Have a plan

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Charns tales...

Vorlan may not be able to hold his liquor, But he's got friends in low places...

The young Tiger smirked as he pulled the Rhino into his bulging lap and strokes that sleek furry body lightly.

"Of course no one can drink like me." The Rhino smirked as the sexy younger male strokes his body, making it clear he wanted the old stud. Vorlan grinned and stroked further down, along the Rhino's firm tummy, smooth hot paw pads edging closer to that taboo area between the older males legs.

"No? I could probably drink the pants off you. If not more..." He taunts the big Rhino, who he knew had benefited from out drinking younger males in the past.

"Ho ho... is that a challenge?" Jerome snickered thinking if anyone gets into anyone's pants from out drinking it be him getting to fuck the young felines tight round ass. "Cuz I'm totally willing to drink the pants off of You!" The suddenly horny older male smirks lifting up his long amber drink and tapping it against the felines nose, as if daring him to have a go. "Dunno.. what if I win?" Vorlan asks as his paws lewdly stroke the Rhino's bulge, enjoying the feeling of all that throbbing meat pressing against his finger pads. "I should get a reward, don't you think?" Jerome's smirk widens they always thought they could win, shifting back and forth teasingly in the Tigers lap.

"Hmmmm my seats getting a bit lumpy... Oh you'll get any reward you can claim." The smirking Rhino promised, thinking it would be his thick cock up the younger males tail hole.

"Oh yeah? Bartender... set us up some shots, Mr Rhinoceros here has something to Prove." He knows Jerome has already had one or two, it should be easy really even if the Rhino is huge. Meanwhile though, he fumbles around at his crotch, apparently eager to tug Jerome out of his pants before the contest is even won. While the big Rhino lifts his hip's thinking it would make thinks easier... as the shots are set up, smiling as he is freed from his trousers.

"Prove hardly... I almost feel bad take advantage of you like this." Jerome snickers clearly not feeling so bad he was going to stop, he didn't get a chance to nail some hot young ass every night after all. Not like when he was younger and wrinkle free, no if he wanted sexy tail this really was the best way to get it these days. Vorlan wiggles that big thick organ out and tugs again, pulling on those fat nuts with one paw, the Rhino's sheath on the other.

"Wow. Ammm. You'll be fun to take home with me. I gotta room mate who'd love to feel this in his butt. He drops that stiffening maleness and dizzily sits at the bar... smiling to the dark fox bartender.

"Oh would he now" The horny Rhino smirking lewdly, wondering if he can help the poor drunk Tiger home and get some more fun. "I'd be more than happy to introduce him to it..."

"Thanks sweety... I owe ya one." He grins and lifts the first shot to the Rhino, who is watching and grinning in lewd anticipation. "How you wanna do this? One at a time or closest to the end?"

"One at a time I think." Jerome chuckles also sharing a lewd look with the fox, who only smiles and nods cheerfully. As Vorlan lifts his drink and clinks it to Jerome's in a toast of desire.

"Here's to that proud appendage than. May it bring much pleasure to it's owner." He grinned and downs his shot, while watching the Rhino almost gloat at his words.

"Heeeeyyyyy.... that's one I'm happy to drink to." Jerome snorts as he down's his own drink in one gulp... imagining how much fun he was going to have laying it to the poor drunken felines tiny pink tail hole. Vorlan grins and lifts up the next shot, his mind feeling a bit clearer now even as he clinks glass's.

"Your toast big fella."

"To.... your tail." The big Rhino giggles clearly feeling giddy already... as he licks his lip's sneeringly at his prey. That thick cock jutting out rock hard now, as his mind wanders over the delight of pounding that ass is going to bring him even as the young Tiger winks at him.

"To my tail then." Vorlan agrees and downs his drink quickly feeling the rush of pleasure as he effects him. He slides his tall bar chair over, and puts the shot glass down beside the Rhino's. "And here's to new friends. What's your name gelding?" The big Rhino gulps down his own drink and smiles owlishly... putting the glass beside the young Tigers.

"New friends..." He agrees downing another without prompting now, smiling happily at the young feline. "Jerome... Errr huh." The Rhino looks confused and unsure he heard young Tiger right, he wasn't a gelding he was a Rhinoceros.

"Jerome... I like how that sounds, has a nice ring to it, eh?" He reached beneath the table and pulled at that hard maleness. "Speaking of rings... Is it true what I heard about Rhinos? You have some kinda ring around your cock?" Jerome looks even more confused at the quick change of subject... the drink effecting him more than he expected. Something was wrong, but he couldn't place what it was somehow.

