued, he realized that the tip of his shaft was getting bumped against something. It wasn't so big, maybe about the size of a donut built into the floor. Every time his cock came near the rim of it, it felt like he was approaching something important. He wasn't sure what, but it seemed to be what the aliens wanted him to do.

Much as he didn't want to do what would help them, he also didn't want to be bumped around like this for longer than he had to. So, with a small grunt, he pulled back with his hips as much as he could on the next slide.

As he slid in, his eyes went wide, and he moaned before thinking about it. It was so soft and almost wet inside, and the tight passage clasped at his cock in a way that the quivering surfaces around him most definitely didn't. Daniel's hips moved on their own, trying to thrust despite the pinning pressure of the walls around him. He groaned, closing his eyes as he tried to ignore the pleasant sensations, not sure if he could trust them.

Though it was a futile effort, as the hole suddenly clamped down harder on his cock. The hole had that same slime that he'd felt everywhere else, but this time it felt like something wet and warm, rather than something oppressive. More than that, it vibrated, and the pressure of that against his already hard cock brought him to a very quick orgasm.

Daniel moaned as his cock blew its load, squirting it deep into this strange hole in the floor. It felt so much like a sex toy, but he had no idea why it was there. This couldn't have been the fuel that the ship wanted, could it? It was too stupid, it couldn't be.

No sooner had his cock stopped squirting than the hole started rubbing him again. Daniel whimpered, his oversensitive cock throbbing as it was forcibly stimulated once more, his hands grabbing fistfuls of the squishy material around him as it pleasured him through his oversensitivity. Normally it hurt if someone touched it at that point, but instead...instead, it felt better than ever, and it confused him.

"What...this isn't right...what's going on?!"

The ship had no pity for him. Instead, it seemed to go harder, the hole collapsing against his cock and stroking it, sliding up and down against him, up and down as it collected more of what he had. The walls pushed at him, somehow pushing him towards the small hole, forcing more of his cock in until it was in up to the hilt. The rest of the blubber walls pressed in, sealing him in place. Over his arms, legs, hands, feet, even over his face, with nothing connected to the outside except a tiny tunnel under his nose, and the hole over his cock.

It was like a cock ring, he realized. It kept him trapped, kept him hard, and kept him vulnerable against the constant stimulation coming from the other side. It slurped and sucked on his cock like the most eager slut in the loudest porn he'd ever seen on the internet, and unlike any of his fantasies, he was terrified. Oh, it felt good, too, but he was terrified of how relentless the thing was.

He wanted to call it a machine, because it was as relentless as one, but it felt too lifelike for him to call it that. It throbbed, slurped, and squeezed like only something living could, and despite it making his cock swell, it didn't feel like a mindless machine doing it.

Nor did it feel like he was shooting his second load into something that was just collecting his seed. It was more like he was giving it into a mouth. A strange, ever-sucking, ever stroking mouth that would never let up.

Despite himself, Daniel felt himself moaning again. It sounded like the others he was hearing in the hallway, and he suddenly worried. How many more people were in cells like he was? How many people were feeding the ship with their juices? And how long had they been trapped there, just like he was?

He didn't know the answer, and as he was tugged towards his third orgasm, he felt like soon he wouldn't care.

The End

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