A Clockwork Tanuki

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#9 of Diary of a Skunk

Mind the keywords!

The city fair was busy, even with the rain. The street vendors had put up awnings to keep everyone dry, but I had my umbrella out as well as I browsed.

I had been spending far too much time browsing this booth where the older ape lady from the comic shop had a massive display of pins and buttons and badges -- so many clever little designs -- before I decided to trade her an arcanine button for a bright little pin with a smiley face wreathed in flames.

I hurried past stalls of Asian knickknacks, a tiger selling vinyl records, and a tiny lioness making chain mail, trying to get to Events while there were still any to watch.

I only just managed to get the tail end of the Copies of Beth concert, and skipped out to get some funnel cake while the next act was setting up.

It was a struggle to multitask holding the umbrella and eating from a flimsy paper plate -- I was just about entirely covered in powdered sugar in a matter of seconds -- but, you know how sometimes just having the authentic experience is better than just cooking it up at home? This was probably the second-best funnel cake I ever had.

As The Transformation Flight started playing their set, I felt like I was having a pretty good day. I tossed the paper plate and looked for a place to sit down. They did have a covered pavilion, but it was packed shoulder to shoulder with folks trying to avoid the rain, so I looked over all the lawn umbrellas for anywhere there was space.

It was about two songs in that I finally found someone sitting alone.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked.

The umbrella's occupant looked up at me. He was wearing a tanuki mask made of porcelain and bundled up in fur against the cold.

"Go ahead." His voice ground softly.

I sat by him under the umbrella and shook as much of the rain off my own as I could. "Have you heard these guys play before? They're pretty great. Oh, and pardon if I smell."

"Wouldn't be any trouble." He tapped his mask's nose. "Nothing comes in this way. And I haven't heard them before," he said. "I was just sort of wandering around today and heard music and wanted to listen."

I took a closer look at my interlocutor. On second glance I saw it wasn't actually a fur coat he wore, nor was there anything visible in the eyeholes of the mask.

And I heard the tick and click of moving parts.

"You're..." I started.

He turned to face me. I looked down, realizing I'd only be speaking inanity to the empty eyes, and saw a bare spot of wood between the strips of faux fur panelling his body. Carved into it was an inscription that cut off after "THE AMAZING MARVELO..."


"It's as good a name as any. What's yours?"

"Luis," I said, "But you can call me Musky -- everyone does."

The concert was shorter than I'd have liked -- partly because the band was just on fire, but mostly because I really got into telling Marvelo about what was going on on stage and around the plaza. I was really impressed by him; he wasn't some high-powered supercomputer and he wasn't an emotionless automaton -- he seemed like just a regular guy who happened to be full of gears, and maybe a little inexperienced.

"So you're a skunk," he said, as we waited for the crowds to clear enough to leave. "Am I going to have to worry about smelling bad from being around you?"

"I wouldn't worry about it," I said.

"I notice that isn't an answer."

I laughed and looked back at him. "Probably not worse than anyone else walking by us, unless we happen to get particularly intimate."

"Don't we plan on that happening?"

I stopped short. "Oh, uh.. Do you... can you..." Futile attempts at expressive hand gestures.

"You organic people seem to be programmed in interesting ways, but I think I have an idea how to go about it."

"I'm not programmed!"

"You're a complex chemical reaction, with drives to eat, sleep, seek shelter, procreate..."

"But I don't..."

"Oh, come on, Musky," he said, taking my paw. "Let's explore your chemistry."

I led him back to my place, which was only a couple minutes off. His arm was across my shoulders while his other paw was stroking over my belly. "You're so soft," he said. "It must be amazing to have a body that moves so much."

I blushed deeply, almost dropping my keys as I tried to work the door. "Um," I said.

"That was the wrong thing to say, wasn't it?"

"I..." To be honest, I wasn't quite sure why that had surprised me, and tried going for my next thought. "I'm not used to tanukis talking about shapes they can't have. Why--"

And then I realized I couldn't make 'why are you a tanuki' sound like anything other than 'then what is the point of you,' and tried to rescue my failed attempts to speak by inviting him in. "Why don't you make yourself at home?"

