Pizza with Tommy

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#8 of Diary of a Skunk

So what do you do when you want to start over?

Me, I'd been hunting work. Most of my day had been spent pounding the pavement around the neighborhood, but as afternoon came on I was coming to accept the understanding that I was not going to get anywhere with anyone.

The only jobs you can apply for off the street, of course, are the lousy customer-facing jobs not much better than what I was already doing. And of course being a skunk disqualifies you from that sort of thing just as badly as, say, a prominent gang tattoo would.

At least it was a change of pace from the online job hunting world, where the "entry-level" jobs require two degrees and five years' experience in thirty different buzzwords.

The last place I decided to hit up was the employment agency, to at least see if I could get someone to do the hunting for me.

Half an hour of paperwork and typing tests later, I was booted out the door with not much more than a "we'll call you."

Well, they never said it'd be easy.

I decided to give up and go home for the day. Halfway down the block though, someone came up and grabbed my tail from behind.

I sprayed myself entirely on reflex. Fortunately I had a pretty thick scent-proof diaper on under my pants so it probably wasn't noticeable, but it was still a little embarrassing. I turned to see a tall white rabbit looming over me.

Well, of course a rabbit wouldn't know how to treat a real tail decently.

It was a moment or two longer before I vaguely recognized the donut shop worker. "Donny?"

He shook his head. "Tommy."


"No worries. No one remembers the help."

"Don't remind me."

"Speaking of which..." he hinted.

"Musky," I said.

"Musky, this is my building," he said, pointing to a low brick apartment house across the street. "Maybe you want to hang out for a bit?"

I remembered my last encounter with the rabbit.

I felt myself getting a bit hard immediately.

"Sure," I said.

He led me up three narrow flights of stairs, the clank of metal echoing through the grimy stairwell till we reached a door labeled with a "3" and the outline of where a "C" used to be. He pushed open the door and I followed him into a room piled high with cardboard boxes and a set of bunk beds stacked in the corner.

The blue-gray carpet was thin, stained, and worn through in places; I saw that Tommy kept his shoes on as he passed through, and I did likewise. A couple of doors down the hallway, and--

"This is my place," he said.

The rabbit's room was small and mostly taken up by the bed; the remainder of the floor space was covered in heaps of clothes. He shucked off his shoes and bounded on the bed, beckoning me over, and I followed suit.

"Sorry for... well, everything, but you know how it is. It ain't much, but the roommates should be out for most of the evening so at least we have the place to ourselves."

I nodded and he leaned in to pull me close to him, his paws immediately roaming over my belly.

"You're nice and soft..." he said.

"You like the bigger fellows, do you?"

He blushed and nodded a bit, ears swaying.

"Actually..." he added, and hesitated.

I ran a paw through the fur under his shirt. "Yes?"

His blush deepened and he didn't say anything.

I straddled him, sitting in his lap, and pressed my padded crotch against the bulge in his pants. "I've chowed on your ass before, donut boy. Compared to that, anything that comes out of your mouth is nothing. Spill it."

He looked up at me a bit surprised as he heard the rustling of my diaper crinkle. "I--"

More hesitation. I ground my hips against him.

"I'd like to feed you," he said. "If I could, if you're okay with that, I mean... and..."

Tommy gave me another look, like a kid not sure about sharing his secret play-space even with the cool babysitter.

"Out with it, bun!"

His blush spread up his ears.

He reached under his pillow and pulled out a bundled-up length of dark green rope. "Maybe...?"

"You want to tie me up?"

He nodded. I grinned.

"Let's get some food going first though," I said. "What've you--" --I remembered my surroundings-- "I mean, I'll spring for pizza."

"I couldn't--"

"I insist. It's not like I'm not eating most of it anyway."

"I can--" he started, and sighed. "Okay. Sal's is good -- they're just a couple doors down."

"Call 'em up!"

He picked up a phone handset that was on the floor by the bed and started dialing.

I started undoing his pants and fished out his hefty sausage. Even soft, it was thicker than my fist.

I took the head into my muzzle, as gently as I could but apparently there must have been a bit of teeth as he yelped into the phone "_Yowww_would like to order a pizza?!"

Lick, suck. "_Nnngh_yes, that's the address."

Slurp, stroke. So thick. "Rrrh... Three big herbivore meat lovers'."

Squeeze, suckle. "Yeah, one sec." He covered the mouthpiece. "How are we paying?"

