Musky's Lucky Day

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#6 of Diary of a Skunk

The trouble was that Rocky was very _good_at mind control. If you weren't expecting it, he'd just slip in and take over, and you wouldn't even notice; and if you didn't notice, you wouldn't even think of resisting.

Sometimes he played with a light hand, just to see you struggle.

And sometimes you'd be going the whole day with a penis gag in your mouth and not notice till you came home from work and started feeling the ache in your jaw.

You started to go through your days with a healthy dose of paranoia.

He would ease up, if you asked. Of course, I didn't have the slightest inclination to ask; and if that was because of him suppressing it, that only means he did his work well.

It had started out a lazy Sunday morning. I lay beside the massive rat, watching his chest rise and fall as he slept. As far as I knew he needed to be awake to work his magic, so I enjoyed the feel of the heat of his presence without _too_much worry. I was leaning in against him, my muzzle buried in under his armpit, breathing in the deep scent of his cultivated musk, which tonight was mostly sweat and masculine arousal and a faint hint of what might have been cologne. Having slept there the whole night, I was fairly sure his scent would linger with me all day.

His paw moved to press me in tight against him, those muscles moving with such force that they could crush me if they weren't just shoving me against the soft cushion of the side of his belly.

"I've had an interesting dream," he said. "And you're going to have an interesting day."

The giant rat grinned down at me and ran his meaty fingers through my headfur. "You get an out, though. If you can guess what I'm doing to you before, oh, five p.m., then you can have a special treat."

My eyes wandered down to his morning wood, which was big enough to be visible even over the curve of his belly.

"And if you can't figure it out, then I get a special treat."

He was giving me that hungry look.

I knew my hopes in this game were slim. Rockwell's interests were pretty wide-ranging; it seemed like every day he had a new experience for me.

Guessing what he'd come up with in a dream would surely be impossible.

"I don't suppose I have a choice in this?" I asked.

"You don't want one, do you?"

Of course not, came the thought, which felt like mine but probably wasn't.

"I guess not," I said.

"Attaboy. Now get to work." He flexed his stiff cock, as if I hadn't guessed what he meant already.

I scrambled down between those strong legs of his and buried my face in his scrotum, deeply inhaling his concentrated scent and letting it burrow its way into my brain. I only wish I could stink like that.

I took his cock into my muzzle, sliding my tongue along nine thick inches and hoping maybe today he'd let me taste his cum. He'd never let me even _see_him cum yet, and sometimes as I lay in bed being held by him I'd wonder why. Of course, I wasn't thinking about that now; just the pleasure of feeling my jaw stretch with his girth was more than enough for me.

He rumbled softly as my maw moved up and down his length, and he wrapped that thick tail of his around me, drawing me in close so I couldn't pull off his cock if I tried.

Those massive thighs pressed in close, and he squeezed my head between them, engulfing me in furry, soft-coated muscle.

Surrounded by rat and filled with rat, I felt his cock softening in my muzzle - a sign I knew more than well enough.

I inhaled deeply a moment before his piss started to flood my muzzle. For a morning piss it was surprisingly mild, and I drank it down gratefully, appreciating every nuance of its tang and its bitter aroma as he filled my belly.

It felt like it went on for a long time. Rocky was nearly a foot taller than me and double my weight; I hadn't thought about how much bigger of a tank he'd have to drain. I was feeling pretty full by the time the stream slowed to a drip, but I nevertheless made sure to lick his softened shaft fully clean after he released his grip on me.

I sat up between Rocky's legs. He was leaning back, eyes closed, a satisfied expression on his muzzle.

"Ready to start your game?" he said.

Guess the drinking piss wasn't it, then, I thought. "I... guess so?"

He opened his eyes and smiled at me, dark eyes bright. "Don't worry," he said. "You'll like it."

Remembering some of the things he'd made me like before, I was less than encouraged.

He sighed, clearly aware of my reluctance. "Oh, just trust me. You know I won't lead you astray. What time is it?"

I looked over at the alarm clock. "8:15," I said.

I didn't even blink, and the clock changed to 8:30.

I looked back down at the bed, and Rockwell was gone.

I thought about staying in. I thought about going out. The things he could do in public certainly couldn't be as bad as the things he could do in private - but the potential humiliation of whatever he had in store, that could be endless...

I'd half made up my mind to just sit in bed and let whatever happened happen when the phone rang.

Stupid phone.

It was Mattock. "Hey, it's dead out here. You want to go out for breakfast?"

Breakfast did sound good. "I'd love to eat you out," I said. "Just give me a couple of minutes to get ready."

"Um," the roo said. "That works too. I'll be right over."

I wasn't sure what he meant by too, but he'd already hung up so I got some clothes on - my black "I stink" T-shirt over a pair of khaki shorts over a big puffy diaper.

