Divided Unity (Chapter 4, Edition 3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 4

Shaun's P.O.V

As soon as they were out of sight, Corbin squealed with delight and pushed me backwards, bombarding me with kisses. "I love you!" He shouted, happy that he wouldn't face punishment for saying such a thing. "I love you as well, but still. Take it slow, we have 6 hours together." I said, not wanting to make the sex with Corbin too quick and therefore boring. "Yeah. Your right." Corbin stopped hugging me. "Would you like something to eat?" Corbin asked. "You mean aside from your ass?" I asked. Corbin laughed and pushed me playfully. "Would it be alright if we just warmed up leftovers. So that we don't waste too much time?" I asked. Corbin looked disappointed that he wasn't going to be able to cook for me tonight. "Sure. That's fine, I guess." Corbin stopped kissing me. "I'll serve it." Corbin said, walking towards the kitchen. "Hell no! You get to sit in the table in your dinner clothes, in other words. I want you completely naked." I winked. Corbin hugged me and kissed me one last time. "But wouldn't you like to un-wrap this present yourself?" Corbin asked. 'Maybe I'll do it now." I whispered into Corbin's ear, I un-buttoned Corbin's blue Hawaiian shirt, so that his chest was showing. "You're going to be so round with all the cum I've saved for you." I hugged Corbin and rocked him in my arms for a few seconds, before kissing him on the lips and walking into the kitchen. Their kitchen was very... generic. The leftovers were already in the microwave when I got there, no doubt Sally had done that for her grandson. The flooring in the kitchen was black and white, nothing too special. I turned on the microwave and took the time to inspect the room more.

The roof was a plain white and all of furniture was spruce, apart from the fridge that had been colored black. It must have been covered with a special gloss or something, because the whole thing shined. I stared at myself in the reflection and snapped around when I heard the microwave go off. I quickly pulled out the leftovers and looked it them, they looked horrible. But, Corbin would probably throw something together if the meal was terrible. I threw it onto a plate and brought it into the dining room.

Corbin was waiting for me at the table, he'd done as I had asked, he was sitting at the table naked. But of course, Corbin was making himself decent by covering himself with his tail. He was shaking from the cold. I put the food down on the table quickly and took off my shirt, "It's alright." Corbin smiled, trying to stop himself from shaking. "No it isn't. You're cold and I'm your boyfriend, so take my shirt and wear it." I commanded. "My house, my rules." Corbin argued, but it sounded like he was doing it for the sake of conversation. "No." I forced my shirt over Corbin's head with a lot of protest from him, "No! No! Shaun! Stop I'm warm enough already!" He cried, he tried to lash out at me, but his hits were weak and he didn't truly want to hurt me. When I had gotten my shirt over his head, I let go of him.

"There, do you feel warmer yet?" I asked. "Well yeah, but aren't you cold?" Corbin answered. "No, I've got you to keep me warm." I said, what a cheesy thing to say I though to myself. "How sweet." Corbin chuckled. "What are you going to eat?" Corbin asked, "Say 'your ass' and I'll hit you again." Corbin warned. "Why would you think that I would say such a thing?" I asked, the question was rhetorical of course. "I'm just going to eat some from your plate or get something later if I'm hungry." I answered. "Please let me cook for you!" Corbin begged. "I know what I'm doing in the kitchen." Corbin explained. "No. I want to mother over you for the whole of tonight, the only thing I want you to feel is happy." I answered. "Thank you." Corbin smiled at me, for once he had given up an argument. Corbin ate his food quickly, so that we could get straight to the sex. I helped out by eating some of the food he didn't touch, because to be honest I'd waited long enough for the moment I was soon to share with my mate, my boyfriend, my other half, my everything.

Corbin left the plate at the table and shot up, I reacted quickly and practically pounced on him; thinking that he wanted it now. I had been completely taken over by my animalistic side. "Shaun!" He cried as I forced his body close to mine. I sniffed his neck and erotically kissed his neck, turning him on. Corbin knew that he wouldn't get out of it, but nevertheless he protested. "Shaun! I know you're horny, but please don't! I don't want to!" Corbin cried, shaking in my arms. Despite his begging and tears, I didn't respond and instead lifted my shirt off of Corbin again slowly. He whimpered, but didn't try to run. I stroked up and down his sides, groping ass his occasionally. "Shaun." Corbin whispered, clutching his body as if he wanted to curl up into a ball and fade from reality. Holding him from behind, I got him against the wall without his consent and started rubbing his sheath in a circular motion. "Shaun, please. I'll do anything, but fuck right now. I'll-i'll suck you off. I promise, I'll let you fuck me in public or up a wall if you just stop!" Corbin begged. Despite being molested, his erection was soaked in pre and all six inches of his beautiful cock were showing. I touched the tip of his cock with the tip of my finger sending jolts of electricity and shivers through his body.

"NO!" Corbin shouted after a few seconds of panicked thoughts.

Instantly I stopped and laughed, but I didn't release Corbin. "Like I said before, just say no." I released Corbin finally, he fell away from me and instantly dropped to the floor. He was crying and sniffling like a new born child.

I'd made my boyfriend cry.

