The Naughty List

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#10 of Diary of a Skunk

(Watch the keywords.)

Like most days where it was too cold to even think about making dinner, Mattock and I were at the local all-you-can-eat Feed Trough. It had been snowing for most of the week, and our waistlines were starting to show it.

Thank heaven for sweatpants.

I'd loaded up my third plate with mac and cheese, fries, and some of the best dinner rolls in town and squeezed back into our booth where Matty was still stuffing his face with a plateful of bacon.

"The booths are getting smaller here, aren't they?" I asked.

The big roo smirked at me. He was usually a hundred pounds up on me, and had trouble fitting into the booths at the best of times. Right now, in fact, the table sank several inches into the curve of his gut. "Keep eating, young padawan," he said, "and you'll see what a tight booth is really like." He punctuated that thought by pushing his belly out, sliding the table forward and pinning me in my seat.

He got up for another round, chuckling as I struggled to shove the table back into position.

I dug in and watched the other patrons of the buffet as I ate. After the food, the people are the second-best part of the buffet experience -- the health-conscious fellows are at home eating salads, the average Joes are at Burger King, but the Feed Trough was frequented by the big men who get no satisfaction from a mere value meal.

There was a gray wolf, shorter than me, with a wonderfully round ball belly jutting out in front of him and peeking out a few inches from under a bright blue Hawaiian shirt. There were massive twin tigers in emerald football jerseys, bodies wobbling as they jostled against each other trying to load their plates. And then my eye was drawn to the mountain that was making its way into the dining room.

It was a polar bear, and he must have been nearly seven feet tall. He was certainly as wide as the door, which he had some trouble shouldering his bulk through.

He was shirtless and wearing a Santa hat; if he was wearing anything below the waist, I couldn't tell around the hanging apron of his gut which nearly engulfed his knees. His fur was stunningly white, save for his beard and the headfur that peeked out from under the hat, which were streaked with silver.

I could see his ice-blue eyes from across the room... at least until Matty came back and sat down, blocking my view.

"I think Christmas just happened," I said.

"What do you mean?"

I nodded past him, and he turned to look at the bear, who'd just finished paying and was approaching the tables.

Approaching us, in fact.

"Merry Christmas," he said. His voice was not the deep boom I'd expected, but a gentle tenor with a bit of melody behind it.

And he passed us by, off to fill up his plate at the buffet.

And indeed, he was not wearing anything below the waist.

"Wow," Matty said, when he was out of earshot. Both of us were trying to watch him surreptitiously, though Mattock had the better angle for it. "Am I horrible for wanting to jump his bones right now?"


"He is hot though."

"Omigosh yes." I tried to focus attention on my plate again but the bear's fur, being the brightest thing in the room, was a magnet for the eyes, and the sight of his round hindquarters as he bent over the displays of food flooded my thoughts. "Man," I said. "Why can't I be big as that?"

"Because you don't eat," Mattock said, stealing fries from my plate.

"I wonder why!" I said, smacking his paw playfully, making him drop the food. "I'm sure if I ate everything you did, I'd be big as a house in no time."

"Nothin's stoppin' ya," he said. "Oh fuck, he's coming back this way!"

I tried not to turn and look -- we'd been obvious enough as it was. But the big polar bear came straight back to our table, laid his plate on the end, pulled up first one chair and then another alongside it, and sat down, giving me a sideways grin.

He filled both chairs.

"I can see why you boys are on the naughty list," he said.

"...Santa?" Matty said.

The bear laughed, shaking his head. "Nah, I just have some skill with holidays. Christmas is my favorite -- I heard you mention it. Candy cane?" He pulled out two from the air and set them by our plates. "I'm Pollux. And I get a lot of looks, I'll tell you, but no one has looked at me the way you have in a good long time."

I felt my blush rising as he looked at me. Ice-blue eyes, but such warmth in them.

"He thinks you're pretty hot," Matty said.

I buried my face in my paws to hide the blushing.

"Is that so..." Pollux said.

"Yup, he's one hopeless crinklebutt--" I stomped on Matty's foot before he could get any further, my cheeks hot.

"Even those who like 'em a little soft stopped looking my way around the time I passed seven hundred," Pollux said, pulling my paws down with a big meaty paw of his own to look into my eyes. "Wait, what did he say? Crinkle--"

That paw reached down to my rump and gave me an experimental squeeze, and there was the tell-tale rustling of thick padding, sending my embarrassment into overdrive.

The bear's eyes went wide. "You're... you're in d-d-diapers!" His paws flew to his muzzle.

