Last Job of the Night

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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Late nights, working hard. It was kind of agonizing to go through everyone's houses, sensing their desperation, and not able to make a move.

It seemed like each client was more desirable than the last, and I was stuck having to remain professional. Well, technically, I didn't have to. And I did give out my personal number way more often than not. But if I stayed around playing on the job I wouldn't get any work done, and that doesn't bring home the bacon, now does it?

Well... with the last job of the night I'd indulge. You know--a good way to wind down. If the client was someone that sounded promising I'd have them wait till close to morning. Just get your sleep. I'll be there about 4 am and get you taken care of before you have to run to work.

Today was no disappointment. The gentleman who answered the door was a gray-blue hippopotamus, looming in a wifebeater that strained heavily to contain his belly.

"You the plumber?" he asked, looking down at me with the smug superiority of someone who didn't get to do a lot of looking down at people--he was pretty wide, but probably not too much over five feet tall.

"Yes, sir!" I said. "Kalvin Darkwater, Darkwater Plumbing. Mister... Harbeson?"

Harbeson grunted assent and moved out of the doorway to let me in. From the entry already I could see the problem, or at least the spreading water stain that had spilled out into the carpet from the kitchen.

"Ah, looks a mess all right," I said, my feetpaws soaking up wetness as I entered the kitchen. The sink faucet had been shut off, but the basin was still full to overflowing. "Did you have a bucket handy to bail some of this out?"

He snorted. "A bucket? What am I, a walrus?"

"I--" I shook my head. "Anyone can have a bucket. Heck, I have one in my truck. But no worries."

I pulled back the sleeve of my uniform jacket and pressed my handpaw carefully onto the surface of the water. Fur can soak up a lot, but slime can do better: as I changed my paw to fluid, it quickly drank up the contents of the overflowing sink. I could feel the water, slightly cool, flowing up my arm as it was incorporated into me.

"That how you drink your orange juice too?" The hippo had snuck up behind me and I jumped in surprise.

Harbeson's face was a little more frightening up close. Not that he was unattractive--he was the flavor of masculine that was charitably called 'rugged'. A face that seemed mostly mouth, with several pale scars on the left side. A lot of his initial gruffness had faded as he took interest in what I was doing.

"I'm sorry?"

"C'mon, you're small, but you don't look that young. Nanu-nanu?"

I shook my head. "Sorry, boss."

He sighed. "Carry on." He didn't move away though--he was still very close to what would have been my personal space, if I'd ever had any.

I turned back to the sink, which I'd drained enough that I could reach into it without it overflowing everywhere. There wasn't a garbage disposal on this side so I liquefied my arm to fit it through the small pipe.

Usually a rush of otter slime would be enough to dislodge a stubborn clog, but this time I wasn't able to find it. My arm absorbed more and more of the water, draining the sink, yet there was somehow still more water flowing into me. My belly swelled to a hefty bloat from the stagnant water, and I leaned in a little deeper trying to find the obstruction.

...still nothing.

My shoulder was practically against the opening to the drain and I still didn't feel anything.

"You're taking on a lot of water, you know." The hippo's hands were on the sides of my gut, which was putting a lot of strain on my uniform jacket and spilling out towards my knees. I whimpered a bit as he squeezed, making the water slide around inside my body, making my cock plump out.

"Mmmph... please..." I felt like an overinflated water balloon, and I couldn't really move out of the way given how Harbeson was holding me. My body continued to swell with the apparently limitless amount of water my arm was soaking up. "I think... something's wrong with your plumbing..."

Harbeson snorted. "Yeah? You think maybe I should call a plumber?" He swatted playfully at my rump.

Something about the way he said that made me suspicious. "I am a plumber, sir..."

The hippo snorted again. Big nostrils made it an especially expressive gesture. "I'm sure you are, boy. I heard what a good job you did cleaning Dr. Selvaggio's pipes the other week."

Flashbacks to a morning spent unwinding with the massive foxtaur after installing his hot tub. My ears reddened.

"That's not what I'm about!"

"Except it was on your mind when you came to the door."

"How did you--"

He tapped the side of his muzzle. "Can't give the game away too quickly."

I sighed, pulling my arm from the drain about half a second before my belly hit the floor. "All right. Yeah, you're the last job of the night and I was going to make a move. But I am here to fix your sink first."

"Best be bendin' down then, son." He groped my rump again, and I blushed deeper as it sank in that he didn't just want me--he wanted me because he knew I was a slut that would get him off.

And the thought that got me hard under my heavy bloated gut was that it was true.

I bent down over that gut--which was too big to let me get on all fours--and opened up the cabinet under the clogged sink.

A rush of water gushed out all over the floor. "What the--"

A whole section of pipe was missing. The sink had overflowed because the cabinet underneath had filled up to the brim.

"Huh, will ya look at that." Harbeson was leaning over me, his weight on my back forcing my belly to compress under me. My gut dissolved into slime form in self-defense and started soaking up more of the mess.

"Sir, I--"

"Shhh... I want to see you get huge..."

Trapped between a swelling gut and a hippo, I couldn't move without going further into slime mode, and that'd only have me taking on more water.

What do you do?

Surrender, of course.

I slimed out fully, and immediately realized my mistake. I heard the glug of the hippo's heavy weight pushing through my surface tension and crashing through my body, my slime splashing against the kitchen cabinets as I burst.

I felt huge, waking up. I didn't want to move, and I really didn't want to incorporate, so I lazed a little just the way I found myself--an enormously fat otter-shaped slimebeast. So heavy and sloshy. Mmm. Now, where was I?

