What happens in the changing room... (DU 4:3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 3

Shaun's P.O.V

I climbed out of the pool early and rushed into the changing room shivering. I wasn't afraid of water, but I still hated being wet and cold for too long. I don't know why I signed up for swimming off all sports; I couldn't swim to save my life. It was a miracle how I hadn't drowned in the pool yet. I wanted to try and switch sports, even running would be better than swimming at that point. I didn't have anyone to speak to, well apart from Tyson.

Tyson was a typical orca. His skin was white on his chest, chin and neck, inner thighs and under his arms and under his enormous tail. He did also have small white marks on the side of his face which stood out against the black skin around it. He had a rippling six pack and (like all whales) had enough length where it counted to make just about any fur jealous. But even with all that, he wasn't my type. He didn't have a single hair on his body and I preferred fur over scales and skin.

The changing rooms were horrible. Ugly yellow and green tiles with an old style squared pattern bedecked the walls and floor. The drains were clogged up and the showers were cold. I skipped showering, I could always have one or two with Corbin once I got back to my room. The benches were squeaky, the metal was rusty, the lockers were dented and of course, just like every piece of wood in the university, the benches had gum stuck to them.

I wrapped myself in a towel and dried myself with another quickly; I didn't want to get caught in the changing room without my boxers on. The others guys might see more than they bargained for. I forgot to bring a comb or a brush with me, so I couldn't comb my fur whilst it was wet. Oh well, Corbin would enjoy helping me out.

I took my black and blue swimming shorts off and wrapped them in a towel before putting them away in my swimming bag. The university didn't make all of us wear swimming caps, since it would be pointless for some fur with fur to wear one. Those with skin or scales were required to wear one though; to reduce the amount of hair and fur going into the drains. Tyson had once worn a swimming cap for a joke, ridiculing the university and their stupid rules.

I was about to put my boxers on when some fur spoke to me from behind. "What are you doing in here?" Tyson asked. I shot around, covering my sheath and balls. I'd forgotten about Tyson completely, he always got out of the pools for some unknown reason. Tyson was sitting on the bench opposite me, drying himself from head to toe. Fortunately he was wearing his shorts, so I didn't get hard on instantly. Still, the rippled muscles and the way he was flexing turned me on.

I turned back around, so that Tyson wouldn't see the growing bulge in my boxers. Whatever girl he bedded would be lucky indeed and probably crippled from there on-wards. "I want to get back to Corbin quickly." I lied. "Yeah right. You just don't want the other to see your stiffy when the fit guys start un-dressing, I'm right ain't I?" I blushed, Tyson had me figured out in an instant. "Shut up Tyson!" I cried.

"Hell! You've probably got one now." Tyson added. "Why would I have an erection now?" I growled. "Because. I'm sitting here almost naked and with all this muscle, who wouldn't be turned on?" "Me." I lied.

"Shaun! Catch!" Tyson said, throwing me a bottle. I spun around and failed to catch it, big mistake. Tyson could clearly see my pink colored rod, standing out from my sheath. He whistled to tease me. I clenched my fists and threw the bottle back at him, but missed by miles. "Go fuck yourself!" I shouted. "I would if I could. You would as well, wouldn't you?" He asked. I turned around, already fed up with the way Tyson was acting.

Tyson chuckled, his detective work made him even more prideful. "Could you come down to my room after you've showered and spoken to Corbin?" Tyson asked. "Why? So you can make fun of me again for being gay?" I spat. "I didn't do that last week, that was also Mason, Ezra and Dean. I had nothing to do with it. You know I'm tryin' to be nice from now on." Tyson reminded me. I didn't believe him, it was all just a ruse in my opinion.

Tyson was talking about a few days ago, when Corbin and I were sitting together on the couch in the common room. Mason, Ezra, Dean and Tyson came into the common room, the four of them made rude gestures and insults in our direction. They might have been small and stupid ones, but they brought the mood down enough for Corbin to be miserable. Although admittedly, Tyson might have been waving at us. Corbin had stormed off down the corridor trying to act like he was pissed off, but he had started crying in our room.