I was glad nobody was sitting near us, because if anyone had heard that I probably would have just died. I was sure Matty had ruined any chance I might've had. "Ah man... you're not going to go all weaselly on me, are you? It's not--"

He shook his head. "Um. Took me by surprise. Um." He looked around him to see if anyone was watching, then grabbed my paw, pulled me out of the booth, and hefted me over his shoulder, carrying me out of the restaurant.

Mattock sighed, picking up the candy cane and regarding the abandoned plates. "There's no way he can be that lucky."

Pollux carried me across the parking lot. For a big fellow, he was pretty strong. "Are we going up the Empire State Building?"

"Don't be silly," he said. "King Kong Day was a couple of weeks ago."

He actually ended up taking me across the street to a rather large house that illuminated its well-decorated lawn with walls of Christmas lights, which me and Mattock had admired many times on the way to the buffet. "This is your place?"

He put me down when we got into the yard and we went inside. The entirety of the inside of the house smelled like cinnamon, nutmeg and all sorts of holiday baking.

"Excuse the extravagance," he said. "I tend to get kind of carried away when it comes to Christmas in particular. But show me."

I blushed, and started lowering my sweatpants, showing off the white puffy padding.

"Ohhh," he breathed, getting down on all fours in front of me and grabbing my rump, burying his face in my diaper and inhaling deeply.

I blushed even harder, not sure what to do with the enthusiastic bear, and settled for letting my fingers run through his headfur as he breathed in the scent of my clean diaper.

"That smells so amazing," he said. "Could you... Could you wet it for me?"

I blushed deeper and held his head against the diaper as I relaxed and let it out. I could feel him nuzzling deeply into my crotch as I flooded the diaper, a steady stream of piss building up behind the plastic barrier, soaking into the absorbent layers. The stink of skunk urine filled the air, battling the gingerbread house aromas of Pollux' home.

The giant polar bear was entranced, his nose pressing in deeper, and his mouth worked slowly, nomming on the diaper. As my piss came to a halt, I quickly got harder from all the attention. Pollux rumbled low as he felt it. "Come on," he said, getting up and taking my hand. "Let's get more comfortable."

He led me back to a small room in the back of the house -- certainly not the master bedroom. There was a bed but it was otherwise bare. "My room is probably a little too festive for this kind of play," he said.

I got on the bed and he pulled my sweatpants off entirely. His paws roamed over my diaper, squeezing over my stiffness and the curve of my rump.

He growled hungrily as he buried his nose in my piss-soaked diaper, the bed creaking under his weight. He whimpered a little, looking up at me. "That is just so hot. Could you... could you mess them for me?"

The blush completely overcame me, and I hid my face in my paws, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, was that--?"

I shook my head. "It's just that I don't usually," I said.

"What will it take to get you to do it?"

I hadn't thought I could blush any harder. "Um..."

"I'll clean you up after, just let me--"

"All right, all right," I nodded, ears very red, and put my paw on his head, pressing it between my legs.

I wrapped my legs around his neck setting my feet on his broad, soft back, holding him down to make sure reflex flinching didn't keep him from enjoying what he wanted.

I started pushing.

A blast of gas came out first, enveloping the bear in skunkstink. To his credit he only nosed in deeper, his muzzle pressing tight against my padded tailhole like a thick toy poised to sink in. He reached under his enormous hanging belly and started stroking himself, and I stuck my paw into my wet diaper and started doing likewise.

And then I felt the first of my load start to push out, thick mephit shit pressing into the narrow space between my hole and my diaper and getting smeared against my rump by Pollux' probing muzzle.

He grunted and snorted in a nearly pig-like fashion as he inhaled my stink like a drowning man straining for air. "Aww, fuck yes," he growled as the remains of my meal continued to fill my diaper, bulging it out despite how the bear was pushing back against it.

I panted hard as I jerked myself, libido in overdrive thanks to the full diaper, the stink of my own musk, and the massive bear eagerly rooting around under my tail.

The ice bear growled, and the pressure of my legs on his back was nothing to him as he scooted forward, chest and belly covering me entirely, and gave me a deep kiss with a muzzle redolent of messy diaper.

"Rrrh.... gonna cum," he growled.

"I want it in my muzzle."

Pollux stroked himself a bit more, panting as he considered. "My knees won't let me stay up much longer," he said. "Let me lie on my back and you can take it as you want it."

I nodded and rolled off the bed, giving the giant bear room to sprawl out on it. His bulk covered most of the mattress -- there wouldn't have been room to lie down beside him.

I got in between his tree-trunk legs and buried my muzzle in the dark space under the apron of his belly where his paw was rubbing over the half-inch of cock he was able to get at through his super thick pubic fat pad.

I inhaled deeply and smelled... peppermint?

