A Night on Rumblr

Story by Muskwalker on SoFurry

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I was getting tired of the lonely nights. My roo had been traveling out of town again, and my otter had taken up the experiment of working graveyard shifts and was apparently making bank cleaning up late-night plumbing emergencies.

They both insisted I shouldn't be sleeping alone, and I totally agreed; living with both my mates had spoiled me to no end, and my nights were restless and needy. Unfortunately my social circles had dwindled--inversely to my waistline--since I rarely needed to leave the house for anything anymore.

Luckily, this is what the Internet is for.

"O Great and Powerful Google," I said, pulling up the search engine on my phone, "tell me where all the sexy big boys are at."

I'm sure a government agent somewhere was rolling her eyes, but the search returned an unadorned list of results...that were mostly purple links.

"C'mon, I haven't really run this town dry, have I?" Now don't get me wrong, I may be a pretty slutty skunk, but I haven't actually blown every guy in town. But magical weight loss had really taken off lately and so my pool of desirables had greatly diminished.

On the bright side, everyone that was still fat could at least be counted on to enjoy it.

Oh well, I thought, may as well make the rounds. BiggestCity: deserted. Nommr: nobody online for a hundred miles. BagAHefty: Haha, no. Chub911: Nope. Porn, porn, porn: not what I'm looking for.

With a sigh of venturing into the wild wastelands of the Internet, I tapped through to page two of the search results.

"Another app, eh?" I scrolled through the shiny modern website of an app that was surely too new to have the hundreds of thousands of hungry large-bellied members it claimed. But the world's a big place, I thought, so why not. "Rumblr" was free, after all.

I rubbed my own belly idly as the app downloaded, and went through the signup process. When it prompted for a photo, I went for my favorite butt shot. Heck if I'm going to put my face on a public page before knowing how many nearby coworkers are looking at it!

Turns out I needn't have bothered. There were only a couple of members living nearby--a rather familiar otter and roo. Well, I won't fault them for not sharing, given that there ain't much to show. Still, I tapped through Darkwater's profile, and downloaded a pic of him I hadn't seen before, of him in half-slime form with what looked like Mattock curled up inside where his belly would be. That'll get me off later. I should get him to do that to me sometime...

My paw reached for my stiffening shaft but was interrupted by the buzz of a new message coming in.

"Now there's an ass I know all too well," it said.

I froze in place as the icon loaded--a dark and handsome rat. Rockwell.

"hello Sir!! :=O" I sent back. "where have You been?"

Immediately after I sent the question, I felt silly for asking it. Why did I think it my place to ask?

I could tell the reaction wasn't mine. Rockwell was good at mind control but his prowess diminished sometimes with distraction. Nevertheless, the thought that he was already messing with my head had my stiff dick leaking.

Another buzz from the phone. "I'm glad you're free," he said. "Hope my toy's ready to be played with."

My tailhole twitched with anticipation at the thought.

"yes Sir!!" I said. Sudden worry. "oh but your toy has moved since you were here last..." Mattock and I had moved into Darkwater's house a few months ago, which was a lovely place off Town Center and big enough for all of us.

"I know where you are. I'm on my way now. Go unlock the door."

I scrambled down the stairs and did I was told. "done Sir!!"

"Good toy. I'll be there in ten minutes. I want to find you on all fours by your bed, naked, plugged, blindfolded."

"yes Sir!!"

I had already been naked, of course; I'd just come out of the shower when I started looking for fun and hadn't gotten diapered up yet or anything. I rummaged through the big toy chest at the foot of the bed for the medium-sized plugs--it wouldn't do to be too stretched out for my Master's comfort.

My dick ached for release as I worked the plug into place in my rump, but I knew somehow that I wasn't supposed to touch it yet, so I just left a trail of pre across the floor as I tried to find the blindfold.

