The Hog's Head

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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Another night in the bar, another blind Internet date.

All right, another attempt at a hookup.

The slimmer young man sitting opposite me had moved as far away from me as he could manage while still sitting at the same table, and the disdain on his face showed me he was displeased with what he saw. I was nearly a foot taller than him and maybe a hundred fifty pounds thicker.

I'd already given up on the evening and was just chewing on a big plateful of pretzel bites while Marco pretended I wasn't there.

It was thundering hard out, and rain could be seen beating against whatever parts of the windows of the Hog's Head that weren't covered in beer advertisements.

"Hey Robey," I called out, waving at the bartender. "Can I get some more over here?"

"Just a minute," he said, pouring out a drink for Tomasz, an older fellow round of belly and white of hair and beard, who was the bar's only other patron tonight.

A couple of minutes later and Robey pushed another drink and full plate across the bar to Pete, a muscular brute who was new and in charge of keeping us rowdies in line, as well as keeping the place in order.

He brought it to our table and I tried to convince Marco to have some ("c'mon, you could at least enjoy something tonight") but he just gave me a dark look over his emo glasses and went back to staring out the window at the rain.

Brilliant flash, crack of thunder, and the door swung open to let in a stocky young man, drenched from head to foot.

"Evening, Lionel," Robey said.

Lionel shook off and hung his coat and hat and approached the bar, sitting by Tomasz.

He nodded when Robey offered him his usual, and leaned on the bar to catch his breath.

"You shouldn't have come out in this."

"A man's got to enjoy his days off when he gets them."

"But you don't even drink."

"Doesn't mean I don't enjoy being here," Lionel said.

Robey laid out Lionel's cola as another stroke of lightning was immediately followed by tumbling thunder.

"It struck the Mercury building," said Pete, who was watching out the front window. "Definitely damaged, doesn't look like any fire though."

The rain pounded harder, as if trying to outdo the hollow roar of the wind, and a thunderbolt just outside the window made Marco jump in his seat.

"Holy--" he started, and lightning struck again, the flash illuminating the whole front of the bar as the power went out.


In the few moments it took our eyes to adjust to the sudden darkness, Robey had already pulled out a couple of flashlights and lit a candle.

"Hey Pete, would you check to see if anything..."

The sweep of the bartender's flashlight failed to illuminate the big man.


Lionel got up from the bar with the other flashlight and knelt down by the door, where Pete was lying, and the rest of us gathered around him as well.

"Oh fuck," he said. The bouncer was scorched from the lightning strike, and smoke was rising from his beard.

"You all right, man?" Tomasz asked. "You smell like bacon."

"I sure feel fried," he said, leaning on Robey's arm and getting to his feet.

"We should get you to the emergency room."

"Nah man," Pete said. "I'll be o-- or-- ornk..."

Lionel shone his light in the bouncer's face, then started backwards. "Pete, your nose..."

The front of Pete's face had swollen out bigger than any nose had a right to be. You could call it a snout, even--it had the kind of spade shape a pig's nose has.

Lionel reached up to touch it.

A fat angry spark leaped from the end of Pete's snout to the end of Lionel's finger with a loud zzap.

This time, everyone jumped back.

Pete let out a terrible, animal grunt and twisted to look all around him, fear and panic clear in his eyes.

"What-- what--" The snout became more pronounced--at least, that was what I noticed first. In fact, every bit of him was growing, the already-massive man filling out his clothes: sleeves bulging with muscle, torso barreling out with firm chest and musclegut, and the seams of his jeans straining to contain his swelling rump and the tree-trunk legs that grew thicker and thicker by the moment.

"I can't keep it in," he said, covering his face as his ears changed, short tusks emerging from his mouth. "Got to--"

There was an explosive flatulent sound, and then a terrible stink as the scent of Pete crapping his pants filled the bar.

Not ten seconds later, the increasingly porcine bouncer's growing body ripped his jeans in half, spilling its load of shit all over the floor.

Everyone took three steps further back--it smelled something fierce.

The remains of Pete's pants landed around him in tatters as his shoes exploded with a sound like bubble wrap popping from the pressure of his expanding feet.

There was no running away; the new pig man was blocking the door.

Lionel tried to approach him again, more cautiously this time. "It's all right, Pete. We'll get you help."

He raised his snout, dark eyes under beetling eyebrows staring with a strange hunger at Lionel, as though help was quite the last thing he was looking for.

A more powerful scent filled the room--thick, masculine, and sexual. All eyes drifted down to see that the destruction of Pete's pants had left his privates exposed, and a stout beercan shaft at full mast was jutting out from under his hairy gut.

"Um," Lionel said, his eyes glazing over a bit as the smell took deeper hold. "Mmmm..." His jaw went slack and he inhaled deeply.

Pete fell to his knees in front of him, grunting as he started to jerk his porcine cock with one hand and tried to work open Lionel's pants with the other.

Lionel put a hand on the bouncer's head and pushed him back. "Not yet," he said. "Guard the door."

