Kaiju at Large

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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Wednesday mornings, me and Jaden would go down to the comic shops to see the new shipments before anyone else could get their grubby mitts on them.

At least, I tried to make it Wednesday mornings, if ever I could roll him out of bed before noon.

"Let me sleep, hun!"

"C'mon babe, you remember what happened last time! If you miss out on something awesome again you're going to be miserable, and I don't want my dear one to be miserable!"


I crawled under the covers and started nibbling at his feet. "You don't gotta shine, but you do gotta rise!"

He squirmed ticklishly as I licked up and down his soles. "Luiiiiis!"

I pulled the covers off the bed and climbed up on him, my belly resting on his as I kissed his nose. "You getting up?"


I rubbed my body against his and smiled. "You sure?"

"Ten more minutes."

I kissed him again. "Ten more minutes then, and no mercy afterwards."

I went and hopped in the shower, and probably a bit more than ten minutes afterwards emerged to find Jaden buried under the blankets again.

Instead of trying to push him directly, I turned on the lights, turned on the music, and got dressed. After about three rounds of high-speed "Bananaphone" on repeat he started tossing and turning under the blankets.

About the seventh round he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

I've always said music works wonders.

The Page's Lair was a hole-in-the-wall situated between a credit union and a Starbucks, narrow and dimly lit. For lack of space, all the merchandise was against one of the long walls and room for people to pass was on the other, which was covered in promo posters.

When we came in, Tenzin the shopkeeper was stocking shelves, putting up little marker flags where there was new stuff. As Jaden went to talk to him about his order, I squeezed past them to look over the racks in the back.

The back racks house the Lair's collection of collectibles. Little orange flag on a shelf by Avengers figures, little orange flag by intricate Lego kits. Little blue flag by a stack of sonic screwdrivers. Little black flag by...

It was an 11" Godzilla figure, with glowing back plates. It looked pretty fierce. I looked over the box and couldn't find any official branding--all the text was apparently in Thai--but it was unmistakably at least meant to imitate the big G.

"What's that you've got there?" Jaden asked, coming up to me.

"Gojira," I said, holding up the box. "Probably. Do you have this one already?"

He had a collection you could get lost in.

He took it and looked it over. "Hmm... no, I don't think so. Cute, though!"

"I'll buy it for you," I said.

"You can't keep on--"

"I can afford it," I said, taking the box back and looking at the price sticker. "Er, as long as you don't need anything for the next week or two."


"C'mon," I said, squeezing past him and heading back to the register. "Let me do the good things for you."

Tenzin rang up the figure for me after Jaden paid for his order, and we were back out on the street in the daylight, blinking in the sun.

"Anything else we need to pick up today?" I said, stuffing the box with the figure in Jaden's bag.

"Don't think so."

"Let's get home then," I said. "I'll need to get ready for work soon anyway."

Jaden laid his haul out on the bed while I rummaged in the closet for something work-appropriate to wear.

The first thing he picked up was the ersatz Godzilla, carefully opening up the package and pulling him out to look it over. He smiled a little, and I knew I'd made a good choice.

I pulled off my T-shirt and slipped into a gray polo, then came around to give Jaden a quick kiss on the shoulder. He didn't respond--he just kept his eyes fixed on the kaiju in his hand.

"Hey..." I started, and waved a hand in front of his eyes. "Babe?"

He didn't make any answer. I looked at the toy monster, and almost reached to try and take it from Jaden's hands before I noticed that the glowing scales up and down the beast's back were considerably brighter than when I'd seen them in the store.

I turned to Jaden again and jumped back in surprise, as he was now a full head and a half taller than I was. "Whoa." I said. He turned his head in my direction--a slow, almost artificial movement--and I saw his eyes were glowing, bright yellow and reptilian.

Jaden grew bigger and bigger and as his head stooped and his shoulders pressed against the ceiling, I scrambled under my desk for protection.

Green scales started to spread over his body, starting from his hand where he held the kaiju figure and travelling up his arm. As they passed under his sleeve, which was already straining to contain his growing form, the cloth burst asunder, revealing a scaly and powerful chest beneath the remnants of his shirt.

Despite myself, I felt my boner pressing hard against the front of my pants as I watched the ceiling begin to crack under the pressure of the growing creature that had been my man.

I wanted to call out to him, to get him out of the house before it crumbled around him, but it was already too late for that--there was no way his massive and growing bulk would fit through the door or any of the windows, and I could tell he saw that as well.

He looked at me almost apologetically as the glowing scale plates began to sprout from his back, and with what looked like hardly any effort at all he stood upright, breaking the ceiling open like it was gingerbread, and I cowered under the desk as the air filled with dust and the rubble piled up around me.

I'd like to say I didn't pass out, but honestly I can't remember. I do know everything went black, and the next thing I saw was the face of a giant reptile, holding my desk above my head delicately in its claws.


He reached in with another scaly hand and pulled me out, lifting me with a sickening swiftness up to his face.

"Rrrrssss," he said. He was nearly forty feet tall now, a massive hulking creature towering over the small houses of the neighborhood.

I looked down to see he was apparently enjoying it, eight feet of reptilian maleness dripping arousal over the remains of our home.

And then I started to hear the sirens.

Jaden set me carefully on his shoulder and started moving away from the sound. I held on to the scales of his neck as he marched through the suburbs, passing between the houses and taking little notice of the crunch of civilization underfoot.

I heard him grumble with some annoyance as the buildings grew taller and harder to pass between as he neared the center of town. He took to crashing through, glass and brick and concrete giving way to his powerful hide as he forced his way deeper downtown.