Blindfold, blindfold... dammit, where were they? Darkwater loved them, he had half a dozen in different colors he'd wear in his subby moods to show how he wanted to be used. I started pulling things out of the chest. Monster plug--not it, rope--not it, blue blindfold--not it, elbow grease--nope, red blindfold--nope, speculum--nope, peach blindfold--nope, pump--nope. I had a pile of toys and blindfolds heaping up around me and Rockwell would be here any minute now and I couldn't find any blindfolds, dammit!

I heard the front door open. In a panic I went for the next best thing, wading through all the blindfolds to get to the laundry bin. There we go. I found a pair of Mattock's filthy briefs--dang, had it been that long since we'd last done laundry?--and decided I could use them as a makeshift blindfold. I pulled them over my head, my snout poking through the Y-front, and got in place on all fours by the bed just as I heard Rockwell coming up the stairs.

Or, not just Rockwell.

Rockwell and.

The big rat's footsteps (those footsteps were unmistakable) were accompanied by other footsteps, just as heavy.

Whoever it was laughed when they came in. As if he couldn't tell I was trying my hardest! It was a deep thick chuckle, like you'd hear from the kind of barrel-chested fellow that doesn't need to don a fatsuit to play shopping-mall Santa.

I heard the imitation of a shutter and caught a flash of light through the blindfold as the stranger took pictures with his phone.

Then again, from closer up.

One more time. You know how you can tell when someone's standing right in front of you, even if they're quiet, just by their presence? Something about the way they soak up the ambient sound in the room. I could tell he was right in front of me.

That, and I could smell him. Strong musk, buried under a couple of layers of clothing, and only inches from my sensitive snout. He was drenched in Rockwell's unforgettable masculine scent but I could still make out the smell of his own arousal... a strange honey-sweetish aroma.

There was a sound of disrobing, and then the bed creaked as Rockwell took his place.

"Tzourick. Musky. Both of you, here."

I climbed onto the bed, following my snout to the source of Rockwell's musk--those massive, plush, furry balls.

Tzourick followed me and took up a place behind me. I could feel his crotch grinding against the plug under my tail--and by the clacking sound I could tell it wasn't the stiffness of a cock, but a more solid, compact shape, like he was in chastity.

More photos. I didn't care. The smell from Rockwell's scrotum was intoxicating, the master scent of manliness to which all lesser scents aspired. I drank it deep.

Rockwell ran his fingers through the fur of my neck. "You don't know why I'm here." His accent still sounded a little like TV Australian to me, though it was actually out of London.

I found a way to shake my head that didn't involve dislodging my nostrils from the glory between his legs. "No, sir."

"You just downloaded the Rumblr app at random... looking for someone to spend the night with. Poor little skunk. Poor little pig." He reached down and hooked two fingers into my snout, pulling me away from his balls and up against his burly gut. "Listen."

I held my ear to his belly and listened to the sounds of his stomach--deep, hungry rumbling.

"Do you understand?" he asked.

"It's your beautiful gut, sir."

He laughed. "True, but wrong. Do you want me to spoil it for you?"

I shivered and thought about it, but not for too long. Rockwell didn't like to wait.

"No, sir. I trust you."

He ran his fingers along the underside of my muzzle. "You do, don't you... For all the fear I let you remember... all you took away from it is affection."

"One man's poison is another man's meat," Tzourick said from behind me.

"And so I dine on skunk tonight. Help him up, bear."

Tzourick grabbed me under my belly--the bear must have been strong--and hefted me up. With a swift motion, Rockwell removed the briefs from my head and I was staring into those deep, dark eyes.

And then he opened his mouth, and I was staring into that deep, dark maw.

The bear pushed me forward. My big snout pushed past the rat's jaws, forcing them open wide. Air rushed past my cheeks as Rockwell inhaled deeply, and out of the corner of my eye I saw him give a thumbs-up before Tzourick pushed me in deeper, my snout against the back of the rat's throat.

His first swallow gripped my snout with such firmness I knew I was already lost. The rat's throat was powerful.

Tzourick wasn't pushing anymore, now. He just held me up while Rockwell began to take me in. I'm a pretty well-built skunk these days, but his jaws seemed to stretch wide enough to take in my shoulders with no trouble.

