Extra Stuffing

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#7 of Diary of a Polar Bear

The donut shop was closed on Thanksgiving, but I knocked anyway. Musky and his boys had said they'd be doing the dinner for turkey day, but had invited me to help prepare. And apparently this was the only kitchen they could swing that was big enough for their plans.

I knocked a second time and peered in at the window. I couldn't see anyone moving around in there, though I could tell the lights were on in the back room.

I waited for a bit for someone to show up before realizing I was probably giving too much credit to the Sorry, we're CLOSED sign on the door. I tried the handle--success. "Hello~?" I called out as I entered the dining area. "Musky?"

It was really too quiet. I went past tables stacked with upside-down chairs and squeezed behind the counter, heading for the kitchen.

The space was brightly lit, mostly taken up by a large counter space that was absolutely blank. Whatever they were planning, I thought, it didn't seem to be that big of a feast if they hadn't even started yet.

Then I felt a jerk at my arms as they were pulled behind my back and bound with what felt like rope. I tried looking behind me, but couldn't see anyone. "Mattock."

I heard the invisible kangaroo's voice in my ear. "Sssh, don't spoil the fun. You're on camera."

I felt a spray of a sweet-smelling liquid across my snout, and a few breaths later I'd passed out.

From the counter where I found myself bound I could hear them plotting my fate.

At least, I had a startling premonition my fate was involved. What they were actually talking about was stuffing.

"I told you it wouldn't be enough," Darkwater was saying. "This wouldn't stuff you, and he's big enough to stuff with you."

"And I told you," Musky answered, "I bought everything I could. Even Dragon's Hoard was sold out by the time I got there."

"Now you're just being silly. Don't they have a cornucopia there?"

"Maybe someone broke it. I don't know, I just saw the shelves were empty."

"Are you sure you were at the right shelves? Grah." The otter tromped over to where I was lying, clambered up onto the counter and hovered into my field of vision. "Pollux! You were going to be our Thanksgiving turkey bear and it was going to be a surprise, only someone botched it--"

"They were sold out!"

"--and we haven't got enough to stuff you with. You wouldn't have any ideas on what would be good to use instead, would you?"

"What?" I said. "But--"

"Oh hey, that's perfect! Musky!" The otter hopped off the counter and the conversation was continued out of my hearing.

I felt a touch at my beard, fingers running through the gray and white fur. "I think we'll probably have to shave you first." Mattock's voice. "It'll be a shame, but terrible things happen to fur in an oven and this isn't our kitchen."

"You're really going to cook me?"

"Why not? 'Tis the season to stuff ourselves silly and there's more eatin' on you than anyone we know."


"C'mon, you saved this morning, right?"

"Well yeah, but--"

"Then you'll be back before it's time to eat anyway, so it's not like you're going to miss out or anything."


"Anyway, I'm going to find a razor or something. You sit tight there, big guy." He patted my gut and I heard him hop off the table.


"Oh, don't whine." A rabbit I didn't recognize leaned over me. "Hi, I'm Tommy."

He rubbed my chest in lieu of a handshake, my handpaws being bound and furthermore buried somewhere under the sprawl of my spreading gut.

"I work here so I offered to let them cook. A normal baker's oven would be lousy for preparing you, but this place used to be--" He stopped and looked me closely in the eyes. "You are okay with this, right? I know Musky and his boys can be a bit cavalier about consent but you really can leave if..."

"No, I--" I thought for a moment before continuing. "No, I'm okay. But don't ask me again."

Tommy nodded.

"One of you knows how to serve polar bear, I hope? Don't want anyone to die of vitamin A poisoning or anything."

"I know what I'm doing. And Reddit was very helpful."

Mattock came bounding back into the room. "Got it!" He leaned over me, plugging a razor/trimmer into the wall and giving it a buzz. "Any last regrets before we get you started?"

"Don't you mean last requests?"

"What, you think you're getting something out of me?"

I sighed. "I was going to ask if I could get out of these ropes. I promise I won't go anywhere."

"You bet you won't!" The roo laughed. "But I'd have to loosen you up anyway to get you shaved properly, so I guess we may as well. Tommy, if you would..."

The rabbit didn't cut the ropes, but he did adjust them enough so my paws weren't buried as Mattock straddled my legs and went to work on my belly with the shaver. My winter coat was coming in so he had a lot to clear, and it kept getting snagged. After about three or four 'dammit's he started giving the shaver shorter swipes, tossing the tufts of fur into a bucket after every motion.

"You're a surprisingly shaggy bastard," he said.

"Like I've always said... I'm not fat, I'm fluffy!"

