Divided Unity (Christmas short 3)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

National stadium

Luke's P.O.V

I sat on the team bench alone at the front watching my idol practice with two other people in his team, my idol was of course the fast, the famous, the furious cheetah: Brent Donnell. I wasn't actually in the the practice, but instead I'd scored a ticket to watch. I'd messed up though and come on the wrong day along with a bird, but they'd let me in anyway and said that I could watch when the practice was actually on. My idol hadn't really cared, but hell he was still fit. Brent had been playing sports since he was young, he had apparently excelled in every type of sport, but had only focused on one what a time. Like myself, he'd suffered from family issues and moved out on his own when he was 16 and started playing for the National Raiders days after he started living nearby. The manager had taken a shine to him and soon he rose to an international level in a few days. He was fast, strong and handsome, there was no reason why he wouldn't get to the top instantly. He was 24 currently and was notorious for having a different partner every week. I had dreamed of being one of those lucky furs, even if it was for just a day. Brent's fur was cut short and was washed after every game making sure there was no dirt or sweat left in it, he held his own looks above everything. Brent was all muscle though, he wasn't very smart in school, but who needs brains when you have brawn? Without warning Brent accidentally kicked the football at and angle spiraling towards me, I snapped out of my admiring state and caught it between my hands. Brent and the two other people practicing started clapping. Brent ran over to me and slapped me on the arm for a well done. "Nice job kid." He smiled, I handed over the ball and he threw it over to his teammates. He sat down next to me and I got nervous, "Aren't you going to go and practice?"I asked. "Nah, why bother? Don't need it." Brent said confidently. "Oi! What's your name kid?" Brent asked he bent over in front of me to tie his laces. "Luke, my names Luke." I answered, starring at Brent's ass. His ass was smooth and curved perfectly, it was muscular as well and I could make it out under his shorts. I looked at Brent's face and saw that he was looking at me with a grin on his face, I blushed and looked away. "Hah, you like what you see?" Brent asked laughing sitting next to me and slapping me on the back. I looked away embarrassed. "Sorry." I apologized. "Don't sweat it, It's alright to be like dick." Brent laughed again, he really was light hearted. It covered up how stupid he was in truth. I still didn't speak until Brent thought of something. "Cheer up kid." He hit me with his elbow, "Wanna play some football the right way?" Brent asked. My eyes lit up and I looked at him to see if he wasn't joking. "Sure." I stood up and before I could walk onto the field Brent put a hand on my shoulder. "Where are you going? You need some kit, the guys 'll crush you." Brent said. "Oh... I don't have my kit with me." I said sitting back down. "Don't worry, I've got a spare kit kicking around. You can borrow it." Brent walked down the tunnel with me in tow to get changed.

The changing room was grey and colorless, like my dorm room. The benches looked wore down and the lockers had names on them, I spied Brent's locker quickly. "D' you know the combination?" Brent asked. "Yeah... 4567?" I asked awkwardly. I knew that Brent had his lock made differently to others. "That's creepy." Brent un-locked the locker and tossed his kit to me. "Catch." He said. His kit was a little bit to big for me, I looked around for a changing room. "Is there somewhere I could put this on?" I asked. Brent shook his head. "I have to get changed right here?" I asked in shock. "Right here." Brent repeated my own words and leaned on his locker, watching me. It was kind of awkward, but I pulled of my clothes and noticed that Brent had given me a jock strap. "Should I put this on?" I asked. "'Course." Brent said. It was bad enough that Brent was going to see me un-dressing, let alone see me naked. I sighed and pulled down my boxers anyway, Brent smiled when he saw my erect penis. "Shit sorry." I blushed trying to get the jock strap on quickly. Brent walked over to me and grabbed my arms forcing me to drop the jock strap. Brent lied back on the bench next to me and kicked off a boot, his feet were small and skinny compared to the rest of his body. He put his paw on my leg, "Face me." Brent ordered. I did as I was told for once, he reached out with his paw and rested it on top of my cock pushing it down slightly. He started moving his paws up and down my length turning me on slightly, "Can't you jus-" I was cut off by Brent. "How do you like this Luke? Glad to see another side to your hero?" Brent asked rhetorically. He started moving his paw faster until I came, it splattered up onto my body. "Crap, sorry." I apologized. Brent moved his foot away. "Don't sweat it. Come on get changed and get out on the field already." Brent laughed, putting his shoe back on and running out.

