The bad outweighs the good (DU 4:4)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 4

Shaun's P.O.V

I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag at the side. Fortunately, Oliver hadn't run off with my keys and had cleaned the room like I'd asked. He'd also left a note on my desk, "You owe me- Oliver" it read. I guessed I would have to pay him a visit in the near future.

Corbin was lying down on our bed in the nude again. He was wide awake, but not doing anything. "Shouldn't you be at your PF sport?" I asked. "Nah I don't have to go. Football isn't really my game anyway." Corbin said, with is hands resting beneath his head as he kicked his legs in the air, to show off his tail hole. It was tempting, but I had things to do. "Besides, I think I've lost a stone or two from all the sex." Corbin laughed, poking his stomach.

"You should go anyway. Watching you play football is funny. Remember when you caught the ball instead of kicking it?" I teased. "Screw you." Corbin laughed, throwing a soft pillow at me. "I have work a two and I'd rather not be late on my first day." "Fair enough." I answered. "I'm going to hop into the shower and then I'll be off to see Tyson and Oliver." I explained. "Is it about the note? What was that for?" Corbin asked. "He cleaned our room." I admitted anxiously.

"Shaun!" Corbin pouted, sitting up in the bed and slamming his arms down in frustration. "You can't keep using Oli as a maid! Have some responsibility. You better make it up to him!" Corbin complained. "I will... I will." I chuckled. I got out a towel and stripped down in front of Corbin.

"Shaun I don't want sex right now. I'm sorry." Corbin sighed, pulling up the covers to make himself decent. "Since when have you been one to turn down sex?" I asked. "Did Logan hurt your butt?" Corbin laughed, but didn't answer my question. "Will you be coming down to Damien's tonight?" Corbin asked. "No. I'm sorry, I have a few things to do. Tomorrow?" I asked. "Please!" Corbin whined, "Loads of our friends are going tonight! The two new guys, Logan, Garret, Luke and Levi. I know how you like looking at Levi." Corbin teased.

"You know that I only like looking at you now." "Really? So why do you have such a large collection of porn magazines in your wardrobe?" Corbin asked. He didn't care at all, but found it funny to tease me about things from the past. "I don't blame you for looking at Levi. That canine booty looks nice." Corbin joked as he licked his lips. "You look way better than he ever did." I winked. Corbin blushed, his tail thumping off the bed at a fast pace.

"You must be thinking about Logan." I teased, pointing to his tail. Corbin gripped his tail to stop it from moving, he blushed even more. "You can't say anything! Your tail up in the air, those purrs and high pitched squeaks you make whenever a guy puts it in." Corbin laughed. "Foxes aren't supposed to purr." I said, sticking out my tongue as I opened the bathroom door. Corbin stuck his hands in the air, waiting for me to come back to him.

I hurried back to him with excited bounds and jumped on top of him. I assaulted him by kissing his body in every place imaginable. The two of us rolled around laughing until some fur shouted, "SHUT UP FAGGOTS!" at the top of their lungs. We giggled and stopped rolling about, we lay side by side and looked into each other's eyes. The covers were all over the place and the pillows were strewn about the bedroom floor. Corbin's heart was racing alone.

"I love you." Corbin smiled, I smiled back and held his hands in mine. "Can you come down to Damien's then?" Corbin asked with a smile on his face. He was persistent, I'd give him that. "No! I'm busy today. Tomorrow I'll show up." I replied stubbornly. "Please! I want you to be there on my first night." Corbin complained. "I can't, I need to speak to Oliver and Tyson. Again, tomorrow."

"But that won't be my first time on stage!" "But don't you want some practice before I see it?" I asked. "I suppose you're right." Corbin sighed, "Promise you'll be there tomorrow?" Corbin asked. "Sure." I answered abruptly, I threw my hand up, so that he could see the back of it. I waved too say goodbye before walking into the bathroom to shower with the image of Tyson on my mind.