"Don't mind if I do," he said, and sank to his knees with a series of _clank_s before starting to undo my pants.

Blushing intensified and I quickly slammed the door shut before anyone could see what was going on.

"A little shy?" He had my fly open and was pulling down my boxers. The embarrassment had me pretty stiff already, my cock pressing against the underside of my belly. "Mmm," he said. "Sounds like someone's ready."


"I can hear your heartbeat," he said. "All through your body." His paw reached for my shaft and closed around it, rubber grips and wood on flesh. "Pretty thick... average length, but nothing wrong with that... What color is it?"

"It's white," I said. "You do this a lot, do you?"

"First time," he said, carefully stroking my length. "But I can guess from the way your cock stiffens when you blush that you want someone who takes charge." He was right, of course, and my renewed blush and stiffness only served to validate his hypothesis. "So get over here and fuck me."


"I'd love to suck on it, but I'm not exactly equipped," he said, tapping his porcelain muzzle, which had a mouth hole only about the size of a drinking straw. "And I'd gladly mount you, but likewise I don't have the appropriate gear."

"But you've got a fuckable ass."

"Why thank you."

"I mean..."

"You mean why have I got a fuckable ass? Probably for the same reason you do." He stood up and turned away from me, grinding his hindquarters against my shaft.

"Can we..." I faltered, then gave in. "Can we get somewhere more comfortable? I'm a bit out of shape to to do this standing up."

It wasn't long before I had the ticking tanuki in my bed and was pulling off the last of my clothes. Marvelo had taken hold of a bottle of lube and had managed to squirt half of it up the hole under his tail before I could stop him, and now he was lying on his back fingering himself as I joined him in the bed.

I lifted his legs over my shoulder and leaned in over him, pressing my shaft under his tail, and he let out what sounded like a contented whirring as I sank into the tight space.

"Mmm... hold on there," he said, pushing me back and out of him a bit. "Let me get these things out of the way."

He grabbed one of his legs and gave it a strange twist, then -- to my surprise -- pulled it off entirely, with a sound like a cork coming out of a bottle. He repeated the operation with the other leg while I was trying to regain my composure.

"There," he said. "Easier access."

I looked over the legless tanuki lying next to his detached limbs. I ran my paw over the empty sockets where they had been connected, still a bit stunned. And he grabbed my hips and pulled me back forward, aiming my cock to his overlubed hole.

The access was definitely easier, and as my hips landed flush against his rump I leaned in close enough to hear the subtler movements of Marvelo's clockwork. I nuzzled in against the porcelain face as I started grinding into him, listening to the click-click-click-thrum of his tailhole tightening around my cock after every thrust.

Marvelo's paws roamed down the sides of my belly, kneading at my softness as my shaft plunged deep into him. "Mmm," he said. "So thick and soft."

"Rrrh," I said. Deep thrust, squelch, click, click, click, thrum.

"I love how you organic people get so soft and fleshy," he said, knocking at his wooden chest in demonstration of the alternative.

I chuckled a little, stopping to recover my breath. "Want me to get bigger for you?"


I reached into the nightstand and pulled out the morphichron, tapping a couple of familiar icons and rolling over on my back beside the tanuki. "Just give it a moment," I said, moving one of his paws back onto my belly.

He leaned over me, pressing his paws into my belly as it started growing. "What was that?" he asked. "How did you...?"

"Thick and soft, you said you liked it... I thought I'd make it a little softer -- and a little thicker."

One of his paws immediately roamed south to grip my cock, which was growing as well and already too thick to close his fingers around. "Oh, man..."

He braced himself on his arms and hefted his body up so that he was -- well, I couldn't say straddling me, as he was still legless, but otherwise it was the right position -- and ground his rump against my swelling cockhead till it found his tailhole, and pushed his weight down on what was by now a dick as thick as a two-liter bottle and still growing.

"Oh, man..." Click.

He leaned forward, pressing his paws into my expanding belly as it grew up and out against him, higher and higher till it obscured my view of his face. Click.

He rocked hard on my cock, the slick-lubed space under his tail growing tighter and tighter as I grew thicker and longer inside him. I panted hard, from the sheer exertion of being so big and nearing climax as my stomach trapped me under its own weight. Click.

