Sleeping without Blankets

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#4 of Diary of a Skunk

This story was going to go in another direction but Matty just had to go and take charge!

We stopped using blankets, the nights Mattock stayed over. As a tubby skunk, I tended to keep the bed kind of warm all by myself; add a chubby roo into the mix and it would be sweat city if we tried to cover up.

Of course, we didn't really like to cover up anyway. I mean, _you_know what it's like, to have a sweet and hunky fellow spooning you in your sleep, feeling his thick, plump shaft along the underside of your tail, feeling it swell and shrink slowly over the course of the night as he sleeps...

I love to feel him running his paws down my stripes, those soft fingers sliding through my fur.

Well, those are the parts you want to remember. In reality, tonight like most nights was still hot and I was still sweaty and Mattock was sprawled out hogging the bed and I was half hanging over the edge, ready to fall off.

I tried to shove him back into place.

"Gnarglefrumph," he muttered.

"Mattock, if you don't roll over, you are going to stink for_weeks_."


He rolled over, all right, in quite the wrong direction, pushing me off the bed altogether.

"Mattock!" I yelped, from my heap on the ground.

"What, what..." His mumbles started to sound a little more coherent. I heard him sit up and call for me. "Musky?"

"I'm down--" I started, but before I could finish the sentence the heavy roo hopped off the bed and those big paws of his landed on me, knocking the air out of me with a sharp squeak.

I almost sprayed myself a little, just from the shock.

I was even more surprised to notice it didn't actually hurt.

"Matty, you broke my spine!"

"Don't be silly," Mattock said. He bent down and pinched my foot and I yelped. "See? You're still in working order. Just a little flatter."

"I'm not sure I _want_to be a little flatter," I said.

"Sure you do."

And he started walking up and down my body, those big kangaroo paws of his sinking into the flesh of my back, and I felt more and more of myself being pressed down flat.

"That doesn't feel half bad," I wanted to say, but it really came out more as a sort of contented "Mrrr_hrrrr_hrrrr..."

"Exactly," Mattock said.

He ground his foot into me, and I felt my insides rubbing against themselves, my back pressing against my front in ways Euclid would never have approved of.

I felt his toes kneading the fur of my back, those big paws more than covering me from side to side, and he pressed down heavily, moving up and down my back till my entire torso was flattened out, and kept going.

I don't know where all the extra mass was going. My body felt lighter, not supercompressed or anything; and I knew I wasn't stretching out in other directions - I'm sure I would have noticed that. The roo's magic paws were just flattening me, turning all the day's tiredness and the anxieties of the hot sweaty night into a thin film of nothing important.

I thought my thoughts were getting incoherent because of the relaxed state that Mattock was bringing me to; it wasn't for a few moments that I realized it was because those big firm footpaws with their big soft pawpads were pressing down on the back of my head, flattening my skull out, deforming my brain, making my thoughts swim.

I might have worried a little, then, but with a whumpf that forced a gasp from my muzzle my head was fully flattened, and suddenly my brain started thinking in 2D instead of 3D, and everything started making sense again somehow.

Or at least, as much sense as anything can make when your kangaroo lover is working hard to flatten you to a pancake.

I couldn't really talk anymore at this point - not that I would have really wanted to. The only thing on my mind at the moment was wanting more, and Mattock was already working hard on that, walking over my left arm and my right, digging his footpaws in and grinding them till the limbs were all loose and empty.

Have you ever had a really, really good massage and just felt all soft and jellylike afterwards? This was kind of like that.

He walked down my back and pressed his feet into my rump, slowly reducing my thick rear end to the thickness of less than an inch, and soon the feel of those feet was passing all the way through my body and I could feel my butt being smashed against my cock, which was quite stiff even though it was losing girth rapidly, its familiar thickness being reduced to that of a credit card - just a firm but flat layer against my crotch.

I'm sure I would have shot my load then if I were focusing on it, but the feeling was way too much _better_than sex for it even to be on my mind, despite my stiffness.

Mattock went for my tail, next, walking up and down its length, letting me feel his weight pressing down on my lower stripes. The brush of fur wouldn't flatten easily, I knew - it always was a bit unruly - but the feeling was still intense as he ground my tail into my rump and the ground between my legs, and then trod my legs into full flatness themselves.

"All set?" he asked, stepping off me and looking me over.

I couldn't answer; I was relaxed and enjoying myself far too much.

He knelt down on top of me, his knee digging into what remained of my shoulder, and gave me a kiss between the stripes.

And then he grabbed the end of my flattened snout and peeled me off the ground, slinging me over his shoulder like a big musky towel.