He slapped my gut playfully. "You are fat, and you've never said that."

"Not to you, maybe. You guys like me fat. Don't think I can't feel that boner on my gut."

The tubby roo ground against me a bit as he leaned over my newly-shorn gut, reaching to give my chin a buzz with the shaver. "Careful who you're teasin' there, dinner. Tommy, cover this for me."

He passed the shaver to the rabbit and started undoing his pants. Tommy went to work on removing my headfur as I felt Mattock slide his dick into the crevice between my thighs and the apron of my gut.

He grabbed the sides of my gut and started thrusting into that deep flabby cave. "Fuck, you're soft..."

My fat shook, sending ripples across my own buried cock and I growled out low. Tommy gripped my muzzle, holding it shut as he shaved it clean.

"You want next?" Mattock asked. "Ah, heck, no need to wait," Mattock answered. "Dinner's got folds enough for all of us."

Tommy brandished the shaver at him, making him jump back a little. "We've got a meal to prep, we can't all slack at once."

"Suit yourself." He took hold of my shaven flab and started fucking my gut, pulling it around his dick and sliding it through the fold.

"We ready to stuff a bear, guys?" Darkwater and Musky carried a massive pot of stuffing between them, hefting it up on the counter behind Mattock.

"Clean on this side," Tommy said, who was just getting done shaving the last of the fur off my chest. "Just got to take care of everything below the belt. Soon as Matty here decides to finish."

The big red kangaroo snorted. "Don't let me hold you up." He slapped my belly and got up, moving around to slide his cock into my shaven muzzle.

Tommy made short work of shaving my legs and groin, leaving me fully hairless--on my front, anyway. I noticed my back was still as furry as ever, and nobody made any effort to turn me over to take care of it. I filed that under 'not my problem' and went to work servicing Mattock's dick, which was still damp with pre and the scent of my sweat as he pounded my muzzle.

I was suckling his stout member determinedly when I first felt a paw at my tailhole, sliding along its massive dimensions.

It easily pushed in deep, depositing a handful of stuffing in my ass before pulling out again.

I growled around Matty's dick, sucking on it harder and letting him go deep as I focused on him, my own dick stiff and dripping across my shaved underbelly and only feeling more pent up as multiple hands started taking turns stuffing my guts with whatever savory mixture they'd managed to put together.

Mattock leaned forward on my chest, panting out as he got close. "Oooh, fuck..." I ran my tongue along his shaft, smelling deep the scent of chubby roo as he ground his balls into my nose. In a moment I was rewarded with several heavy blasts of cum at the back of my throat, which I swallowed down easily as he pulled his cock from my mouth.

"Good job, dinner."

"Okay, can we get you back to work now?" Tommy was shoulder-deep in my ass and looked like he would be growling menacingly at Mattock, if rabbits were suited for that sort of thing.

"You boys look like you have all that in hand, if you know what I mean," he answered.

Tommy shoved the shaver in the roo's direction. "Come on, roll him over, shave his back."

Mattock's grumbling as he pushed me on my side did nothing to diminish the the sensation of the other furs' paws stuffing my ass deep. They weren't a challenge, of course, but it still felt amazing to be explored by the three of them working independently--sometimes one or two of them plunging deep in my hole, sometimes leaving it empty and hungry, sometimes jostling alongside each other as all three tried to push in at once.

"Mmm, fuck," I said, grinding against my underbelly. "You boys..."

"Don't get too excited," said Darkwater. "That's just about the last of it. And I bet you can barely feel it, can ya big boy?"

He was right, of course. It might've been enough to stuff an otter his size, but not a seven-hundred-pound polar bear.

The otter moved up to press his nose against mine. "Demand more."

"Rrrrf," I said, straining against my rope. "Stuff me."

"C'mon, you can do better than that. Take charge, bear!"

"I'm bound and shaven and helpless."

"None of which prevents you from being dominant and giving the order you know you want fulfilled."

Fair enough.

"Stuff me," I growled. "All of you, find something. I plan on being the biggest dinner you boys have ever had and so I had better be full to bursting before you put me in that oven. And you, skunk, suck my dick."

Musky burrowed under my gut and in a few moments I felt his tongue going to work. "Ooh, fuck yeah." I knew I wouldn't be able to last long, given how pent up I was.

I shut my eyes to savor the sensation but opened them again a moment later, finding the otter's butt in my face.

"Your extra stuffing's ready, sir!"

"Oh, fuck... give it to me." I planted my muzzle between the otter's cheeks as he pushed back and began to strain.