By the time I'd gotten out of the shower, Corbin had already left for Damien's. I thought to myself that if Corbin had gone, Garret would have gone as well. With that in my mind, I pulled on my jumper and jeans again before walking quickly to Tyson's room. The door was un-locked, so I opened it and peeked in.

Tyson and Garret's room was a little less customized than my own. The single beds were at opposite sides in the room, the desks were still at the foot of each bed and the wooden wardrobes were pushed into the corners of the room. Dirty laundry was strewn about on the carpeted floor, boxers, shirts, briefs, swimming clothes and even a pair of lace underwear, which must have belonged to Garret's girlfriend because Tyson nor Garret struck me as fem-boys.

The covers on both beds were the original grey ones as were the colors on the walls, carpets and roof. An open box of condoms was sticking out from under Garret's bed and with what I was seeing on Tyson's bed made me feel awkward. Tyson and Garret were cuddled up to each other, both of their waists underneath the covers and both were shirtless.

Garret was a satin rabbit, he was small, spoke little, smiled for no one and honestly looked severely depressed all the time. He'd sigh all the time, his big, sad eyes looked like they were begging for affection constantly and the way he moped about constantly as he dragged himself through life. However, the Garret in front of me was a different man.

This evolution of Garret had an air of exuberance about him whilst he ran his soft, white furred hands over his friend's large muscles with un-hurried movements. He'd giggle occasionally and his hand would sometimes dip below the covers to where I couldn't see. "Garret..." Tyson moaned. "Fuck..." Tyson grunted. His hands darted out to find Garret's that were still submerged beneath the covers. "Don't touch me there, you have a girlfriend and I'm straight." Tyson complained. I knew for a fact that Tyson was certainly not straight.

Despite Tyson's protests, he continued to push out his muscles to arouse his friend. Although most of Garret's fur was white, the tips of his ears, fingers and toes were all a light bronze color. There was also small circles of bronze dotted about his thighs like freckles, but they appeared to be prescribed to that region of his body only; apart from a large dark bronze circle on his shoulder.

Garret's brown eyes were now shut and his hands had gone back to squeezing Tyson's biceps. He rubbed his chin on Tyson's shoulder, leaving his scent behind in an attempt to claim his love interest. I could faintly hear Garret's teeth clicking together as he shuffled about anxiously to become comfortable again.

"Would you do it if I got a condom?" Garret asked. He looked at Tyson like a dog might beg for food. "You're not going to give up are you?" Garret shoot his head to say 'No.' "Garret! You have a girlfriend and I'm a little bit big to start off with. Go and find some fur who wouldn't break your hips." Tyson demanded. "But they don't do it like an orca. Have you heard what the girls you've slept with are saying about how you do it? They say that you're a big, gentle giant, but you still make it feel like a miracle. And! And, when you cum..."

"Garret!! Enough about my sex life." "But is it true?!" Garret asked with intrigue. "No it's not. I haven't slept with any fur for a while now." "You're kidding. I bet you could pull any fur you want." Garret added, trying to coax his friend into taking his anal virginity. "I'm not. I don't masturbate or anything." "Even more reason to go at it now. No fur will now, I promise." Garret smiled. "Fine."

Garret chirped and sprung out of bed, revealing that he had briefs on. His briefs were white with light blue trims, he looked like a child in them. Even through his underwear I could see his bulge. Fortunately, his cockhead didn't stick out and neither did his balls. Garret saw poking my head around the door and squealed in fear. "Epp!" He sounded and shot back to the bed and under the covers like a rabbit might dash to its den.

Tyson however remained calm and stayed under the covers. "Come in Shaun. It's alright. You haven't done anything." He said. He sounded like a teacher, trying to get a student to confess to something. I awkwardly shuffled into the room and closed the door behind me. "I'm sorry." "Don't sweat it, kid. Garret was a little cold, so I warmed him up a bit. How much did you hear and see?" Tyson asked.

"I saw everything from when Garret touched your..." I gestured to his lower regions. "'suppose there's no point in lying then is there? Yeah. Garret and I were going to have sex just then." Tyson confessed as if it was absolutely nothing. "Doesn't Garret have a girlfriend?" I asked. I didn't know much about Garret's girlfriend, apart from the fact that she was a rabbit and wasn't particularly happy about Garret's sexuality.