He flomped back into bed and nuzzled in against me. "Mmm, so soft and fluffy..." His paws slid down and he started to stroke himself to hardness, his short thickness starting to fill the air with his own musk.

He always smells nice.

He pulled me off his shoulder and wrapped me around his dick like a furry cumrag, stroking himself through me and making me soak up all his pre.

The feel of his cock rubbing over me at random was incredible - at one point he'd be grinding himself into my crotch and under my tail, coating his dick in my scent, and at another point he'd be all over my face, even sliding it into my flattened muzzle like he was rolling on a condom.

"Mmm," he said, panting a little, the way he often does when he's close to getting off but doesn't want to quite yet. "Now let's see how much you can stretch."

Now, Mattock is adorable and he knows how to use his piece, but he's definitely not at a size where he could stretch anyone.

So I wasn't entirely sure what he meant until he reached over to the nightstand and picked up my morphichron. "Let's see, how do we work this?" he said.

(The morphichron was a small but intricate magical device that looked something like a pocketwatch. It was supposed to have several useful functions but the only one I'd managed to master so far was using it to change myself - we'd had a few extra-special moments in the sack thanks to it, and the malleability it'd left me with was probably how I ended up in this predicament in the first place. I'd never let him try using it before, though. It was really kind of something personal.)

He opened it up.

"Mmm, so many tiny little pictures..." He examined it for a bit. "Oh, this one's not tiny at all..." He fiddled with the device a bit and snapped it shut, setting it back on the nightstand and resumed using me to stroke his shaft.

"Ooh... there it goes," he said, and I could feel him shudder a little between the folds of my body as the magic took effect. He rubbed me harder up and down his shaft, and it wasn't long before I could tell it was growing - his paw was having trouble wrapping me around him.

But instead of having his other paw join in, he took hold of me, pulling aside the flaps that used to be my legs and sliding that dick under my tail.

I almost shot my load immediately. Forget the fact that his dick was already more than eight inches around and still growing - that would have been substantial for any ordinary person to take. Remember instead that his dick had to be at least five times thicker than my whole body was in its flattened state, and you can get an idea of how stretched I felt.

Still, it slid into me easily, as though I were just a soft cocksleeve, not a real person with _organs_or anything. I felt what must have been ten inches - double his original length - sink into me, and still he kept growing.

His dick pushed out where my belly used to be, its thickness stretching me from side to side, and still he grew.

His dick slid between the layers of flatness that used to be my chest, and I felt his cockhead push through the narrow part that used to be my neck, and soon his girth was filling my whole body, and I was nothing but a furry condom around three feet of kangaroo cock looming over Mattock's head.

I could feel his pre filling me.

The growing had stopped, and he leaned back, stroking up and down the whole length of his cock, his paws moving up and down the length of my stretched body, and he panted softly. "Rrrh... such a stretchy little condom you are..."

I did feel myself shrink and stretch tighter around his shaft, and my fur coming loose as he stroked me, leaving behind just a shiny clear latex covering to his cock as he worked over what used to be my head and torso, my other limbs already lost to the transformation.

There was nothing left of me now but a thin layer of latex and the overwhelming sensation of being so entirely full of cock. Mattock was pumping hard, his pre flooding my reservoir tip and sliding down his length, leaking out my lower end and drenching his now-massive balls.

He panted hard from the effort of working such a monster, and I could feel he was getting close from the way his cock inside me was pulsing all along its length.

He groaned out, loud, and gripped me tightly to him as he lost it, his cum firing into my tip with the force of a cannon and distending me greatly. That one shot had enough cum to fill a cereal bowl, and it was followed by another just as powerful, and at least seven more after that - I really lost count, they all started blurring together as the force of his orgasm permeated what remained of my body, and what used to be my head stretched to contain it all.

Mattock lay back, entirely spent, and I could feel his cock soften inside me, though it didn't lose an inch of length.

He always was a shower.

He rested there for a bit, and I thought I heard him doze off a time or two, but eventually he took a moment to slowly pull me off his cock.

Let me tell you, having three feet of cock pulled out of you is an overwhelming sensation.

He was careful not to spill any of the cum that filled me, though his shaft was quite slick with it. When he was free of me, he grabbed the ends of me and tied me off, making a tight knot around where my neck used to be, and tossed me off the edge of the bed, like I was just any old sack of cum.

I sloshed when I landed, and if I'd still had anything left to orgasm with I'm sure that the feel of at least a gallon's worth of warm cum moving around inside me would have done the job.

"Looks like I get the bed to myself tonight," Mattock said, and pulled out one of the blankets to cover himself with, rolling over and falling asleep almost immediately.


Still, I couldn't complain.

Facing Prejudice

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