Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 8)

Story by Kalebthecat on SoFurry

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Chapter 8

Shaun's P.O.V

Corbin's family didn't really react too well to what Jaz and Merry told them in the morning. Edd and Sally sent the kids directly to their rooms where as Samantha burst out into tears and Eric tried to ring my neck for even touching Corbin in a sexual manner. If it wasn't for the wooden table between the two of us, I would have been on my way to a graveyard. "HE WHAT?!" Eric bellowed, his eyes burning with anger. "How dare you! I'll- I'll" Eric stuttered, struggling to find words to describe what he was feeling. "Dad, please. Shaun isn't a rapist. No one in his family is." Corbin begged.

I flinched from the irony, I hadn't told Corbin anything yet. I was afraid of so much as mentioning my own name now, I didn't want to set Corbin off or remind him of anything to do with my father. "I don't care! You could have agreed in every possible way, he still touched you!" Eric carried on, he really was determined to never let his son be with someone he loved. "Dad. Corbin's right. Sorry." Jaz tried to explain. "It's his life and he's not twelve anymore." Jaz continued. "And he's still my son! The boy can't even lift a weight, he's not big enough to look after himself." Eric argued. The facts were kind of true, Corbin was..well, weak.

"Even more reason to let him date another guy, Shaun is strong enough to protect Corbin constantly and he makes him happy, something that no else has done for him yet." Jaz argued, the girl raised a good point, she was probably training to be a lawyer. "I can look after my son just fine! Don't I son?" Eric asked, directing focus onto Corbin. Corbin's ears shot down again and he whimpered in his chair. "Dad, he doesn't want to be involved right now. Besides, even if Shaun isn't strong enough, he sure is smart enough. He is more or less responsible for taking the first steps towards curing Corbin of all of his, err, issues." Jaz tried to be careful, not wanting to set Corbin off on a tantrum. "He's still being faithful for Corbin, even after all the shit we've given him! And what has he gotten from it? A boyfriend and a ring, I wouldn't deal with all of us just to go out with someone. Would you?" Jaz asked.

"But where does Shaun want this to go? I bet Corbin's just an item, a play toy to Shaun." Eric was running out of arguments and Jaz was clearly winning. "Well actually. I want to marry Corbin and grow old with him. I just want to, well, be there. I don't care about sex or presents or money, just being with him." I confessed. Jaz and Merry made a strange noise to say that what I just said was cute, Corbin blushed and went to hug me, but Eric coughed and Corbin stopped. "Where's ring, eh?" Eric asked. "I want to see it, if it's good enough, I'll let you have my son for as long as you want him." Eric promised. Falling for it, I dug my ring out of my pocket and handed it to him. He didn't even glance at it, he just took aim and threw the ring out into the entryway where it wouldn't be found.

"You will not marry my son, cat." Eric spat. "He will!" Corbin shouted ,he stood up and crossed his arms. "It's our choice, not yours, or Jaz's, or anyone else's! So just drop it! All of you! You all sound pathetic." Corbin shouted. He stormed out of the room with that, he shouted back to Jaz and I "Shaun get your bags! We're leaving, NOW!" Corbin shouted. I got out of my chair without another word, Jaz followed us as she was the only one who would drive us to the airport. Samantha burst out into tears again, unable to speak or deal with her son's sudden change of attitude and personality.

"If you walk out of the front door! You are not my son any longer and I will not pay for the university!" Eric shouted. "Fine then, I'll get a job and work for it!" Corbin argued. Although we both knew it was impossible, only the rich or those lucky enough to get a scholarship got into our university and Corbin no longer fit into either category. So, he would probably have to leave at the end of this year. But maybe, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

Corbin wasn't lieing about leaving, a few minutes later he came back downstairs, dragging everything he could take behind him, stuffed into suitcases. "Corbin, this isn't really smart. Maybe you should do what he wants for once." I tried to reason with him, but Corbin was only seeing red. He shot me a glance I dared not to say another word. Corbin opened the door and went out into the freezing cold air, "Hurry up Jaz. Shaun phone your parents and say we'll be there tomorrow." Corbin ordered. I nodded and got my phone out of my pocket, I knew that they wouldn't pick up, so I texted Blake and Conan's phones telling them what had happened.

