Relaxed muscles, but sore feelings

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#2 of Sore muscles

Thad gets more shocks to his system...

Relaxed muscles and sore feelings

"Hey Horton." Thad's head jerked around at the sound of that gruff voice, Joe was the senior QB and sure first or second round pick in the NFL draft. The tall lean white stallion was kinda Thad's hero on the team, being one of the few other player's who had Thad's skill level.

"Ummm ya Joe?" Thad grunted as calmly as he can, with his blood racing from being addressed by the older stud.

"How's that back doing? You going to be ready to play this season... make my last year at the U a big one so I'll draft high." The handsome white stallion flashed his younger team mate a winning smile, as they undressed after practice.

"Yeah... Doc Reilly sez I'm doing really well... maybe ever drop the red shirt in a week or two."

"Hey that's great kid... those massages must really be going you good." The white stallion's smile widened, as he watch Thad's muzzle take on a shock and confused look.

"Whaa... massages... Errr how did you?" Thad stammered his muzzle beginning to burn with blush, he'd thought that he'd kept his sessions with Nora a secret.

"Oh yeah you wanted to keep those quite huh." The older white stallion snorted, looking around casual as if to make sure they were alone. "Don't worry the coaches won't hear it from me kid. Why don't I come up to your room tonight... we can talk things over there." The white stud winked, as he strolled away behind a bank of lockers; not waiting to Thad's answer. Finishing undressing Thad hurried off to the showers, but Joe wasn't in there and by the time he'd finished. The locker rooms were deserted, getting dress in his street clothes Thad left to go get dinner.


"Ammmm something smells good." The tall sexy white stud moaned in a throaty voice, as Thad came up the hall with a bag in one arm. Unsurprised to find Joe waiting outside his room, as the star QB had promised to drop by.

"General Tsun chicken." He explained as he smiled at his hero, who was wearing one of his old Jersey's, and a pair of shorts that looked like they were painted on his sleek furry ass.

"Oho China Garden?" He asked, following Thad into his room and over to the table, as he began to unpack the bag.

"Of course, theirs is the best... perfect combination of hot and sweet." Thad grunted, looking down at the white carton of chicken and thick sauce with whole red peppers floating in it. Along with a big carton of fried rice and a dozen or so egg rolls, as well as a couple of fortune cookies.

"Just like me?" Joe snickered lewdly, as Thad shared out the food onto paper plates. "Ammmmm."

"Yes... Of course your much more spicy." Thad snorted teasingly the meal was a good one, by the end both of them were full. Things moved over to the big sofa, and soon enough the two of them were talking about the game. Just then there came a loud knock at the door, making Thad jump and look around wildly.

"Errr shit I forgot... Nora said she'd stop by!"

"Oh yeah that's right cousin Nora." Joe chuckled bouncing up and trotting across the room to the door, his sleek round ass making Thads semi erect cock bounce and jut up stiffly.

"Wha... Cousin Nora?!" Thad choked, obviously completely unaware that the Shemale he was dating was related to the object of his hero-worshipful on the team.

"Course... didn't she tell ya we're related?" Joe chuckled, as he yanked the door open and pulled the big mare inside; before closing the door and locking it.

"Hello Nor." Joe smiled as he looked from her to Thad, his smile widening when he saw the stunned Running back. As the big sexy mare came trotting happily into the room greeting Joe with a nod.

"Hi Thad happy to see me?" Nora asked leaning over to kiss him gently, the Running back parting lip's inviting her tongue inside his mouth, which she happily agreed to.

"Yes... Of course." Thad grunted as she broke the kiss, both of them sporting a bulge from the long passionate kiss. Nora licking her lip's as she starred at Thad's body appraisingly, her lip's curling up into a soft smile.

"Here... slip these on." She giggled biting her lower lip as Thad looked down at her shocked, as she stripped his shorts off and worked her own frilly panties up his strong leg's. "Just need to pull these back and up, tuck this in here and oho look at that." She snickered as he looked down at his crotch, which had effectively been feminized by her expertise and the specially made underwear.

"That... that's not funny." Thad choked blushing as he looked over at Joe, even as Nora playfully rubbed over his false camel toe with hot fingers.

"Ohooo come on, you could pass... I could make a really pretty girl out of you." Nora assured, as she followed his eyes over to the white Stallion sitting on the other end of the sofa.

"Lookin' good Horton." Joe smirked, as he licked his lip's and looked back and forth between Thad and Nora.

"Joe." Thad gulped, and then glanced down blushing as he realized he was still wearing Nora's panties; and looking like a girl between the leg's. "I... Ummm... Nora was just..." He stammered trying to explain even as Nora rolled her eye, and joined them on the sofa as he struggled to get those panties off.

"Oh you don't have to be embarrassed around Joey here... or hasn't he ever showed you..." She looked back at her cousin amused as the big white stallion smiled sheepishly.

"Every-time I show it in the locker room I get... well you know." Joe answered as a very confused Thad, looked back and forth between Nora and her star Quarterback cousin.

"Alright take it off..." The sexy Shemale ordered, as she stood up her long stud stick jutting up firm and hard now.

