BULLocks! (DU 4:2)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 2

Shaun's P.O.V

One thing led to another and by 10:00 AM Corbin was lying on the bed with his legs on my shoulders. His own spooge littered his chest and a smile stuck to Corbin's face. I pulled out of him slowly, he was tired and I intended to let him sleep. He lowered his legs and looked up at the roof with his limbs sprawled.

"Thanks, Shaun. That felt good..." He yawned, too tired to think of better praise. Still, a complement was a complement. "I'm going to get ready and go now. Alright?" Corbin nodded and stuck his arms up, waiting for me to say goodbye properly. "See you later." I said, hugging him lightly and kissing him on the lips. I didn't mind getting more cum in my fur, it was already sticky from the amount of times Corbin had cuddled with me after sex last night. "Bye!" He chirped and rolled over to catch some sleep, albeit he probably played with himself a bit whilst I was in the bathroom.

About an hour later I'd showered, used the toilet, brushed my teeth, sprayed myself with deodorant to hide my musk and had thrown on some clothes that Corbin had torn off of my body when things had got steamy last night. My cock was sore from all the times we'd gone at it. Still, making Corbin happy was worth being sore in a few places for a while.

My clothes were nothing special, I was wearing a red jumper with nothing underneath. The red jumper was something Corbin had picked up for me in a sale, along with one each for all of our friends. He'd pulled the same stunt at Christmas, but it wasn't annoying. With all the clothes I'd ruined or lost since enrolling at the university, I needed more. I guess that jumpers were sort of Corbin's 'thing.' Just like Corbin had jumpers, I had skinny jeans. I was wearing a black pair of them that day.

I picked up my swimming kit from beside the door and left, not bothering to lock the door. It wouldn't hurt to get to the swimming pool early and get some more practice. Logan was walking down the corridor as well, but he wasn't on his way to any kind of sport. He didn't have a towel on and had clearly just come out of the showers. He wasn't afraid to show off what he was packing at all, I tried not to stare. Logan was a bull, a black bull to be precise and he lived up to the stereotype of a bull in every way (minus the nose ring.)

Before Corbin had started dating me, he sported a sexual interest in Logan and for the good reason. Logan was tall, strong, muscular and (next to Tyson) had the biggest length in the dorm. Although he wasn't exactly... intelligent, he still understood everything that would go on in the dorms and had a big heart. When Corbin needed support, he'd be at Corbin's side before any fur could even ask Corbin what was wrong. He'd do anything for Corbin. If Corbin wasn't dating me, I think Logan would have been next in line. Logan was also one of the most intimating furs I'd ever met. His eyes were dark red and he had a military style buzz cut. He was also a little bit rough in bed, I'd experienced that first hand.

"Sup, Shaun." Logan asked, stopping and leaning against the wall. I forced myself to keep my eyes level with his, but Logan didn't care at all. For one he would frequently walk about the dorm naked, he'd shower with the curtains open and if someone walked in on him he'd carry on until he finished. "Hi Logan." I said quickly, wanting to end the conversation before temptation got to me. Logan wasn't helping, he frequently touched himself to show off.

"Y'know. Y'can look if y'want." Logan laughed, his country dialect shining through a bit. It was hard to understand Logan sometimes because of the way he spoke. "Oh it's alright." I said, although I did take a glance at Logan's now erect penis. It was pink and fleshly, like all the other dicks I'd seen. " 'ow's Corbin? Is 'e looking for someone to ride?" Logan asked, chancing the awkward subject. "I don't know. We had sex an hour ago and all last night, I think he's a little worn out." I answered, trying to ward Logan away from my boyfriend. I don't know why I was trying to stop Logan from getting it on with Corbin, I'd given them my consent before and it was Corbin's choice, not mine.

"O' that's not great then, is it? And what about you?" He asked. "I'm fine thanks." I realized the mistake I'd made all too late. Logan grinned and walked closer to me.

"So, would'y be up for some?" "Corbin's asleep and your roommate is in as well, we don't really have a place to be 'up for some.'" I responded quickly, feeling I'd finally discouraged Logan. "We can do it out 'ere. Promise it'll be rough..." Logan smirked, grabbing my arm. I sighed and got down on my knees. I didn't bother getting un-dressed or at least attempting fore-play, I had somewhere to be.

I gripped the base of his erect penis tightly and got straight to it. "Yea'... right there." Logan groaned and moaned as I licked his length. Logan moved whilst I was licking him, he ended up against the wall with his hands on the back of my head. I pushed my head down and kissed the inside of his thighs. I worked my way down until I was faced with his sweaty, musky balls. Logan shouldn't have even bothered showering, he was already drenched in his own sweat.

I held his legs to keep him in place as I pushed against his balls with my tongue. "Just suck them already!" Logan demanded, forcing my head to go closer to them. Logan probably wasn't expecting me to react quickly and shoot upwards because of reflexes. Which was exactly what I did. Logan hurled over instantly, trying to protect his already pained fun parts. I moved backwards and bit my finger to stop myself from laughing at the sight of Logan's expression.

