Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 9)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 9

Shaun's P.O.V

I lost track of the amount of time the two of us spent cuddling, it must have been close to an hour. Nothing interesting happened, we chatted about, kissed, rolled around, but apart from that it was just us. Just the two of us, alone in a room where there was a small chance of us being disturbed. But of course, there was always one intruder. My thoughts.

I couldn't stop thinking about my family and Corbin's. Both of our fathers were pricks and the chances were that neither of us would see them ever again. Our mothers? They were all right, but didn't understand us. Amanda didn't understand Corbin's choice to be with me and my mother, Vivian, didn't understand my choice of wanting to know more about my father.

She must have known more about him than looks, were they close before I happened? Had they been seeing each other a lot? Was he a regular 'customer' to my mother? I wanted to know more about his personality, so that I would never be like him. But what if I was? A small voice in the back of my head asked. Looks couldn't be the only thing he and I shared.

I also wanted to know why Corbin could even look at me, surely he must have seen my father, his rapist in my eyes every time he looked at me. Yet for some reason, we were closer than ever. There was one more thing that was troubling me. "Corbin?" I asked, to see if he was still awake.

Corbin's eyes fluttered open, he looked at me and smiled, waiting for me to speak. "I'm sorry for waking you up." I apologized. "It's alright." Corbin smiled. "Really, it is." "It's about. Well, money. Your parents aren't going to pay for your next year, will they?" I asked. "No. They won't, so let's just enjoy the rest of this year. I promise, I'll work my butt off to get enough money for us to be together." Corbin promised. "Yeah, but it won't be enough. This university costs way too much, you know that." I reminded him. Corbin looked down at my chest, he didn't want to speak about this, but I needed to get this off of my chest.

"I'll help out. I'll dig out my bank for you, if you can't pay it. I will." I smiled. "And, if that isn't enough. My family will help out, they like you a lot." "No, I won't be a parasite to you." Corbin whined. "Corbin, I want to stay with you for as long as I can. I don't care how much it'll cost." I smiled. "Thank you, but no thank you. I'm going to find a job and work for as long as I have to." Corbin said. "Fair enough." I smiled, but in truth I was going to help out as much as possible. "If you need help, just ask." "I will." Corbin answered.

With those words, Corbin got off of me and stretched. "Is it all right if I go and see Jiyeon? I need to ask him something important." Corbin asked. "Of course it is." I answered. "I'm going to go and speak to Logan though, see you soon." I smiled. Corbin took his key and left with a quick goodbye. I waited a while before getting up and walking out the door as well. I locked it and headed to room 7.

I quietly knocked on the door, surprisingly it opened slightly allowing me to hear something very interesting. Logan was grunting and I could hear a wet slapping noise. "Logan?" I asked, stupidly. I heard Logan's feet hit the ground suddenly, he stormed over to the door giving me no time to react. The black bull pulled me through the door and shut it behind me.

As I went in I tripped over the carpet and fell in front of Logan's pulsing cock. He was completely erect and pre was dripping out of his tip. "What?" Logan growled. I didn't know which made him more aggressive, the fact that he was naked with his length shoved into my face, his military style buzz cut, his dark red eyes or the muscles that were probably the size of watermelons. "It's about Corbin and what happened over the holiday." I explained. "One second, do you mind if I cum first? My little brother slept in my room, I haven't been able to do this in two weeks." Logan begged. "Oh umm. Do you mind if I..." I reached up and touched Logan's tip.

Logan quivered. "Shit man! Guess I could go for a bj, but what about Corbin." Logan asked. "He'll be fine with it, he's gone to speak to Jiyeon." I explained. Logan grinned and practically shoved his whole cock into my mouth without giving me a chance to un-dress.

It had been a while since I'd done anything along the lines of a blowjob, but that didn't mean I was bad at it. I licked the bottom of his cock with my tongue whilst it was still in my mouth, my papillae made it all the while better for Logan. I worked his tip first, no need to rush into it. I felt more and more pre falling onto my tongue as I explored every last millimeter of Logan's cock.

Logan's cock was a little bit on the big side, so I held his base with both hands and gave him a light squeeze or two every now and again. Logan hadn't been very active recently, his expression said it all. It looked like he was in heaven with the way he scrunched up his face or let his mouth hang open. It was funny seeing someone as intimidating as Logan with a look of pleasure on his face.

I took his member out of my mouth and swallowed the liquid that was in my mouth. I smiled up at Logan, who was confused about why I had stopped. I started playing with his balls, rolling them around in my hand, squeezing them, softly pulling on them and licking them and his inner thigh. With my free hand I rubbed all of his length, spreading pre all over his cock.

I took a deep breathe and went back to sucking Logan off. I planned on making him wait a while longer before I got into it, but Logan put a hand behind my head and forced me forwards. I closed my eyes and almost choked as Logan's cock was rammed down my throat. I was worried that he was about to do it again, so after moving backwards I forced his cock back down my throat.

