Taking the Monster in the Showers

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#2 of Diary of a Skunk

I looked around the locker room one last time to make sure it was empty, really empty.

It never does to take chances when you're taking chances.

Once I was sure I had the all-clear, I pulled out my duffel bag and sat on the benches outside the shower area, steeling myself.

I was going to do this.

The duffel bag only had one thing inside it today; no gym shorts or spare socks or tomato juice (sometimes we skunks do have accidents) or anything like that. I only came in for one thing today, and I felt a strong yearning sensation rise in me as I unzipped the bag and exposed the plug.

The plug, really. I'd long since worked past all the smaller ones I could find, learning to stretch my hole more and more every week. My capacity surprised me at first; I thought it would be a challenge working up my hole to play with the big boys but I guess I just have the natural stretch.

Trouble with that is that the thrill has to come from elsewhere.

And that's how I ended up in the locker room of the local gym, with the biggest buttplug I could find on the Internet stashed in my duffel bag, hoping to take the Monster up my hole without getting caught.

The Monster was nearly as big as my head; it was certainly as big around as a thinner fur's thigh might be. I tried to keep from salivating as I looked it over: I just really_wanted it in me _that badly. If you've ever gotten a new sex toy, you know what I mean. That bit where you take it out of the box and it turns you on just to think about having it, and you have to use it right away? That spark before it starts to get boring? That's where I am right now.

I took the Monster and a bottle of lube out of the bag and went to town slathering the plug in the sweet, slick and slightly sticky fluid, my thick dick leaking pre that darkened the front of my shorts. The lube made my fur feel weird as it dampened my paws as they rubbed it over the big toy, which was well over fifteen inches around. My tailhole twitched in anticipation as I got the plug ready, and I set it on the bench as I pulled my shorts down and stowed them in my bag.

All right, I thought, positioning myself over the Monster, settling its tip between my cheeks and feeling it press against my hole. Here goes.

I started putting my weight on it, feeling the plug slowly press into me, stretching me inch by inch, and let out a soft sigh of contentment. This is going to be good, I thought.

The plug wasn't very long so it widened out very quickly, and after only a couple of inches I was stretched open more than I would have been if I had my fist in me. My dick was leaking a massive puddle of pre onto the wooden bench, and I gripped and started stroking it as I tried to push down harder. It was an amazing feeling, like my pelvis was coming apart, or like my _bones_were stretching to take it in.

I span around in place on it, trying to work it in more.

As I turned, I looked up to find myself staring into the face of a chubby red kangaroo wearing nothing but a towel.

"Why hey there, Musky..."

I yelped and lost control of my legs. My weight slammed down on the Monster and it knotted itself in place inside of me.

"Looks like you're havin' a bit too much fun today..."

There was no defense. I had been so obviously caught in the act.

"How did you..." I said. "But I checked! And I didn't hear anyone come in!"

The roo answered his question by holding up a paw, and then grinning at me as he made it turn invisible. "I get a bit nervous about being seen in the showers sometimes. Clearly you don't."

I blushed ferociously, ears turning pink.

He stepped forward and I scooted away from him, my movements awkward and a bit distracted as the Monster shifted inside me, causing a shot of pre to burst into the air.

"You are one leaky skunk, you know that?"

"I..." I really didn't know what to say. I mean... obviously I'd toyed with the idea of getting caught. But the fantasies you have with your dick in your hand never are quite the same when you face them in person.

Consequences started running through my head.

"Oh fuck, please don't tell anyone, I didn't... I can't..."

"Relax," the roo said, sitting on the bench beside me and reaching out to stroke the underside of my cock, dampening his finger with my pre and licking it clean. "You're cute. I've been watching you a while."

I blushed a bit more. "You might be thinking of someone else? I haven't been here bef--"

I stopped short as I remembered he'd called me by name when he saw me.

"A while," he repeated. "I think I first saw you at the tennis court on Mayfair."

Months ago, I thought. Of course the only thing I'd done there was--

"You're pretty talented," he said.

--well, it'd been another new toy day.

"Wait," I said. "You've been stalking me?"

"Stalking is such an ugly word," the roo said, lowering his long ears. "I would just say... you weren't noticing me... you never noticed me..."

My tailhole twitched around the massive plug inside me. I was a bit upset that I couldn't focus on the feeling. "Well, I'm not good at noticing invisible stalkers."

"I just..." the roo started. "Dammit, I'm sorry..."

I didn't say anything. Despite my tailhole being stretched wider than ever, my boner was starting to flag.