I quickly picked up my swimming bag and got going, "You know what? I think I just heard Corbin getting up." I blurted out and ran off down the corridor, I stopped when I was behind the corner and looked back to see Logan going into my room. I sneaked back to the door and listened out for the noise Corbin made when ever a guy like Logan was having sex with him. I heard Corbin purr and chuckle, I was slightly mad that Logan was having sex with my boyfriend right after he'd tried me, but at least he wasn't chasing me down.

I opened the door and purposely walked in on the two of them. Corbin was on his hands and knees with his ass in the air, Logan was standing just off the bed with the tip of his cock in Corbin's ass. "Shaun!" Corbin cried, he knew that I didn't care, but being caught was still embarrassing for him. I smiled and sat down on the bed next to them. Logan pulled out of Corbin quickly and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to say something. "Hi." I smiled wanting to make this as awkward as possible.

I slowly got un-dressed until I was sitting in the nude. "Mind if I join?" I smirked. Corbin and Logan didn't really know how to respond. After a few moments of silence, Corbin groaned and got on his hands and knees again, realizing that he had the joys of being the bottom again. "Fine!" He cried pouting and waiting for me to get lubed up.

Logan went around to his front and immediately stuck his cock into Corbin's mouth, like he had done with me. Corbin knew the drill pretty well by now and so he went about the blow job like it was his job. As soon as I was ready, I walked up behind Corbin and let him know where I was. I stroked his behind and patted him on the back just before I pushed all of my length inside of him. Surely enough he stopped giving Logan attention momentarily and purred softly as it went in.

He looked back at me with a smile, waiting for me to go balls deep before he bothered sucking off Logan. "How does that used ass feel?" Logan teased. "Fine, once you get an inch or two in." I joked, Corbin tried to contain a laugh and quickly went back to sucking Logan off before things escalated. "Okay t'en. Next time I'll go all the way." Logan warned. "Please don't. I like walking." Corbin chirped in.

"'ey! Shaun." Logan snapped. "Bet I can make Corbin 'appier." "No you won't!" "'ell yeah I will. Winner showers with 'im, loser cleans up." "You're on." I challenged, knowing that I would win. "Make sure you cum on 'im. Wouldn't want to make cleaning up easy now would we?"

I started humping Corbin once he'd gotten into a rhythm, which threw him off for a second, but he soon got use to the feeling. When Logan noticed what I was doing, he too started humping Corbin. Corbin could only smile at our petty competition to win more of Corbin's favor. Still, Logan and I starred straight at each other with scowls and continued trying to pleasure Corbin.

I reached under Corbin and rubbed his knot, length and balls all while making sure that Logan was watching. Logan, all though he couldn't reach all the way to toss Corbin off, still attempted to match me. He held Corbin's head with his hands and stroked him with long undulating movements. Slowly and gradually the two of began to hump Corbin's ends faster until we started feeling something coming up.

We pulled out at the same times and rubbed ourselves off. Meanwhile, Corbin did the same to himself and closed his eyes, bracing for our loads. I closed my eyes and put my head back loving every second of it. I hadn't really tossed myself off in a long time, I had Corbin to occupy my time. Moments later Corbin was sticky, panting, but pleasured.

Neither Logan nor I touched him, but still sat next to him avoiding the messes. "So, who won?" I asked, looking at Logan instead of Corbin as I asked. "Mmhhh.... Shaun..." "Hah!" I cried, jumping up and pointing a finger at Logan. "There's a fresh pair of bed sheets in the closet." He winked and stood up. Logan stuck his tongue out at me as he escorted my boyfriend out of the room and down to the showers, where they would un-doubtfully have sex again. I smirked, the joke was on them. I had somewhere to be and really wasn't in the mood to clean up the mess we'd made. I'd just slip a note under Oliver's door, I hoped he was in a cleaning mood.

I got dressed into my clothes, grabbed my bag, slipped a note and the keys to the room into Oliver's room and headed out to the swimming pool where something strange was about to happen.

Teenage Troubles: Chapter 5

Chapter 519 Mourn Street, City of Fait5:30 AM, 1st of AprilAs he scurried into his bathroom, Lyall could only think about how last night had played out. The dissatisfaction that had shown when Lyall's music played was a knife through Lyall's heart, but...

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Cuddles and not so many kisses (DU 4:1)

Chapter 1 Shaun's P.O.V I was once again pinned to the bed by the weight of my cuddly fennec. I knew that he was just playing with me, as we usually did whenever we got up after a night of fun together. He didn't always enjoy being a bottom,...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 4

Chapter 419 Mourn Street, City of 'Fait'6:25 PM, 31st of MarchMax sank back into the couch, the movie had finally finished and staring at a screen for hours had taken a small toll on his eyes. It had been terrible, a nightmare almost. Not because it...

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