The tanuki let out a clanking groan and the panting whirr of many fans as he leaned forward on my gut, his tailhole far too tight and nevertheless starting to compress around my shaft as I started blasting my load into him. _Thrum.... crack _

"Oh, fuck," he said, more blissed out than concerned as his guts filled with skunkseed. "I think you broke my ass."

I reached for the morphichron again and arrested the changes. I lay totally immobilized under my now-massive gut, with a groaning clockwork tanuki leaning against my flab and impaled on my fat cock.

"I'm totally going to make a mess if I try to get up," he said. "I'll be surprised if I have any containment left."

I blushed deeply.

"So you're going to have to help me out. First off, we'd better keep you from getting away..."

I yelped a bit as he leaned around my gut and grabbed the morphichron from my paw. "Hey!" He tossed it to the other side of the bed, out of reach.

"Now. Open up."

He reached over and took one of his legs, and while I couldn't see what he was doing around the swell of my belly, I could feel he was pressing it against my cock under his tail as he slowly inched his way up off me.

There was a brief gush of warm fluids on my cock before, presumably, he was able to plug his tailhole with the end of his leg.

"What are you..." I started, as he clambered awkwardly around my gut, and leaned over my head.

"Open up, I said."

I blushed extremely red, shut my eyes and opened my mouth wide. There was another rush of muck covering my face as he unstoppered his rump and moved it into place over my muzzle.

The strongest smell was of cum, and that was what hit my tongue first - the massive load you always get from a magically enhanced cock. I gulped it down for what felt like half a minute, feeling my overstuffed gut swell even further as it filled with my seed.

Marvelo started stroking my belly as he continued to release, thinner cum mixed with lube and pre splashing over my tongue. I swallowed as much as I could, but I could tell more was still spilling down my cheeks, so I grabbed his hips and pulled him down on me, my muzzle sinking deep in his ass.

The inside of the tanuki stank of grease and sludge, and I realized he'd nearly drained out everything I'd pumped into him, and all that was left was the mess he'd come in with.

The first mouthful of the artificial tanuki's scat was like nothing I'd ever tasted before -- the mechanical smell of motor oil, a strangely gritty texture, and an unforgettable flavor that managed to be both filthy and inorganic. I struggled to chew and swallow down the chunks that rushed into my muzzle, the sheer steady flow of it fighting any urge I might have had to be sick. It was tough stuff though, and I couldn't keep up; Marvelo's shit was flooding my muzzle, bulging out my cheeks and spilling out to either side, and still it kept coming. How did he store so much in such a slender casing?

I could hear him groaning pleasurably as he leaned on my swelling gut, every last bit of stored waste covering my face as I kept trying to minimize the spillage, but there was only so much I could force down my throat.

Fortunately it was just then that the tanuki seemed to have finished draining himself, the last dregs of his feces spluttering out with a soft flatulent sound. He rolled off me and out of the way of the messy puddle that had piled up around me, reaching for his legs to reaffix them.

I tried to wipe my eyes clear, but there really was just too much of it. I gulped down a rank mouthful and chuckled a bit. "And here you were worried you might smell after playing with me."

After a little while to recover, the fattened skunk trimmed himself back down to his ordinary chubby size and retreated to the bathroom to get the worst of the muck off him.

Marvelo waited quietly until he heard Musky singing in the shower, then reached to pick up the morphichron. "And what are you," he murmured, listening to the little device.


"Oh," he said, his fingers exploring it till he was able to click open the cover, and he caressed the line of embossed pictograms that encircled the inside. He activated a trio of the icons before putting the morphichron back where the skunk had left it.

He waited a bit longer for the skunk, looking out the windows at the rain, but Musky seemed to be having a hard time getting clean. He got up, took a moment to get used to his new center of gravity, and waddled to the door, quickly learning not to crush his balls too badly as he tried to walk.

He hesitated at the door, but only for a moment. He could always come back later, but for now the day was wasting and it looked like he had a whole new life to live. He shut the door softly, so that Musky couldn't hear him leaving, and went out to let the rain soak his fur.

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