Teenage Troubles: Chapter 6

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Chapter 674 Murnan Road, City of Fait00:13 AM, 10th of AprilLaying on his back, Max thought things over. Lyall was sobbing into a pillow about what could have been anything. Max had seen him masturbating which had caused Max's cock to raise faster than ever. If not for the rabbit next to him, he would have whisked his cock out and paid it some much needed attention. For now he'd just have to put up with the violent, irritating throbbing. Biting his lower lip to try to put up with the feeling, he rubbed himself through his fabric and felt his boxers dampening. A plan formed in Max's mind, it was blunt and crude, but was the only logical thing. "Lyall..." He whispered softly, he put a forepaw on Lyall's arm; he was tempted to rub his arm and soothe him further, but when Lyall shrugged him off, Max backed off. "What's wrong?" He asked with normal volume. Lyall didn't respond, aside from pulling up the covers even further and therefore stripping them from Max entirely. The fox snapped his forepaws out and pulled back a small piece, which he used to shield his crotch; he didn't want Lyall to get the right impression yet. Compassion wasn't working, Max tried another approach. "I can hear you crying. It's keeping me up." Max faked a snarl he heard Lyall whimper like prey would."I'm so sorry!" Lyall said quietly. The rabbit bit down furiously on the bed, piercing through the sheets and into the mattress in order to get himself to shut up. Taking a gamble, Max put a forepaw on his friend's furry waist. Lyall did nothing, if anything he loosened up more. "Who's fault is it?" Max growled. His passion flared up more and more as he started to get aggressive as did his cock as he got closer and closer to his near-naked friend.Max could only think about how perfect the androgynous boy looked in the low light. His fur pelt was perfected, it was flawless and smooth to the touch. The shy nature he possessed called Max in closer and his small, vulnerable frame engendered in Max a thirst to protect Lyall from whatever had started his tears. More feral lusts were brought out of Max, he suddenly had the urge to drape his arms over the rabbit, mount him and then squeeze him in a way that mimicked somefur who was burying the bone in their bitch. He flung his arm over Lyall, but that was as far as he got; he was interrupted by Lyall's weak voice. "No one's, but my own..." He said with such sadness that Max felt a twinge in his heart.Max moved his forepaw back to Lyall's arm and clung on tightly, determined not to let go. "Can you tell me about it? A problem shared is a problem halved after all." He said to encourage Lyall into speaking. Lyall didn't believe what Max was saying, but was charmed by the fact that Max was hell-bent on cheering him up; that at least told him that somefur cared about his well being. "Parents..." Lyall mumbled into the sheets. "They... They wouldn't be happy

that we're sleeping in the same bed." Lyall confessed. "Normally I'd be disgusted, being so close to another guy in his boxers, but I guess that it's cool since we're like brothers." Lyall lifted his head out of the sheets, revealing two buck teeth shaped holes in the fabric, and smiled  with such friendless that Max felt a sword digging straight through his heart going straight down to the hilt. 'Like brothers' remained behind even after the sword was pulled out. 'Like brothers.'  Is that really how Lyall felt about the relationship they shared? Max tried to calm himself down as he felt anger among other violent emotions bubbling up in him. He told himself that he shouldn't be getting angry, he thought about all the times he'd wronged Lyall: he'd invaded Lyall's home, slept in his bed and even stolen a pair of his cummy boxers.His still kept the pair tucked in his pillow case, the smell would leak through, but you'd have to get your nose pressed against the case to detect it. Max planned on returning them, along with a proposal, but the boxers still held Lyall's musk strongly. Every time he caught a whiff of it, his cock filled with blood to stand at attention; waiting to be serviced. Lyall tried to continue speaking, but stuttered on his words and choked on tears again. "What's wrong?" Max asked with panic, snapping up in his bed. His forepaw came to rest on Lyall's waist again as he surveyed the room with his eyes. "N-nothing." Lyall stuttered, biting back tears. "I'm sorry about your sheets." Lyall apologized, feeling a sudden need to make it up to his friend."Is that you're worried about? They've been messier!" Max winked. He punched himself in his mind for the comment, but at least it made Lyall laugh. "That's disgusting!" He exclaimed, but covered his mouth to stop himself from giggling.Lyall rolled onto his back, giving some of the covers back to Max. The two lay side by side like a couple as they looked up at the blank ceiling. "Do you want me to put some night clothes on?" Max asked, snuggling up to Lyall sightly. "If one of us is dressed, your parents can't wine about us doing anything together." Max pointed out."Not that we'd ever do that." Lyall added, worried that the fox might catch on his true feelings. It played out like a nightmare in Lyall's mind, he'd try to kiss Max and then the fox would grab him by the throat. He'd yank him by the tail, spread him over the living room table and bring a cleaver down to cut off his small bunny tail. There would be screaming, blood and red flashes, but despite all that Lyall would be forced to watch as his severed tail was dropped into the bin like trash. Then he'd be dragged by the paws, begging for mercy, to be thrown out onto the cold street. His imagination was stopped by Max's flinching, Lyall's words had brought the sword back. Lyall blinked twice, why had those images been so strong in his mind? "Hey.. I packed a onesie."