"But Nora..." Joe started, looking over at the confused Thad for support, but getting none from the embarrassed jock. "Oh... ok most of the team knows already, so I guess one more isn't going to make that big a difference." The big white Stallion flashed Thad a sheepish smile, and pushed down his baggy gray sweat pants. He wasn't wearing any underwear and Thad's eyes bulged as he looked down at Joe's naked crotch. Between those sleek powerful male thigh's hung... nothing in matter of fact Joe's groin was a rounded mound. A smooth pink tear drop shaped sex split that mound, a mares sex that looked as out of place on the big masculine jock. As that huge set of cock and ball's looked on Nora's sleek sexy feminine form, Thad stumbled back stunned and collapsed onto the sofa.

"Wha... Wha..." The running back stammered looking back and forth from the older jock who he idolized, to the sexy Shemale he lusted after.

"Oh come on its really not that shocking." Nora chuckled, that long thick rut stick of hers jutting out stiffly as she shoved Joe over to Thad. "Besides your always talking about pussy, so I brought ya one." She grabbed his arm and pulled his big hand up to Joe's hot sex, Thad snorted in shock as he felt it quiver and moisten under his nervous fingers. This somehow felt wrong to Thad, here he was claiming to be a straight male, with in fingers caressing every straight males dream. A hot wet female sex, and yet it just seemed very wrong to be doing it. Joe's head lay back over the sofa and he was breathing hard and fast, as Thad's trembling fingers fondle the hard little love button of that delicate sex.

"Stop being such a tease Horton and mount me... we both know you want to." The big white stallion moaned, moving to lay flat on the sofa; long legs spreading as Thad watched. Gulping he looked up at Nora, who was smiling as she reach down gripping his hard cock and tugging it playfully as she guided it into Joe's dribbling pussy. Before he even realized it, Thad was on top of the big stallion that was his idol, sinking slowly into that quivering mare sex between Joe's legs.

"Oh Gods... Oho Fuck wha... wha... have I..." He stammered in shock, even as Joe wrapped those long equine legs about his hips and pulled him in even deeper. Thad tried to back out then, but something big and hard bumped against his tail hole. He knew what it was without even looking back, and then he felt soft breasts against his back.

"You are sooooooo sexy right now." Nora whispered huskily into his ear, even as her hard cock pushed through his well used sphincters. Turning his head Thad tried to protest, but her mouth instantly found his covering it with so passionate a kiss he momentarily forgot everything else. And their hip's began to move then, his long equine cock pumping in and out of the hot sloppy love tunnel. The scent of her mouth and mane in his nose, the feeling of a hard cock in his ass, as hard nipples rubbed against his back. The kiss broke and strong hands pulled his head around, another mouth pressing his his this kiss strangely different but no less passionate. Thad didn't eye's his eyes, but the smell of a musky male filled his senses.

"Yeah, ohoooo yeah." Joe moaned loudly as the kiss broke, Thad could feel his hot breath on his cheek even as Nora captured his mouth once again. That strong body under him bucked up into his hard rut thrusts, strong muscles in that sex gripping and squeezing his organ even as it pounded in and out. "That it Hortan fuck me... fuck me harder." Joe begged as that big hot hands wandered all over Thad's strong chest, even as Nora's thrust only added to his own. Forcing his thick horse cock harder and deeper into the sweet mare pussy beneath him, Thad snorted and nickered louder and louder as he drew nearer to his climax. He tossed his long narrow equine head, mane flying as his thick muscles bunched and strained. Hip's slamming forwards violently now as he neared his peak, a hot mouth chewing and suckling on his neck lustfully. Even as Nora whispered lewdly into one long pointed equine ear, his body smashing against him just as hard and faster.

"Go on cum lover... fill that pussy full." Her words sent shivers racing down his spine, as he struggled with the knowledge of who he was about to fill with his spoo. Opening his eye's he glanced down, seeing Joe's muzzle covered with a look of supreme pleasure, as he chewed and sucked on Thads strong neck.

"I... I'm gunna... Can't hold back any longer..." Thad panted weakly as his pounding hip drive him towards the edge, even as he tried to warn. "I'm gunna... CUMMMM!" He whinnied loudly as his hip's drive forwards brutally and his fat nuts drew up, releasing spurt after spurt of hot creamy stud milk into his Hero's withering body. "Oho... Ohoo Gods... I... JOE... I'm sorry I couldn't hold back any longer." He apologized at once feeling ashamed and weirded out that he'd just came in his hero's pussy, even as on his back Nora bucked a few more times and filled his ass with cum. Joe looked up at him sheepishly and flashed him a awkward grin, as he to now looked a bit ashamed.

"The heat gets the better of me a bit." The big white stallion admitted, looking away from the stud who had just fucked him. "But it... its ok I like you Horton maybe we'll do this again sometime. Errr could you... ya know pull out of me... please." Thad almost jumped to his hooves, only the weight of Nora on his back slowed him down. "Look it's been real... but I need to go." Joe grunted as he grabbed him sweat pants and quickly slipped into them, and hurried off leaving Nora and Thad sitting on the sofa together.

"Ammmm that was hot." Nora purred as she snuggled up against Thad's side, kissing and stroking the very confused and freaked out stallion's naked body gently.


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