Chapter 2

Luke's P.O.V

The practice was normal, throwing the ball around, tackling each other and some drills. Brent usually won the little competitions, much to the annoyance of his two teammates. The practice was short, like a Christmas special according to Brent, it was strange hearing him use the peculiar choice of words. Brent's kit was way too big for me, I kept on tripping over in his boots and his helmet was lop-sided. Nevertheless I still managed to impress Brent's teammates, but Brent still tried to push me until I figuratively couldn't stand up any longer. Brent changed the drill to kicking after that, his teammates and I nailed the drill, but Brent messed up and seemingly on purpose. For one Brent used his left foot to kick things, not his right foot which he used in the drill. The football went spiraling off as it had done before and hit the bird in the face. Brent's teammates groaned and carried on with the drill ignoring me. Running up to the where the bird was, Brent stopped and pulled the same stunt he had done with me. I could make out a few words, "...name?" Brent asked throwing the ball back to his teammates. "Adam." The bird said in a quiet voice, he seemed nervous and intimidated in the cheetah's presence. Adam's face was bleeding slightly from where the ball had connected, Brent touched the wound and the bird peeled back flinching. Adam said something, "Why don't we go to the changing room and get you cleaned up?" Brent asked with a smile. The bastard! I knew what he was planning on doing, he was going to pull the same trick. He didn't really care about his fans at all, he was more interested in getting some action out of them before he forgot about them. Brent lead Adam off into the changing rooms, with a growl I stormed after the pair determined to interrupt their meeting.

When I arrived at the changing room I walked right in, Brent had his arm around Adam as he cleaned his feathers. Adam was a bird with dark blue feathers and an orange beak, he had no hair on top of his head and his eyes were always looking down. Adam was wearing a pair of shorts and a black and white hoodie. Brent let go of Adam immediately. "Hey..." Brent said forgetting my name he tried to cover it up. "This is Adam, Adam say hi." Brent commanded, Adam waved awkwardly. "Why are you here?" Brent asked. "I'm here to give your kit back and have a shower before I head home." I lied, truth be told I didn't really want to part with Brent's kit. "And you?' I asked. Brent thought for a second, "I'm just cleaning up Adam's face, y'know to make up for it. Say... Adam, we need four people for our training. Do you want to join us?" Brent asked, winking at me. "I don't play football.." Adam muttered quietly. "Don't worry, I'll teach you. We have a bird on our team anyway, you can borrow his kit. It won't smell." Brent didn't wait for a reply and instead opened his teammates locker and passed his kit to Adam as he had done with me. I walked round the corner of the locker, Brent completely forgot about me. Brent wrapped his arms around the young bird again, Adam flinched. "Sir, please let go of me." Adam begged. Brent stopped touching the young bird. "Excuse me?" He asked. "Stop." Adam repeated, his voice broke and he was forced down onto the bench by Brent. "If you want me to stop, you can get the fuck out of my stadium! Before I call the police and have you arrested for trespassing." Brent growled. Adam whimpered and raised his wings in front of his face. "Wait please I take it back!" Adam cried. "Good. Now let's get you into something more comfortable." Brent smiled taking the bird's shirt off and pushing him back. "Wait, shouldn't you finish practice first?" Adam asked. "No it doesn't matter, the guys have probably gone home by now, they get fed up when I ditch practice to try to recruit some new players." Brent smiled. Brent himself got un-dressed as did the bird until the bird was sitting naked in front of Brent. Brent walked over to the bird and moved his sheath in front of the bird's beak. Adam looked up at Brent. "Brent. I'm not gay." Adam said trying to stand up, Brent pushed him back down onto to the bench. "Do I care?" Brent asked. Adam shook his head to say no and leaned forwards to give Brent a blow-job.

Brent forced the avian's head down suddenly taking Adam by surprise. He jerked backwards to catch his breathe. "Why did you do that?" Adam asked in between breathes. "Hurry up and suck me off before I call the police." Brent snapped. Adam groaned and bent over again until his beak was resting above Brent's sheath. He stuck his tongue out of his beak and licked at the pink demon that was still inside Brent's sheath. Brent smiled and closed his eyes trusting the bird to make him cum quickly. Brent's cock became erect, Adam moved backwards each time to carry on licking the tip of it. Adam began to lie down next to Brent and soon began to lick Brent's cock sideways with his beak cupped around it. Adam's beak glided across Brent's fleshy penis triggering no response at all, Brent truly had no sensitivity left on his cock. "Is that all you've got?" Brent asked, Adam panicked and started licking Brent faster. "That's how I like it." Brent smiled gripping the back of Adam's head. Adam moved again and started taking the cock inside of his beak, prodding the back of Adam's throat. Adam kept on gagging, but to no one's surprise Brent didn't let him stop. "Good birdie." Brent smiled. Without warning Brent forced his knot inside of Adam's mouth and came. Adam stopped bobbing up and down Brent's cock, cum spilled out of the side of Adam's beak and down Brent's length. Adam pulled back with cum dripping from his beak, he spat it down onto the tiled floor and wiped his beak. Brent laughed at the bird's annoyed look. Adam pulled on his clothes and left, no longer wanting to stay near Brent.