"I do. But she won't hear about this, will she?" Garret asked coming out from under the covers. His eyes were wide and sad again, his body: small; as if he was trying to shrink down to the size of a pebble. Garret looked incredibly worried. He loved his girlfriend more than anything in the world and would have been devastated if he was too lose her. Either that or he was remembering our first encounter.

It was the day that I found out about Garret's sexuality. At first we all thought he just homosexual, but he had started dating his current girlfriend days later. There was a rumor going around that Garret had slept with Jiyeon, which was slightly true, but not in the way that we all expected. I blackmailed him into telling me about it, which I later came to regret.

See Garret had a foot fetish that he wanted to keep hidden. He owned a few foot lover magazines and a few stories with... well.... lurid descriptions. With derision from me, Garret had told me that he'd given Jiyeon a few paw jobs. It was must have been a good time because the whole dorm heard Jiyeon's gasps.

I'd then forced Garret to give me the same treatment, otherwise I'd inform the others about his fetish. He went through with it and I'd promised to stay silent. Eventually other furs had found out and I'd payed for it in a special way, but Garret was still scarred by all of it. He couldn't even stand next to me without becoming nervous.

"No she won't, don't worry." I smiled, trying to reassure Garret. "I'm sorry about what I did." Garret understood what I was speaking about in an instant. My voice had no emotion and my body language was nul. "It was ages ago. I don't care anymore." He lied, forcing a smile to convince me. "What was?" Tyson asked in confusion, looking from one of us to the other. I looked at Garret and he nodded.

I described what I'd done with Garret in detail, Garret looked down at the floor and wrapped himself in the quilt again. Tyson laughed, but not at Garret's fetish. "Why are you so embarrassed all of a sudden? Be happy about yourself for once! If you like sucking dick, suck dick! If you like looking at feet, look at feet. Here!" Tyson bellowed, throwing his feet up at Garret's face for him to stare at.

Garret reacted suddenly and shoved Tyson's foot back down onto the bed. "Tyson! I don't like feet." He cried, drawing into himself. "I'm sorry for doing that." I butted in, feeling that I had been the one to scare Garret's fetish out of him. "It's not your fault. My girlfriend hated it. I stopped." Garret said anxiously. "You helped me."

"How can rape me helpful?" I asked. "I was willing! You got me into liking guys. Thanks." Garret blushed. "Liking guys? You mean liking Tyson?" I joked. Tyson and I laughed, but Garret only blushed harder and started getting dressed.

"Where's Corbin?" Garret asked in a shy tone. "He's set out already, I thought that you weren't going." I answered. "Crap!" Garret squeaked and pulled on his trousers faster. With his legs half way in his trousers, he hopped to where his keys were.

"Do you want me to drive you there?" Tyson asked, standing up from the bed to help his friend. "No thanks. I'll catch a bus. Do you want to tag along though?" Garret asked. "Oh I'm busy tonight..." I lied. "Doing what?" Garret asked. "Swimming lessons! That's why he came here in the first place. I'm helping him." Tyson butted in without hesitation. "How kind." Garret smiled before being embarrassed by what he said and scurrying out of the room.

I closed the door behind Garret and exploded on Tyson. Storming over to him in my rage, I roared. "I ditched my boyfriend! For swimming lessons?!" "No! No." Tyson said, putting his hands up to stop me from getting closer. "I need your help. I want to speak to you." Tyson explained. "Go on then". I pouted, slamming myself far from Tyson on the bed. "And why not Garret? Why me!" I complained.

"Well... You do psychology and this is about Garret." "So you asked me because I know a bit about the mind?!" "I thought you'd be a bit more supportive to a friend." Tyson stated.

"And I thought you wanted sex! Not a fucking support group." I complained, throwing my hands up in the air. "I mean you tossed me off in the changing rooms and all!" "You really are a bastard like everyone says." "How am I a bastard?!" I cried, annoyed with the way Tyson was speaking to me. "You ditched the person you love the most for sex. You are a bastard."