I only just had time to inhale a deep breath of Darkwater's musky underside before he let loose a blast of soft dark scat that filled my muzzle. "Nngff," I said, working it with my tongue and trying to swallow it down.

The otter didn't ease up, more loose turds quickly filling my muzzle and spilling out over my nose and chin as I tried to keep up with the flow of rank mess.

I felt a pair of paws kneading at my belly. "C'mon, big fellah," Tommy said. "Fill that belly, full and round and tight. Eat. Eat. Eat."

I gulped down as much of the otter's shit as I could, rubbing my face against his underside so I could get at the stuff that'd missed my mouth.

All too soon the otter was hefting himself up with a grunt, but before I could swallow enough of the muck to call him back, my vision was filled with the red fur of Mattock's rump. He sat down hard on my muzzle, letting it slide into his hole.

I felt Musky pulling away from my cock, and before I could growl for him to come back, Mattock started to release. Despite our having played together before, I'd never gotten to taste his shit; it was thick and solid and smelled incredibly foul. His asshole emptied directly into my trapped muzzle, forcing his load straight down my gullet.

I could feel him jerking himself off as I ate his crap from inside his ass, and I heard him rumble out "Fuck, dinner, I'm going to have to do this more often."

His bowels were quickly emptied, though, and as he got close to orgasm he pulled off my face and plunged his dick into my shit-covered muzzle. "Swallow this load too," he said, his thick cockhead shoving the last mouthful of his scat to the back of my throat as he coated it with his spunk. He rubbed a paw over my freshly-shaven head as I swallowed the last of it down. "Good bear."

He climbed off me and I could hear the moment his orgasm high faded and he realized how filthy he'd gotten. He started moving double-time towards the bathroom to wash off.

"Amateur," I said, looking down to the rabbit who was still rubbing my nearly-full gut. "Is it just you and me now? The others run off?"

Tommy blushed, nodding.

"You going to feed me too?"

The rabbit flinched a little, and blushed harder.

"First time too? Don't worry, I'll make sure you're clean when you're done." I slid my tongue along to clear some of the muck off my muzzle.

The rabbit hesitated, like he still needed more. I guess Darkwater knows what he's talking about.

"You. Here. Now." I pointed to my muzzle. "Surrender your shit to the big bear's belly. I'm hungry."

Tommy climbed on the counter, his ears quite red with embarrassment. "Good boy. Off with those pants."

He whimpered a bit as he pulled them down, exposing a thick camo-patterned diaper. "Otter talked me into it," he said, clearly imagining he needed to be defensive. "I haven't--I'm still kind of--"

My poor buried dick throbbed. "We're killing two birds with one stone then, bun. First, you're going to sit on my face and shit that diaper till yer guts are empty or till it explodes, whichever comes first. After that, we're getting you out of that diaper and getting me properly stuffed."


"You're lucky I can't spank that rump of yours from here, boy. The only 'but' I want from you is wrapped in plastic and belongs on my muzzle. Acknowledge!"

"Yes sir!"

Tommy shucked off his pants the rest of the way and squatted over my face. I grabbed the rabbit's hips and buried my nose in his plastic-covered rump, inhaling deeply. "Mmmh. Yes. This. Fire at will."

It actually took a few minutes and a little more coaxing, the way one's first time soiling oneself intentionally usually does; years of potty-training aren't usually overcome without a bit of effort. His piss came first, a steady flow of warmth I could feel through the padding. "There you go, boy. Keep it coming. It'll come. Don't strain too hard..."

A blast of green-smelling flatulence passed through his diaper. "Attaboy. Bet you've got a big load coming just behind that..."

The rabbit was panting, leaning forward with his paws on my chest, and pushing back against my face. "Yeah, I... oh--here it comes, papa bear--"

I gripped his rump close. I heard it before anything else, the rustle-crackle of shit against diaper plastic, followed immediately by an intense stink, not as unpleasant as Mattock's but incredibly powerful. "Mmm, fuck..." I began to feel it now as the diaper filled, swelling to contain what already felt like an impressive amount of scat.

"Mmm... you've been saving up, boy?"

"Otter said I couldn't get out of the diaper until I messed it... ngff... That was Monday."

"And you haven't even pissed since then?" I nuzzled along the curve of his rump. "It's a wonder you haven't exploded, boy."

"I kind of cheated there..."

"My, my..." The voice came from an invisible Mattock, apparently quite close. "I wonder what otter'll do when he finds out..."

"What--" Tommy started. "No, I--"

"When I find out about what?" Darkwater came in, leading a shaven muzzled creature on a leash that was probably Musky.

