It'll be worth it (DU 4:5)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 5

Shaun's P.O.V

Despite the fact that Tyson had insisted on not wanting to let me do this, he pushed the bouncer to one side without a second thought and charged straight in with me in tow. Fortunately, after one glance at Tyson, the bouncer knew better than to get in his way. "If Corbin cries! If Corbin cries!" Tyson carried on growling as he dragged me through door after door. I could hear the faint thud of house music and the stomps of raving furs coming from behind every wall.

The club wasn't really my scene, but I could bare it. The music might have been bad and the drunk furs who constantly harassed others were annoying, but it could be worse. Tyson pushed me through a door and commanded me before leaving. "Find Corbin, say what you need to say. I'm waiting outside." He said in a hurry and stormed out of the door without waiting for my response.

I gulped down air and tried to focus over the music as I looked around the large room. It was your average strip club. It was dark and illuminated by multi-colored lights that hung above the stage, rimming the edge of the stage, above the doors, along the bar and dangled down from various places. In the center of the room there was a large, square stage with a cat walk leading backstage.

On the stage there were five, iron poles that were currently occupied by five, male strippers wearing jock straps or thongs with red ribbon around their tails. I tried not to stare once I knew that none of them were someone that I knew. The stage was surrounded by furs who were cheering, dancing and throwing money on stage. Why or how furs loved this kind of thing I didn't understand...

The bar served only booze and other forms of alcohol at reasonable prices. Because of that, most of the furs getting involved were either piss drunk or barely sober. Above the bar, I could faintly make out the LGBT flag. As I pushed through the crowd of fur and scales I tried to find Corbin. I imagined that he'd be in a corner, serving a customer. Which was exactly where I found him.

He was in the far corner of the room in a little dugout booth. The booth had a leather sofa stretching around it and a table in the middle that was littered with empty wine glasses. I hoped that Corbin hadn't been drinking, for both my sake and his. He was on his knees before a relaxing stallion who gripped onto my boyfriend's head as he put his own back against the wall.

Corbin wore a tight pair of black boxers and it appeared that he had been rubbed with some kind of oil because his fur shone under the light. I was fine with that, but I wasn't too happy about the blind fold Corbin wore. I hoped that the blind fold was as far as the bondage had gone. He also wore a harmless piece of red ribbon around his tail that was swishing against the floor as he worked the man's cock.

The horse's fur was a mocha color all over. His hair; blonde and tied tightly into a braid that rested on his right shoulder. His manly muscle bulged beneath his suit. I wasn't surprised that a business man such as himself was hanging around in a whore house. Most of them were corrupt any way and spent the majority of their money getting more or blowing on bitches and booze. Why Corbin would had agreed to give this man more pleasure was beyond me. I slowly approached the two of them and gazed at the erotic scene.

Corbin's face was shut tight, but his lips were being parted by a thick, pulsing horse cock. The dong was black at the base, but slowly blended into pink as it went along. His balls were tight already and his facial expression said it all; the horse was loving every second of it. His dick was laced with pre already, his brow dripping with beads of excited sweat. Each drop raced down his long face and dropped off the end. Corbin's cheeks were bloated from the meat, but he seemed to be enjoying it. He kept his hands down and sucked on the treat. Corbin didn't seem to be tossing himself off at all.

I leaned against the wall and watched closely as the stallion came into my boyfriend's mouth. "Erk!" The horse grunted as his milk rushed out of his cock hole and into my boyfriend's mouth. The stallion emptied the entire contents of his balls into Corbin, yet Corbin carried on sucking and swallowing like it was nothing. The orgasm had ended and the stallion was panting and Corbin pulled away slowly. A trail of cum leaked down his chin, but apart from that he was completely clean. He stood up and wiped the cum from his chin. The stallion stood up and kissed Corbin's hand as a farewell.

"Here." He said, stuffing a large wad of cash into Corbin's boxers. "And a little extra for the good service." The stallion stated before zipping himself up and striding off in case some fur recognized him. I went straight in before Corbin could lift his blind fold and kissed the idiot. I pushed him down onto the sofa with my hands and kissed his lips passionately. I didn't care that I was being forceful, I wanted to kiss him. My hands rested on Corbin's pecs as I nuzzled him with my tongue. He tried pushed me away and spoke in surprise. "Who is this?" He asked with alarm. I tore the blind fold away from Corbin's face and kissed him again with much more force this time. "Shaun!" He cried, his voice muffled by my tongue.