"Errr fuck no." The big Rhino lays that throbbing shaft in the young felines hot paws, even as he takes another drink. It's not some pansy horse dick, it's a real males cock!" Vorlan growls sightly, fondling the long hard organ, tugging and stretching it out over the top of the bar.

"Ohoooo yes, I love a big meaty cock."

"Heh I just bet ya do..." Jerome grunts loving the feeling of the Tigers hot paw sliding down his thick rut muscle... just above the opening of his sheath. "That's right touch it, stoke it... love it... wonder how it's going to feel inside of you." Vorlan smirks and wraps his fingers around that thick stud stick, to squeeze on it, purring as Jerome guides his finger pads.

"We still have a good bit of shots left." He murrs squeezing that fat cock firmly, and tugs pulling those strong hips more flush with the bar top. "Say... you wanna do shots with lemon slices?" The young Tiger inquires still holding that cock down firmly, the Rhino's naked fuck muscle jutting out over it, between the two sets of shot glasses.

"Heck yeah." Jerome agrees thinking that might help him regain his control... even as the young Tiger tights his grip only makes him throb harder. Vorlan gestures the bartender over, who brings soon after, a little cutting board with a nice tight fat lemon and a carving knife with a three inch blade. He rolls the lemon around with the tip of the blade, the motion strangely sensual, teasing the ripe fruit.

"Here's to big hung studs, eh?" The alcohol burning in the Rhino's belly now, warm and potent taking it's toll on the big stud.

"Yeah... yeah... ya know ya want it." Jerome smirks thinking the young feline is almost ready to give in and let him mount up. "Slice some already." He grunts holding up two drinks one for both of them, as the young Tiger nodded his head. Vorlan pushes the knife into the lemon, and cuts it cleanly in half the two halves sticking together until he flicks the knife. They fall apart, juice pouring out and he lifts the shiny blade, letting the tip rest on top of the Rhino's hefty shaft, some lemon juice drooling down along the bulge. The predator leaning forward to take the shot glass in his mouth, all of it and a finger or two as well. He slurps and the glass is emptied, just like that washing down his throat. While Jerome watches in stunned amazement, only partly aware of the knife's placement, and the cool juice running down his organs sides.

"Ahem..." Vorlan licks his furry lips slow and sensuously, and then pulls back spitting the shot glass onto the bar. "Ummm that was good." He grins and turns his gaze down, the blade now resting on top of the Rhino's dick, as if he were about to cut into a hunk of cheese. "Mmm... good stuff. I always get a little sloppy when I'm tipsy." The blade presses against that thick muscle, the slight burn emphasized with the lemon juice on it, "I wonder if I could suck ya down... Naw."

"Errr yeah good." Jerome agrees as he watches the young feline through bleary eyed, a big silly grin spread over his muzzle. "S'ok... I can understand that." He slurs as he downs the second glass himself... a little gush of pre spurting out over the top of the bar. "Suck... Huh... why not try!" He offers, knowing a good thing when he hears it, his eyes on the young Tigers muzzle. Vorlan lazily pulls that knife back, the heavily laced alcohol making the burn as it cuts through the skin, feel like a warm rush of pleasure for the Rhino.

"Oh, I don't know. I'd probably choke, an bite you, and then you'd be short a few inches, heh?" He chuckled drunkenly, his free paw moving under the bar, and Jerome can feel fingers wrapping around his heavy balls, squeezing them in delightful ways.

"Ummmm." The big Rhino moans softly, as the warm rush of pleasure runs up his spine to that befuddled brain. "Nawww wouldn't wanta be a few inches shorter." He grunted, still thinking of how good the young felines mouth would feel... rocking up onto the tip's of his hooves as those fat heavy ball's are squeezed. "Why not just try a little... just be-careful." Vorlan chuckles and lazily slides that knife around, gently cutting through the skin all around Jerome fat organ, and just the skin. And then setting it aside... he lifts the Rhinoceros up, that warm hunky frame so easy to maneuver with the drugs, winking to the Fox. His own, last shot waiting for him... and his fingers tugs Jerome's fat nuts down over the edge of the bar to hang heavy and free, as he plays with that cock. Grabbing a lemon wedge and strokes it over the odd flared head of that Rhino cock. Jerome unsure what is happening a anxious feeling nags at the back of his mind as he's manhandled up onto the bar... but his body is weak and his mind fuzzy. "Uhuuuu." He grunts as the lemon juice cool and stinging runs down his distended urethra making that big cock surge up stiffer than ever. "Get me nice and excited for your mounting?"