I didn't shower; I still smelled like Rockwell, and that was a scent I'd be happy to carry around with me.

I heard Matty let himself in, and he peeked into my room before sliding in and closing the door.

"Morning!" I said, watching him with a little confusion as he shucked off his shorts, the chubby kangaroo showing off his red-furred thighs and stiff shaft, which certainly didn't seem conducive to breakfast. "I _am_going to eat your ass, right?" I said. He nodded and - I don't know if he misheard me or what, but - then he climbed on the bed and straddled my chest, burying my muzzle in that lovely spot where thighs and thick tail met.

Now, I never was one to turn down free ass, especially from a handsome beast like this one, so I made sure to serve him well, licking and nibbling around the rim of his tailhole and sinking my tongue in deep as he jerked himself, until at last he spurted a couple thick stripes of cum across my shirt and eased himself up off my face.

"C'mon, let's go eat."

The donut shop was deserted when we showed up; I guessed everyone was probably at church. There was only a tall white rabbit sitting behind the counter texting as we came up to order. He shoved his phone in his apron and started pulling out two lemon bismarcks and a powdered donut for Matty as he pointed them out.

I looked through the selection myself as the rabbit - Thomas, according to his name tag - put together Matty's coffee and rang him up.

"Ah, man," I said, pointing out a tray on special. "Are those chocolate hazelbutt?

Matty gave me a weird look.

"I'm sorry, what?" Thomas answered.

"I'd really love to munch on your butt if I could," I said, nodding at the plate of donuts. "Looks pretty tasty."

Thomas leaned in to Matty and I heard him ask, "Is he serious?"

"I'm afraid so," Matty answered.

"Is it that weird that I would want something so obviously on display here?"

The rabbit's ears blushed bright pink. "Um. Come on." He motioned me around the counter and led me back to the back room, calling out to Matty to let him know if anyone showed up.

I was a little confused as he led me into a bathroom not much bigger than a broom closet, and sat me down on the toilet seat as he locked the door. I really wasn't sure what he was doing. "What've you got for me?" I asked.

He turned around, showing me his little puff tail and a soft round rump stuffed into a tight pair of blue jeans.

And then he pulled those jeans down, exposing the fluffiest white ass I ever saw.

I didn't question my luck. I dove in and chowed down, tasting the sweat of the day on his rump, enjoying the flavor of the rabbit's behind as I stroked myself through the diaper.

He pulled out his phone again and took some pictures, but I didn't let the flashes deter me as I grabbed his hips and pressed my muzzle as deep between his cheeks as it would go, inhaling the stink of his hole.

I heard Matty calling out from the front room, "Guys! You've got a customer!"

Thomas gave a grunt of disappointment as he pulled his butt off my muzzle and turned around, slipping his apron aside and stuffing the thickest cock I'd ever seen into my muzzle as he jacked it like his job depended on it.

In less than five seconds he'd blasted a couple of shots of sweet cum down my throat.

"Wait a minute or two before you come out," he said, rearranging his clothes and giving his paws a quick rinse in the sink. I nodded, and he went back out to the front room.

I took the opportunity to finish pawing off, blasting the inside of the diaper with my load as I rubbed the smell of the rabbit's ass all over my muzzle.

I looked myself over in the mirror before I left the little bathroom. My shirt had Matty's dried cum on it, my nose was stained a little, my headfur was a bit disheveled, but my stripes were still pretty bright.

I love being a skunk.

When I came back out, I saw that the customer who'd interrupted us was Rockwell, who was now sitting across from Mattock and sipping on a small coffee that looked downright tiny in his hands. The giant rat was in a dark suit with a sky-blue tie.

"You look like you've been having fun," he said, as I sat down beside them.

"Ah man," I said. "I feel like it's my lucky day today."

Again there was a smile in the rat's deep brown eyes. "And have you figured it out yet?"

I hadn't even been thinking about Rockwell's challenge. I tried to look back over the events of the morning, to see if I could find where Rocky's hand had been moving. Sure, I'd gotten lucky a couple of times, but he couldn't've made that happen.

"Hmm," I said. "Uh, was it the diaper?"

Rocky raised an eyebrow. "Diaper? No, I can't say that it was."

"Gosh, I don't know then," I said, looking down at the empty plates in front of the roo and the rat. "I never did get my donut!" I got up and approached the counter. "Hey Tommy! Let's give this another shot! Let me chew on your ass again!"

The rat looked on, chuckling, as Thomas dragged Musky into the back room again. "No, he won't be figuring that one out."

"You did that to him, did you?" Mattock asked.

"Don't tell him," Rockwell said. "We're making a game of it."

"Do your games always go this way?"

The sounds of lapine and mephit moaning filled the dining area again. The walls of the place were surprisingly thin.

He smirked, fixing the roo with a piercing stare. "How about you come back to my place and I'll give you a demonstration?"

Filling a Tank

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