I pulled away and let him stare at me. "Did you see me doing that?" Corbin asked with panic. "Yes. Well done by the way. How did he taste?" I asked casually, sitting down next to Corbin. I kept my arm around his shoulder and the other cupped with his. Corbin blushed, "Not as good as you." Corbin said, trying to win my favor like Tyson had said. "Flattery! I know you like the big ones just as much as I do." I joked. Corbin looked down at the table, at the glasses to be precise. "Have you been drinking?" I asked with concern.

"No, I haven't." "Good. There are some sick freaks who would do god knows what to you if you were passed out." I said, hugging Corbin to comfort him more. "I'm glad that you showed up in the end. I'm in the next group on stage, want to watch?" Corbin asked, happily accepting my hug. "No thanks. I want to speak to you, would they care if you skipped the next shift?" I asked. "You don't have to if you don't want to though." I added, remembering that Tyson had said that I controlled Corbin's every move. "No they wouldn't. What do you need to say?" Corbin asked.

I drew Corbin in closer, so that he was now lying on my lap. I cradled him like a child with my arms, "What's wrong?" Corbin asked with interest flooding into his eyes. I held his soft face and stroked his muzzle. I kissed his forehead. I slowly described what Tyson had said to me, so that Corbin could take it all in. He didn't move and reacted with flinches or sad looks whenever I mentioned my mistakes. "Do you agree?" I asked. "Tell the truth please. No more wanting to make me happy." I said, sliding Corbin's couple ring off of his finger.

"Why are you taking that?!" He cried, tears escaping from his eyes. "Don't tell me-" "Shh..." I said, wiping his tears away. "Only for a second. Now you don't have to lie, so that you can keep me." I beamed. "O-okay." Corbin stammered. He sniffled and collected his thoughts, "I agree. I agree with all of that. I'm sorry!" He started crying hysterically and buried his face into my legs as he began to cry. "No. It's alright. It's alright." I said, stroking the back of his head. "Do you still want me to be your boyfriend?" I asked. Corbin nodded, so I slid his couple ring back onto his finger to stop him from crying. "There." I smiled.

"T-thank you!" He cried and hugged me again as tears flowed down like a waterfall onto my jumper. I squeezed his hands and let him hug me more. "Listen here Corbin. I promise from now on to stop being mean to you. You decide for yourself now. Say no to me when you want to and don't do things for me. I'm going to look after you forever now to make up for it. Got that?" "Of course. Can we speak again once I've finished my shift?" Corbin asked.

"No. You're not going on your next shift. Come on, let's go find Damien and explain to him why you're leaving early." " I thought that you said I got to decide from now on." Corbin said in confusion. "Once we get into our room I'll give you the reigns."

"Oh Okay." Corbin said, sounding disappointed. "Can I do anything I want with you?" "Anything." I said with a warm smile. Corbin squealed in delight. "Are you sure that you want to leave though?" I asked. "Yes. Let's leave now! Damien's office is on the far side of the room." Corbin dragged me by the arm once again directly through the crowd of furs.

Some whistled at us, others cat-called Corbin and a few groped him in places, but Corbin didn't seem to mind at all. He soon barged straight in to a room labelled: 'Damien's.' Damien's room was very serious. Cherry wood floorboards bedecked the room and the concrete walls were painted a light pink color. Damien probably liked cherry trees, there was a small cherry tree sitting in a pot on his cherry wood desk. The tree was yet to flower.

Damien's desk was covered in papers, money and an old style telephone that wasn't plugged in. Instead, he had a mobile phone sitting on his desk. On the far side of the room there were bookshelves, chocked full of magazines that were most likely porn magazines. There was also a red, leather sofa at the side of the room where a certain fox was sleeping.