The pigman planted its wide rear square in the mess that covered the floor in front of the door, stroking his shaft while his feet worked the spreading muck into the ground.

"Lionel!" I said.

He turned to look at me, eyes curiously bright behind a piglike snout. "Not quite." A wave of his hand set off a shower of sparks, hitting me like a punch in the chest and knocking me into the nearest booth.

I saw the others had been knocked down as well, and weren't moving.

I found I couldn't move myself.

Lionel went over to where Marco was lying, looking down over him with a contemptuous expression on his face. "Ah, little weakling." There was fear in the smaller man's expression, even though he couldn't move. "Let's see if we can make a beast of you."

He pressed on Marco's nose, which blossomed under his touch into a large snout with a pair of tusks growing from under it.

"See how much better that is."

Marco's face rounded out as it changed, his skin turning paler and pinker. Lionel moved his hand up and slid it through Marco's dark hair, the motion leaving a swath of white bristles in its wake.

As the change covered his head, he let out a low, questioning nnk.

Lionel nodded, gesturing in my direction. "Go help our friend."

With a sudden motion, Marco lurched to his feet, a hungry expression on his face as he turned to me. I saw he was still changing, the tight clothes he'd been wearing already straining to contain him as he grew. As his growing torso burst through his shirt, he took hold of the tear with one thickening paw and ripped it from his body, showing off his changing form.

And then the pigman that used to be Marco was standing in front of me, his stomach rounding out over the waistband of his pants, grinning eagerly as he tore through them as well, exposing a thick and lengthening shaft.

Frozen in place, I couldn't even flinch as he pointed his cock directly at my face and let loose a stream of hot piss, drenching my forehead and letting it flood down my cheeks.

I felt my body start to change as Marco's piss worked its way into my skin. The snout was the first to come in--firm and almost painful pressure pushed my nose up and out, flaring my nostrils wide.

He leaned forward, aiming his stream in and washing the inside of my new snout with the powerful smell of his dominance. I could feel the stink of hog urine sinking into my brain, turning me into a good piggy urinal as the constant stream of piss flowed back out of my nostrils, filling my immobile mouth to overflowing with its bitterness and dripping down my overalls.

It felt good to be a pig. And as the piss and changes spilled down my body, leaving me soaking in a puddle of what was rapidly starting to feel like mud, I felt my body jerk to life again.

I grabbed Marco's hips and pulled his cock into my maw, gulping down his powerful urine as my body swelled against the confines of my clothes.

Lionel looked down his snout at the new pigs playing in the growing puddles of muck around them and grinned. He felt the power of the spark running through him, electric libido tenting his pants harder than he'd ever been before.

Oh, it was just about time to play--but first, to let the beast out.

He stretched out his arms, feeling the energy run along them, filling them out with strong muscle under a thick layer of fat. Electricity coursed around his torso, sending strange shadows around the room as his body swelled larger, bursting through his shirt almost immediately, exposing a mountain of porcine flesh covered in pale thick fur.

The power spread downward with the tatters of his shirt, his legs swelling out with firm pork as they strained against his jeans. The energy danced around his waist, swiftly pulling out a curled tail before encircling his groin, rounding out his bulge till it punched through the pants, making them fall apart around him with a sound of ripping fabric.

His new girth was impressive--the thickness of his shaft nearly matched each of his massive thighs.

He looked around for his two remaining playthings, finding Robey and Tomasz still immobilized against the bar. "Don't worry," Lionel said, his voice deeper than before. "I haven't forgotten about you."

He moved in and ran a meaty hand with some affection through Tomasz' white hair before turning to rest his rump against the older man's face. He ground down hard, burying the man's face between his massive cheeks till he felt a nose against his tailhole--small at first, but quickly filling out into the thick snout it was destined to become.

Lionel growled with pleasure as he felt the snout start to root against his hole, the changing man under him eager to sniff and taste his musk, his thick tongue sliding in deep.

The dominant male took his girth in both hands, stroking it as it dripped pre all over the growing pig-man under him, and pointed it towards the bartender. After a few moments, a gush of strong-smelling piss hit Robey like a firehose, soaking him through to the bone. Lionel grinned as he doused the man from top to bottom, watching the piss drip down his beard onto the floor, changing the hard surface to soft mud as it spread.

Robey came to and lifted himself to his hands and knees, looking up at the massive cock that was marking him as its own, and with a piercing squeal his body gave way to piggishness, massive new form exploding out of his clothes in an instant. Where once was a man now stood the largest pig in the room, reeking of piss and his belly dragging on the muddy floor.

He approached Lionel where he sat getting his ass eaten out by the hungry pigman that had been Tomasz. He climbed between Lionel's legs, snout nuzzling into the strong scent of his scrotum as the heavy weight of the alpha boar's cock rested on his back.

Lionel smiled, stroking his new pig's shoulder. "Attaboy," he said. "I definitely do enjoy being here."

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