Special attention (DU 4:6)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 6

Shaun's P.O.V

I softly lowered Corbin on to our bed and climbed in next to him. I wanted to have sex with him there and then, but Corbin knew how much time we had and decided to take it slowly. We lay on top of our bed sheets, with the cover snuggled tightly over our bodies. Corbin refused to take his eyes away from me for more than a second and dug around under the cover to find my hand with his.

He pulled himself in closer until our noses pressed against one another. I licked his muzzle playfully and Corbin happily returned more than one. He suddenly started to lick my face all other, "Stop that!" I complained, closing my eyes and drawing back from him. Corbin carried on until he got back to my lips , where he gave them some much needed attention. Seconds later, he drew away breathless; our hearts racing in our bodies.

"I'm sorry that Tyson hit you." Corbin said, rubbing my arm where Tyson had walloped it. "If it bruises I'm going to give a piece of my mind." Corbin pouted. It was cute how he was trying to stick up for me. "I deserved it." "No you didn't! I don't care if he likes me, nothing can justify what he did." "You're making it out like he tried to kill me." "He probably would have tried if I hadn't told him to stop." Corbin pouted.

"Cheer up, Corbs. You were crying, Tyson must have thought that I'd said something." "Still!" He huffed. "It's a good thing I'm around isn't it? Otherwise he would have skinned you alive." Corbin chuckeled. "What do you mean? I could beat Tyson in a fight." I joked, putting my arm around my mates shoulders and kissing him on the cheek. "Yeah I bet you could." Corbin smiled and snuggled up to me before shooting out of bed to get un-dressed.

"Some fur's desperate." "Shaun, you're giving me a chance to be in control. I'm very desperate." Corbin laughed as he dropped his clothes in a pile and walked around the bed to help me out. "I'm supposed to be the fur who rips of your trousers!" I joked. Corbin snickered and put his hands under my jumper to pull it off. He then un-buttoned my jeans and got them off of my legs. "Corbin, you still have your socks on." I pointed out. "Do I?" Corbin asked, looking down at his feet and noticing. "Thanks!" He turned around to get them off.

I took a quick chance and placed my two hands on Corbin's ass. I purred into his ears erotically and snapped the waist band on his boxers. 'Snap!' "Shaun!" Corbin squealed, a shiver running over his body. "Are they really that tight?" I asked. "No, but they have elastic in them." Corbin mumbled. "Do you want me to kiss it better?" I teased. "Yes, please." Corbin said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. I knelt down, kissed his ass and then pulled back the waist band to observe my personal prize.

I slipped a hand into his underwear and roughly rubbed around his tail hole. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled, pleasured by the way I was toying with him. I'd occasionally push the tip of my finger in or flick his tail hole, but I didn't plan of fingering Corbin that night. I withdrew my hand and kissed him on the butt once again.

I left Corbin alone after that, in order to get completely naked and he did the same. I then joined him on the bed only for him to get out again, "What's wrong?" I asked curiously. "I still need to get ready." Corbin muttered quickly. I positioned myself at the end of the bed, with my tight tail hole facing towards him. I flicked the head of my cock to keep myself hard as I waited for him.

He soon came scurrying back and almost tripped over his own feet. He saw the way I was lying and suddenly got nervous. "Oh... You want me to the top?" He asked, drawing into himself. "Of course. Unless you don't want to. Like I said; you can decide." I smiled. "But I'd prefer it for you to be on top." I added. "Don't you think I'm a little submissive for that?" Corbin asked shyly. "Nah. This is your first time on top with me, isn't it?" I asked. "Err.. Yeah. It is. It's my first time on top with any guy..." Corbin admitted.

"Well then, I'm honored to be your first." I grinned, "Come on." I turned over, so that I was lying down with my head resting on a pillow. Seconds later I felt Corbin's head pushing against my tail hole roughly. I gasped as he penetrated me, only then did I notice how tight I was. "Corbin, how much lube did you use?" I asked, noticing how slowly Corbin was going. "A drop or two..." Corbin admitted as his cock slowly opened my tail hole wider. "I thought I used enough. Do you want me to stop?" Corbin asked. "No. Not at all... Don't stop it. It feels really nice."

