Exhibitionism Stream Story 2: The Suite Ass Club

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Looks like someone got kidnapped. Well, that never goes well.

The Suite Ass Club for Kiki by Draconicon

Waking up tied down wasn't a pleasant thing, but it was something Club was a little used to. She had enough weird lovers that were into that kind of shit that she knew to be calm and collected when she opened her eyes, and not freak the fuck out. Of course, that experience was somewhat less useful when she was tied down and hooked up to an IV, with her head strapped back and pointed towards a video monitor.

"Hey! Assholes! Where the fuck am I?!"

She yanked at her restraints, but the green and black furred vixen couldn't pull free of the arm restraints, let alone the ones under her breasts and above her waist. Fuckers had left her naked, too; her hands clenched, her fur bristling.

"Hey! Hey! Anybody out there? I'm talking here, you asshats! Get in here, I want an explanation."

There was no response. Even in her infuriated mind, she knew that wasn't good. Club growled, looking out of the corner of her eye at the medical bag attached to her IV. It wasn't dripping yet, but it sure as hell looked ready to. Someone had gone through all the trouble of setting her up, and hadn't hung around? Why?


Her eyes flicked back to the television. On screen was someone that immediately set her teeth on edge. Hell, she was sure even her more 'polite' sisters would have glared at that idiot.

"Terrence Lorehall."

"Club, Club. So good to see you awake. Or at least, I assume you're awake -"

"Of course I'm awake, numbskull!"

"-this is a recording, after all."


She glared at the horse on the screen. She was taken away from her family by the patriarch of their rival gang, and he didn't even show his fucking face? What was she, some sort of whore he could use and throw away?

The thought left her chilled. She could tell she hadn't been taken - at least, assuming the guy was as big as the average horse - but the thought still left her pissed. The thought of any man touching her, using her...Hell, she almost wished they'd try, just so she could have an excuse to bite their dicks off.

"Anyway, by now you've noticed the needle in your arm and the liquid above you. It's a fairly new chemical my boys have gotten their hands on, and I think it'll open brand new worlds for you."

"What, like LSD or something? No thanks." Club blinked. "Stupid, he's not here..."

"And I don't mean like hallucinations. Oh ho, no, that wouldn't be a useful thing for a bitch like you. No, I've got something much better in mind. I think you're about to find your life heating up."

Bad line, asshole, bad line.

She went back to tugging at her restraints as the horse faded from the screen, but she'd barely wriggled her arm around before the screen flashed brighter. A swirling circle in the center caught her attention, and even she realized what that meant.

"Oh, hell no. Hey! HEY! Someone get me the hell out of this thing!"

The vixen threw herself back and forth, hoping to knock the chair over, but it was fixed to the floor. The damn stallion had thought of everything. As the circle kept spinning, she did her best to look away, but it was on such a large screen, and there was only so far away that her eyes were able to look without her being able to turn her head. She tried to close them, but the straps around her head were too tight for them to do that.

She heard another click, and realized that the IV had started. Club looked over, watching as the fluid started running down the tube. It was a clear one - no surprise - but it seemed to sparkle with more menace than she liked. The vixen gritted her teeth, tensing her arm, but nothing could stop its inexorable approach.

When it slid inside her, she felt it. It stung, at first, but it brought along its own strange mellowness as well. It left her arm throbbing, pulsing. It wasn't sore, really, but more...floaty? And warm. Very warm. It spread quickly, and she felt it running through her head like a soft blanket on the squirming child that was her rage.

The more that flowed into her, the worse it got. Club didn't want to be held down, didn't want to be mollified. She wanted to scream, shout, and break things. She wanted to hurt whoever did this, but that strange throbbing made it so hard to want to do that. It took so much energy to keep fighting it, so much work to keep struggling, that she started feeling so tired, so quickly.

Her eyes lowered, and locked on the screen. The spiral kept spinning, and as it turned, she felt the warmth spread to her lower body. The floaty feeling continued, but there was some more heat following. It seemed to settle between her legs, and with them spread apart by her bindings, Club felt her pussy start to drool. The last time she'd felt so wet, she'd had a cute dolphin girl between her legs, eating her out. Even without being touched, she felt like she was getting close to that level of pleasure just from the drug.

She smiled before she realized she'd done it, but growled as she felt her lips rising up.

"N-no...not gonna...fall for it..."

It must have been hours later when the door opened. Club sat in a puddle of her own juices, her ass and thighs soaked in them, and she could barely think. Her mind felt like it was a bowl of porridge, sludgy and slow and warm. She barely managed to turn her eyes from the television to the horses as they walked in.