Lyall chirped. "Sorry for lying to you."The two climbed out of bed together, bumping legs once in a while. Max approached his wardrobe to dig out some nights clothes whilst Lyall scrambled through his bag to find the onesie that he'd hidden so well. He hadn't brought pajama bottoms of night shorts because he simply felt that everything he owned was too childish for Max's liking. Lyall flicked on the lights once he'd found the furry garment. Max ended up wearing a pair of wine shorts with straight, alabaster lines that intersected occasionally. He was about to put on his shirt, but wanted Lyall to get a good look at his muscles. "Hey Lyall, this is what makes the vixens swoon." Max joked as he turned around and stretched, so that the developing six pack was flaunted. Lyall looked up, blushed wildly and put his head down quickly. "I bet they do." Lyall said as his heart pounded, had he said something wrong?Max turned around again, having plucked out a loose fitting shirt, to speak to Lyall. "Ly- Shit!" Max cried, shielding his eyes and spinning in one movement. Lyall was lying down on the ground, naked and struggling to get his legs into his onesie. "I'm sorry!" Lyall squealed with embarrassment, flopping about like a fish as he pulled it all the way up. fortunately for Lyall, Max didn't see the thick erection that had just been concealed by the onesie."Don't worry about it, it was my fault." Max said, trying to correct his mistake. "Nice onesie by the way." Max complemented. Lyall's onesie was grey a silver grey all over, with a darker patch in the center. It was incredibly fluffy. "Thanks. It's really soft, feel it!" Lyall demanded. he dipped his head slightly and rubbed his paws over the carpet as he moved closer to Max. The fox stroked his sleeve with a long legato movement. Unexpectedly he lifted Lyall off of the ground in a hug, burying hi face into Lyall's chest an nuzzling him. "Hey!" Lyall cried as he helplessly wiggled  to free him self. Max dropped him onto the bed and got in next to him, pulling the covers up over their waists."What, you said that I could feel you." Max chuckled, winking at Lyall."I didn't think you'd try to squeeze my brains out!" It was difficult for Lyall to conceal with his pleasure with anger."I like soft things." Was the only explanation that Max could give. He rolled over, picking up on Lyall's aggressiveness."That's not an excuse to gay out on me." Lyall joked. Max tried not to take offense, after all, Lyall didn't really know about Max's sexuality.Max fell back into a slumber soon after Lyall's hurtful joke, but hours later he felt an accidentally nudge against his leg, followed by several more. Max's heart started racing, was Lyall masturbating himself again? Max felt his cheeks flush and his boner rise. He tried to cope with his urges by shutting his eyes and thinking about everything that disgusted, but temptation overcame him

and he had to pen his eyes. There was no wet slapping, grunting or gasping, but the nudging was enough to convince Max that Lyall was up too something. He turned in bed to observe Lyall.To Max's disappointment, Lyall wasn't touching himself; instead he was shuffling about uncomfortable. "What's wrong now?" Max asked as he looked over Lyall's shoulder. The top of Lyall's onesie was down, revealing his bare, skinny and black furred chest. "Well at least you're not completely naked this time." Lyall blushed at Max's joke and tried to go back to sleep."Yeah..." Lyall mumbled. "I'm just having trouble getting to sleep."Bad dreams?" Max asked in concern, he used his elbows to elevate himself. "No. I'm just too stuffy in this thing." Lyall whined, pointing his forepaws to the fluffy clothing."Then, why don't you take it off?" Max suggested, exaggerating every word."Good idea." Taking Max's blown up tone as a joke.Lyall flopped about in the bed for a second as he tried to get it off his legs. He constantly knocked into Max, but eventually kicked his onesie into the corner and tried to get back to sleep. "I'm cold now." Lyall mumbled, shivering already."Urr!!!!" Max cried, flinging himself out of bed and charging over to Lyall's suitcase. He pulled out a black shirt, decorated with miniature skull and cross bones, which he threw at Lyall. In an almost comical way, it slapped into his face and draped around it. "Where are your night shorts?!" Max asked aggressively. Shaking from fear, Lyall answered "I didn't bring any." He delved deeper under the covers, trying to get away from his irate friend. Max dived into to his own wardrobe and threw Lyall a black pair of shorts that were going to be way to big for him. "There! Now put them on you emo, goth, faggot." Max shouted whatever came to his mind. He got back into bed, purposely stepping on Lyall's leg as he carelessly clambered over him. The rabbit didn't make a noise, but ended up biting into his tongue.Lyall felt like crying, but forced himself to bottle up his tears. He tried everything he could, clenching his fists, thinking about everything that made him smile and even counting to ten. Regardless, as the salty, familiar taste of his own blood boiled up in his mouth he coughed and spluttered. A small clot splattered onto Max's sheets, Lyall balked, but soon started blubbering again. He rolled over onto his front and cried into his pillow, trying to muffle his sorrow. Max didn't feel any guilt. "Man up you pussy!" Max growled, grabbing the quilt and wrenching all of it away from Lyall to leave him shivering and sobbing.Thanks For Reading!As always, please tell me if you spot any mistakes!Story, Characters and Locations © Kalebthecat

Teenage Troubles: Chapter 7

Chapter 774 Murnan Road, City Of Fait08:04 AM, 11th of AprilHe began panting like the twinky boys he had seen in porn as Max's cock hovered in front of his tight, virginal pucker .It lanced into Lyall's un-sullied ass. "Uhh!" He moaned with more...

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It'll be worth it (DU 4:5)

# Chapter 5 # Shaun's P.O.V * * * Despite the fact that Tyson had insisted on not wanting to let me do this, he pushed the bouncer to one side without a second thought and charged straight in with me in tow. Fortunately, after one glance at Tyson,...

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The bad outweighs the good (DU 4:4)

Chapter 4 Shaun's P.O.V I opened the door to my room and dropped my bag at the side. Fortunately, Oliver hadn't run off with my keys and had cleaned the room like I'd asked. He'd also left a note on my desk, "You owe me- Oliver" it read. I guessed I...

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