Corbin smiled and suddenly gasped. "Did you hit a sweet spot?" I asked, chuckling slightly. "You're just really tight..." Corbin gasped again and gripped my sides tightly. "I thought you'd be a little bit looser." Corbin mumbled. "I've been keeping it tight, just for you. It feels better when it's tight, trust me." "I wouldn't know..." "Okay then. From now on I promise to let you top just as much as I do. "No! I mean... It's alright. I like being a bottom." "Tough luck Corbin." I smiled, looking back to see my boyfriend's face.

With eyes tight shut, his face was flushed with a rosey red. Normally, Corbin had exuberance when we had sex, but today he looked much more relaxed. Then again, the feeling of being inside of another guy was new to him. Corbin rested his hands on my back and his tongue hung out as his knot pressed against my tail hole. He continued to slowly hump me as he prepared himself to stuff my back side with his thick knot. "Can I?" He asked, hands pressing down on my back.

"Not yet. Pull out for a second please. There's a better position, you can get closer to me." I promised, Corbin pulled out quickly. I lay down on the bed and patted the quilt behind me, gesturing for him to take his place. I lifted my leg up in the air, so that Corbin could get inside my tail hole. I rested my hands on the bed and let Corbin take full reign.

He slowly got back inside of me and snuggled up next to me with one arm hooked under my body, the other over my body and touching my pre- cum covered cock. Corbin was shivering with pleasure as he licked my neck, he was waiting for my permission. "Go on then. Stuff me." Corbin cheered up suddenly and rammed his knot inside of me to forge a tie.

He continued to stroke my cock and rub my nipples to bring about an orgasm. He came closer to his own (pun intended) by humping me roughly, his tongue hanging down once again. "Shaun!" He moaned, his eyes looked like they were about to roll out of his head. "I'm so close." He groaned. I could smell his musk strongly, now that he was closer to me. It wasn't overpowering, but it certainly turned me on as he nuzzled against my body with his own. "Cum inside of me..." I moaned back. "Fill me..." I groaned with a leonine purr. "You bet I will..." Corbin whispered before ceasing all conversation.

It felt as if we both came at the same time, our cock heads flared to life and both of us moaned with delight. Corbin sighed as he came, not because it was pathetic, but because he was in his own personal heaven. My cum shot out of my fint and jetted towards my own body. It splashed into my fur and some dropped down onto the bed accompanied by soft purrs of first class satisfaction. . Corbin's seed filled me to the brim; each gooey strand bringing about more arousal. His warm milk relaxing me as if the gentle, but powerful collisions were putting me into a trance.

He pulled out, breaking our tie and the cum trail he'd made. He allowed me to wrap my arms around him intimately as I pulled him on top of me. He didn't care about the cum lacing my chest and stroked his own cock gently, as if he was trying to prove that he had more to use. He lay down with his muzzle resting on my small, but comfortable pecs. He panted, with each exhale submitting to his exhaustion more and more.

Still, the small man refused to give in. He climbed off of me and toyed with my flaccid cock by rubbing it softly with his delicate, dainty fingers. "Corbin, let's just go to sleep." I complained. "But you said that I could do what I wanted with you!" He pouted. I was starting to regret my words, but if Corbin wanted to carry on, I'd push out my tiredness and make him happier. "Come on then. I'm still yours." I reassured. "Yay!" Corbin found a new batch of energy in the few words I'd said.

He wasted no time and started polishing me like a trophy with his tongue. He licked up my own cum from my fur like it was a meal. It was very strange, but Corbin seemed to be enjoying his exotic choice of activity. His tail swished behind him beating off of the bed and then flying up in the air. He looked up at me, his tongue white with blotches of my cum. He swallowed quickly and leaped up to try to kiss me. "Hey!" I cried, "Don't kiss me! Your breath smells horrible!" I complained. Corbin laughed at my insults and went back to lapping up my spooge.

Minutes later, Corbin had finished. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and looked up at me with wide eyes, still ravenous for more of my sperm. "There's some in my ass you know..." I said. "Yeah, but would you eat you out?" Corbin asked. I shook my head to say no, "Didn't think so. How do you feel about cumming again?" Corbin asked.