Chapter 3

Luke's P.O.V

"That's a shame now isn't it Luke?" Brent asked taking me by surprise. "I bet you enjoyed that show." Brent added, I tried to hide around the corner, but to no gain. Brent walked around the corner, his cock still wet with his cum and Adam's spit. "Hi friend." Brent smiled grabbing my large arms in his hands. Brent was a lot smaller than me, but at the same time stronger. He pushed me against the lockers and kissed my muzzle. Trying to get away, I tried to kick Brent in the legs, but missed. "I have a boyfriend." I squealed pushing Brent away. The fact didn't bother him and he pushed me down onto the locker room floor putting his arms over my shoulders to pin me down. "Shhh.." Brent said putting his finger to my lips. "No one needs to know. I only want you to be happy." Brent smiled at me and leaned down playfully biting my muzzle. Brent's tail swiped around my body as his hands explored me. He kissed my neck, "Is it warm in my kit? Do you want me to take it off for you?" Brent asked in a sexy tone of voice. Brent had changed completely, he'd gone from being a big bruiser to a cougar in minutes. "No, it's fine." I smiled trying to look at something other than Brent's body. "Isn't it cold without something on?" I asked Brent changing the topic. "No I have my fur and you to keep me warm." Brent whispered into my ear, he stood up and pulled me to my feet pinning me to the locker at the same time. He got his hands under the upper part of his kit and lifted it off of me exposing my bare chest. He traced my abs with his claws. "You have a nice body" Brent complimented me. "Thanks. You do to." I said awkwardly once again trying to escape Brent's eyes. "Look. I'm not as nice as you think I am." I said trying to put the cat off. "But you have such a big cock, your boyfriend must be so lucky. He shouldn't be able to hog it all." Brent moaned dropping down and kissing my clothed groin. I tried to push Brent's head away from me. "Yeah he's a really nice guy, I love him so much." I stated, trying to deter the preying big cat. Brent ignored the comment and un-tied his boots and slipped them off kissing my feet as if I was his master. "You really like feet don't you?" I asked. "Not as much as I like you." Brent laughed standing back up and holding me in an embrace. I resorted to my final measure of getting Brent away from me. "Tell you what. If I give you a little treat, would you leave me alone?" I asked. "Of course!" Brent lied down on the bench with his ass in the air, "Do you like the view still?" Brent asked teasingly. I started at his ass without thinking again, it was still perfect despite the fact that he had been kicked and flattened by his team mates so many times today. "Yeah I do." I walked over and sat by Brent, I kissed his ass and brought my mouth closer to his tail hole.

I buried my tongue into his tight tail hole, eating him out slowly. "Oh! Luke!" Brent cried. "Mhhh..." He growled in pleasure as I licked around the outside of his tail hole. I stayed silent griping him slightly to keep him in place. "Don't stop big boy." Brent begged as my tongue went deeper into his rectum picking up dried cum and shit from weeks ago. I pulled my tongue out and playfully nipped at the lower half of Brent's hole. "Stop that!" Brent laughed I smiled up at him and carried on eating him out. I rubbed the tender skin between his balls and anus to pleasure him more. Without warning the cheetah came leaving a puddle of foam on the ground, "Crap." Brent smiled at me. I stood up to get dressed and leave. "Wait!" Brent cried. "How could you leave me so un-satisfied?" Brent asked me with wide eyes. I walked back over to him. "What satisfaction could you want?" I asked stroking Brent's face. Brent purred and licked my hand. "Be a good boy and fuck me. Make me happy. Fuck me until you cum. Please." Brent begged. I smiled at Brent and kissed on the lips. I pulled of my shorts and walked around to his ass. "Be brutal." Brent purred at me and rolled over, so that he could look at my face. I knelt on the bench and shuffled until I was pressing up to Brent. "Are you ready?" I asked. Brent nodded and lifted up his legs exposing his tight tail hole that was already wet from my saliva. Brent rested his legs on my shoulder as I brought my cock closer to his hole. I forced it in causing Brent to scream out in pain. His screams died out as I stopped pushing. "Are you alright?" I asked worried about Brent. "Do you want me to stop?" I asked. "No I'm alright, you're just really big. Keep going." Brent said looked up at me smiling. I smiled back at him and pushed deeper, Brent gritted his teeth as I went in and out of a rhythm that suited him. I went slowly making sure I never went to deep. "Go deeper please." Brent requested. I forced my cock deeper until my knot was touching his hole. "Why don't you try to get that treat in me?" Brent asked. "Not yet, you'll be sore forever if we force it too much." I laughed, Brent looked disappointed. After 10 minutes of slow and intimate fucking I came inside of Brent who was tired out already. I pulled out letting my cum leak out of him. "Thank you, Luke." Brent smiled. I smiled back to him and kissed him on the lips. "Now get out before I call the police." Brent laughed standing up and hugging me. He kissed me on my body. "What time is it?" Brent asked. Looking up at a clock on the wall I answered, "5pm." I stated. "Ready for another round?" Brent asked. "Of course I am." I smiled at Brent and pushed the hunk against the locker one last time.

The end

Divided Unity (Christmas short 1)

Chapter 1 Leo's P.O.V Leo's home: 10PM I was pushed down onto my own bed for once. It felt good to be back home for once. After months of being at university I was allowed to come back home to my family. My family had always been small,my aunts and...

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Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9 Shaun's P.O.V "Where do you think you're going?" The horse asked, me stroking my back. "You have some explaining to do." The horse made me panic, he had dark brown fur and a black mane that was neatly kept, his tail swished back and forth...

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Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 Shaun's P.O.V I closed the door to Corbin's resting room, the doctor's had diagnosed him with anorexia and that he should wake up in a while, so Jiyeon, Darren and I were free to go. I didn't feel right though, Darren and Jiyeon had gone to...

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