"Corbin, get back in the house and stop being stupid." Jaz said. "I'm not going to drive you anywhere." Jaz argued. "Fine then. I'll walk there, it's only, what? A thousand miles or more?" Corbin asked. "Corbin." Jaz growled. "That is my name isn't it?" Corbin teased. At this moment Eric had had enough completely, he went straight out the front door and marched towards Corbin, who was still arguing his case with Jaz. Forcefully, Eric grabbed Corbin by the arm and for a second Jaz and I thought he was about to drag Corbin back into the house, but no. Eric pulled his son off of the property and threw him out onto the road. "Go on then, walk." Eric shouted. "Dad..." Corbin whimpered. "Eric." His father corrected him. "In blood we might be related, but on paper? Not anymore!"

Although Corbin was serious about walking to my house, he wasn't expecting his father to deny him completely. Eric didn't say another word and instead walked back into the house, closing and locking the door behind him. Corbin sat in the middle of the road, unsure about how he should react. He hadn't had to deal with anything like this before and neither had I.

Jaz and I shot to his side and got him and the suitcases out of the road, just in case a car came along. Corbin cradled up to me with wide eyes and clung to my arm. "Can we go now?" Corbin asked, hiding the fact that he was about to burst out into to tears. "In a bit, I'm just going to say goodbye to Merry and ask if the kids want to say goodbye." Jaz smiled, she unlocked the car and went back inside. Although I wanted to stay with Corbin, I wanted to find the ring badly. "I'm just going to find my ring, okay?" I asked. Corbin nodded and got into the back seat of the car waiting for me.

Jaz had her own key and had already un-locked the door for me, I shot straight in and started scouring the floor for anything shiny. After a once over, I couldn't find at all. I started to panic, Corbin had gotten me that only 2 days ago and I'd already lost it. "Are you looking for this?" Peter asked, he tapped me on the back and thrust-ed Corbin's ring into my face.

Peter was wearing a pair of pjamas that had been decorated with stars and full moons."I saw daddy throw it, so I picked it up. Is it yours?" Peter asked again. I was too stunned to even take it from him, "Err. Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much." I smiled. I took the ring out of his hand and put it into my pocket. "It's alright." Peter blushed, he put his hands behind his back and rocked on his feet. "Can you say goodbye to my big brother for me, please?" Peter asked."I'm supposed to be in room asleep, don't tell Daddy please." Peter explained. "I won't, don't worry." I smiled. "And I'll tell Corbin a hundred times over." "Thank you!" Peter beamed and with that, he went up to his room quickly, but silently. Maybe Corbin's family wasn't that bad at all.

The drive all the way to the train station was long and very boring. Especially because we had to change plans, for one we didn't have enough for plane tickets and if we did catch one, there would be no one waiting for us on the other end. I'd arranged for Conan to pick us up from the train station, no questions asked.

No one said a word whilst we were on our way, but the three of us would often exchange a quick glance. Every now again Corbin would start crying, not majorly, but a few streams of tears and a spell of sniffles. My seat belt was like a chain, holding me back and preventing me from holding Corbin close. I could still reach over to him with my hands and caress or squeeze his, but that hardly ever worked.

I can hardly remember the details, it had been such a long and dramatic day and the train ride was even worse. It was cramped considering it was 6 in the morning and Corbin fell asleep in my lap as soon as he put his head down. It was adorable, I'd pay everything I had just to watch Corbin sleep. He didn't snore at all and he took slow breathes, his little stomach going up and down.

Corbin was holding onto one of my hands like it was the rarest object in the world. I ran my fingers through his fur to reassure myself that he was still there whilst I put my head down to sleep. I didn't know how Corbin could even close his eyes on a train, the whole thing rattled about, throwing its contents to the side every now and then.

Sleeping near Corbin was the greatest thing in the world, honestly. We both made each other feel safer and although his fur would tickle my nose, burying my face in the back of neck and kissing him could make the darkest day better. When you slept next to someone, you noticed more things about them. Little minor details that you couldn't pick out normally, like their heartbeat or breathing pattern. Or those tiny little groans and moans Corbin made when he was having a good dream.

I took the couple ring out of my pocket and put it onto my ring finger again, where it belonged and would hopefully stay until the two of us got engaged or married. Not that it mattered though. We had loads of our life left and if Corbin wanted to get married at 40 or something, I was okay with that, so long as I knew we'd be able to permanently commit to each other and no one else. That was the only thing that mattered.