"Yeah right." "Shaun, my best friend is bi. I don't care about what gender you shoot for, so long as you're not a prick about it." "So why didn't you stop them from doing it? Or go and speak to Corbin? Hmm?" I asked turning around and attempting to square up to Tyson. Tyson was slipping on his dis-colored orange shirt to accompany his mocha cargo pants where as I was in the nude. I didn't care if Tyson saw my erection; I was more interested in arguing with Tyson.

"I still have a reputation to keep." "So you'd choose a reputation over some fur's feelings?!" I cried. "No! I didn't mean it that way! You know that Mason would beat the crap out of me if I went against him." Tyson corrected himself. "Don't bullshit me! You're strong enough to take him." "Maybe, but if Dean and Ezra were backing him I wouldn't stand a chance."

"So! With all the shit you've given Corbin and me you deserve a beating!" I shouted. I was half expecting some fur to come running in to end the commotion. "Maybe I do. But what if they'd gone after some fur that I care about? Some fur who couldn't fight? Like Garret?" Tyson crossed his arms, he had a good point. Having nothing good left to say I blurted out the first two letters to come into my head, "So?!"

As a final point Tyson brought up something that hit fast and hard. "What if it was Corbin?" He asked, smirking as he said it. I scrambled to find worthy words to retaliate with, but found a box of nothing. "Fuck you Tyson." I spat, turning back around. I heard Tyson walking towards me and a second later he spoke. "You know you would." I felt his cold hand grasp my shoulder, as another went below the belt. "And I'd fuck you." He grinned.

Other guys had touched me there countless times before, but for some reason when Tyson did it everything felt different. Maybe it was because his hands were cold or because he had skin instead of fur or maybe it was due to the fact that Tyson was straight. Well, that's what I used to think before he got touchy. "Tyson!" I cried, trying to shrug him off. Tyson was stopping from moving away from him or turning around, so I could only flail and protest vocally.

"Stop shouting idiot." Tyson demanded as he rubbed my length. He didn't care about my barbs at all and happily spiked his hand with them for no clear reason. "Is this how your fruits do it?" Tyson asked as he began building up the pace. For some fur who'd probably never jacked off another guy, he was surprisingly good at it. He knew how to be gentle, but also give his client a heavenly time. I let my head fall forwards against the wall, enveloping myself into the handjob.

The feeling of it was great, but if some fur was to walk in it would be hard to explain. I reached backwards with a single hand and tried to pull down Tyson's trousers. I was stupidly horny as if I'd been in chastity for years. I knew that Tyson would be able to tame my lust like a hunter might tame a lion.

"Why don't we carry this on later?" He asked, catching my hand and moving his hand to leave behind only the memory of the pleasure he'd gifted. He walked over to where his bags hung, slung them over his shoulders and walked out the door. He suddenly poked his through the door again, "Oh and Shaun. The other guys are coming in now. Might want to hide that master piece." Tyson winked before leaving for real this time.

Now the orca had my full attention.

BULLocks! (DU 4:2)

Chapter 2 Shaun's P.O.V One thing led to another and by 10:00 AM Corbin was lying on the bed with his legs on my shoulders. His own spooge littered his chest and a smile stuck to Corbin's face. I pulled out of him slowly, he was tired and I intended...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 5

Chapter 519 Mourn Street, City of Fait5:30 AM, 1st of AprilAs he scurried into his bathroom, Lyall could only think about how last night had played out. The dissatisfaction that had shown when Lyall's music played was a knife through Lyall's heart, but...

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Cuddles and not so many kisses (DU 4:1)

Chapter 1 Shaun's P.O.V I was once again pinned to the bed by the weight of my cuddly fennec. I knew that he was just playing with me, as we usually did whenever we got up after a night of fun together. He didn't always enjoy being a bottom,...

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