Prison Stream Story 3: Cock-Sleeved Convicts

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another fun creative idea from Sanmer, we have Sanmer's Dragon Prison and Rehabilitation Center. Not sure how much rehab goes on here, but it's a definitely different sort of prison.

Cock-Sleeved Convicts for Sanmer by Draconicon

Roluth took a deep breath before stepping off the bus and into the prison yard. He looked back, wondering if any of the other dragons on board were getting off, but it seemed that they were bound for another penitentiary. He shook his head. Shame. He would have liked the company.

The red dragon turned his head towards the prison. He knew of the place by reputation, but he never thought he'd see it.

"Sanmer's Dragon Prison and Rehabilitation Center. Talk about a mouthful."

Shouldering his bag, he walked forward along the gravel pathway. The two wings of the prison loomed large on his left and right, and thick stone walls surrounded the place. The metal gate - where the bus had come through - creaked shut behind him, slamming together loud enough for him to hear on the opposite side of the grounds.

Looking to his left, he paused at the front door to see a number of dragons on the grounds. It wasn't surprising to see them out, really. It was, however, surprising to see them nude.

Roluth raised an eyeridge at the crazy looking dragons out there. They were rampantly screaming, trying to stroke themselves and failing. Some of them saw him and rushed the fence. He jumped back, one hand on the door as they stuck their cocks through the holes in the fence, screaming incoherently at him. More than a little freaked out, the red dragon ducked through the front door and slammed it shut behind him.

"Okay...I'm starting to see the reason for the rehab part now."

"Mr. Roluth?"

He turned his head. The first room was a plain white and black tiled room, with a small desk and many empty chairs. A male white-furred fox sat behind the desk, holding a clipboard in hand, and wearing a green tie.

"You are Mr. Roluth, correct?"

"Uh...yeah, yeah, that's me."

"Convicted of assault, public indecency, drunken misconduct -"


"Okay, then, great."

The fox's smile was completely inappropriate, and it took him a second to remember he couldn't just punch the smaller male. He was in prison now, after all, and he had little doubt that there were security cameras around, even if he couldn't see them.

"And who the hell are you?"

"Heh, I'm the guy that's going to be processing you."


"Well, me and the boys."

Whistling, the fox nodded to his left, where a pair of doors slid open to reveal a pair of orcas. They were huge, and more than muscled enough to keep him from trying anything, but it was their apparel that had his eyes wide.

Neither orca wore much. They wore a harness that reached over their chest, around their shoulders and down to their belts. There, they had a badge and a few tools, and straps went from there down their legs to some tough boots. But at the crotch...well, at the crotch was something that looked like a latex cock-sleeve, supporting thick shafts that jutted up, looking very hard and very needy. Even their balls were encased in the material.

"Hehehe, you like them?"

Roluth shook his head rapidly as the white fox gestured to the pair of them.

"These are just some of our excellent guard staff. They'll be accompanying me as we get you processed and introduced to your new life here at Sanmer's Dragon Prison." He chuckled. "I love saying that. So great seeing my name on things."

"You're Sanmer?"

"Ah ah ah, WARDEN Sanmer, to you. Now come along."

The dragon followed behind the fox and orcas, wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into. This was most definitely not the type of jails that he'd seen on the cop shows. How did something like this even exist?

He didn't bother trying to fight. There was no way that he could beat the pair of orcas, and just in case they were willing to use their 'nightsticks' on his ass, he didn't want to tempt them. Even when the gates were opening and they seemed a little distracted, Roluth kept up his good behavior. He wasn't going to start his time here by making that big of a mistake.

After several security doors, they came to a large shower room. Sanmer turned to him, gesturing to a couple of bins.

"This is where we take away your personal belongings. Don't worry, you will get them back by the end of your stay -" The fox broke off, coughing a bit. "Ah hem. Anyway, you'll get them back when you leave, and we promise they'll be safe."

He nodded, slowly putting his bag down in the bins. He started to turn away when the fox coughed again.


"I said your personal belongings. That means, Mr. Roluth, that I need you to take off your clothes, too."

"Oh, uh, right. Where can I -"

"You'll change here, Mr. Roluth."

"...What am I supposed to get dressed in?"

"Oh, we cover that in a few more rooms. For now, just get naked."

