Pliable and Compliant

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#7 of Diary of a Skunk

Tonight was another night to spend alone at home. I'd been spending most of my nights with Rockwell, but this weekend he had a business trip to Detroit and I couldn't get away to join him.

He always kept things pretty intense for me, so really it was kind of a break to get some breathing room.

I curled up in bed, then shifted from one side to another, but there really was no way to get comfortable. You know how it is - you've been sharing a bed with someone for a while, someone cuddly, and then you have to go it alone. If you haven't gotten used to it, sure, maybe you could fall asleep in peace, but after it's been a while you start to miss it.

Only one recourse in such circumstances.

Yep, that one.

I bent over the edge of the bed and pulled out the "treasure chest" of toys I tend to keep handy. Second-biggest butt plug, check. (The biggest one won't fit, and has a shelf to itself in the closet.) Canine dildo, check. Funnel gag, check. Rope moving by itself, check.

Er, hold on.

The dark rope slid from the box on its own, up the edge of the bed as if it were a live snake.

I took a close but guarded look to make sure it wasn't_actually_ a live snake.

Nope, perfectly ordinary rope, and apparently moving under its own power in a way perfectly ordinary rope generally doesn't.

I reached out to grab it, and it leaped up from the bed and wrapped itself around my wrist, pulling my right arm behind my back and looping around to grab the other one, leaving me with both arms tied behind my back.

I could feel the knot tying itself.

I tried to protest, but as soon as I started calling for help, my dildo jumped out from my treasure chest and stuffed itself in my muzzle.

Great, I thought. I'm going to be raped by my own sex toys.

The rope went back to work, slithering down to wrap around my ankles, leaving me hogtied, face down on my belly, tail up.

And then I felt an earphone being clipped to my ear.

(Ring, ring.)

(Click of phone handset being picked up.)

"Good evening, Musky."

Rockwell, of course.

"I've decided to make sure you're well taken care of in my absence. Your little friend here will be seeing to your every need. By which I mean - seeing to his every need. By which I mean - carrying out my whims."

A tripod started to set itself up in the corner, and Mattock's invisibility faded a little as he focused on setting up my webcam. I could see the big roo was naked, save for one of Rocky's collars.

Ah. Matty didn't like others seeing him go invisible, so it was easy to forget his talent.

When the cam was in place and the little red recording light was shining bright, Matty turned back to me, and I could see the empty, entranced expression in his eyes before his invisibility reasserted itself.

"Pliable and compliant," came Rocky's voice in my ear, and I could feel the willpower draining out of me, like my mind was a toilet that'd just been flushed.

Freshly emptied and ready for use.

And this time as Matty came close I could smell him, and I couldn't believe I'd overlooked his scent before. The strong scent of an unwashed fatfur, that pure stink of chubbiness filled my muzzle as he came close, dislodged the dildo from my muzzle and replaced it with his invisible cock.

Like a bottle of water to a man dying of thirst that cock of his was, and I sucked it no less eagerly.

I think Rocky was still speaking in my ear, but I couldn't consciously hear the words - just that quiet buzz you get when the speakers are turned up but the music isn't playing.

And the thoughts rose in my head.

I should suck him as hard as I could, because it was the last I'd be liable to get for a while.

I felt Matty's fingers against my muzzle, dropping a pill on my tongue, and he pushed it down my throat with his cock.

I gagged around it a little, but eventually managed to swallow it down.

Now, you never really know what a random pill is going to do. Maybe you'll hallucinate that you're turning into a chicken. Maybe you'll have an erection lasting longer than four hours.

Or maybe, like I did just then, you'll start to feel a little light-headed.

I know I'm safe, I thought, as I continued to suckle needily at the kangaroo's cock. Matty and Rocky are good friends.

The light-headedness began to be accompanied by a bit of pressure around the edges of my head. Only a little bit of tension - not any actual pain, just an odd sensation of being stretched.

And the sound and feel of Matty's fingers running through my headfur gradually gave way to a quiet sqrk, sqrk, and I knew what was happening to me.

That's right. I'm a good toy.

I couldn't keep sucking on Matty - the best toys, the classic toys, don't have moving parts - so he started thrusting into my mouth, grinding his shaft deep in the cocksleeve that was my muzzle.

I felt the tightness in my hide progressing down my body as fur and flesh gave way to their proper form: squeaky, inflated plastic. Matty leaned forward, resting his weight on my back and displacing air into my head, causing it to swell and compress around his cock.

I could feel the tightness of my mouth around that shaft even if I couldn't taste it through the plastic. I could feel the roo's pre pooling in my muzzle, lubricating his thrusts.

I could feel the change - the restoration of what should be my natural state - traveling further down my body, covering my tail, my legs, and my crotch.

Do pooltoys have cocks? Of course they don't.

I didn't feel my cock disappear; it happened too quickly to even register. I didn't even think to panic - I started out with something dangly between my legs, and then it was gone, and that was all.

I _did_feel another cocksleeve open up between my legs, and a gentle swelling under my chest as my body continued to change, my solid curves taking on feminine contours.

