Make'em Howl

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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A big horny stallion goes looking for a pet... Gift story for AxelWolfe

Make'em Howl

The huge stallion stretched and cracked his long equine neck, as he considered who in the sports bar he would pursuit for the evening. Looking up and down the bar at last the horny equine spotted a male who caught his interest. A huge and heavily muscled male, obviously very potent and masculine normally someone who would dominate any encounter. Standing up Cameron strolled down the bar, dropping in beside the big sexy Werewolf with easy confidence. Spotting his prey's beer glass, the sexy honey golden Stallion sat his own right beside it, to give himself a cover just in case anyone noticed his actions. He flashed the big Wolf a leering smile, letting his huge hot body press against that bulging crotch. Enjoying the reaction as the big WereWolf half choked on his beer and paused to look him over, unsurprised when a huge paw came to rest on his firm round equine ass.

"Glad to see we like the same team." He snorted to the sexy Wolf as he leaned in closer, discretely groping that crotch which was bulging all the more.

"Well they have all the best... plays." The smirking WereWolf growled as he sniffed the massive draft horses long equine neck, finding the stallions scent sweet and summerish. "Seth." The big powerful Werewolf growled offering the draft horse his paw, the big palomino Stallion engulfed it in his own massive three fingered hand grinning.

"Cameron." Snortedspilling a couple of clear drops into the big Lupines drink, while the sexy Wolf was distracted. Chuckling softly as Seth took a long drink from his beer glass as on screen the team scored once again.

"Looks like the games all but over..." The huge powerfully build Werewolf grunted as he drained his glass in a single long gulp, and then wiped his lip's with the back of one huge paw. "Whatever will we do now?" The grinning Werewolf asked, slowly looking the massive equine up and down lustfully.

"We could run a few plays." The mighty equine joked, as the big muscular male smirked at him with obvious lust in his big yellow Wolf eyes.

"Now that... sounds like a plan." The smiling Werewolf snickered drunkenly, even as he watched the lusty Stallion hurriedly finish his own drink. The bigger male throwing a big friend arm over Seth's shoulders, as the massive pair of masculine males share flirting banter.

"So ya wanta get out of here and go somewhere more... private?" The big sexy Horse asked, as the Wolf finished paying his bar bill.

"I thought ya'd never askss." The dark sexy Wolf slurred, as that big friendly arm around his shoulders guided him towards the door. A short stroll down the street found them in a cheap room the Horse kept for certain conquests. "I... I don't know wha... whats wrong with mm... me." Seth slurred as his body became more and more clumsy, even as his mind began to drift off into fantasies.

"Oh I'm pretty sure that I do..." Cameron snickered as he tossed the highly intoxicated Werewolf onto the filthy wooden rape rack, the leather padded wood had seen a great deal of yiff, but no soap or water for a very long time. The scents of male yiff, old cum and the urine most males expelled with orgasm filled the horny Wolf's senses. "I'm betting it was the drug I put in your beer." The smirking Stallion explained, as he ripped the clothing off the drugged Wolfs limp body. Discovering that there was a part of the horny Lupine that was far from limp, as that huge red bone jutted up like a flag pole. Scattering silvery droplets of slimy pre-cum sprinkling across the dark grey floor of the stallion's play room. Quickly Cameron grabbed that long Lupine rut stick and playfully stroked it as he watched the Wolf growing even more intoxicated.

"Wha... wha..." Seth stammered weakly, as his befuddled brain tried to wrap it's self around what the big stud was saying. "Wha... date rape drug..." Seth giggled confused as his mind played over all the things the Horse was telling him.

"Hahah Ya." Cameron snorted a sudden dark gleam coming to his eyes, even as he watched the helpless Werewolf get more sexually excited from his teasing touch.

"I slip it in his drink." The huge draft Horse snickered, as he buckled the helpless Wolfs ankles and paws into heavy leather restraints.

"Figured that would keep us from arguing over who was going to top, and who was going to nutted who." The Cameron chuckled licking his soft mobile equine lip's lustfully, as he grasped that fat rut stick and using all the Wolfs slimy pre-cum as lube slowly jacked it up and down playfully. "I'm going to pump you up the tail hole." Cameron explained, as his other big three fingered hand spread the Wolfs long sexy bent legs, exposing that tiny pink Lupine tail hole.

