
Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#5 of Diary of a Polar Bear

Estivation time.

It's not just being a polar bear in a hot summer climate. As a heortomancer, it's also the lack of major holidays in the summer.

When I was younger I tried to be functional in the heat, but as I got older and bigger it started getting more and more exhausting to deal with the season, even if I only came out at night.

I tried a long vacation to icier climes one year, but only ended up draining my wallet and my emotions. You take for granted how much you've adapted yourself to your home and your social circle, and then when you go out and remember the wide world doesn't care much for guys over a couple of hundred pounds... well, months of shunning add up.

I took to stocking up after Easter, and holing myself up in my room with the A/C on full blast. It wasn't a true ursine hibernation--I don't have the genes for that--but it was a ritual people could understand.

My one concession to summer, if I had anything to say about it, was the Fourth of July. I'd send out party invites and arrange for catering and setup at the beginning of the season, and I'd brave the summer heat for one night of fireworks.

Sometimes I'd sleep through it, if no one came for me. But usually it was a fun time.

This time I was jolted out of low-level drowsiness by a dark-furred otter bursting into my room in a hurry.

"Ah geez," he said, trying to cover himself when he saw the room was occupied. He was short and tubby, swinging an enormous rudder behind him and wearing nothing but an extremely thick diaper. "Musky told me I could change in here, I'm sorry--"

"It's all right," I said, beckoning him up by patting my chest. "C'mere."

The otter's blush was fierce. "I'm a bit messy... A lot, actually... I will probably leak..."

My hefty stomach rumbled. "Best get up here quick, then. Can't have any of that going to waste."

"You... what?"

"I'm pretty hungry," I said. "It's been a long time though, my last guy didn't like the idea of me, uh... well. Please?"

The otter's blush turned into a grin, and he reached down to adjust his padding. "Ooh, like that, do you?" He moved a little closer to the bed, and his expression turned even more mischievous, in that way that only an otter can manage. In my ear, he said "Let me hear you beg for it, big guy..."

I shivered a bit, and felt my dick stiffen somewhere under my gut. Most folks wouldn't try to dominate a bear double their size in height and weight. It was strangely compelling. I worried I might not be able to play the appropriate part but when I tried to speak, the flush of timid anticipation would not be held back. "Umm... please, Sir. Please climb up here, Master, uh..."

"Master Darkwater."

"Sir, Master Darkwater! Please let me serve you and feed from your d-d-diaper!"

The otter chuckled, and leapt onto my bed with a cheerful mustelid's alacrity. He straddled my chest, lifting his fat tail up to drape it over my head, and sat down with a careful but firm motion, pressing my face into his loaded padding.

I restrained myself at first--no need to hurry the moment. I inhaled the rank scent of the otter's scat, and reached my paws up to rub his hips.

My first surprise was that the diaper was not as thick as I had expected: the otter was considerably wider in the hips and heftier in the rump, and it was just his natural bulk that made him look so well-padded.

The second surprise was that the diaper was not as thick as I had expected: instead of being able to contain Darkwater's sizable load, I felt it leaking out around the edges to cover my pillow and shoulders with every grind of his rump against my face.

The third surprise, which in hindsight should perhaps have been less surprising, was that the diaper was not as thick as I had expected. That is to say, I'd only just begun to nom at the otter's glorious rump through the filthy plastic before I felt a tooth snag on the material.

The otter chose this moment to sit down hard, and I felt the tug of my jaw ripping the diaper open a half-second before I tasted it spilling into my muzzle. There was nothing for it but to start gulping that mess down.

"Ooh, good cub," the otter said, as he felt my mouth make contact with his bared ass. "Keep that up and you might even get seconds."

I chewed and worked Darkwater's runny scat through my teeth. Man, it had been a long time. Though my ex'd been magically charmed to fall in love with my asshole, he'd somehow still been adamant against encountering a mess anywhere else, including my breath. Now, with my muzzle buried in the otter's mucky ass, and my dick buried under my gut at full mast swimming in a layer of pre and out of reach of either myself or the diminutive otter, I was happy as a pig in shit.

I powered through the muck and pressed my muzzle against the otter's rump, sliding my thick tongue along his muddy crack until I found his hole. Grabbing his soft hips with both paws I pushed in, sliding my tongue deep and making him groan out.

"Oh, fuck," he said, quivering, and my fingers lost their grip on him.

Darkwater's body engulfed my paws as I held him, his body changing his substance as I ate him out. Cool slime filled my muzzle with a thin watery flavor that nearly washed out the powerful taste of scat before the otter recovered, solid mass pushing me out of him as he reformed.

"Usually a guy's gotta push a lot harder before I can lose control like that," he said, turning around to face me and letting the diaper slip off to one side. He bent down and got as close to my face as he could manage before his big nose started wrinkling up from the smell, and he grinned. "I don't think you've earned that yet, cub. I might have to punish you."

My eyes widened and he chuckled, sitting up and pointing a fat cock at my muzzle. "I'm gonna piss in your muzzle," he said. "And you're going to drink it all down. You're not going to let any of it spill, because this isn't a porn video where you have to please a camera--you have to please me." He chuckled again. "Of course I expect you'll actually enjoy this. So I want to hear you make it your punishment."