"Just a little huh?" The sexy Tiger makes sure to crush it against Jerome's slit, so that urethra is filled with the stinging liquid. And when his hot mouth slides down, the big Rhino feel it all suckled away, in a flash, just like the shot glass. He Ummms and lips against that pulsing tube steak, and then opens his mouth wide to swallow the whole of Jerome's glans. Predators can sometimes swallow their prey whole, after all and the young Tiger despite his youth has had lots of practice. The horny older Rhino grimaces as the stinging fluids flood all the way down to the base of his urethra... then moans as it's suckled away.

"Ammmm yeah like that!" He grunts smiling slightly as his big blunt glans are swallowed, moaning and panting louder as that mouth gulps more and more of him down. "Fuck... you could probably take it all." Vorlans paw takes the knife from the bar top, and rubs the dull edge down the front of that hefty sac, tracing it. His eyes glitter up at the smiling Rhino, and he angles down, swallowing over five inches easily Jerome can feel it spearing down the carnivore's muscular neck, inside of it. "Ohohohooo." He groans his eye's glazing with pleasure, as that hot tight throat caress's his eager organ. "See... not a single gag." The drunken Rhino snorts, shivering in delight as his big sac is traced. The young Tiger 'Mmmmglfs' softly on that hard fucker, gulping again, swallowing another dozen inches or so. And than pulling off, the knife softly rubbing there against he neck of the Rhino's heft pouch.

"Ammm... this is hot, but I wanna take you all the way down to the root." He grips behind Jeromes hip's, purring at the length swinging around in front of his paw. "But I don't want you to cum in my throat, Yet... so I'm gonna band you, okay?"

"Yeah... yeah whatever." Jerome grunts so aroused at this point he would agree to almost anything, all anxious thoughts gone... as that big organ flexed and spurted in the felines grasp. "Sure sure... just suck me off." He moaned, not noticing as the black Fox and a number of others move in closer to watch the action. Vorlan turns to the Fox, holding out his paw... a big, thick elastrator tool is handed to him, fully prepared with a heavy, thick bands. He suckles softly on Jerome's fat dick head, for a moment, and then eases the mighty organ through those stretched rubber bands.... sliding it down until it is snug at his groin. And then, popping it loose, the snug rubber constricting the root of his hose, making it surge tightly. He smiled, grooming, licking at the bulging cap as he handed it back to be reloaded.

"Just to be sure stud, gonna snag your nuts too." Jerome chokes as the bands close on his mighty organ, watching as the smiling Fox reloads and hands the bander back to the Tiger.

"I... I'm not sure... is that really necessary?" The horny older male moans in delight as that hot tongue plays over his cock head, his beady black eyes rolling wildly in head. Vorlan is pleased, the bander having two rings on it, he strokes the Rhino's nuts with the knife, the bander underneath them, wide open tines looking like an open set of jaws. He reswallows the older stud's maleness, bobbing smooth and slick up and down against the great veiny monster. As That hot suckling mouth slides up and down his eager cock Jerome's hip's sag letting his big ball sac slip into the spread jaws until they are up against the base of his fat sack. "Ammmmm gods what a mouth." He moans not realizing he's just gave in, to everything the young predator could want. Vorlan watches one fat rhinoceros nut droop down in, and thes the other resting on the band for a while before it drapes down through the bands as well. He suckled, gulping firmly, as his fingers edge those bands up over the tines. First one snaps off, and it's like someone just grabbed the Rhino's by the balls.. the big soft organs hanging trussed under his thighs. The other biting in a bit further down, thin bands cutting into the soft fuzzy flesh. "Son of a..." Jerome half squeals as he feeling what seems like a powerful grasp and yank of his big nut's... instantly his cock tenses in the Tigers throat the pleasure/pain making him all the more excited. Vorlan bobbed down, firmer, tighter, his mouth riding the pinched erection. Those heavy nuts trapped low, the two bands keeping them stuck... trapping the juices inside.

Now that the big older stud is prepared, he has no problems sucking the Rhino off... eager carnivore throat hot and slick as he tries to gulp that cock into the root. Everyone is crowded around now, the males meat out and being stroked, furs watching the Rhinoceros give himself up. Laying back on the bar top, leg's wide spread... hip's thrusting slightly Jerome grunts in pleasure... totally under the smaller younger males control. "Yes... Ohooooo yes, get it off!" Half moaning now, half begging as his sheath rubs against the Tiger's nose. Vorlan grins and pulls slowly free, until he's suckling on just the sturdy cap now. Then billows down and swallows that might organ whole, teeth pressing just in front of that band. The knife pressing into the middle of those bands, careful to stay there, in the middle. He pushes into the thick cock meat, as he pulls off and firmly strokes with his free paw, carving his way carefully around the root.