Suck, throat. I pulled my wallet from my pocket and tossed it up to him. He read out my details as I did my best to distract him. But after his initial reaction he quickly mastered himself and took it like a soldier, finishing the call and tossing the phone aside.

"Naughty skunk... I should..." He hesitated.

"Yes?" I grinned up at him.

"You... I think you need to be taught a lesson..."

"What've you got, little bu--rk!" He put his paw on my head and shoved me down his cock. Its thickness plugged my throat, cutting off my air.

Normally you might struggle in such a position. Some folks might even get off on it. Me, I just wondered why my body wasn't squirming for breath after a few moments, and then I realized I couldn't feel his fat cock stretching my jaw open anymore.

I couldn't even move my head at all. I found my nose had fused into the rabbit's pubis and I was now effectively an extension of his crotch.

"Nice talent, isn't it?"

He lifted a footpaw over my body, rolling us over till I was on my back with him straddling me, as if I might somehow get away.

"This'll do."

He pulled out the rope and tied my paws to the edges of the bed.

"'Zat comfortable?"

I looked up at him with accusing eyebrows.

"Oh, right."

I gagged hard as my mouth separated from his body, leaving me suddenly with that thick slab of meat stuffed down my throat.

He pulled out quickly and I tried to catch my breath, coughing.

"You all right?"

I nodded.

"Ropes okay?"

I tested them -- he was good. They weren't overtight but I couldn't move them more than half an inch.

He started pulling my pants off.

He chuckled a bit as he exposed the puffy white diaper that had been hidden under my pants.

"Aha, thought so," he said. "Big widdle skunk have trouble keeping it in, eh?"

I blushed deeply, and more so when the sound of crinkling filled my ears he pressed down on my crotch for leverage to finish pulling down my pants.

I couldn't help but get hard from the embarrassment, my dick throbbing under his paw.

"Ah, the widdle stinkbutt likes being made fun of, does he?"

I blushed more, cheeks and ears burning, and got harder still.

"Fatty widdle diaperkit," he said, kneading at my belly. "Gonna stuff you hard and you're gonna make a big mess, aren't you?" He grinned. "And everyone will say, 'Man, now that skunk do stink.'"

He gave my belly a quick nibble and proceeded to spread my legs apart and secure them as well with an extra length of rope. He didn't stop, even when the pizza guy started knocking at the door.

"Mine now," he said with a little growl when the last knot was secured -- apparently much more confident now that I was at his mercy -- and went to get the door.

Wait, wait.

Flash. I bent my head to look across the room.

The pizza guy was a curvy badger girl standing in the bedroom door and snapping pictures of me on her phone.

She laughed at me, bright and clear, and my stripes must have been bright red from the humiliation. "Tumblr will love this," she said, and left.

Tommy, who'd been standing beside her with the pizzas, came up and tossed them on the bed beside me.

"Thought you might like that... and now it's time to eat, chubster." He rubbed my throbbing dick through the diaper as he opened up the first pizza box, revealing an archipelago of toppings in an ocean of cheese.

"I don't know if I can eat all that," I said. The 'big' pizza was huge - it must have been twenty-four inches at least.

"Oh, we'll get it in you one way or another," he said, a wicked smile on his face.

He straddled me again, that fat cock tantalizingly out of reach, and started shoving pizza into my muzzle.

He was right -- it was good. Classic New York style, greasy as the day is long, rich and meaty -- I shut my eyes and just let it come to me as I kept chewing, my dick stiff in my diaper as I imagined an endless conveyor belt of pizza ending in my muzzle, blimping me out till I filled the room...

And then I noticed the he pizza had stopped. "Earth to stinkbutt," Tommy said. "Still with me?"

I blushed. "They sell this just down the block? I'm surprised you can still fit through doors."

The thinner rabbit lowered his ears. "Someday, when I have the paycheck for it..." He ground his rump against my belly. "But I was going to say I thought I should get you a drink to go with that."

I nodded and he got up off me, disappearing to the kitchen where I heard the clanking of things being moved around for a while before he came back with a pitcher and a glass.

"All I have is OJ," he said. "And no, the water's not a good idea."

"It's all right," I said.

He filled the glass and awkwardly tried to position it at my muzzle so I could drink from it. Naturally I managed to get orange juice all over my muzzle and dripping down my neck.

"Sorry," Tommy said.