I gulped as I watched the otter pointing his thickness at me, watching it soften in his paw but still remain immensely thick. "Uhm," I said, failing to find any words to keep up the game and entice the otter. "I... I mean, cub doesn't deserve... uh... doesn't deserve to eat from your diaper... As punishment, cub should... cub should have to get clean, won't he? Master Darkwater will have to wash out shitcub's mouth with fresh piss..."

The otter smiled, bringing his soft dick closer to my muzzle. "Excellent. Now beg for your punishment, shitcub."

"Master! I've been a bad toilet, please le--"

Darkwater was pissing before I could finish the sentence. Like a good toy I leaned forward and took his dick into my mouth, lips gripping the base of his shaft as my maw filled with the sharp-tasting fluid.

"Mmm," he said. "Wash it all down, shitcub. Attaboy."

His dick stank of diaper plastic and the mess he'd been sitting in, and his piss tasted dark and smelled strong itself. The stream didn't abate in its force even after half a minute of steady draining down my throat.

"Ooh, fuck," he said, resting his hands on my head as I slurped at his cock. "Drink me down, boy. That's it."

I sucked harder on his dick and felt the stream of piss change, turning thicker and more gelatinous as the otter I held changed phase again. I gulped down more and more of him, letting his liquefying form fill my stomach as the gooey otter pissed himself away.

And then I was alone in the room again, with nothing but a half-eaten diaper and a very full gut to show that the otter had ever been here at all.

I rubbed my belly a bit to make sure it was settled, then after a couple of minutes there was nothing but a diaper scraped clean and an even fuller gut pinning me down to the bed.


My still-hard cock was aching for attention but by this point I was too worn out to even try to get off; the prospect was made more daunting by the thought of holding my already-heavy gut aside when stuffed with the weight of a whole otter.

On a good day I could get off just by grinding against my belly, but I'd have to shift position before I could even try.

I groaned. I wasn't ready to move, but it didn't seem like there was any way around it.

Going straight to sitting in this condition would be impossible without help. Instead, I rolled over with some effort and managed to swing out my feet off the edge of the bed and get myself stood up.

My natural weight was difficult on its own, but with Darkwater in my gut, my knees and my back both decided to complain. I sat down hard, making the bed creak.

My gut slid across the top of my dick and I shivered despite myself. Rrrh, there's the ticket.

I pushed my legs apart as far as they would go, letting my belly hang down low between them, and started rubbing over the vast expanse of my gut.

The remains of the otter were even more efficient padding than my own natural blubber, so very little of my attention made it through to my buried cock. Fortunately the sheer volume of pre sloshing around in the folds of my gunt made even a little motion go a long way, and before long I was rumbling out my pleasure as I reached the brink of orgasm... and hovered there, without release.

The scream of a firework went off outside.

I groaned as I worked my cock through my belly, riding the high of my climax even as my dick completely failed to spurt. I tried lifting up my gut in case the weight of it had blocked the tube--as sometimes happens--but even when I felt air on my dick I was still no closer to getting off.

"Fuck," I said, worry increasing as my balls began to ache from being backed up.

More fireworks. Boom, boom. Crackle.

Then I felt my sac brushing against my inner thighs. No, they weren't just aching--they were swelling. Filling with...


A rush of fluid I could feel moving through me, and suddenly my balls were touching the floor and straining to push my legs even farther apart.

Then there was another rush of suppressed orgasm, even stronger than before, as Darkwater played me from the inside.


The noise of fireworks escalated.

The game hasn't ended yet...

"Master," I whined out, "Please let me cum, sir!"

Release was immediate, and I shot a massive stream that caromed off the underside of my belly and audibly splattered across the floor. A second shot followed suit, and the third one lasted so long it felt like I was pissing--and I'm half sure I really was. I groaned with the sustained pleasure as what must have been the full remains of the otter forced their way through my dick in a diminishing stream until the last few drops were making their way down my much-reduced scrotum.

"Oh fuck," I said. "Otters."

I sat up with some effort, trying to regain my breath, and looked at the mess covering the carpet. From the color it was certainly the otter's slime and not my own. Dark water indeed.

I figured it might take him some time to pull himself together, so I got up, washed my face, and went out to see how the party was going.

Easter Morning

A powerful rumbling in my stomach woke me well before dawn. "Fuck," I thought. "What day is it?" I rubbed my eyes and saw my room had redecorated itself for a major holiday--a profusion of muted pastel colors. "Ah hell," I thought, feeling my...

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Kaiju at Large

Wednesday mornings, me and Jaden would go down to the comic shops to see the new shipments before anyone else could get their grubby mitts on them. At least, I _tried_ to make it Wednesday mornings, if ever I could roll him out of bed before...

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Chasing Rainbows

"So you're telling me you make all your income just by... _living through_ holidays?" Mattock was indignant. The chubby red kangaroo that Musky had brought to the party was adorable, sure, but he seemed to take personal offense to the idea of being...

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