Due a Win

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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No matter how big and bad you are... someone is always a little badder

Just as my big buddy Bigwhitewolfballs Bigwhitewolfballs said... cuz Wolfs needed a few wins

Due a Win

"Wolves deserve to lose... just because their so pretty a predator, doesn't mean their special. Hah nawww really when you get down to it their the wimpiest of predators, I mean hell they travel in packs because they can't do it by their selves. That is why if you meet one by himself he'll always back down... and bottom for any male bigger than him. No offense stud, but the truth is the truth, I've had more wolves on my dick than any other species." The big black Cape Buffalo snorted, as he looked down at the big Wolf with a darkly amused smile.

"Usually the pack is for the company, and for those who feel the need to have some support when things get tough. But that's mostly said for smaller guys. Now... when you've got someone like me, one of the big guys who don't need a pack then you're messing with the wrong Wolf. Now if you think you're better." The big white Wolf huffed and looked the umbrageous Buffalo over, the sexy white Wolf rivaled him in just about every way. Except for his height was just a bit off, but looking down between his legs he smirked at the hefty sheath and huge balls, the wolf's own looking to rival the size of the Buff's.

"Think... Naww I don't think... I know." The big black Cape Buff snorted, reaching up to polish his horn tip's a bit, as he favors the big Wolf with a slow lazy grin. "Ya maybe big, but yer just like all the rest get ya alone and you'll be a roll over puppy." Tal'keen watched the big Wolfs fur bristle at his words, and smirked at how easy it was to get to the Wolf. The tall white Wolf snorted, crossing his arms and laid a sneering grin right back at the oh so confident Buff.

"You brag like a bitch, who thinks she's the hottest in the room." He casually insulted, smirking as he watched the Buffalo's bead eyes widen a bit. "If anyone has every rolled over for you, I bet it's because you had to force them."

"Aint no Braggin'... the truth is the truth bitch... If it hurts your little bitty feelings that's your problem. As for those that rolled over, their the smart ones they didn't get hurt."

"What's wrong? Those balls of yours full of nothin' but hot air?" The large lupine tossing the Bulls retorts right back at him, showing that he could sling words just as good as the herbivore. That big horned head lowered a little, like the big Buff was getting ready to charge and trample the insulting cur.

"Hah my balls got enough spoo to cover you from head to paw AND fill all yer holes. If ya wanta test that out, lets take this somewhere private, and you can have all of my spunk ya want slut." The big Wolf smirked as he stood toe to toe with the big Buff, coming up to just about his chin in height. He eyed those horns as he tipped his head in an almost charging manner.

"Heh oh don't worry about my feelings bud, you and your air bags down there aren't any threat to me or my other kin. But I this'll be doing everyone a favor by knocking that smug attitude if yours down." The sexy white Wolf chuckled, before laying a smack on the big Buff's bulging groin; and then watching as he expected the counter from him that would probably follow. The big Buff just stands there and takes it... before roaring with laughter at the big Wolf.

"That it pansy?" He wonder turning around to proudly display his huge melons to the watching crowd, and then slowly turn back to the Predator. "That's just sad... go home pup and suckle at yer mommas teat... maybe some day you'll grow up Hahaha."

The Wolf's lip's twisted into an almost wicked grin, before grabbing a bottle of booze and twisting it across the Buff's left temple, showering his eyes with the liquid inside. He then took the opportunity to reward the blinded Buff for his annoying bragging with a solid throat punch, that came with a loud fleshy '_ THUD' . If the Wolf hadn't crushed anything he'g surely made it so the Buff shouldn't be able to talk for the next few minutes. _'Good!' He thought to himself as reached down between the herbivore's thick thighs and snared that gooey, loose skin sac. Putting his figures through the scrotum and singling out a single orb, before piercing his razor sharp claws into it. Poking some holes in both the ball and through sac, as his paw retracted he tore away some of that fleshy sac with it. "Ha! Melons? More like strawberries!" He laughed before pulling out his own large balls, rivaling the Buff's just about damn close, maybe even more so now without that loose sac of the Buff's to add to their size. The big Buff snorted in agony, as the alcohol burned his eyes and nostrils, rocking him back on his huge hooves.

"Wha tha GAK..." His words choked off by the solid punch to his throat, forcing him to gulp and gag for breath. Quickly he began tossing his heavy head around, trying to snag the Wolf on his sharp horns. But then the pain flared in his hefty groin, making the big Buff gag again. Now kicking and stomping wildly to keep the predator away from his goodies. Fighting to see through watering, burning eyes the big Buffs spotted the Wolf displaying his hefty plums, they really were impressive. Reaching out quickly in grabbed one in a massive fist and yanked the Wolf into him, using his heavy horn ridge to headbutt the smirking pred. Even as he squeezed and twisted that proud orb brutally hard, cupping it in his palm he delivered a hard punch to it.