"At least..." he faltered, and averted his eyes somewhat, the rest of his sentence coming all out in a timid rush: "maybe, maybe, I could at least help you get off?"

Well, he's not bad-looking, part of me thought. You deserve what you got, another part thought.

And while I was trying to think through my conflicts, he leaned forward, rested his paws on my belly, and took my dick into his mouth.

I didn't say anything.

The roo just suckled on my shaft, drinking down my pre as I started to get stiff again. And then he slid his paws down and rubbed at the base of the Monster wedged deep in my ass, making it shift inside me again, and making my cock let loose a massive blast of pre in his muzzle.

"Mmm, that's good..." he said, pulling off my cock. "That toy's pretty huge. Have you found your limits yet?"

I smiled, despite myself. "Nope. I thought this one might be tough but I guess it wasn't that hard after all.

"Think you could take more?"


But he was already sliding his paws in around the edges of the Monster, stretching my well-lubed entry even farther open. The feeling of the ridges of his fingers was prominent along the edge of my hole. "Oh, fuck..."

He stopped. "Too much?"

"N-no," I said, stammering a little. Actually my whole body was starting to quiver from the feeling. You know what it's like.

"Mmm," he said. "Let's turn this up to eleven, then."

And somehow he managed to slide his paws in farther, and I felt them stretching my insides open deep as I was double-fisted around a massive plug.

And somehow it still wasn't enough. Getting this far and not being ripped apart, my hole just wanted more. And my stalker seemed only too happy to help me with that, his arms sinking in to the elbow, stretching my legs apart. "Rrrrrhhh...."

At this point he had me open wide enough that the Monster just fell out.

My tailhole gripped his arms tightly around the biceps and I panted hard, feeling his paws wriggling around under my belly. "Rowr," he said. "Even stretched this wide you still have some control... I'm impressed..."

He yelped a bit, as my tailhole started pulling his arms in further.

There's an idea...

I reached my paws down, one grabbing my dick and starting to jack it fiercely, as the other firmly pushed my stalker's head down between his outstretched arms, letting my hungry tailhole take more of him in.


I heard him whining inside me, begging to be let go. His body thrashed but my tailhole gripped him hard and he couldn't get away. So I leaned back and started stroking myself more as I took more and more of my big stalker's body into me.

His shoulders were a challenge, I'm still to this day not sure how I managed to take them in. There's no way I should be able to stretch that wide, really. At the time, of course, I just wanted more.

And so I took more, his soft chest sliding into my hole as his head and his paws found their way into my stomach. I focused on the pleasure as I stroked my cock, not just the pleasure of my tailhole being stretched, but on the feeling of being so incredibly full, of having half a whole person inside me, as my tailhole took in his big gut, squeezing it tightly but still having to stretch a good ways to take it all in.

So full competed in my thoughts for More.

More won out, of course, and his crotch disappeared into my hole and my belly started bulging out with the mass of squirming kangaroo being forced into it. One paw left my cock and started stroking over my gut and I panted hard as I got close to firing my load.

Inch by inch I took in his legs and tail, inch by inch my hole closing a bit more around him as the widest parts of the roo were taken care of. It was almost a disappointment, really, being so full without being stretched, but the sensation was plenty, and as I felt his wriggling toes between my cheeks I shot seven blasts of cum over my roo-filled belly, and nearly passed out from the exhaustion.

Orgasm cleared my head, as it often does.

I wanted--nothing more than anything in the world--to just lie down for a good sleep, a good long sleep. The gym, of course, was not the place for this. I did rest a few minutes, as the last of my stalker disappeared into me and settled in place in my gut, still squirming but not able to get much motion in.

I struggled to sit upright, trying to get used to carrying around double my usual weight. I rubbed my eyes, wiped the cum off my bellyfur and licked my paws clean.

I breathed deeply for a bit. The roo wasn't struggling so much anymore.

I tried to bend down to pick up my plug off the floor. It was a bit of a struggle, and I ended up having to lean over sideways to reach far enough. I took it into the showers and washed it off, drying it with the roo's towel and tossing it back into my duffel bag.

On second thought, I pulled the toy back out, lubed it up again, and slid it back up my hole. The challenge was gone, but it was still plenty satisfying. I put the lube back in the bag, struggled a bit to pull my shorts back up around the massive weight in my belly, and waddled towards the door.

It was going to be a long trip home.

Winning the Lottery

It wasn't the first time the postman had woken me up well before the sunrise to tell me I'd won the lottery, and I'm sure it won't be the last. I was not entirely ready, I think, to undergo my stint in the Transmogrifier, but they always put you back...

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