Divided Unity (Edition 2, Chapter 9)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 9

Shaun's P.O.V

"Where do you think you're going?" The horse asked, me stroking my back. "You have some explaining to do." The horse made me panic, he had dark brown fur and a black mane that was neatly kept, his tail swished back and forth and his hands were gloved with black fur. His eyes were preying on my named body, he walked around inspecting me. I quickly explained what had happened and why, "Ohh... So you haven't paid off the debt completely?" The horse asked. I shook my head to say no, I knew where this was going. "And would you like to pay off all of the debt? Including the money for all of the therapy?" He asked. "That'd be great." I smiled. The horse smiled and dragged out a large cube from the corner and put it in the middle of the room. The cube had a hole towards the back off it, I could tell where this was going. He patted it to tell me to get on it, I did as I was told. He then took of his clothes, "Tyler I don't think that this is a good idea..." A zebra said, stepping forwards. "What if we get caught?" He asked. "So what if we get caught? We're all off shift and we can this boy was eager. Tell y'what, you can his have ass. Looks nice doesn't it?" Tyler the horse said, The zebra sighed and un-dressed as well. He spread my legs apart and stroked my back, "Sorry kid." The zebra whispered. He lowered his cock towards my tail hole and pushed softly, trying to penetrate me. At the same time, Tyler brought his cock close to my face and made me lick it. His cock was huge, probably the biggest i'd ever seen. The rumors must have been true, equines were massive and their cocks had strange patterns. The rest of the men had stripped and were approaching me, each one's fur pattern faded away around the base of their cock to become massive, pink fucking machines. Except for one, who was a small black dog, who climbed inside the cube and got ready to suck me off. The other 4 gathered around me, 2 brown horses, a cream horse and one more zebra.

I payed minimal attention to the other equines, I focused on Tyler's cock waiting for permission to suck on it. I kept on licking his fint, it was huge and I could just about get the tip of my tongue into it slightly. Tyler stroked my hair and guided his rod with his left hand, rubbing himself slightly. "Good kitty" Tyler said in a low voice. The zebra behind me stopped trying to penetrate me for a minute. I moved my hands forwards and started stroking Tyler, gripping onto the pink, sensitive part of his cock. I licked the bottom of it, stroking his phallus with my left hand and then cupping his knot with my right hand. "Are you hungry?" Tyler asked. I nodded, still licking his cock. "Here it comes, eat up." Tyler escorted his cock into my mouth and I started sucking on it. There was no way I was going to fit it all in my mouth, I could just get the first section in my mouth comfortably. Tyler was trying to force it deeper, but I kept resisting, eventually he gave up. I felt the zebra lean down against me and start licking my ass, I grunted; it felt so nice. He was good at rimming, he pushed me open slightly with his middle fingers and pleasured my tender insides with his long tongue. He didn't mind that he was eating remains of shit, he happily ate me out. Dried cum and lube became wet again when they mixed with the zebra's saliva. His nose was resting on the top of my ass and sent shivers through me when it twitched. The zebra used one of his hands to slap and clench my ass, jiggling it about. There was a look of seriousness still etched into the zebra's face even as he ate me out, that took soul to remain calm and collected when you were tongue deep in another guy's ass. When he felt like he had finished, he stopped rimming me for a second and backed away to catch his breath.

In replacement of him, the two brown horses came close to me. They were almost as big as Tyler, they rubbed my arms with their rock-solid cocks. I gripped the one of the right's cock in my hand, I couldn't reach all the way around it. I moved up and down going the full length slowly, it was hard to concentrate with everything going on. The second brown horse came close to me, I did the same to him with my left hand. I didn't let me claws dig into their weak spots, if I messed up I didn't think that I'd be walking out free of debt. The second horse stroked behind my ear and under my chin as I pleasured him, I rotated my thumb around the tips of their cocks. They reached across Tyler's front and started jacking each other off with their spare hands, one had his tongue out and his eyes closed. The other was smiling, not close to an orgasm at all. I sped up, making sure to rub the sensitive parts vigorously. I felt a pair of lips grasp around my cock, the dog had decided to join in. They weren't very good, but the sense of mystery made oral much better. Finally the cream horse rammed my ass, penetrating me instantly. My ass cheeks were spread wide as his thick cock glided into the walls of my anus that had been freshly cleaned by another man's curious tongue. It felt...amazing, as if this was once again my first time. I grunted as the force hit my like a train, he broke into a slow pace when he could get no further. My anus was small, so his knot stuck out slightly. He rubbed it and worked it with two fingers. The zebra came back and had been masturbating, he started rimming me whilst another man's cock was inside of me. He lifted the top part of my opening up, then letting it slap down onto the cream horse's cock. Tyler pulled out of my mouth, but still allowed me to touch his tip with my tongue. The two brown horses came in unison, two streams of white, hot, sticky mess hit my shoulders; splattering into my snowy fur and onto my back. Drips off it went on the cube and onto my paws, their faces scrunched up. The zebra came next, squirting his foam onto my raw ass, it ran into the crevice that was occupied by the cream horses cock. He came in thrusts, the torrent of white going all over my body. The cream horse tried to pull out, but came inside of my ass. When he pulled out he shook his meat to get the drips onto me, Tyler stopped letting me suck him and came onto my face. It was like a wave, I opened my mouth catching some in my mouth. The rest hit my whiskers and face fur, spreading out leaving me in a cum bath. The equines walked away, the dog leaving the blow job and my bulging cock. Each one got dressed and walked out. "You can go now cat, your debts gone. Maybe you should hit me and the guys up some time?" Tyler winked, closing the door behind them.

I limped into the shower in the back room, washing the cum out of my fur before getting changed and heading to Corbin's room where Logan and Jiyeon were waiting. There I learnt that Corbin couldn't leave the hospital for at most, little under 2 weeks meaning that he'd get out on Christmas day. To make him feel better, Logan and I promised to get the presents he wanted to give to people for him. Unfortunately, I had a lot on my hands the time and secretly I needed to organize going back to see my family. It was going to feel strange, only 4 people at the table, all friendly faces, but now unfamiliar. I was also planning a surprise party for Corbin's return, since almost every straight person had gone home early, but the gays in our dorm had stayed to welcome Corbin home, we were able to throw a miniature party. It was going to be great.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 10)

Chapter 10 Shaun's P.O.V The whole common room was quiet, the only noise was our heavy breathing. Logan was staring down at his phone, Corbin had just said that he was now through the gates of the university, so he would be back any second now....

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 9)

Chapter 9 Shaun's P.O.V I lost track of the amount of time the two of us spent cuddling, it must have been close to an hour. Nothing interesting happened, we chatted about, kissed, rolled around, but apart from that it was just us. Just the two of...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 Shaun's P.O.V Corbin's family didn't really react too well to what Jaz and Merry told them in the morning. Edd and Sally sent the kids directly to their rooms where as Samantha burst out into tears and Eric tried to ring my neck for even...

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