Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 1)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

Shaun's P.O.V

"Sweety? It's time to get up." My mate whispered with his soft voice. I didn't respond and instead tried to shuffle along the train seat wanting to get a few more minutes of sleep. "Shaun." Corbin whined, I felt him nuzzling my arm to try and get me up. "Shaun the train is going to stop in a minute." Corbin told me, he started shaking me constantly until I pushed him with my hand. "Get off Corbin." I complained. "Look, I don't want to get up yet, so unless the world is ending; don't even bother trying to wake me up." I growled. Corbin kissed my neck, "Well when you put it like that..." I opened my eyes and stared into the window at myself. I opened my eyes and softly bit Corbin's neck, stroking him with my hands and forcing him onto me. He laughed like normal and hugged me as well. He liked it when I played with him. Since he was dismissed from his therapist earlier today, he'd become happier and was alright with being touched where as before only his best-friend and I could touch him. I looked at Corbin and took in all of his details once again. His fur was fluffy and a light cream colored, there was no dirt in his fur what so ever, despite the fact he had spent two weeks in hospital. He needed to comb his fur though, it had started to become lugged and mated without him noticing. I reached out and pulled some out for him, he flinched. "Sorry sweet, but you need to comb your fur more." I pointed out to him. "Yeah, I know, I know." Corbin looked away from me in shame, his big, floppy ears hanging down. "Don't feel sad. It's alright." I said turning Corbin's head back to me. His face was small and flawless. His eyes were small like crystals, they were a radiant blue and weren't tearful anymore. "You have beautiful eyes." I smiled to Corbin, stroking his face with my hands. Corbin touched my hand and held it with his own dainty hands. Corbin had always been small, he didn't like to do sports, for fear that if he was tackled he'd snap like a twig. "You're just saying that to make me feel better." Corbin blushed and tried to find a way to complement me. "Here." He reached into his bag and handed me a mirror. "Sort out your hair, please." Corbin stuck his tongue out at me and got off of me to sit next to me. I glanced at what Corbin was wearing for once, a light blue Hawaiian style shirt that had turquoise flowers decorating it. His legs were skinny and exposed because he was wearing long, 3 quarter length, plain, brown shorts. His feet were small and his nails were well kept, he looked comfortable wearing sandals. He was also wearing a floppy sun cap with holes for his ears, there was a large pair of shades on top of his hat. It was weird seeing him without a jumper or some kind of fluffy item of clothing on him. "You have a nice sense of style." I complemented him, Corbin blushed. "Nothing nice to say?" I asked. "Yeah, you're really ugly. I've no idea why I'm dating such a hideous beast." Corbin teased me and took out his phone to answer a call. I ignored what he was saying to give him privacy and looked in the mirror he had given me.

It was small with a black case, but the glass had been cleaned constantly. I looked at my eyes instead of my hair, they were dark green and not nice to look at. I could easily pick out other flaws, my nose was too big, my lips were dry and my whiskers were different length. My hair was even worse, it was messy and always rolled off the front of my face in an arc. I licked my fingers and tried patting it back down without any progress. I gave up and put Corbin's mirror into my pocket. Even my clothes were ugly. I had no sense of style at all, I only wore black normally, but Corbin had forced me to spice up my wardrobe a bit by giving me more things to wear. For example, today I was wearing a pair of black tight jeans and the blue jumper he had given me for Christmas. I did have a black vest on underneath the jumper though. The jumper was great, I'd wear it every day of my life if I could. Best of all, Corbin loved snuggling up to me when I was wearing it; he loved how soft it was on his fur and how warm my fur was. I didn't know how Corbin could love me so well, but I could agree with Corbin on how nice my fur was. It was really my pride, it was white like snow and softer than pillow feathers. Don't ask how I knew. The train suddenly halted and everyone jolted forwards in their seat. I stood up and Corbin shuffled along. Today was Christmas, so the trains were packed and we'd just about made the last train for today. I pulled Corbin and my own suitcases down from above the train. Inside was everything that Corbin and I owned, the university was completely renovating the dorms and rooms, so when we got back we'd be allowed to choose new room partners until the next renovation. That was another thing our university liked to do, it promoted people changing dorm partners; it was so that people made new friends. We weren't allowed to switch dormitories though. Our university also didn't like people doing anything sexual, they claimed it was distracting and off-putting.. For example, if someone got pregnant, they were kicked out faster than they could give a reason. If they caught someone naked, masturbating, with the slightest bit of pornography or with any kind of sexual object, they'd be suspended or expelled depending on how serious it was. But of course, everyone had done something sexual and everyone knew about those exact events; so if someone ratted another person out for sexual behavior, shit would go down. "Make sure my parents don't see your lube." Corbin whispered into my ear, "Or that erection." Corbin chuckled, he squeezed my erection and kissed my cheek. I laughed with him and handed him his suitcases.