Jiyeon was lying down with his head resting on the arm of the sofa, with his feet on the other. From the amount of times I'd seen Jiyeon naked with someone, I knew his fur pattern off by heart. His chest, neck, chin, tip of his tail, crotch and inner thighs were all white. His arms and legs, bushy tail, back and neck were a bright orange completed by his brown nose, paws and hands. His eyes were emerald green.

Unlike Corbin, Jiyeon must have finished his shift because he was wearing a pair of tight black boxers and a discolored white shirt. He had a hand under his shirt, un-veiling his stomach. His other hand was buried alive in his boxers, stimulating the bulge that was present. From under his slightly lifted waist-band I could see his pink colored cock head. His tongue hung over his lips as he dreamed.

Before I could wake Jiyeon up, a black lagomorph barged past us. "Sorry dears!" He exclaimed quietly before draping a red blanket over the sleeping fox. He kissed him on his forehead and removed his hands from under hos clothes. "I swear, Corbin. This fool always sleeps with his tummy out." The rabbit spoke with childish words, but straightened out his shirt before speaking seriously.

The rabbit's fur was black all over, his eyes were grey, but full of emotion. Despite the fact that he was trying to look serious, his eyes were still excitable and darted about in their sockets. He was wearing a casual pair of blue jeans and a white shirt, his hair was scraggy and was tied back in a failed attempt of a pony tail. His fingers writhed about his sides, tapping his legs impatiently. "Hello Corbin. Shouldn't you be on stage?" The rabbit asked.

"That's why I came here, Damien. Shaun, this is Damien. Damien this is my boyfriend, Shaun." Corbin quickly said in order to get back home faster. I kept my arm around Corbin's waist, so that Damien knew that Corbin was telling the truth. Damien bowed and held out his hand awkwardly for a hand shake. His eyes were and crazy, his mouth in a grin.

I put my hand out to shake his and Damien's shot forwards. He shook me by the fingers vigorously before dropping the handshake and going back to his psychotic way of standing. "Shaun, by any chance is your mother's name, Vivian?" Damien asked. It felt like my heart just dropped out of place. "Yes, how did you know?" I asked. "Your mother worked for me. When she was pregnant with you, I of course let her have a permanent hiatus with Blake. How is she these days?" Damien asked. "She's good." I said awkwardly not really wanting to speak about my parents.

"Anyway, Enough of that." Damien said, swiping the air with a hand. "Why is it you're here?" Damien asked again. "Could I have the rest of the night off, please? I got a lot of money from prostitution to make up for all the time I'll miss." Corbin said, taking out the wad of cash from the rim of his boxers only to hand Damien all of it. "I've put the rest in the box office for safe keeping." Corbin said.

Damien's eyes lit up upon seeing the green. "Of course you can my dear. You've made more than enough from this night." He said, separating a small portion for himself and handing the rest to Corbin. "Remember. Show up next Friday at 6, you can have Sunday off since I think you clearly want to spend some time with your young stud." Damien smiled, gesturing to me. "Thank you!" Corbin cried, hugging his boss tightly. "Should I take Jiyeon with me?" Corbin asked. "No no. That's quite alright, I'll have Tyler drop him off first thing Sunday morning, alright?" Corbin nodded before dragging me out of the room and all the way to Tyson's car.

And that's the end of the first half of Edition 4! I'll be uploading one or two chapters of Teenage Troubles and then two of the rest of this Edition. Bye now!

The bad outweighs the good (DU 4:4)

Chapter 4 Shaun's P.O.V I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag at the side. Fortunately, Oliver hadn't run off with my keys and had cleaned the room like I'd asked. He'd also left a note on my desk, "You owe me- Oliver" it read. I guessed I...

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What happens in the changing room... (DU 4:3)

Chapter 3 Shaun's P.O.V I climbed out of the pool early and rushed into the changing room shivering. I wasn't afraid of water, but I still hated being wet and cold for too long. I don't know why I signed up for swimming off all sports; I couldn't...

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BULLocks! (DU 4:2)

Chapter 2 Shaun's P.O.V One thing led to another and by 10:00 AM Corbin was lying on the bed with his legs on my shoulders. His own spooge littered his chest and a smile stuck to Corbin's face. I pulled out of him slowly, he was tired and I intended...

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