
Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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#6 of Diary of a Polar Bear

If I'd been up for an authentic experience, I'd've driven out of town to the pumpkin patch to pick up the pumpkins for the evening's jack-o'-lanterns.

In my condition, though, I decided it'd probably be best to make it as short a trip as possible and just headed for the supermarket.

I didn't usually put on anything to go out, but today I'd thrown on a big purple bathrobe whose provenance still escapes my memory.

Yeah, I wanted to hide. Usually I was fine with whatever the holidays threw at me, but more and more lately... it was getting away from me. That, or maybe I was just getting old and didn't always feel like playing along anymore.

If Tantivy'd been around to neutralize it I would most certainly have had him do so, but he'd already gone to work by the time I'd managed to roll out of bed, so it'd have to wait at least till evening.

I pushed the cart into the supermarket, leaning over it and staring firmly at the ground to discourage conversation. The pumpkin display in the front of the store had already been ransacked, so I had to walk all the way across to Produce to see if there was anything salvageable.

Fortunately there was still a pretty decent selection left, though I had to muscle my way through a crowd of last-minute shoppers to get close enough.

I counted out half a dozen decent-sized pumpkins--enough for everyone I'd invited, with a couple to spare--and loaded them into the shopping cart.

The local supermarket hadn't set up self-serve lines, so I still had to submit to at least a greeting from the cashier, hoping that they wouldn't try to make conversation.

I had no such luck.

"Why, Mr. Thalarkoudaki!" The voice was distressingly bright and cheerful, and came from one of the few people in town taller than me, a middle-aged giraffe whose name tag read Marjani.

"Hello Jani," I said, looking down as she started putting the pumpkins on the scale and ringing them up.

"Well don't you look glum today!" Pumpkin after pumpkin rolled down the conveyor to the bag boy, a college-aged badger who looked like he should be playing football instead, and I swiped my cards.

"I can't imagine you having a bad holiday, hon," she said, ringing up the last one and looking me over, making no move to ring up the total. "Are you all right?"

I sighed. "Will be. Probably. Do I get my receipt?"

Jani pulled out the portable barcode scanner and pointed it at me. "Only just as soon as we ring up whatever you're trying to carry out under that bathrobe, sweetheart."

I tried to fight the blush. It wasn't what she thought, therefore I had no reason to be embarrassed...except if I really had no reason to be embarrassed, I wouldn't be hiding to begin with.

"Oh honey, bless your heart," she went on. "You come in here every week naked as a jaybird--not that there's anything wrong with that, you're a big boy and you're not showing anything indecent--but you come in all wrapped up and looking even bigger and think no one will notice? Give a girl some credit. Just own up, and I'll overlook--"

I opened up the bathrobe.

Jani's hand flew to her muzzle in surprise. "Oh, sugar," she said. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Are you going to be all right?"

My gut was usually more a hanging apron than a ball belly. Today, however, it jutted out in front of me, huge and round and firm... and orange.

There was even a thick knobbly stalk at my chest, separating my moobs.

And I wasn't in the mood to be a pumpkin today.

"Can I just...?" I said, indicating my robe.

"Oh, of course. Colby, help the bear out. Here--" she hit some buttons on the register, cancelling out all charges, and gave me the receipt. "I'm so sorry to have embarrassed you, hon. This is on me."

The apology sounded sincerely contrite, but I hadn't even cleared the checkout aisle before Jani had already resumed her chipper tone on the next customer. "Why, if it isn't Ms Zhang!"

The badger bagger was standing ready to help me out, but I leaned on the cart again and started heading out.

"I'll help you out, sir..."

"All right, kid, but let me have this to lean on. My knees are killing me already."

Despite the crowd I'd seen earlier, or possibly because of it, the parking lot was relatively deserted. Colby followed me out to the Durango and I folded down the seats before letting him start loading up the pumpkins, which were actually pretty large.

"All set?" I asked as he put the last one in place.

"Almost," he said, grabbing my gut and tossing me in with surprising strength.

The badger climbed into the Durango, closing the hatch behind him. In the dimness behind tinted windows he loomed over me.

"Colby? What--"

Darkness shone like negative fire in the badger's eyes and surrounded him like a halo as he moved forward, pinning my arms down. At this intimate distance--his thick body pressed close against the pumpkin that was my gut--I could smell him: the sweat of a young beast at work all morning, the soft hint of a cologne to cover it, and the scent of the darkness.

Do you know how sometimes when you inhale deeply, the scent in the air can trigger nostalgia, or even an old, dusty memory? I can't recall what the scent of the darkness was like, but it flooded my mind with remembrance of a time when, as a very small cub, I'd gotten separated from my dad at a shopping mall.

The darkness in the badger smelled of that memory, the despair and the isolation of being alone among strangers.