"Corbin I'm sorry." I apologized quickly, all sexual feelings left me and I clutched Corbin close, supporting him. "Corbin, look at me please." I begged. Corbin tried to turn his head away from me again, "Corbin!" I cried out. "I didn't mean to, I-I just wanted to see if you'd remembered." I explained, "I won't do it again! Speak to me! Speak to me!" I begged, shaking him. Corbin had stopped crying, but he still made no noise to signal that he was no longer mad with me. As I clutched onto his fur and sniffled onto his shoulder, he laughed in a quiet, girly way. "What are you laughing at?" I asked. "What's funny?" I asked again in confusion.

"You, silly. If I say nothing you break down and start whining like a puppy." Corbin explained. "I accept your apology." Corbin said, still not facing me. "But, you have to do something for me." Corbin added. "Then will you look at me?" I asked. "Of course." Corbin answered. "What will you have me do?" I asked, in a submissive voice. Corbin laughed as he thought about his command, "Well. I could be nice and..." Corbin finished his sentence without words, he shuffled away from me and lifted his ass up in the air exposing his tail hole. He looked back at me with a big smile on his face, was he going to let me?

"Fine, you're clearly not interested in such a nice sight. Maybe I'll have to go and get a dildo." Corbin said, turning up his nose at me. He lowered himself slightly, but went no further. "Wait!" I cried, I firmly grabbed Corbin's flanks making him laugh slightly. "I'll do it." I added. "Good," Corbin smiled at me, he knew that he had wrapped me around his little finger now and that I was practically at his complete mercy. "Now what would make a sweet fennec fox like me happy?" Corbin asked rhetorically. I got on my knees and brought my cock close to his hole. assuming that he wanted me to do so. "Hmph!" Corbin made a noise of disapproval and I slacked my knees. To make up for my mistake, I decided to do something new. Something that him and I hadn't done before.

I brought my tongue close to his tail hole and pushed on it slightly with my wet, rough tongue. Corbin quivered and shuddered, but he seemed to like it. "What are you doing?" He asked between shudders of pleasure. It felt strange for me as well and the smell was repulsive, but if Corbin liked it, I would at least pretend to like it. I worked my tongue around the tight, lower half of his anus, not wanting to push it in too far just yet. "Mmm..." Corbin whined and tried to lift his head to get a look at what I was doing to him. But pleasure over came his curiosity and he dropped his head down to rest on his arms, giving me free reign over his ass. "Shaun, maybe we should..." Corbin's voice faded out for a second when I passionately licked his tail hole once more. "Never. Never mind." Corbin stuttered, feeling conflicted over the intimate event. "Carry on." Corbin smiled.

Knowing that Corbin was enjoying it, I rested my face on his ass and held onto his legs with my hands. I started licking him harder, making his fur stand on edge. Soon, his rear end was covered with my spit and his cock soaked with pre. "Urgh..." Corbin would occasionally groan whenever I hit a sweet spot. I decided to take it further. I stopped licking him and decided to punish him for playing hard to get. "Uh!" Corbin cried as I swiftly plunged two fingers inside of his tight hole. My saliva helped me to glide straight in without hurting him too much, the real punishment would start soon though. I started rubbing the walls of Corbin's rectum, turning him on. "Why are you doing this?" Corbin squealed. "You played hard to get. Be grateful that I'm not spanking you." I explained. "You deserve it don't you?" I asked. Corbin didn't answer, but instead lifted his head to look at me. I started rubbing him harder, Corbin squealed again. "Don't you?" I asked more aggressively this time around. "Yes! Yes! I do! I deserve to suffer." Corbin cried out, doing anything to get me to stop. I put three fingers in and worked a pace, pulling them in and out. I carried on for a while longer, "Shaun, I'm close." Corbin whined. Upon hearing those exact words I pulled my fingers out. They were wet and slimy. "Why?! Corbin complained annoyed that I had suddenly stopped. "You weren't supposed to enjoy it." I explained, wiping my fingers on the table cloth. Corbin tried to stand up, but instead limped slightly. Maybe I'd been too harsh.

The loving side of me took over and I held Corbin from behind, wanting to protect him from harm. "Do you want me to run us a bath? So that you can relax?" I asked. "That would be lovely. No bubbles, fairly warm, use the big bath at the end of the second corridor. Carry me there please." Corbin commanded like a ruler. "Asshole." I spat, but nevertheless, I did as I was told. "But I thought you loved assholes?" Corbin joked. I laughed and carried him upstairs to the bathroom.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 3)

Chapter 3 Shaun's P.O.V Dinner... the most boring time of the day. The table was made for 12 people, 5 on the vertical sides and 2 at the heads of the table. However, we only had four people on each vertical side. Edd was at the head of the table,...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 2)

Chapter 2 Shaun's P.O.V As soon as we pulled into the drive outside of Corbin's house, I knew that it was going to be a hectic week. The house itself was beautiful, for one it was more of a mansion than anything. It stretched along a plot of land...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 1)

Chapter 1 Shaun's P.O.V "Sweety? It's time to get up." My mate whispered with his soft voice. I didn't respond and instead tried to shuffle along the train seat wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep. "Shaun." Corbin whined, I felt him nuzzling...

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