With each cycle I became even more tired and Logan came closer to filling me with his milk. When that time finally came Logan pulled his cock out of my mouth and started furiously rubbing himself. "Open wide!" Logan ordered as the white liquid splattered across my face. I closed my eyes and peeled away, even thought it was useless. His sperm got inside of my mouth and all over my face.

I opened my eyes to see Logan's cock still lingering in front of my face a few drops dripped onto the floor. "Don't waste it, clean me off." Logan commanded. I did as I was told and started licking the cum off of his cock. The taste was incredibly salty, but I guessed that I was probably going to be doing this a lot if I wanted Logan to do what I wanted.

I got off of my knees and Logan passed me to a towel to clean the remains off of my face. It was horrible getting it out of my fur, but when I finally managed to get most of it out of my fur I scowled at Logan. "Dude, just be glad it wasn't shit." Logan laughed. Logan was now fully dressed and for once they were formal clothes. He wasn't wearing any shoes since we were inside and his socks were red with grey stripes. Or was it grey with red stripes?

He had buttoned up a black shirt and thrown on a pair of blue jeans, he sat on the edge of his bed looking at me. "So, what do you want?" Logan asked curiously. "Well, aside from that you need to know something important." I sat down on his bed and started filling him in on how things had gone over the holidays. How Corbin and I had spent a long night together, but were caught. How his father had reacted badly and how I had discovered more about my own father. But more importantly, how Corbin needed money to stay here at the university.

When I was finished Logan was still processing every I'd said. Waiting for his response, I started twiddling my thumbs. Suddenly, Logan punched me across the face without warning. Fortunately, he must have been holding back since he punch didn't make me bleed or anything. "That's for your prick of a father." Logan spat. "So I guess you're not going to help?" I asked. "Shaun, Corbin is my best friend. I'd be happy to help, but maybe he should get a job. That way he might be able to secure another year or so." Logan advised. "Yeah, but what if he gets stressed?" I asked. "We'll be here for him. Or maybe you can let him give you anal for once. So long as you don't ride him, no offense, but you're not exactly on the light side." Logan laughed. I scowled at him, but started laughing slightly. "Thanks. I owe you too much." I smiled, I went to leave the room. I had a few more places to visit before I even thought about going back to Corbin.

The next room I went to was Leo's and Callum's, apart from the fact that I was eager to see how our dorms rockiest relationship was getting on, Callum and Leo liked Corbin. I knocked on the door and Leo opened it slightly after a long delay. "Sorry Shaun, is this about Corbin? I'm sorry for putting you with him, I thought you two would be a good match since you were dating and all." Leo apologized. He didn't open the door a lot, so I could only see his brown eyes looked teary.

"It's alright. Corbin and I are still dating, but it is still about Corbin. Can I come in?" I asked. "No! Callum is in the shower." Leo blustered. "Leo, he's a lizard. He doesn't need to showers. I'm coming in." I said.

Leo was a meerkat and was unbelievably weak compared to myself, I pushed open the door with ease making Leo fall on his ass. Immediately, I saw and understand what had been going on behind closed doors. "Guys!" I cried, covering my eyes and quickly closing the door.

Although I wasn't against anything that was going on in the bedroom, it was still a little awkward to see it. I knew that Leo had peered from behind the door because he was butt naked. His fur was a dark cream color around sides of his body, his shoulders and his thighs, but the rest of his body was a lighter shade of cream. Apart from the dark brown stripes along his back that defined his small stature.

Leo was one of the smallest guys in the dorm, in height order it would probably be Corbin, Garret and then Leo himself. Although, Leo was smarter than everyone in the dorm, he would act stupid to make his boyfriend feel better about himself. When he wasn't catering to what his boyfriend wanted, he was studying or leading the dorm in a direction that neither sides would hate. Leo was also the most stressed person in all of the dorm and since Corbin had been 'cured' of his mental 'illness', Leo was the most likely to start crying over something small. Leo's hair covered his right eye and was dark brown.

In the middle of the room on the floor Luke, my ex-roommate was lying on the ground with one hand around his cock. Luke and I were good friends before the holidays, and I hoped we were still friends, but seeing him lying on the ground waiting for Leo to come back to him wasn't exactly the greatest thing. His fur was dark brown all over, even where he should have been lighter. His eyes were yellow and were always alert, which matched his frame of body as well. His hair was cut into a military style buzz-cut like Logan's, to serve as a reminder exactly who his Dad was.

He was big, muscular and strong, it was no wonder he had been lucky enough to land someone as cute as Levi. Levi looked a lot like Luke, but was smaller, kinder, smarter and had a different hair style to his mate. His hairstyle had some what changed over the holidays, before during first term and second term, he let it go where it wanted, so long as it was over one of his eyes. But now, he had brushed it all to one side, his yellow eyes were cherry and even though he was riding with a lizard, he was happy to see me after a while.