"It's all right."

He grabbed more pizza and returned to filling my maw with what really had to be the best pizza I'd ever had, and stroking his cock with his free paw. His rump continued to grind against my belly as it filled out rounder and rounder, the rabbit alternating bouts of pizza and orange juice until I started panting that I couldn't take any more.

Tommy slid off me and started kneading at my poor stuffed gut, listening to it as it let out audible gurglings of complaint. "Sounds like it's still hungry to me!"

I whined a bit but he shushed me. "Like I said, this is going in one way or another. You're too tied up to stop me anyway."


The rabbit grabbed another slice of the second pizza and pressed it against my gut, the warmth of it seeping through my fur. "Hush. Watch this."

It was with a rather queasy sensation that I watched Tommy fuse with my flesh again, his paw disappearing into my taut stomach and taking the pizza with it. I could feel his arm sliding around inside me as he apparently deposited the slice directly into my gut before pulling out again.

"That was..." I faltered. "That was..."

"More?" he asked.

"That can't be good for me."

"Three whole pizzas at once isn't going to be good for you no matter how it gets in you, Musky."


He pressed another slice home. "Oh heck," I said, as the feeling of fullness increased. Another slice. "I'm... I'm not going to blow up, am I?"

"Nah, flesh is sturdy. Worst case you might tear internally a little, but trust me, you've got plenty of give left in you."

Tommy took two slices at once, laying them on my belly and pushing them down through the flesh with both paws. The fullness was unbearable, and my dick was stiff and flooding my padding with pre.

"That's all of the second pizza," he said. "See how easy that was?"

My stomach rumbled harder as it struggled to work on the load of food that had been dumped into it. The bulge formed by two massive pizzas filling my stomach was a lot bigger than I thought it might be -- I couldn't see over it.

"One more to go," he said. "But first, a bit of a break for me..."

He kneeled between my legs, grinding his still-hard cock against my padded crotch. "You mess yourself yet, diaperbutt?"

I shook my head, then remembered I'd sprayed earlier. "Um, but I will probably stink anyway..."

"Fair enough." He scooted forward, climbing over my belly and slipping his thickness into my muzzle. It was greasy from his handling the pizza and tasted amazing as it stretched my jaw.

He leaned forward and started humping my face, the rabbit's hips thrusting powerfully as he crammed a large-sized dick into a medium-sized muzzle. I'm sure it wouldn't have taken much to make me lose my lunch with how full I felt, but fortunately he went easy on my throat and I got to wrap my tongue around that thick cockhead as he shuddered, grinding deep against the roof of my mouth and flooding it with his load.

I would have loved to swallow it down but I couldn't swallow another thing if I tried, so the rabbit's cum was left to trickle out of the side of my mouth, dampening my cheekfur as he pulled out.

"Ready for the rest?"

I whimpered. "So stuffed... I can't..."

He reached his paw into my diaper and started stroking my rock-hard dick. Slowly. Teasingly. And stopped.

"You know you're not getting off or going anywhere till that last pizza's in you."

"I can't!"

"You will -- but you have to want it." He squeezed my shaft again and grinned down at me. "Beg for it, stinkbutt."


"Please what?" He stroked my shaft a bit more.

"Please feed me."

"Please feed you what?" His spare paw kneaded at my aching belly.

"Please cram that whole fucking huge pizza into my gut!"


He lifted the pizza out of the box with two hands, set it on the curve of my belly, and I felt the heat of it sinking in through my fur. Then he took the edges of it and folded it up a couple of times, wadding up the massive pie into a huge lump on my belly.

Then he rested his paws on top of it, and pushed down hard. I yelped with the pressure as he started pushing it through my hide. There was no way that should have fit inside me, and I still don't know how it works, but after a moment I felt it entering my stomach proper, stretching it wide to accommodate the massive load of food. I groaned out loud as the feeling of fullness multiplied beyond anything I'd ever felt before, my gut swollen and round with the rabbit's arms sticking into it like punching dough.

"Oh fuck," I said. "Oh fuck."

Tommy pulled his paws out of my body. "You all right, Musky?"

"I just..." I couldn't really put the intensity of the feeling into words.

He started rubbing my belly. "Need six months to digest?"

My stomach gave out an enormous gurgle.

"What's that you say?" he said, ear to my gut. "You want more?"

And he just laughed as I whined and strained at my bonds.

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