Though he was holding me down with both hands, Colby, or whatever had possessed him, tore my robe open.

Four new arms extending from the badger's sides explored my body. Sharp claws glowing black, huger than they had any right to be, traced their way down the ridges of my stomach before he pierced the fruity rind with a sudden stab.

It hurt.

I growled "No." I didn't yell. I wasn't going to let this happen.

And I wouldn't scream in pain for the darkness.

"No?" The badger laughed. The knife claw dragged a line across my gut, but I gritted my teeth and wouldn't let him see me flinch.

It was a strange sensation, feeling air sliding into my stomach as the gash widened.

No. I decided I wasn't going to let this happen.

I reached into my magic and found what I was looking for. "You picked the wrong day to mess with me."

It's Halloween. All the monsters are mine.

I pushed the darkness out of Colby and scattered it into the air.

The badger looked up at me, and down at my belly, and a brief whimper of distress escaped him as he realized what he had been about to do--what he had started doing.

"Mr. T--" he started. "I didn't mean-- I didn't--"

The darkness regathered in the air and slammed into me.

I lost control of my body.

I tried to fight off the invader, but the darkness shut off my efforts like flipping a switch.

It amuses me that you think you can use willpower to protect you. Do you try to fight fever or fire by wishing hard enough, too?

My mind couldn't reach my body or my magic. I could only watch as the darkness took control and turned on Colby, knocking him back against the other side of the Durango.

"This is better." I felt the voice come from my throat, but the accent was alien. "So many little helpers..."

It reached for my magic.

There was a clattering from beside me as the pumpkins moved from where they were stacked. Some of them grew tendrils and began to skitter towards where the badger was trying to get away. A few took flight, hovering around him to block his path, menacing him with fiery jack-o'-lantern faces that appeared in a burst of flame.

The pumpkins grabbed his legs and dragged him back to the ground before me. Leafy tendrils and jack-o'-lantern teeth ripped his clothes off as he shouted for help.

He was quite thickset, sleek black chestfur with a trail of white leading up over a decently round gut and down to a black cock that even in the flaccidness of terror had an impressive girth.

His balls hung so low they rested on his tail, covering his hole.

I felt the darkness slip in and take over my will.

I wanted him.

I scattered the pumpkins aside as I climbed on top of the fallen badger, pinning him down with the hard and heavy weight of my gut. I smelled the darkness filling the air as my arousal grew.

"Mr. T, let me g--"

I covered his mouth with a paw as I focused on my growing dick. Normally at my weight I was lucky to get an inch and a half out of my fat pad even at full mast. But now I felt my cock growing out further and thicker and longer, sliding along the underside of my pumpkin gut--a shaft of solid darkness, throbbing.

I saw the fear in his eyes and had a vague recollection that this wasn't me--I wouldn't hurt Colby or any young man like this.

But then what's he here for?

My shadow cock ground against him, sliding between his legs. Its thick head prodded against his hanging scrotum, then pushed it aside to find a dark, warm entry.

Mmm. There we go.

I didn't bother with lube or tenderness. I slammed my dick home inside the protesting, squirming badger and started to mount him with all the strength and weight a seven-hundred-pound polar bear can throw around.

Oh, he was tight.

As my cock sank into him I felt the darkness flowing from me to fill him as well. It was only a few moments before the whimpering bag boy's expression once again flared with the darkness, though tears still ran down his face.

"Fuck me," said the thing using Colby's body.

Like answered to like within me, and I started thrusting into the badger, growling out to mask the pain in my knees from being on them so long.

Fuck, it hurt. I should have wanted it to stop. But the darkness only chose to feel the pleasure building up as I held the now-unresisting badger down and pounded his hole.

He was so soft, so slick already from the pre flowing into him, that it quickly brought me close, even despite my knee pain--and a rush hit me all at once, three sensations all intertwined:

First, of course, the rush of orgasm--I felt the heat of cum rushing through my shadow cock and flooding Colby's rump, which gripped me with a surprising hunger.

Second was the realization of what I'd done, the despair at what the darkness had made me do causing my body to tremble even beyond the shivers of orgasm.

Third was the deep softness of my own bed. I was covered in sweat, the underside of my belly was sticky with cum, and I pulled my wolf plush close as I reflected on the dark dream.

And then... I felt my magic twitch, and I knew the dream hadn't ended. I slung the covers over my head just before I began to hear the screams.


Estivation time. It's not just being a polar bear in a hot summer climate. As a heortomancer, it's also the lack of major holidays in the summer. When I was younger I tried to be functional in the heat, but as I got older and bigger it started...

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Easter Morning

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Kaiju at Large

Wednesday mornings, me and Jaden would go down to the comic shops to see the new shipments before anyone else could get their grubby mitts on them. At least, I _tried_ to make it Wednesday mornings, if ever I could roll him out of bed before...

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