I took his cocknub into my muzzle, and it did indeed taste of peppermint, a tiny little candy cane buried in the cave deep under the massive bear's gut. I suckled hard on him, feeling his body wobbling and quaking around me with his motions as I pleasured him. As he said, it wasn't long till he reached his peak; the bear pressed down hard on his gut, pinning me under as he growled out his climax, thick milky cum tasting something like eggnog flooding my muzzle for a good half minute before he eased up and let me slide out.

The bear was breathing hard, his nose now glowing red. "Man... that'll wear a guy out for sure." He looked up at me. "Don't worry though, I'm still getting you off. Just don't expect me to move for a bit. Come sit here." He patted his chest.

I climbed up on the bear's chest, wide and thick as a loveseat, leaving him face to face with my musky padded crotch. I rubbed his red nose. "Is this some Christmas magic?"

He blushed a little, the light flickering. "Sometimes the holidays just happen to leak out." His paws reached up to the tapes that held my padding in place. "Mind if I...?"

"Go ahead."

He opened up the diaper, revealing my piss-soaked stiffy, and exposing a good deal of my mess to the air. The stink was easily ten times as strong as before, but Pollux only shut his eyes with a blissed-out expression on his face as he stroked my cock, soft fur and pawpads working over my shaft.

I let him stroke me a little before the urge to get off got too much to hold back any further. I scooted in a little and held his head between my thighs, pushing my cock down into his ready muzzle and sliding it in deep against his thick tongue. The bear's lips closed around my thickness, slurping the filth from my shaft as his chin rested in my diaper's mess. It wasn't long before his talented mouth brought me close, and I leaned forward, pushing in deep, his nose against my musky pubes as I blasted my load into his muzzle, panting hard.

In a more capacious bed I would have rolled over beside him to catch my breath, but with Pollux' size this would have left me on the floor. Instead I lay back on his chest, my head resting on the fluffy softness of his belly and feeling his own breath rise and fall under me.

"Oh, man," I said. "That was... wow. Give me a minute or two and we can get cleaned up."

Pollux said nothing, just lifted his paws to knead at my sides for a bit. I realized that the way I was lying, my open messy diaper and tailhole were pretty much in his face. And I was just starting to wonder whether he was really that into it or just being polite when I felt that warm glowing nose pressing at my underside again and his thick tongue sliding up the crack of my rump.

"Oh," I said.

The tongue slid in deeper, clearing out the buried muck, and I tried not to squirm at the slight ticklishness of its touch.

The bear's muzzle moved upwards, taking the space under my balls into his maw as he sucked the mess from my taint.

"Rrrrh..." I said, quaking a little at the pleasurable sensations coming on so soon after orgasm.

He took my balls into his muzzle, licking them clean as his paw reached down to slide the diaper out from under me, folding it up and tossing it on the floor by the bed.

"All better," he said.

I managed to recover enough to climb off the bear, and stood by him, rubbing my paw into his bellyfur. His fur was no longer quite so bright, his chest and face being streaked with brown.

"Thank you," he said, looking up at me. "So much. I've... you can't imagine how long I've wanted something like that."

I reached into my sweatpants for my pen and wrote my name and number for him on the scrap of receipt from the buffet that was in the pocket. "I'd better get back to dinner before Matty decides you've chopped me up to store in your basement freezer. You get cleaned up, and if we're still there when you get back, feel free to join us again. If not, call me."

He sat upright with a groan of effort and held out his paws. "C'mere."

I went up to him and he gave me a big bear hug, enveloping me in warm mostly-white fur and pressing me deep into his softness, which stank of skunkmess. "Merry Christmas," he said.

"You too, big fellah."

It took a bit of talking to get back into the buffet without paying again, especially without my receipt, but eventually I was back in the booth with a substantially fuller Mattock and tucking into my cold plate of macaroni. The smell of the encounter still lingered in my nostrils.

"Have fun?" he asked.

I blushed and nodded.

"You've got a little, erm." He pointed vaguely. "On your nose."

I brushed a lot redder.

We didn't see Pollux again that day, nor for the next couple of weeks did I hear anything back from him again.

I didn't want to drop by his house again, because that just was Not Done, but I did find myself hitting the buffet a good deal more often than was strictly necessary in hopes of seeing him. I gained a good twenty pounds that December.

On Christmas morning, though, there was a rather large present under the tree that neither Matty nor myself could account for, that hadn't been there before bed the night before.

The roo gave the box a quick investigation, in case it was ticking or anything, and found the tag. He read it, shook his head, and handed it over to me.

For a naughty boy. - Pollux

Inside were eight large packages of diapers, and another card:

P.S. Come to my New Year's party?

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