She managed a kitten-ish growl as one of the stallions touched her between her legs, but couldn't stop it from turning into a moan as he slid it further in. Her toes scraped against the floor as he slid his finger in as far as it would go.


"Heh, there's no getting away now, bitch."


"Heh, you, kill us? Nah. Fuck us, maybe, but that'll wait." The biggest of the three horses nodded to the other two. "Kit her out, boys."

The two horses undid her restraints bit by bit. At times, she was loose enough that she could have lashed out, and she tried. By gods, she tried, but it was so hard to move. She barely managed to flop her arm out the time she tried to punch them, and then it was too tired to move again.

The horses laughed at her, unhooking the IV from her and withdrawing the needle from her arm. They put a clear bandage over it, so that it wasn't visible on her fur, and one of them squeezed her thighs.

"Heh, so that's why they call you Club, huh? Those marks? Do your sisters have the same ones?"

"Of course they do, doofus." One of the other horses smacked him. "That's why they are the Suit sisters."

"Hey, don't blame me. I didn't know what they looked like under their clothes."

"Try getting a few magazines. The papparazzi love 'em."

Three more...on the kill...list. Even her thoughts were slower, far slower than she liked. She had to force herself to turn her head when it was finally unstrapped, and the effort was more than she could take, her head falling down until her chin touched her chest.

"Looks like she's gonna need some time to get off the drug. Get the visor on her."

"But what about that performance?"

"We'll just use the ropes tonight. She'll be broken and doing this herself before long."

Fat chance...you fucks...

The first horse put something on her head. As he slid it into place, Club vaguely recognized it as something she'd seen with some guys that wouldn't do what they were told. Some sort of control or something. She smirked. Well, it wasn't going to get -

A whirl of color took over the viewscreen, pulsing and collapsing into a central point, drawing her eyes to it. The vixen stared at it, feeling her mind drawn in as much as her attention was, and it was like being hit with the tv spiral all over again.

They carried her out of the room as she tried and failed to keep her eyes closed. Instead of straps this time, it shocked her, zapping her eyes open every time that she tried to look away. It hurt enough to wake her up a little, but not enough to let her fight.

Worse, the longer she looked at it, the more her pussy drooled. She just managed to keep herself from grinding against her captor's back, but it was a close thing, and she could feel her pussy drooling all over his back. His lewd comments on the matter left her wanting to bite his ear off, but she couldn't even get the energy up to talk.

They walked through several hallways before they reached a back room. She was dropped on the floor like a rag doll, only to have her limbs pulled in one direction and another. Metal bands were wrapped around her ankles and wrists, and above her knees and elbows.

"I know they wanted a stripper tonight, but they'll have to settle for a puppet. Alright, put her out."

They stepped back, and suddenly a new source of light hit her. It took a moment to see through her visor, but Club saw an entire...well, club past the parting curtains. The ropes attached to her elbows and wrists were pulled, and she was dragged onto her feet. Sort of, anyway; she wasn't actually standing, and she could feel the strain in her limbs as they were supporting her full body weight.

The rope manipulator tugged her out onto the stage. Club fought it as best she could, but with the visor assaulting her mind and her body still in the throes of the drug's effects, she was too weak. It didn't help that her pussy was gushing like a fountain, begging to be touched, and even walking seemed to stimulate her more than usual.

She saw her fate as she was marched down the stage, moving closer and closer to the crime family that had kidnapped her. Terrance sat there with his sons, all three horses watching her 'saunter' forward with their cocks out. She could smell their disgusting scent from mid-stage, and she squirmed. All that accomplished was swaying her hips, and she heard them laugh at her.

"Come to us, Club. We'll make you cum for us."

_No...I won't...no...No!

Her body kept moving, swaying for the horses and the rest of their employees. She felt the eyes of dozens of males on her, a sensation she found almost as disgusting as the idea of having them between her legs. The ropes tugged her along, her toes barely touching the ground, as she got closer and closer._

The ropes carried her off of the stage, others being tugged upwards so her legs spread. Terrence stood up, and Club bared her teeth as he stepped forward. His shaft rubbed against her, sending goosebumps of terror down her spine.

"You're mine, girl. Just like your sisters will soon be."

NO! The mental scream spiraled off into the abyss as he slammed in, her body quaking as it came as soon as he slid in. Her first cock, ever, and from the looks of everyone around her, far from her last. Her resistance crumbled as he slammed into her, shaking her back and forth like the doll she'd become, and her pussy drooled helplessly as he used her.

She was lost. And soon, she didn't care.

The End

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