"Whaddaya say, boys... that hot little hole need pumping.. or should I give myself a snack?" The tightness of the bands obscuring the true depth of the knifes craving edge, while Jerome rolls back and forth on the bar knocking glass's off as he notices the others watching eagerly for the first time. But he's not embarrassed as hes the one seemingly on top, hip's only getting wilder as the Tiger carves... the surrounding furs chuckle half saying snack half saying pump. Vorlan rolls the big Rhino over onto his belly, and chews between those big gray rump cheeks, giving the horny male a nice distraction. Just licking and grooming, showing off the Rhino's tight butt. One paw wrapping tightly behind the band, as if to hold him in place, squeezing now and then.. as the older stud's hard dick flops, thudding to the floor bar room floor. The young Tiger holds it up, handing it into the crowd and it passes from paw to paw, getting played with, getting lube squirted on it, Jeromes maleness the object of everyone's envies. "Perhaps both." The sexy feline snickers licking up along the back of Jeromes quivering ball sack, the next acquisition for the evening. The horny Rhino grunts stunned at being rolled over, but it all happens to quickly to resist... and then that licking holds him in place.

"Hey!" He protests struggling slightly as the feline chews... but is unaware of his lose even as he looks around wildly at the watching furs blushing in embarrassment. "Hey you didn't win... I'm the one who's suppose to mount!" He shouts making the Tiger snicker, while the rest of the room roars with wild laughter. Vorlan is handed back that thick cock, and flashes his watchers a lewd grin.

"Oh, but you are big guy. You certainly are." The unmistakeable bulge of a Rhino's cock dildo is pushed against Jeromes backside, and he pushes and grinds the buckling member into that tight hole. Jeromes head spins around, an he is startled to see a huge Rhino cock in the grinning Tigers paws. "Mmmm... I guess you are being mounted too, huh? Best of both worlds." The young feline grinds and stuffs the tip of that maleness into the Rhino's anus, prying it open with Jerome's own cock. Licking at those big dangling nuts again, making the older male moan loudly.

"Errr where did you get that?" He grunts as the pain of that huge organ being forced into him sobers him some, even as his body trembles in pleasure. "I... I... am." He grunts as he recognizes that massive fucker at last, his voice going up a few octaves. "Is that my..." He chokes fingers reaching, questing, but finding only a stub, as the watches roar with laughter once again.

"It sure is... You told me to try and take it all the way. Now I wanna see YOU take it all!" Vorlan laughs and slams that huge maleness down into Jerome's backside, forcefully fucking him with his own severed length! The older Rhino screams and struggles as the first cock ever in him is his own huge one.

"Nooooo... please OWOWOOWW." He begs as that huge organ is so forcefully used on him, the way he'd used it on so many young drunk furs. The young Tiger seems to enjoy the screams, and the way the others are jerking off, you can tell by the streamers of jizz that they agree. He pulls it back and pushes it in, watching the Rhino's rump distend, every thick vein of the thick fucker felt sliding against your inner walls.

"Now for my snack..." He plucks up the knife, letting the Fox take over the fucking for a while. Jerome winces as the thick spurts of cum splash over his muzzle and body... but his body is betraying him hip's thrusting back as the big organ hits his pleasure knot.

"Errr Wha..."

"Just relax... you probably won't even know it." The young Tiger watches as the Rhino's rump relaxes, and paws over those big heavy nuts. "These would have felt good reaming my ass... guess you should have pushed yer advantage when you were sober." The young Tiger laughs and kisses each of them, before the knife flashes, and they fall down into his waiting paw. Jerome hardly noticing as the cut is made, but still panics as he hears the Tigers words not understanding its already to late.

"No you... you can't." He whimpers as the Fox buries that huge cock one last time in his tail hole. Standing up Vorlan carries them over, and rubs them against Jerome's stammering lips.

"What, you never heard of snacking on nuts at a bar?" The banded pouch still full with unspent seed, looks huge and heavy as they dangled there. "Though you may be right.. these would look better hanging from my rear view mirror." He turns around then, heading out of the bar. "Have fun with him, guys... I know I sure did." And he scratches another mark on his cod piece, as he saunters out the door as the cock in Jeromes ass is replaced by Fox Cock.


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