Somehow through all the mayhem he managed to keep his arousal up, and looking back I saw a trail of glowing precum marking the way we'd come. No wonder the sirens were still in earshot, even as my monstrous lover tried to lose himself in the forest of skyscrapers.

Of course, forty feet of reptile leaving a track of sex and destruction in its wake is not an easy thing to hide, and soon enough we were hearing the sirens from multiple directions--though they were still keeping their distance, they were starting to surround us.

I could tell Jaden noticed this as well, and he gave me a sidelong look to make sure I was still on his shoulder before grabbing the nearest tall building and starting to climb it.

"Isn't this King Kong?" I found it was loud enough now that I had to shout it. He gave me a growl and kept climbing.

It wasn't long before we reached the summit of the building, and he took a seat on its flat roof, looking out over the city.

Helicopters started buzzing the building, but Jaden breathed out a burst of blue-white flame that made them back off somewhat.

I noticed they weren't firing off any shots--hopefully they didn't want to risk hitting me. Jaden, however, seemed to want to get a shot off himself, as he reached down and started stroking his still-stiff shaft.

As I watched the brightly-glowing precum pour from his cock while he pleasured himself in front of the whole town, I sensed that it might not be a good idea for his cum to be let loose on the city. What if the spreading glow ended up spawning monsters itself?

And I knew that while I couldn't keep the giant reptile from getting off, I knew I could contain the damage. I carefully slid from his shoulder down his chest, landing astride a shaft that was longer than I was tall and just as thick in proportion.

The beast held off his pawing, looking down at me quizzically.

"I want it!" I said, shouting to make myself heard over the din of siren and chopper. "I want it all, Jaden!"

He lifted me up again in his clawed hand, bringing me eye to eye with him.

"Please," I said, kicking off my shoes and letting my pants slip off, showing my own arousal, which was no bigger than one of his sharp claws.

The monster showed his teeth, though I couldn't read the reptilian features well enough to tell whether the expression was friendly or rapacious--if it wasn't both.

He lowered me back down to his cock, rubbing my exposed hindquarters against the tip of it.

I braced myself mentally, knowing this might be the end of me. Really, the best case I could imagine was being a distraction for him until the authorities could take him down without having to worry about me.

His cockhead, which must have been as big as my actual head, was pressed tightly against my buttocks, and I felt gouts of precum flowing out of it, drenching the whole bottom half of me in that hot, glowing fluid.

My ass started to tingle, and the monster's slick shaft began to slide into me, pulling my hole fiercely wide. "Ooh, fuck," I said--but quietly, afraid he might stop if what remained of Jaden could hear me.

Now, I've had some practice with big toys but this hurt like anything. My legs stretched impossibly far apart as he sank in deeper, and I was surprised to find no bones broken as the head sank in past my ring with a sound like ploomf.

I felt a shot of precum blast into me, filling my gut with a flood that left me feeling like I'd spent a couple of hours at the buffet. I looked down to find my belly swollen to a pillowy extreme--and glowing bright with opalescent color.

With a fearsome roar he squeezed me tight around his cock and pulled me down to its base with one firm stroke, knocking the wind out of me. The monster's sexual energy must have been changing me, as there's no way that eight feet of cock could have fit in the torso of a guy under six feet tall, but there I was, ass flush against the beast's hips, the incredible pressure of his cockhead pushing into the base of my throat, and everything in between just a condom wrapped tight around his shaft.

Of course, one doesn't fuck a condom. Instead, Jaden's clawed hands moved up and down my body, pleasuring himself through the thin layer of human that wrapped his cock. Another blast of precum gushed up my throat and dribbled out my mouth before I remembered why I was here--to protect the city from his cum, to be a condom in function as well as form.

I struggled to keep my mouth shut and swallow back pint after pint of pre as best I could. My whole body was glowing now, and Jaden only started jerking me harder. I felt myself stretching radially as his cock pulsed and grew thicker inside me, his arousal intensifying as he brought himself closer to orgasm.

I felt it in my ass first--the tension at the base of his shaft, muscles preparing themselves for release--and then, with a ground-shaking roar that spewed flames that could've been seen in the suburbs, he came.

The rush of cum flooded my mouth instantly, but I kept my jaw clenched and fought it hard, willing it to slide back down my throat with little success. I felt my cheeks bloating outward on the second blast of reptile seed and started to panic--I realized I had no idea how much the monster had in him.

Fortunately for the city, Jaden seemed interested in seeing how much his condom could take, and pulled me off by just about a foot, seating his cockhead in my stomach and proceeding to fill me. I gulped down the sticky mouthful of seed I'd already acquired and helplessly felt myself begin to swell like a water balloon.

Foot by foot I grew, a massive cum-filled sphere filling his lap, wondering if I would burst from the growing pressure until the sensations suddenly changed.

Though I still felt flooded with monstery cum and thoroughly stretched by his enormous cock, the fullness seemed to become more bearable. I groaned out, pushing back against his cock for more, but by now Jaden's cum had slowed, the throbbing shaft calming inside me.

The glow that covered my body also seemed to be fading, leaving behind only a dark green layer of scales. I felt the reshaping of my body penetrating deep, still leaving me thickly bloated with kaiju seed, but nearly as tall as my mate and probably just as terrifying, if the sharp claws on my hands and feet were any indication.

A helicopter buzzed in front of me and I swatted it away. Now that I was another monster to fight instead of a hostage to be saved, they were getting bolder, and while I felt like we might be strong enough to survive bullets, I wasn't ready to chance more powerful missiles coming our way. I slipped quickly off my partner's cock, leapt off the building--cracking the pavement for a couple of blocks in each direction--and started plowing through the narrow streets with Jaden behind me, till we reached the edge of town, heading for the freedom of the mountains.

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