Before the party

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#1 of Diary of a Polar Bear

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me--as usual--

  • seven swans a-swimming,
  • six geese a-laying,
  • five go~old rings,
  • four calling birds,
  • three French hens,
  • two turtledoves,
  • a partridge in a pear tree,
  • and no return address.

The seventh day of Christmas is also New Year's Eve, and I had a party to prepare for.

I got up early to take down the Christmas lights, put away the tree, and rounded up all the birds that'd been delivered over the past week to donate them to the aviary downtown. On the way back, I sold a couple of the rings for cash.

Steffenhagen was already on my doorstep waiting for me when I got home. The muscular gray wolf got up from the cooler he'd been sitting on and helped me out of the Durango--always thoughtful of him, since at my weight sometimes getting up can be a struggle.

"More gifts, eh?"

"Same as every year." I unlocked the front door and Steffenhagen followed me in, dragging the cooler behind him. "Just put that in the kitchen," I said. "Then come help me get dressed."

Technically, I'm probably far too big to be a proper Baby New Year, but I'm not going to turn down the very rare opportunity to legitimately wear a diaper in public.

I grabbed a fresh one from the big tub I kept them in, and sprawled out on my bed. I had to get them custom-made to fit me, and they're really a struggle to put on by myself, but luckily the wolf was usually on hand to help me out.

Not that it's the first thing on his mind, of course. When he came to my bedroom, he scooted up to where I lay on the bed, buried his head between my thighs, and pulled my buttocks apart, exposing my tailhole.

"Mmm, fuck," he said, pressing his nose in deep and letting my butt close in over his head again. My neighbor'd been infatuated with my hindquarters ever since the day he'd caught a glimpse of my hole as I was bent over working in the yard.

I'd always thought I was just proportional to my size, but Steffenhagen, who appeared to be a connoisseur of such things, told me I was honestly and actually a hyper in that department and that he'd be happy to help me take care of it--or at least that's what it sounded like, that first day when he'd had his face muzzle-deep in my ass.

Today he was slowly, reverently sliding his tongue along the foot and a half of asslips that edged my rear entry.

"This does not contribute to getting ready for the party," I said.

"Shut up," he said. The smile was out of view, but audible. "Of course it does. I can't put a dirty bear in a clean diaper!"

"Oh I'm dirty, am I?"

Steffenhagen stopped, and looked up at me over the curve of my gut.

"All right, yes, in general," I said. "But right now?"

"Not particularly," he said, diving back down between my thighs. "But better safe than sorry!"

I laughed and lifted my legs up for better access as he nibbled and suckled all the way around the rim of my ass, and a few inches in deep as well.

By the time he'd had his fill of my tailhole, my cock was stiff and throbbing under my apron gut. The wolf grabbed a handful of my flab and pushed back to reveal it, the whole area already damp with precum.

"Oh my," he said, covering my cock with his spare palm and rubbing over it. "We'd better get this taken care of before the party. Can't have Baby New Year going around scaring people with an inappropriately-bulging diaper."

"That is physically impossible," I said, squirming a little at his touch. A thick pad of fat entirely enveloped my cock when soft and when hard left me with half an inch of cock visible on the best of days--far less than I'd need to even make a dent in diapers thick enough to contain my loads.

"Can't be too careful!" he said.

His soft tongue was on my dick before I could respond, eagerly slurping up the thick pre that coated my groin and underbelly. I leaned back into my big pillows and rumbled softly, my shaft throbbing in its fatpad as it enjoyed the attention.

But Steffenhagen never was one to stop at just a blowjob, and indeed it was only a few seconds before I felt a paw at my hole again, fingers tracing along the entrance and dipping in slightly--teasingly, rather, as he knew such a small intrusion would meet no resistance.

He leaned in heavier on me, suckling at my cock like it was a nipple he wanted to squeeze the milk out of and making me squirm again. When he took a break from holding back my heavy gut--I felt it flow back down into place, covering his muzzle--he pushed in deep, sliding his thick arm into my cavernous ass, making me squirm as he hilted it to his shoulder with one firm thrust.

"I love being inside you," he said, the words muffled by the layer of fat covering his head.

I ground my hips upward, brushing my cockstub against his muzzle. "You know you can fit a lot more than that in me, pup."

He chuckled at that, but pulled his arm out slowly, his soft fur tickling my inner walls as he worked himself free. "Tempting," he said, "but I'd never end up presentable again in time for your party. And I don't want to miss out, especially if it's true about the girls..."

I sighed. Steffenhagen called himself "mostly straight"--my ass may have fascinated him, but he'd lose interest when he had the opposite sex on his mind. And when he'd guessed about the eight maids a-milking a couple of days ago, I'd made the mistake of mentioning that they had a habit of showing up at the stroke of midnight to amp up the festivities, so to speak.

"I could do with some milking, that's all I'll say," he said, pulling the front of the diaper up between my legs, covering my poor stiff aching neglected cock as he taped it up and let my gut fall back down over my thighs.

I moved to get up, but he pushed me back down with one strong paw. "You're not done yet," he said. "Clean this."

He held out his other paw in front of my muzzle.

It stank of my ass.

I was still pretty horny, so I grabbed his arm and pulled him in closer, opening my muzzle to suckle on his fingers. Steffenhagen looked down at me with his usual mixture of disgust and awe as my tongue slid between his filthy fingers, cleaning my ass juices from their fur.

Unfortunately he'd been right and I had been pretty clean, so there wasn't really much to chew on, but I did appreciate the gesture--at least, my cock certainly did, throbbing away in my diaper and filling its front with precum.

I took his paw in deeper and reached down to try to stroke at my cock through the thick padding as I suckled on the whole of his paw like a happy bear, my tongue working over his pawpad.

Then he pushed in a little deeper, his paw pressing against the back of my throat.

"All that shit eating... I bet you don't have a gag reflex at all, do you?"

His fist pushed down hard against the back of my throat, and I felt my airway being blocked as his arm sank in, making my thick neck bulge out even further.

I couldn't help but squirm, knocking the smaller wolf off balance, but he recovered his footing, climbing on top of me to pin me down and press in harder, his musky elbow making its way past my jaw.

My eyes widened.

I couldn't make a sound.

Precum continued to flood my diaper.

His bicep pressed in against my tongue, and I suckled on it helplessly as he ground his armpit over my chin.

"Fuck," he said quietly. "You're a fucking champ."

My vision started dimming for lack of air. I tried to tap out, to signal him to stop, but Steffenhagen was sitting on my arms and making it difficult to move. I shut my eyes hard and tried to stay conscious.

I felt the wolf flexing his arm in my throat, exploring the inside of my chest and muttering quiet fascinations I could barely make out.

I don't even know if I actually passed out, but the next thing I remember was a panicked gasp for breath as he extricated his arm, and several hard minutes of coughing as my throat tried to restore itself to normal status.

Steffenhagen helped me sit up and rubbed my back as I recovered, trying to get deep breaths in between spasms. He knew better, at least, than to ask me if I was okay--my throat certainly couldn't have handled the effort of answering.

When I thought I'd regained my composure, I turned and gave him a quick grin. "That was awesome," I said. "Never do it again."

The wolf's distraction meant we didn't really get time to put up all the decorations before the earlybirds started showing up, but outside of that the party came together really well--aside from Steffenhagen commandeering all eight of the milkmaids as soon as they bounded in the door.

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