'The lizard' was Leo's mate, Callum. Callum had a very interesting personality, that always changed depending on who he was with. For example, today he was incredibly grumpy, but that might be because a wolf was balls deep in him and his mate had just had another wolf balls deep in him. Callum strictly wanted to keep Leo to himself, but was more than happy to explore other partners. But maybe Levi had something about him, because Callum wasn't protesting about their sex and it looked like there was no bondage involved.

Callum's scales were a vibrant green color all over his body, they shined beautifully under the rays of the sun. Callum had no hair on his body and often liked to cover himself with black clothes, leaving only his fingers and his tail exposed to the air. But clearly, right now he was completely naked as he sat on Levi's cock. Callum's eyes were ominous and off putting, but Leo had always managed to look past the green eyes and black slit.

"I'm sorry!" I cried. Callum tried to get off of Levi, but Levi held his waist and kept him there as he humped. Leo covered drew up his knees to make himself decent. "It's alright, you didn't know. Just go away next time, okay?" Leo asked. "That's fine by me. Anyway, I need to ask the four of you a favor. It's about Corbin." I explained.

I knew that the four of them had never been particularity friendly towards Corbin, but Leo and Levi had big hearts. Luke on the other hand, would probably bend to what his boyfriend wanted if Levi pulled a few strings. But Callum would want something long term in exchange. Levi's ears shot up, I had his attention at least.

"He hasn't done anything has he?" Levi asked. "No, no not at all. Is it alright if I start from the top?" I asked. "How long will it take?" Levi asked. "A while, but the four of you deserve to know." I answered. "Is it alright if we stop having sex before you tell us?" Levi asked.

"But I was looking forwards to having Leo for a bit!" Luke complained. "Sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you when we get back to our room." Levi smiled. Luke blew a kiss towards Levi and then stood up to sit on the nearby bed. Callum got off of Levi and wrapped his arms around Leo, who was now sitting on the other bed. Callum's tongue shot out and started exploring Leo's nape and the back of his head. Levi sat on Luke, being careful to avoid his erection. "We're listening." Levi said.

I started explaining what had happened over the holidays, missing out the details about my father. Levi looked sad to hear about it, but agreed to help out with Corbin's next year of university. When Levi had said he would, Luke did as well, since he had a scholarship. Leo agreed to help as well, but wouldn't be much help since he was running low on money at that moment. Callum likes getting new toys, was the reason why.

Callum however, refused much to the shock of everyone else in the room. "Why?" I asked. "Because, I don't get anything out of it. Unless Corbin or yourself would be willing to have some fun every now and again." Callum winked. I groaned and would have said something if Leo hadn't butted in. "Can I join in?" He chirped.

"No!" Callum shouted. "But you said we were having an open relationship now." Leo complained.. Callum opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. "Look, I promise that me and you will have personal time together at least 4 times every week, regardless of the conditions. And! I'll tell you before I do anything with anyone." Leo promised. "Fine, so Shaun, do you agree?" Callum asked. "I'll do it, but Corbin won't. He might not want to." I explained. "Fair enough, I'll help with the money so long as you keep your promise." Callum smiled. I smiled back at him and left the room, so that the four of them could continue with their orgy.

Oliver, Darren, Jiyeon, Garret and even Tyson!; agreed to put some money towards it. They wanted nothing for it as well, since Jiyeon liked Corbin a lot, Garret understood him in a way and Tyson? Well, he just wasn't being a dick to us this year. Darren was going to be the biggest help though, since his father owned a business and although they didn't get a long to well, he gave his son a lot of money to keep his PR good.

I finally felt like I could relax, having set the solution to a problem in motion the first day we got back. But that didn't mean it was over or even halfway yet, everyone had already put in enough cash to raise the amount to 500. But if we wanted to really help out, we needed to fund raising. Which was something we all started doing.

If someone had agreed, wasn't in a lesson and wasn't busy, they did a little bit of fund raising by themselves. Then, some of us decided to get jobs to put the amount up to something close to 1000 within in the week. It almost seemed stupid, but with Darren's father's money, we were starting to get there. It must have been only 5000 to go until Corbin's second year was paid for.

Of course though, I kept my promise to Callum and left Corbin every Sunday night to have a quick, necessary gay affair with Callum. I planned on telling Corbin about it after we gave him the grand, that way he probably wouldn't be incredibly mad. Callum's interests varied, one day it would be bondage, the next oral and on the third night Leo joined for a bit of double penetration. I was kind of surprised when Callum and I managed to get two cocks into Leo's asshole without him crying in pain.

At the end of the first week, Corbin went out to his weekend job to try to get some money, so everyone involved in the fund raising stayed in the common room, waiting for him to return.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 8)

Chapter 8 Shaun's P.O.V Corbin's family didn't really react too well to what Jaz and Merry told them in the morning. Edd and Sally sent the kids directly to their rooms where as Samantha burst out into tears and Eric tried to ring my neck for even...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 7)

Chapter 7 Shaun's P.O.V We were all too shocked to make a move. I observed both of them. They were obviously fennecs, like the rest of Corbin's family and they looked a lot like Samantha. One even wore a sundress. They were identical twins and if it...

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