I looked up to see Harbeson looking down at me from the edge of the bathtub I was currently filling like an oversized jello mold. "Ah good. You're up."

"So you do have a bucket," I said.

He laughed. "And I don't have a plumbing problem. I put the pipe back while you were out of it."


"Selvaggio was really impressed by you. And I thought... I thought..." His dick twitched, and I noticed that he was as naked as I was. The thick slab of gray hippo meat, even half-hard, curved downward over his low-hanging sack and glistened like he'd been stroking himself for a while.

With my slime.

I raised a fluid paw and slid it along the smooth skin of his belly and looked up at him as he tried to find the words. Going so far out of his way when really all he had to do was ask when I was off the clock...

I felt my shaft congeal a little, pushing up hard against the bathtub faucet somewhere out of view beyond my massive gut. Hey, I can't help that it turns me on to be wanted.

"It's all right," I said.

He nodded, wiping away a bit of moisture from his eye.

"But you're still going to have to ask for it, big daddy. Tell me what you want."

His ears flattened. "I... but..."

I ran my paw down the underside of his shaft, then pressed a finger against the tip till its fluid pushed its way into him, the sensation making him squirm.

"Please... please let me fuck you, man..."

"Mmm... that's progress..." I took the stammered 'please' in contrast to his earlier forwardness as an invitation to take charge, and I took his dick in my paw. I heard my substance slurp around his length as I engulfed it, gripping it as hard as I could manage. "But I want to hear you beg."

The hippo mewled like a kitten and nodded his head. "Yes sir. Please let me fuck you! Please let me add my contribution to your slime!"

I squeezed his balls.

"...sir! Please, sir!"

"Now we're talking." I released him to adjust myself in the tub, and managed to get to my feet, leaving the bathtub coated in a layer of my stuff. With all the water that Harbeson had added to me, I was huge--a couple feet taller than him now, my gut big enough to engulf him easily if I were so inclined.

I caught a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror, a mountain of murky fluid, and my dick stiffened further. "Mmm," I said. "Kneel."

He hurried to comply, getting on all fours.

"Not like that," I said, getting out of the tub and on all fours myself, my back to him. At my new size, he wouldn't be able to reach anything that way.

Luckily he didn't need any further prompting, and knelt upright to bury his muzzle in my gelatinous ass, licking it out deep.

I gasped out, impressed--usually people were at a loss on how to interact with someone less than solid, but he took to it like a pro. I could feel my whole body starting to wobble from the pleasurable sensation, and my belly started to slosh precariously as he took hold of my cock and started stroking it.

"Oh man," I said, grinding back against the hippo's head eagerly. "C'mon big daddy. Take your prize."

Harbeson stood behind me, grinding his thickness under my tail. My fluid rump had firmed up in anticipation; I wasn't quite corporeal yet, but his dick slid along curves as yielding as marshmallow.

"Mmm," he said, and I felt his cock slide into my body. Not the right hole--he'd managed to push through my taint--but it felt amazing anyway. I trembled and pushed back against him.

"Going to stay together this time, sir?"

"None o' your lip, old man," I said, grinding back against him and letting his dick slide through my substance till it landed in my hole properly. I almost did lose it there, the feelings intensifying as everything slipped into place.

I leaned forward to brace myself as he started to mount me. Little ripples passed through my body as he pulled back, followed by great waves as he slammed in deep. I panted as my body shook through and through. "C'mon, fill me with that dick!"

My own cock was dripping murky precum all over the hippo's bathroom floor as he forced it out of me--the hippo's piece may not have been too big compared to me, but damn did he know how to use it.

His paws played along the curve of my rump, occasionally plunging in and massaging deep below my surface, making me shudder. "Mmm... gonna flood you, sir..."

I panted, reaching back to grip my cock and pump it hard as the hippo upped his pace, his hips pounding my rump hard enough to make otterslime splash everywhere with each thrust.

"Oh-- oh fuck--" He came before I did, hands plunging deep into my back as he tried to grip me, pushing in deep as his pulsing cock started to shoot his load.

I felt his cum mix with my slime, each blast shooting deeper and deeper into me before I could assimilate the last. You weren't kidding about the flooding, I thought. The hippo's cum didn't seem to stop--at my normal size, I'd have expected a sizable bulging around my gut by now, but it barely made a dent in me given how bloated I was already.

The hippo's panting subsided with his orgasm, and he pulled out, kneeling behind me and burying that huge mouth of his in my ass.

He didn't go back to rimming me, no.

He took a mouthful of me and swallowed.

My dick started firing involuntarily as he gulped down a huge mouthful of slime that used to be my asshole.

As my excess mass flowed in to fill the space, I felt him burrow in deeper and take another swallow.


It was overwhelming. I collapsed into a big huddled mess on the ground, panting as he continued to slurp hungrily at the remains of my hindquarters.

"You taste good, sir," he said. "I suppose I'll have you check out the toilet next."

Man, did I look forward to that ride.

A Night on Rumblr

I was getting tired of the lonely nights. My roo had been traveling out of town again, and my otter had taken up the experiment of working graveyard shifts and was apparently making bank cleaning up late-night plumbing emergencies. They both insisted...

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Extra Stuffing

The donut shop was closed on Thanksgiving, but I knocked anyway. Musky and his boys had said they'd be doing the dinner for turkey day, but had invited me to help prepare. And apparently this was the only kitchen they could swing that was big enough...

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If I'd been up for an authentic experience, I'd've driven out of town to the pumpkin patch to pick up the pumpkins for the evening's jack-o'-lanterns. In my condition, though, I decided it'd probably be best to make it as short a trip as possible and...

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