"Oh! I'm sorry for not wanting to see my boyfriend fuck other men!" "Yet that's what you do everyday? You run off and suck your friends dicks whilst Corbin tries to find someone to speak with." Tyson remained calm and spoke with clear diction. He wanted me to hear every single word. I could only make a strange noise, having no forms of protest left. "Why do you think he spends so many hours with Jiyeon every day?" Tyson asked, crossing his arms. "To learn how to dance. He told me himself." I said confidently.

"Wrong. Corbin speaks to Jiyeon so much because Jiyeon listens! Jiyeon cares! Why do you think he's started work at Damien's?" Tyson asked. "Money. That job makes a lot of it." I answered feeling that silence would say more words than an answer. "True, but he also needs some real attention. He wants some fur who doesn't look at him like an adorable sex, invented to fuck." "He's working in a strip club! Every fur in that place is going to be looking at him in a sexual way." I answered.

"Damien's place is kinder than other clubs, there will be some who want to look after him. When was the last time Corbin asked for sex?" "All last night." I answered. "He asks for so many times everyday because he doesn't want to be alone, not because he enjoys it. He loved you when you were kind and cared about every fur before yourself. When it was his first time, you were tired, but you saw it through to help Corbin discover himself. That was the Shaun that made Corbin swoon."

"What were you saying about every fur calling me a bastard?" I asked, no longer wanting to speak about Corbin. Tyson cleared his throat and spoke a long list. "You use Corbin for sex, Oli as a maid, Darren avoids you because of it, you walk in without knocking, you raped my best friend, exposed his biggest secret, blackmailed him, made him even more nervous, made him self-harm, Corbin's family hates him because of you and now he works in a strip club to carry on learning at this fucking place!" Tyson became angrier and started shouted with each passing word. At the end he was panting, sweating and his fists were clenched tightly shut.

My eyes felt like they were about to burst from all the tears that were welling up. Occasionally one or two would drop down. I'd never thought about anything in those exact ways. "I made Garret what?" I choked. "All the way until he got a girlfriend. How do you think I found out? He just mumbled your name until I got every fur else involved." "I'm sorry." I said, looking down at the floor in shame, despair and anger. "Don't say it to me. Say it to every fur in this dorm."

"Can you drive me to Damien's?" I asked suddenly. "Why?" Tyson asked suspiciously. "I need to clear this up with Corbin. I want to know if what you've said is true." I answered willingly. There was no point in lying Tyson anymore. If I was going to leave this situation with at least one friend I'd need to try to be kind every fur. "And if it is, you'll break up with him." Tyson asked. "If he wants to."

"No deal then." "I guess I'll be telling Mason about your new found sexuality. I think he'll be thrilled to know that you're eyeing him up." "See? Blackmail again." Tyson spat. "It's for a good cause." "A good cause is breaking up with someone?! Fuck you!" Tyson shouted. "It's better than keeping him in a bad relationship isn't it?" I asked.

"I suppose you're right. Fine, go and wait by my car. I don't even want to look at you right now. But remember this, if Corbin cries. Logan and I will gut you."

What happens in the changing room... (DU 4:3)

Chapter 3 Shaun's P.O.V I climbed out of the pool early and rushed into the changing room shivering. I wasn't afraid of water, but I still hated being wet and cold for too long. I don't know why I signed up for swimming off all sports; I couldn't...

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BULLocks! (DU 4:2)

Chapter 2 Shaun's P.O.V One thing led to another and by 10:00 AM Corbin was lying on the bed with his legs on my shoulders. His own spooge littered his chest and a smile stuck to Corbin's face. I pulled out of him slowly, he was tired and I intended...

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Teenage Troubles: Chapter 5

Chapter 519 Mourn Street, City of Fait5:30 AM, 1st of AprilAs he scurried into his bathroom, Lyall could only think about how last night had played out. The dissatisfaction that had shown when Lyall's music played was a knife through Lyall's heart, but...

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