"Ummm... Wha... my... my tail..." Seths voice trailed off, as his drooling muzzle sagged open making the big Stallion pause.

"Oho but pretty muzzle?" The big draft Horse snickered, as he rubbed a finger tip around the Wolfs smooth hot anal ring.

"Owohooo yeah that... that pretty... Muzzle..." The intoxicated Werewolf moaned weakly, fighting to get some control of himself, even as he felted his long cock squeezed and stroked faster and faster.

"But then, what about those big sexy balls?" Cameron taunted wickedly as the sexy Wolf moaned and humped into his huge tight equine fist.

"Ummm wha... balls... wha about'em?" Seth moaned as he suddenly felt something hard wet and throbbing shoved against tail hole, that soft, hot, velvety flesh giving way before the horny Stallion's huge hard cock. Letting in that big blunt cock head, as Cameron shoved forwards, watching the Werewolf's sweet flesh swallowing that lustful organ. "AAOWAOWOOWW!" Seth howled as that huge cock was forced into his tiny tight anal plucker, his body weakly struggling to escape it. With both those big three fingered hands free now, the smirking Stallion. And then shoved it up that tightly pluckered Lupine tail hole, drawing loud howls and grunts from the intoxicate Werewolf. Both those big hands sliding down the Wolfs quivering fuck stick, down to that furry pouch dangling sooooo very heavily underneath. Sliding gently around the edges at first, cupping those mighty orbs in either fist. Fondling and feeling them, judging their heft which was proving to be very satisfying indeed. Tugging on them slowly, drawing them out away from that naked groin. Caressing and teasing them as he waits, slowly feeling the Wolfs orgasm building and building drawing closer every second. And then just before that last explosion of orgasmic pleasure, the big Stallion yanked down on them savagely. Twisting and pulling on that delicate scrotum, forcing the Wolf to push back on that massive equine salami. Even as the helpless Wolf bucked and humped his own muzzle harder, desperate to reach the orgasm denied to him.

Smirking the big Stallion lifted a preloaded bander and snapped to powerful green bands around the neck of the Werewolf's sack Cameron dabbing away the small amount of blood that had been trapped in the banded sac! And then tossed the bander aside, fumbling around on his tool tray for a minute before picking up the knife, quickly he slit that big sack open. With a leering grin, he watched as those two big male orbs popped out, dangling now on their exposed cords and tubes, so deliciously vulnerable out in the open. Spreading the sleek canines powerful thighs still further, he hammered that clenching tail hole savagely for a moment as he enjoyed the sight. Sniffing and nuzzling the sexy Wolfs neck as he pounded that quivering anus hard, and then his hot tongue flicked out licking a long Seth's lip's before plunging into his mouth. While down below

fat fingers plunging into the Wolfs groin, ripping those two hefty stud nuggets loose from their rubber tubes and tough muscles.

"AOOWWAOOWW." Seth squealed in pain, as those precious jewels were brutally torn loose from his aroused loins. Taking the big sexy Werewolfs last orgasm as a intacted male with them, leaving him horny and unsatisfied. As the big Stallion leans over the desperately horny Seth, and begins fucking that tight little asshole eagerly now, wanting to get as much pleasure from his new fuck toy as he can.

"Yeah... yeah that's it howl bitch!" The big golden horse laughed, as his rolling hip's drive that long stud stick in and out more and more vigorously. The big Wolf's nose already pink with blush darkened to and even deeper red at Cameron's words. But he knew his massive equine molester was right... he was a bitch now. The hefty Stallion gave a loud nicker of laughter... and then a loud whinny of pleasure as his own orgasm erupted within the neutered pups butt. As the big sexy predator watch a lowly common grass eating prey shoot his tail hole full of greasy equine spunk. "That was good... very good rut pup." Cameron sneered as he whipped out a thick black leather collar, a big metal tag with the words 'Fuck toy' in big letters was shining out it. "Fuck toy.... yeah that's what you are now... My little neutered bitch fuck toy."


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