My snout pressed into the lining of his throat, and I deeply inhaled the scent of the rat's interior. I shivered a bit. If you've ever been swallowed before, maybe you know the stale smells of slime and saliva. In Rockwell somehow it managed to feel like an indulgence.

The breath from his lungs mixed with mine as I stretched his throat wider and felt his tongue against my gut.

Tzourick lifted my legs higher as Rockwell tilted his head back, forcing me to slide faster down his throat. My snout was against the opening of his stomach for a few moments before the grip of muscle pulled me in.

I slipped in, feeling the rat's throat distend around my body, compressing me tightly as it worked me through. His stomach stretched to contain me, but not by much--the dank space was cramped as the remainder of my body fell into it.

As I felt Rockwell begin to breathe easily again, the walls of the stomach took to massaging me firmly.

Or rather, not the walls themselves--I began to feel the pressure in time with the sound of muffled words from outside.

I could barely make out Tzourick's words as he rubbed me through Rockwell's distended belly, but nonetheless I felt his ideas hammering into my mind: Pig. Slob. Fuckhole. Toilet.

My mind was mush, and I couldn't put stable thoughts of my own together. Only the sweet, sweet thoughts of the bear came in from outside and took root in my mind.

Yes. Sweet thoughts. Without any conscious effort my paw moved to find my dick in the confined space.

The words kept flowing in as I started to stroke myself. I'm a pig. Subby slutty hungry tubby pig.

It felt right. An oink escaped my snout. Fuck. Such a pig. Such a slob. I don't need to be clean. I'm a filthy pig. If I don't stink I'm not doing my job.

The rising stomach acids stank, but they weren't the right kind of stink.

Let loose.

My stiff cock shot out a thick stream of piss. It bounced off the wall of the rat's stomach and sprayed all over my face and chest. That's it. Toilet pig. Always damp with your own piss and that of anyone else who needs to use you. Stinking skunk. Everyone will know you're a public toilet.

I was still jerking my pissing dick hard as the fluid level in Rockwell's stomach rose and engulfed my snout. Fuck, I was close.

Silly fucktoy. You don't get to cum. Rockwell's thought.

Unconsciousness hit me like a hammer.

When I woke up, Rockwell and Tzourick had already gone and I was naked in bed, drenched in...well, I could tell it was piss but that wasn't just what it smelled like. My hoggy snout took in the scent and it was like daylight after a long hard night. I sniffed around and explored every corner of me I could and it was all so rich and wonderful: the musky scent of skunk piss, the masculine scent of rat piss, the sweetish scent of bear piss.

"I see you've been having fun."

I hadn't even noticed I was being watched, lost as I was in the musk that enveloped me. Darkwater was stripping out of his gear and climbing into bed with me. "Glad you didn't spend the night alone."

I cuddled up to him, wrapping my arms around his wide hips and nuzzling under his belly. My nostrils flared at the scent of new piss--without warning he'd just started letting loose, and my chest was warm as my fluffy fur soaked it up like a sponge. I could smell the saltiness of his piss and my mouth began to water. I wanted it all over me, I wanted it in me.

"Sure is nice to have a toilet handy," he said.

And as I moved my snout down to take his thick shaft into my muzzle, drinking down the otter's strong piss like a good urinal, I couldn't help but agree.

Extra Stuffing

The donut shop was closed on Thanksgiving, but I knocked anyway. Musky and his boys had said they'd be doing the dinner for turkey day, but had invited me to help prepare. And apparently this was the only kitchen they could swing that was big enough...

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If I'd been up for an authentic experience, I'd've driven out of town to the pumpkin patch to pick up the pumpkins for the evening's jack-o'-lanterns. In my condition, though, I decided it'd probably be best to make it as short a trip as possible and...

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Estivation time. It's not just being a polar bear in a hot summer climate. As a heortomancer, it's also the lack of major holidays in the summer. When I was younger I tried to be functional in the heat, but as I got older and bigger it started...

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