Corbin's home town was remote, for one it was incredibly hot and there were only two trains and one bus coming in every day. The sun blistered down on us and I was already sweating in my clothes. I was regretting wearing the jumper now. "You could have told me about the heat!" I moaned to Corbin, shielding the sun from my eyes with my hand. "Sorry, I thought you knew. Here." Corbin took the glasses from his hat and handed them to me with a smile. "No it's alright." I said turning the offer down. "Thank you, but they're yours and you need them more." I explained. "Where are your parents?" I asked. "They're just over there." Corbin pointed to a dusty, white car nearby. "Remember, they don't know that I'm your boyfriend. Just put your ring in your pocket." Corbin instructed. I did as I was told and made sure that I wouldn't loose the precious item. "So we're just friends?" I asked. "For this week, are we still going to your parents after this week is up?" Corbin asked. "Yeah. My parents don't know that I'm gay with you either, but they won't mind." I answered. "Okay then. Come on, they've spotted us." Corbin said, walking off towards his parent's car. The two of us weaved through the cars, ignoring beeping horns and angry locals, it sounded more like a city center than a train station in the middle of nowhere. Corbin's mother got out of the car and kissed her child on the forehead when he came close to his parents. Corbin's mother seemed like the kind of person who would be over protective towards her children. Her brow was always stern as if she had never gotten a minute of sleep. Her hair was long and brown, it flowed down to her shoulders like a waterfall. Like her son's, her eyes were a light blue. She was slender and was wearing a yellow sun-dress, she wasn't bothered by the heat or light. "Hi Mom." Corbin smiled trying to get away from his mother's loving grasp. "Hello Corbin." She smiled kissing her child again. "It's been so long." Corbin's mom smiled as she hugged her child. "Why are you smiling?" His mother asked ,picking out a difference in her child immediately. "Do you finally have a girlfriend? When am I getting grand children?" She asked smiling. "Mom I don't have a girlfriend, I'm just happy because I have a friend I can trust. Mom this is Shaun, Shaun this is my mom, Samantha." Corbin said introducing me to his mom. "Hi." I smiled giving a shy little wave. "It doesn't look like your friend has much sense, hi Shaun." Samantha chuckled. "Come on, let's hurry home before we boil in the sun." She smiled. Samantha un-locked the car doors and got into the driver's seat. "I left your Grandparents and Dad alone with the kids." Samantha said to Corbin. "That must be painful." Corbin chirped in. "Who for? The kids or the adults?" Samantha joked. The three of us laughed and Samantha drove out of the train station and away from the town heading further south. The car itself was beautiful, the outside was ugly, but the inside was much better. The seats were leather and were comfortable to relax in, there was enough room for both Corbin's and my own legs in the back. The windows in the middle section and back section were tinted making it nearly impossible to see in. There were 8 seats all together in the car, three in the back section, three in the middle and two in the front. Yet Corbin had mentioned that he had 11 family members in total, so there was probably a smaller car.

After about 3 quarters of an hour of driving, Samantha parked outside a nearly empty shopping center. "Alright kids, I need to get a few things, I'll be half an hour. Are you coming in with me?" She asked. "No we'll stay here." Corbin spoke for me. "Okay then." Samantha replied. She reached forwards and pulled the blinds in the front down. "I'm going to lock the door and I'll close the blinds so you don't bake in here." Samantha smiled at us and got out of the car. As soon as Corbin heard the doors lock he started speaking to me. "Sometimes I wish my mom would stop speaking." Corbin complained. "I thought you two were getting along." I was really confused. Corbin and Samantha had seemed so close, as close as a mother and son could get without getting weird. "Just a facade. I've always put on a smiling face around my family." Corbin explained. "So they've never noticed your depression?" I asked. Corbin nodded to say yes. "That must have been terrible. 18 years at most without help?" I asked. "It was only three in fact, but it's not as bad as it sounds. My siblings loved to play with me, so that kept me distracted, even when the four younger ones were born. My parents and grandparents hardly ever found time to be with the other 4 of us at that time though." Corbin sounded distant. "Well at least it got better." I smiled at Corbin and he smiled back to me. We didn't speak for a few minutes after that. Randomly I looked up at the car ceiling and saw a tiny bit of mistletoe. "How long has that been there?" I asked. "Since we got in. So..." Corbin stopped speaking suddenly and pounced on me. He kissed me on the lips forcefully as he knelt down on the back seat and hugged me. I put my hands back and let my self lean backwards taking him with me. Soon Corbin and I were in a comfortable position. I was leaning against the door with Corbin between my legs. Corbin supported himself by putting his hands on my chest. Corbin pulled out of the kiss, panting. We both starred into each other's eyes. "I love you." I whispered to him and embraced him passionately. Corbin kissed me again and with his hands he un-zipped my jeans. "Shaun, can I?" He asked looking up at me. I kissed him on the forehead. "Corbin we don't have time." I replied. Corbin looked said and zipped my jeans back up. "I'm sorry." I apologized feeling bad about denying Corbin. Corbin got off of me, no longer feeling the romantic mood. "It's alright." Corbin sounded sad again, he leaned away from me and stared out of the window. "Aww. Corbin don't be sad." I sounded sympathetic, I put my hand on his shoulder, but he just shrugged me off. "I'm not sad!" Corbin shouted. "Just forget about it." Corbin said lowering his voice. I listened to him and turned away from him, this was going to be an awkward week.

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