"Bunbun's just admitted to cheating on his diaper duty. We probably have a well-watered plant somewhere in the house, I bet."

"Oh dear! We'll have to come up with an appropriate punishment. Toilet duty, maybe?"

The rabbit whimpered. I noticed he was still filling his diaper--after holding it in so long, he didn't seem to be able to stop despite himself. I buried my nose in the padding gratefully.

"Eh, but we'll talk about that later. We have a bear to cook. Give 'im that diaper, and I'll get the last of the stuffing up his rump. Up, stuffing."

Musky climbed onto the counter meekly, and the small otter started pushing him against my rump. The tubby skunk's muzzled snout started pressing my massive hole open.

My buried cock started to stiffen again.

Tommy got up, his full diaper slipping through his body with a blur of magic and landing on my face.

"Hey!" I said. "Cheater!"

He picked it up and folded it over so it wouldn't spill anywhere, and pulled my muzzle open. "We've spent long enough at this," he said, cramming the diaper into my mouth. "I'm afraid I'll have to rush you."

I coughed and spluttered around the diaper as the rabbit started to shove it deeper, my throat fighting against the bulky load.

"This is going to feel really weird," he said, and pushed harder.

The diaper punched through my throat like it wasn't even there. In a sense, I suppose, it wasn't; the rabbit's magic made it feel simultaneously like my throat was stretching wide enough to swallow the whole diaper and his arm at once, and likewise that it was passing through with no effort at all.

Kind of like he was stuffing it into a narrow sack.

And yet I couldn't focus on the sensation, as more and more of the fat skunk was being forced into my ass. I'm sure he had to be fatter than the last time he was in there; the stretch was incredible. Somehow I managed to moan out in pleasure around the arm lodged deep in my throat as it deposited the diaper deep in my aching gut.

Tommy pulled his arm out and moved around to help push Musky into me. The skunk's snout was pressing randomly against my inner walls as they shoved him deeper, my ass fully engulfing his hefty belly. I groaned out as the pressure forced me to climax, my dick spurting what felt like an enormous load of seed into the deep cave under my hanging belly. Without any fur to absorb it, I felt it dripping down between my thighs, coating the legs of the skunk they were filling me with.

"Oooh, fuck," I said, panting hard, feeling my hole tighten with climax around the invading furry. "Get him in get him in get him in..."

The otter and rabbit gave a series of powerful shoves that made my spent cock shoot at least three or four more shots as Musky's thighs and tail, knees, and feet cleared my hole. When at last everyone's paws cleared my hole and it closed up around its new cargo, I felt more stuffed than I ever had before.

"Now that's what I'm talking about," Darkwater said, pulling out his phone to snap a picture of my swollen gut with the squirming skunk inside. "Let's get this meal seasoned and cooking, I'm famished!"

Mattock brought in a large pot of marinade that smelled of garlic and basil, and Tommy scooped out my cum from under my gut and added it to the mix before brushing me all over with it.

At the very end Tommy came around and put a small pill in my muzzle, then as I swallowed it down, gave me two more. "So it won't hurt too much," he said.

"Did Musky get one?" The drug kicked in surprisingly fast, making me feel woozy.

The rabbit shrugged. "He'll pass out long before the heat gets to him anyway."

"Mmm. I bet I'm... tasty..." It was getting hard to talk.

It was with intense effort that the three of them lifted the tray Pollux was on, now that their Thanksgiving meal was now weighing in at at least half a ton. Fortunately they didn't have to move it far, and with a chorus of grunts they heaved the overstuffed bear into the heated oven.

"It'll be a few hours," Tommy said, sealing the door. "C'mon, I've got appetizers in the break room to tide us over."

The sedated bear rumbled in the heat, feeling the squirms of the skunk inside him dying down minute by minute as oxygen failed. He himself lasted a lot longer, feeling his hide cook and basking in the incredible smell of roasting bear for nearly half an hour until he couldn't keep his parched eyes open any longer.


If I'd been up for an authentic experience, I'd've driven out of town to the pumpkin patch to pick up the pumpkins for the evening's jack-o'-lanterns. In my condition, though, I decided it'd probably be best to make it as short a trip as possible and...

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Estivation time. It's not just being a polar bear in a hot summer climate. As a heortomancer, it's also the lack of major holidays in the summer. When I was younger I tried to be functional in the heat, but as I got older and bigger it started...

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Easter Morning

A powerful rumbling in my stomach woke me well before dawn. "Fuck," I thought. "What day is it?" I rubbed my eyes and saw my room had redecorated itself for a major holiday--a profusion of muted pastel colors. "Ah hell," I thought, feeling my...

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