5th of January, 2015

Corbin and I opened the door to dormitory seven, school had started yesterday, but I seemed to have a thing for getting days wrong, so I had turned up late. Although, I wasn't really expecting the common room to be empty. No one was in lessons, because those were starting some time next week and it was rare for everyone to be in their rooms at once.

Nor was I expecting the whole common room to have been re-designed completely. For one the old, grey carpet had been torn out and replaced by a white carpet that had been cut short, the feeling of it was rough. The color just made everything worse. The walls that were originally grey as well were now baby blue and had been completely stripped of everything apart from a message board that was on the far side of the room. There was a single sheet of paper on the wall now, that appeared to have the dorm listings. There was a large cardboard box that was yet to be opened in the far right corner of the room, hopefully it was a TV.

Before I had left for Corbin's, there was never enough seats for everyone, but now there was enough for at least 20. In the left corner of the room, there was a wooden coffee table that was slightly off of the wall, two black leather sofas for four had been placed around the low table. Facing each other in the center of the room, there was now another three sofas, that were the same make as the ones in the corner. Dean's infamous arm chair that still smelt like beer had been hauled in as well, the tacky design hurt your eyes if you looked it for too long.

I walked over to the list and started to read: #1- Leonardo and Callum #2- Lucian and Levi #3 Jiyeon and Casey #4 Tyson and Garret #5 Darren and Oliver #6 Sawyer and Jacob #7 Logan and Dean #8 Corbin and Shaun #9 Mason and Dean #10 Lewis and Zack

'The shower block has not been removed due to lack of funds. If you're not happy with your roommate, speak to me or Mason and we'll try to arrange something better.' -Leonardo 'Leo'

"Well at least I'm with you now." Corbin smiled, "Come on, we have some decorating to do." Corbin smiled, dragging me down the hallway to room eight. The door was unlocked and the keys had been left on a hook, just beside the door. The room looked the same, but in truth it wasn't. The room was now a lot bigger and although everything was in the same place as it used to be, there was a note on one of the desks.

'Welcome back from your Christmas break, your rooms have been re-arranged by your dorm leader and you are now free to customize your rooms how you feel, so long as you don't extend your room or drill into the walls.' - Headmaster.

Corbin finished reading before I did, "Can we push our beds together?" Corbin squealed his tail wagging behind him. "Sure, but I'll have to sleep on the floor." I mentioned. "Like hell you will, I don't care what the school thinks. My boyfriend is going to be sleeping in our bed, simple as." Corbin commanded. "Can I ever argue with you?" I asked, trying not to insult. "If you want to loose." Corbin stuck out his tongue and laughed at me.

Corbin flopped down onto his bed, "Come here. I want a cuddle before we go and speak to the others." Corbin commanded. "Yes master." I joked. I lay next to him even though there wasn't enough space for us both, to make it work Corbin rolled on top of me. "I'm sorry about my weight." Corbin apologized. "Don't be, you're the right size for me." I smiled. "You're too kind." Corbin said.

Corbin was smaller than me, so if our feet were touching his head would be on my chest. "Kiss me." I whispered. Corbin crawled over me until our heads were level, our lips in front of each other. His elbows were just above my shoulders, his legs at my side. I held his rump with my hands and gave him a playful squeeze. I felt a hard length rubbing against my stomach, he moaned. "Let me guess, 'blue balls?'" I asked. "Can you be my doctor then?" Corbin winked and kissed my lips.

We closed our eyes as we held each other in a passionate embrace. After me stopped making out I made him a promise he couldn't refuse. "Say, after we say Hi to the others. Can we lift off from where we were interrupted?" I asked. "Of course we can. Or, we can go from the start." Corbin smiled. "Sure. But this time, I'm not going to hurt you. Maybe I won't use a condom, but a little bit of lube never hurt anyone." I said. "Anything you want." Corbin agreed.

We carried on holding each other close, our heartbeats matching.

This year was starting to look up.

Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 7)

Chapter 7 Shaun's P.O.V We were all too shocked to make a move. I observed both of them. They were obviously fennecs, like the rest of Corbin's family and they looked a lot like Samantha. One even wore a sundress. They were identical twins and if it...

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Divided Unity (Edition 3, Chapter 6)

Chapter 6 Shaun's P.O.V My eyes opened suddenly and everything came back to me at once. I was in the bath still and the water had been cold for ages, Corbin was still on top of me asleep and was probably having a good dream because he was smiling. I...

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