Matty kept pistoning his cock in and out of my muzzle, thrusts increasing in speed as he got close, till finally he crammed my mouthhole full, splattering his cum against the back of my throat.

He landed on top of me with little concern for my bound ballooned limbs, holding my rump against his face and stroking my side, which gave off little squeaky noises as he did.

"You make a fun toy, Musky. Or should I say Muskie?"

If that was a joke, I didn't get it.

He squeezed my middle. "You definitely could do with a bit more air in you though, girl. Just sit tight a minute."

He got up and left the room, leaving me on my side.

Cum dripped from my mouth, draining down my cheek.

He was actually gone a good long time.

I started daydreaming of lazy days in swimming pools.

I didn't hear him come in; the first I knew he was back was when he pressed an air nozzle under my tail.

He gripped my hips to hold me in place as he secured it deep inside. It felt thick, like it was stretching me apart. But then, I probably was pretty tight to begin with.

I heard a motor hum as he turned on the pump, and he climbed back onto the bed, cuddling in against me.

"This is going to be intense," he said. "You should be able to take it. Well, probably not. But you'll enjoy it anyway."

He wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me tightly as I felt my body plumping up with the added air.

I wouldn't be able to take it?

His paws stroked over the plastic of my swelling belly, brrt-brrrt-brrt, and I could feel his boner rising again, sliding along my new pussy as he squeezed the sides of my growing breasts.

"Mmm.. I should probably get you untied for this."

He slipped the knots loose as I continued to swell; if I weren't already an inanimate object, the growth of my body would have left me just as immobile as any rope ever could anyway.

By the time he'd slid back into place behind me, his cock stiffening again between my legs, I was already as round as a balloon, the triple swelling of my belly and breasts taking up most of the bed.

Maybe you've never been overinflated. Well, everything in life tries to find its equilibrium - the point where you say "I'm not getting too little, and I'm not getting too much".

This inflation was too much.

My body tried to find its equilibrium - to find a way to let out all the excess air. But the only outlet hole I had was sealed tightly with the plug of the air nozzle, so instead I just felt the air pushing outward against my plastic skin, intense pressure on every square inch of me as it tried to escape.

It was too much, and it was still flowing into me.

Matty gripped my sides and I could feel the thickness of his cock as it plunged into my virgin hole, which helplessly gripped it tighter and tighter as I continued to swell. He embraced me as tightly as he could manage as he started to thrust, using me for his pleasure like the toy I was.

He wasn't thinking about my pleasure, but that's not to say it didn't feel good - the pleasure of being pounded mingled with the ache of overinflation and the increasing levels of sensation overwhelmed my whole body, till I was sure I would--

--my body shuddered, squeaking with every thrust, Matty thrusting in hard as my inflated cunt got tighter and tighter with each passing second, till I was sure I would--


Mattock didn't get to finish shooting his load before the pooltoy exploded. The popped skunk was still in one piece around his cock, but her body had deflated through the massive gash in her side - no longer a body to fuck, just a pile of plastic.

The fat roo pulled his dick out of her folds, rolling over on his back and starting to jerk himself...

...until the voice in his own earpiece commanded him to stop.

"You're not done with her yet," Rockwell said. "I need you pliable and compliant."

At these words the roo immediately went soft, his grower cock retreating into his pubic fat till only a bit of the head was visible. He sat up - moving a bit jerkily, as though being piloted by remote control - and picked up Muskie's body, rubbing his fingers through her plastic, till he found the rip where she had torn open.

He slipped his right paw inside, filling her arm with his own. He was a little bigger than she was, so it was a little bit of a tight fit, but she had enough give to stretch to accommodate him.

He stretched her a lot further as he tried to maneuver his body inside hers, sliding his legs into her like slipping on a pair of pajamas. Her crotch fit snugly around his, her anatomically-incorrect mound easily hiding any trace of his cock as it slid into place.

He tucked his tail into hers. It was a poor fit - the kangaroo's thick appendage would have a hard time getting settled even in a regular skunk's tail, but Muskie had always been poorly endowed in that area to begin with. The plastic stretched around his tail like a too-tight condom as he pulled the skunk's head over his own and stuffed his left arm into hers.

Mattock stretched out as the plastic took hold of his body, the gash in the pooltoy skunk's side healing up as it bonded with his fur and flesh, his new curves filling out.

The change quickly permeated his body, and his mind - her mind - followed after. Mattie turned and faced the webcam, showing off her new body, the sleek plastic skunk rubbing over one of her breasts with one paw while the other paw slid down to toy with her pussy, trying to make the best show she could for the voyeuring rat.

"Mmm," came the voice in her head. "That'll do quite well. Cut."

The webcam light blinked out.

Mattie shook her head in confusion as her mind came back online.

What just happened? She couldn't remember.

She looked around, trying to orient herself, and saw the air pump on the edge of the bed, still powered on.

Ah, she thought. That must have been it.

A longing came over, familiar as an old friend, and she picked up the plug at the end of the pump's hose.

I must have started this, she thought. I guess I may as well finish.

And she began to stroke herself as she fitted the plug under her tail.

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