"But -"

"I can have my boys help you, if you like?"

As the fox gestured to the two orcas, they grinned at him. Roluth saw the twitches happening below the waist, and quickly grabbed hold of his shirt. It slipped over his head and went into the bin, followed by his shoes. The orcas continued approaching, and only stopped when he'd pulled off his pants and underwear as well.

It was more than a little humiliating, standing there naked in front of the fox and his guards. While he wasn't exactly small, the orcas looked positively huge beside him. He hoped that some of that length was artificial, because if it wasn't, these guys were bigger than anything he'd seen outside of porn. Roluth didn't want to think about porn. In a place like this, it'd turn gay real fast.

"Well, you have a nice enough body. A little on the scrawny side -"

I'd like to see you look much better, short stuff.

"- but quite good, nonetheless. Follow me, and I'll show you the rest of your new home."

He was more relieved than anything when the orcas turned around again. Without those massive cocks pointed his way, he felt a lot more secure in his masculinity. The red dragon followed them, passing through another security door along the way.

"So, uh, why strip in the shower room?"

"Oh, just for the scene."


"Mmhmm. We're filming this."


"And you already signed an agreement on that with your attorney. Part of coming here instead of some other places."

I don't remember that...

Grumbling under his breath, Roluth was about to say something scathing - he wasn't sure what - to the fox when they passed by a window. His first reaction was embarrassment, but then he looked through.

The dragons out on the grounds hadn't been the exception. Every dragon he could see through the window on the cell block was nude as well, each of them wearing an orange cock sleeve around their shafts. Just like with the guards, they were hard, but most of them seemed to have some sort of control over it. He didn't see any that were rampantly insane or needy, just ones that occasionally stroked themselves.

"What? But - I - but - WHAT?!"

"Hmm? Is something wrong, Mr. Roluth?"

"Why is every dragon down there wearing a cock sleeve?"

"It's the prison uniform. Why else?"

"Uniforms?! They're porn toys!"

"Porn toys, uniforms. You say tomato -"

"And you say exploitation!"

The fox raised an eyebrow at him.

"I would lower your voice, if I were you."

"Why? You're breaking all sorts of laws here."

"Not according to the FSF Prison Laws, I'm not. And besides, you want to stay on my good side."

"Why? Because you're the warden?"

"That. But also, this."

The fox gestured to a window further up the hall. Roluth stomped ahead, expecting to see some sort of threat as he pressed his face against the window.

Instead, he saw another crazed dragon, humping at everything in the room. The blue dragon was going crazy, stroking himself, thrusting his cock into any hole he could find. When he saw Roluth, the dragon ran at the window, smashing himself against it, and looking down the hall at Sanmer.

"Please! Guard! Cock! Squad! Suck! Fuck!"

"What's wrong with him? Let him out."

"I can't do that. He's been a very bad boy. See that number on his cock-sleeve?"

Almost against his will, Roluth looked down. On the orange, he saw a small number. A -50.

"That is his behavior score. The better behaved our prisoners are, the more 'freedom' they're allowed with their cocks. Orgasms as they like, and the ability to go soft, if they want, but that takes a fair amount of points. Any time they go below 15 points, they can't cum. If they go into the negatives, they get higher and higher stimulation, but never have the chance to cum.

"The only way that they can get their points back is through serving the guards, or guests. The more they do - and the more extravagant their acts - the more points that they get back. This unfortunate dragon decided to try attacking a guard, and then tried to escape on top of that. He won't be allowed any relief for a while, now."

Roluth stared at the other dragon. Though he looked so normal on the outside, the blue dragon had been driven to the brink of madness. There was nothing there but need. The need to cum, and more than that, the need to serve.

The fox patted him on the shoulder.

"I doubt we'll have problems with you, though. Now, come on. It's time to get you fitted properly, and get you started on the road to obedience and proper service." The fox waved his hands through the air. "Sanmer's Ten Step Program...nah, not good enough."

Roluth listened to him spout a few more names, but stopped paying attention. He was looking at the guards again, and gulped at the thought of what he was going to have to do to keep himself sane.

And here I thought I'd just have to deal with being ONE man's bitch...

The End

Prison Stream Story 4: Funding the Prison

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