The big Wolf let out a loud grunt as the Buff knocked his boney head into the canine's, dazing him for the moment and seizing one of those fat Wolf nads into that big hand of his. The Wolf's nut filled his hand quite good with its size and portions, but that was quickly a tossed thought as the fleshy organ was brutally squeezed in that brutal grip. The nut flesh bulging between massive fingers, anywhere it could find to try and relieve the pressure on its. The white Wolf's groin radiated with agonizing pain, but as his senses came back to him he drove a hard fist up under the Buff' s chin. Shaking that big head of his around, while his other paw began to pry those death grip fingers off his Wolf-hood. And then reach down and in through the hole he made in the Buffalo's sac and wrapped his fingers around one of those pale hot orbs. The big Buff ducked his head, placing his chin on his chest to catch that big fist even as he grinned evilly. That powerful grin increasing steadily on that fat Wolf nut forcing more and more of it to bulge out between his strong fingers. Even as the big Wolf clawed at his hand trying to pry those crushing fingers loose, suddenly there was a loud _ 'CRUNCH' _ and the big Wolf howled wildly as that fat nut exploded in the Buff's grip. "HAH."

That wild howl of pain suddenly turned into laughter, both from the big smirking Wolf and a few people in the crowd. As the Wolf stepped back from the Buff, revealing his big fat balls still hanging between his legs, although one was very swollen. "Wow, you really are all talk and no brains aren't ya? Guess no balls either now." He snickering, as the confused Buff looked down between his legs and at his crushing hand, he slowly opened his clenched fist. A red and yellowish, creamy fluid sloshed in it, little bits and chunks of what was once a testicle clinging to that split sac. While the Buffalo was dodging the Wolf's swing he was able to squeeze his own Lupine nut out of that tight grip and shoved the Buff's own gonad into it. After he had reached far back enough into that ripped sac to clip one of those thick sperm cords. Before the Buff could even look back up at the sneering crowd, a bar stool came swinging over his face, cracking off one of his horn tips. The shocked Buffalo looked up from his own crush nut in shock and horror, his muzzle quite comical to the watchers who all roared with laughter at him.

"Wha... wha... Wait." He stammered in confusion, even as that stool slammed down on his head the metal bending over his horn ridge, the powerful blow making him stumble backwards. His knees wobbly and his big body shivering wildly in pain and surprise, as he tried to raise a defense. Lifting powerful arms that felt like they were made of lead, and then the big Wolf was on top of him. The big Buffalo raised his arms in his struggling state, the white Wolf shoulder bashed right into that heavy torso with all the power in his big form. It knocked the Buffalo straight backwards, a huge right arm slamming through the table a few bystanders were sitting at. Before the poor nearly unmaled Buffalo could even adjust to the ceiling now being what he was looking at, a torrent a pain came gushing through his loins as the big Wolf had a death grip on his the last of male jewels. The evilly grinning lupine had planted his feet stiffly on the ground, and began playing a game of tug of war with the slowly deforming testicle. Stretching it's cord out longer and longer as the tough organ began to grow softer and into an almost jelly like state in that big lupine paw. With a loud and fleshy _ 'Squelch' _ the rubbery organ's tether gave way and ripped from the bellowing Buffalo's groin. The sexy white Wolf looked over the bleeding ball and smiled wickedly down at the new Steer.

"Such is the price for males who are too arrogant for their own good." He said, before chucking the severed organ over to a table to his right, it landed on a female panther's lap and she looks at it curiously.

"Awww Fuck... Awww Fuck... AWWW FUUUC..." The huge cape Buffalo squealed as his cord was stretched out farther and farther and then snapped, leaving him a nut-less Steer instead of a big prime Bull. "OHOOO NOOOOO... Nnoo." He whimpered clutching his ruin loins and rolling back and forth moaning in pain and sobbing in loss at his castration. Looking up at the big Wolf with new found respect and fear as the Pantheress lifted that huge nut up and took a bite, giggling as mushy nut meat and seed gushed down her chin. While the new Steer whimpered in phantom pain as he watched the predator devour his male hood, his pride vanishing with it. As the big Wolf stood over him and released a hot rank spray of urine into his big cowering body, even as the crowd snickered and pointed at him. The towering white Wolf snatched his paw around the flaccid shaft of the Buff's limp cock before pulling on it harshly. His other paw grabbing a tuft of his chest fur and yanking Tal'keen's muzzle up to the his own.

"From now on, you'll be the one rolling over for all those who want to tap that pansy, smug ass of yours." He said smirking, before dropping the Buff back down to shiver on the floor, as the big Wolf smirked at the mess he had made of the once proud male. He took a few steps back as he cupped around his own snowy white sac, and let all the crowd see them, they're completeness making the sexy Wolf a real male, more then that Buff could be ever again. With that the big Wolf strolled over to the Panther girl's table, flashing her a wolfish smile and a wink. Having finished the treat he had provided, she smiled back and was already following him out the bar. Before leaving though he looked back at the ruined Buffalo. "Picking a fight with a real predator like a Wolf... Is gonna get you killed someday No-Nuts. Better watch that salty mouth of yours." He warned as his new groping female friend left the building, to surely go and enjoy a reward for taking down such a shit talker. As they left two figures approached the downed Buffalo, a gray Wolf and a tall lean Coyote they had already began their grinning leers. As they stood over him, rubbing their thick veiny erections, that was the last thing the Buffalo Steer saw before fading into his pain filled consciousness.


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