"I ache a little. Can we hold it off until tomorrow morning? Morning wood tastes way better." I lied. "Awww!! Is Shaun being a little wuss? Scaredy cat!" He teased like a mocking child. "Corbin, I've had a long day. So have you." I admitted. "I suppose your right." Corbin allowed himself to once again be coaxed into stopping himself from doing what he truly wanted. I felt kind of bad about turning him down after I'd promised him to some special attention from me, but if we went at it again now, I'd only pump out some weak, clear strands of flavorless cum. Despite all that, Corbin refused to be put off.

He sunk down the bed, pretending to be going to sleep when he was in fact trying to titillate me by attempting a blowjob. I soon felt his tongue licking what little droplets of cum there was around my fint. "That's it Corbin!" I shouted, "Stop!" I rolled out of bed. "I'm putting some clothes on. I'm not in the mood!" I wasn't truly mad at Corbin, but tiredness made me say things and Corbin was the only fur I could take it out without repercussions.

I went to get a pair of boxers and night shorts out of my wardrobe when I looked back to see Corbin curled up in the bed looking sorry for himself. I sighed, "Come here Corbin. I didn't mean it. I'm just a little exhausted." I apologized. "It's not your fault. I'm the one being a slut... You can go to sleep." Corbin admitted. I charged over to him and puled him out of bed by his arm. "Stop being stupid. I promised you could do what you wanted with me tonight. Even if I am a little tired..." Corbin looked up at me and suddenly kissed me on the lips, as if he was trying to imbibe more of my love. "Thank you." He chirped and accidentally jumped up at me and ended up pushing me backwards for me to hit my head softly off of the wall.

"Are you alright!?" He cried, kneeling by my side in less than an instant. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Just a bump." I said, Corbin helped me up and lightly kissed me on the cheek. "If you start feeling dizzy, just tell me." Corbin's hand brushed up against my sheath. I purred in a intoxicating way. Corbin quickly caught on to my desires and was happy to oblige. "I thought it would have at least been a semi with me around." He winked. "Maybe you should coax it out." I returned.

Corbin's finger swirled around the outside of my sheath to tease me. Sheath fingering had never been my scene, but with the way Corbin was moving and those eyes... urmm... those eyes. His eyes danced in his skull as he imagined me fucking him and so did mine as I imagined the same. As I imagined stuffing Corbin, my cock slowly became fully erect again; much to the delight of my mate.

He dropped down and began suckling on my length, milking me for the taste of my cum. "You really enjoy tasting it don't you?" I asked. I heard a noise that sounded like a 'yes!' coming from Corbin's filled mouth. "After this, can we get some rest? My balls are already empty." I begged. Corbin took my cock out of his mouth to speak. "Then let's keep 'em that way." Corbin said, rushing to get my dick back where it belonged; in his warm, velvety mouth.

Corbin was more than happy to tease me with the tip of his tongue, or to caress my cock and thighs with his dainty hands. His eyes swooned over me, he indulged himself into what he was doing. And of course, as the more dominant male... I couldn't help myself but to bring pull his head forwards until the tip of his nose touched my stomach, his maw filled with a slimy penis. He ended up with his face covered in clearer strands of my sperm, but still he was content as he licked some from around his mouth.

"How did you enjoy that special attention?" He asked, wiping some spooge away from his eyes. "I loved it." I kissed him on the head, making sure to avoid the little white patches I'd left behind. "To bed?" I asked.

"Why not?

Teenage Troubles: Chapter 6

Chapter 674 Murnan Road, City of Fait00:13 AM, 10th of AprilLaying on his back, Max thought things over. Lyall was sobbing into a pillow about what could have been anything. Max had seen him masturbating which had caused Max's cock to raise faster than...

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It'll be worth it (DU 4:5)

# Chapter 5 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * Despite the fact that Tyson had insisted on not wanting to let me do this, he pushed the bouncer to one side without a second thought and charged straight in with me in tow. Fortunately, after one glance at Tyson,...

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The bad outweighs the good (DU 4:4)

Chapter 4 Shaun's P.O.V I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag at the side. Fortunately, Oliver hadn't run off with my keys and had cleaned the room like I'd asked. He'd also left a note on my desk, "You owe me- Oliver" it read. I guessed I...

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